Cronak, The Dragon of Time (5e Creature)

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Cronak, The Dragon of Time[edit]

Titanic dragon, neutral

Armor Class 35 (natural armor)
Hit Points 2250(100d20+1200)
Speed 50 ft., fly 100 ft., swim 50 ft.

36 (+13) 8 (-1) 25 (+7) 30 (+10) 28 (+9) 30 (+10)

Saving Throws charisma +35, intelegence +35
Skills perception +34, nature +34
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Thunder
Damage Immunities Force, Necrotic, Psychic, Radiant, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
Condition Immunities All, unless Cronak wishes to be affected
Senses Truesight 500ft, passive Perception 48
Languages All
Challenge 60 (4,355,000 XP)

Shapechange Through a minute of concentration, Cronak shifts his true nature, hides his immense power, and changes his appearance. Cronak then takes on the form of any cr10 or lower creature, except his mental prowess, and proficiencies remain the same. After shifting, Cronak Is indistinguishable from a regular creature of the type he has become. He may not use any of the creatures legendary actions or resistances, instead keeping his own. Cronak retains his traits and abilities, however they may only be used if the new body may accommodate that. For instance, he may still counterspell as a reaction but cannot use the buffeting wings or tail sweep legendary actions.

Erase. When cronak slays a creature, they are erased from the multiverse. They do not continue onto the afterlife and can not return to life in any way. Even Wish or Divine intervention does not prevent this.

Timeless. Cronak is immune to both natural and magical ageing and is completely immune to time-warping effects such as haste, slow, or even time stop, unless he wishes to be affected.

All-knowing. Cronak is proficient in all Skills, Saves, and Tools and knows all Languages. Due to spending time exploring the timeline, Cronak is also proficient in any future developments even if they would not currently exist. Due to extensive knowledge of timelines, Cronak also knows if a creature was to lie.

Magical Nullification. Cronak has advantage on saves against spells and other magical effects and is unaffected by spells of 4th level or lower unless he wishes to be.

Time Warper. Cronak is immune to critical hits and has advantage on all attacks.

Time Lord. Cronak is permanently under the effect of the Foresight spell. This cannot be dispelled by any means.

Time Wanderer. Even while asleep, Cronak explores timelines, leaving him perfectly aware at all times of the day and as such may never be surprised.

Decay of the ages All necrotic damage dealt by Cronak may not be reduced, nullified, or absorbed in any way. Additionally, the Exhaustion suffered by his breath weapon ignores immunity to exhaustion.

Being of True Magic No spell cast by Cronak requires components

Shift Timeline By spending an hour in deep meditation, Cronak enters the timeline, emerging at any point in time he desires.

Buffeting wings When flying everything within 30ft makes a DC 20 STR save or takes 26(4d12) force dmg on a failed save, they are also pushed back 20ft. If a pushed target were to collide with an object, treat it as if they had fallen the same distance. If a pushed creature collides with a creature, treat it as if they had fallen that distance but the damage is evenly split between the two creatures. On a sucsesfull save the targets are unaffected

Legendary Resistance (5/day). Cronak may choose to succeed on a failed save


Multiattack. Cronak makes one Ageing Bite, Tormenting Claw and Tail Slam attack, followed by a use of Ageing Breath.

Ageing Bite. Melee Attack: +20 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 65 (10d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 55 (10d10) necrotic damage as they are affected by rapid ageing. The target is aged 5d100 years.

Tormenting Claw. Melee Attack: +20 to hit, reach 45 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (10d6 + 10) slashing damage plus 30 (10d6) psychic damage as knowledge of the ages seeps into their psyche. The targets wisdom increases by 1d10(to a max of 30).

Tail slam. Melee Attack: +20 to hit, reach 180 ft., one target. Hit: 50 (10d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage plus 45 (10d8) force damage as the weight of time falls upon them. The targets wisdom increases by 1d10(to a max of 30).

Trip. Melee Attack, when a target moves within your reach: +20 to hit, reach 180 ft., one target. Target makes a DC 28 DEX save or take 27 (5d8+10) bludgeoning plus 22 (5d8) force dmg on a failed save, they are also knocked prone. On a successful save the y take half as much and is not knocked prone.ib

Tail Sweep Everything within a 40ft cone makes a DC 28 DEX save or take 27 (5d8+10) bludgeoning plus 22 (5d8) force dmg on a failed save, they are also knocked prone. On a successful save the take half damage and are nit knocked prone.

Ageing Breath. 600ft cone. Each creature held within must pass a DC 30 CON save or suffer 1d4 levels of exhaustion along with 275 (50d10) necrotic damage as they are aged rapidly. On a success, a target suffers no levels of exhaustion and only half of the necrotic damage. The target is aged the same amount of years as damage is dealt to it.


Counterspell Cronak Casts Counterspell at 6th Level.


The Cronak, The Dragon of Time can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Cronak, The Dragon of Time regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Tail Sweep (1 Legendary action) Everything within a 40ft cone makes a DC 28 DEX save or take 27 (5d8+10) bludgeoning plus 22 (5d8) force dmg on a failed save, they are also knocked prone. On a successful save the take half damage and are nit knocked prone.

Spellcaster (Variable) using 1 Legendary action, Cronak casts any spell from 1st - 4th Level. using 2 Legendary action, Cronak casts any spell from 5th - 6th Level. using 3 Legendary actions, Cronak casts any spell from 7th - 9th Level.

All-Seeing Eye (2 Legendary actions) Through Knowledge of past, present, and future of all nearby beings, Cronak knows the location of every creature within 1000ft, even if they are on another plane of existence such as the astral plane.

Slow Time (4 Legendary Actions) Cronak Casts Slow at Level 9.

Accelerate Time (4 Legendary Actions) Cronak Casts Haste at Level 9.

To Ashes (5 Legendary Actions) Cronak Casts Time Ravage.

Cronak was created by the absolute God of time to protect the timeline. He spends his days with this as his only purpose, hunting down all those who would go too far with temporal magic, Usually not to the point of slaying the individual, instead providing incorrect information to conduct their research or counterspelling each and every one of their experimentation attempts. Whenever Cronak uses his Shapechange feature, it is usually to a powerful spellcaster as to explain away his extensive knowledge and magical affinity.

Cronaks True form is unknown, And all who have seen it were unfortunate enough to have disrupted the timeline and incur Cronak's wrath, an ordeal nobody has yet survived.

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