Dragon's Magic (5e Feat)

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Dragon's Magic

Prerequisites: half-dragon
You have channeled the innate magic from your dragon parent. You gain the following benefits:

  • If you are a spellcaster, the following spells are added to your spells list:
Black Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st create or destroy water, entangle
2nd acid arrow, darkness
3rd plant growth, tidal wave
4th shadow of moil, vitriolic sphere
5th contagion, insect plague
Blue Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st hunter's mark, witch bolt
2nd blindness/deafness, dust devil
3rd lightning bolt, wall of sand
4th stone shape, storm sphere
5th antilife shell, scrying
Green Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st charm person, ray of sickness
2nd pass without trace, protection from poison
3rd nondetection, stinking cloud
4th charm monster, grasping vine
5th cloudkill, tree stride
Red Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st burning hands, earth tremor
2nd heat metal, scorching ray
3rd fireball, meld into stone
4th conjure minor elementals, wall of fire
5th immolation, wall of stone
White Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st armor of Agathys, ice knife
2nd cloud of daggers, immovable object
3rd hunger of Hadar, incite greed
4th freedom of movement, ice storm
5th cone of cold, passwall
Brass Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st hellish rebuke, sleep
2nd continual flame, flaming sphere
3rd daylight, major image
4th fire shield, locate creature
5th dawn, mislead
Bronze Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st fog cloud, thunderwave
2nd gust of wind, shatter
3rd call lightning, water breathing
4th hallucinatory terrain, watery sphere
5th commune with nature, maelstrom
Copper Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st hideous laughter, Tasha's caustic brew
2nd spider climb, spike growth
3rd erupting earth, slow
4th secret chest, stoneskin
5th geas, transmute rock
Gold Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st faerie fire, searing smite
2nd Aganazzar's scorcher, ray of enfeeblement
3rd flame arrows, Melf's minute meteors
4th banishment, divination
5th dream, flame strike
Silver Dragon Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st feather fall, frost fingers
2nd hold person, Snilloc's snowball swarm
3rd sleet storm, wind wall
4th control water, private sanctum
5th control winds, hold monster
  • You can cast each of the level 1 spells on these lists once with this feat, regaining the ability to do so once you complete a long rest. You can use your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting modifier.
  • You learn 1 cantrip of your choice from any spells list. You can use your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting modifier.
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