Grey Dragon Bloodline (3.5e Bloodline)

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Grey Dragon Bloodline[edit]

The archmage Gnarlack Isam Duadean created several abominations of the draconic bloodlines, the most prevalent of these experiments was the grey dragon. It was a mix of black and white dragons, silver and blue, and supposedly a legion of Dragonborn to distill pure essence of Bahamut. Most of the original grey dragons from Gnarlack's experiments were failures and most were killed by Bahamut when he found out about the mass sacrifice on Gnarlack's outer plane, but several survived the culling, having to go outside their race to breed, Gnarlackian Greys forged strong bloodlines into mortal races, mostly of draconian and lacertian decent.

Bloodline Traits
Minor Intermediate Major
1st +2 on Hide and Swim checks
2nd +2 on Hide and Swim checks Alertness
3rd Constitution +1
4th +2 on Hide and Swim checks Alertness Resistance to electricity equal to HD (Ex)
5th Lacerta affinity +21
6th Constitution +1 +2 on saves against paralysis and sleep
7th +2 on Spellcraft checks
8th Alertness Resistance to electricity equal to HD/2 (Ex) Resistance to cold equal to HD (Ex)
9th Charisma +1
10th Lacerta affinity +21 Create Water3 at will (Sp)
11th Lacerta affinity +41
12th Constitution +1 +2 on saves against paralysis and sleep +4 on saves against paralysis and sleep
13th +2 on Hide and Swim checks
14th +2 on Spellcraft checks Bonus Feat
15th Charisma +1
16th Resistance to electricity equal to HD/4 (Ex) Resistance to cold equal to HD/2 (Ex) Breath weapon (Ex)2
17th Lacerta affinity +61
18th Charisma +1 Immunity to paralysis and sleep
19th +2 on Knowledge (Arcana) checks
20th Lacerta affinity +21 Create Water3 at will (Sp) Immunity to cold and electricity (Ex)
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with lesser dragons and reptiles.
  2. 30-ft. cone of cold; 1d6/HD damage; Reflex half (DC 10 + one-half HD + Con modifier).
  3. Grey dragons use create water in four forms, liquid(2 gal/lvl), ice(half of a cu. ft/lvl), snow(1 ft cu./lvl), fog(100ft cu./lvl).

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