Red Dragon Emperor (5e Class)

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Boosted Gear User

Also known as the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet, it is one worn by users of holy gears. Listed as one of the original thirteen Longinus, specifically a mid-level Longinus, he has the spirit of the Welsh dragon, Ddraig, residing within him. In the past, Ddraig fought his arch-rival, the Vanishing Dragon, Albion, in a battle that was interrupted by the Angels, Demons, and Fallen Angels who were at war at the time. The two dragons dared to attack the leaders of the Three Factions, which led to their two bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two Sealed Sacred Gears, with Ddraig Boosted, or "Equip Boosted", a Sacred Gear that is increasing if it is became one of eighteen varieties of Longinus.

Y Ddraig Goch

Ddraig is one of the Two Heavenly Dragons and the arch-rival of Albion. He is called the Red Dragon known as Welsh Dragon, Y Ddraig Goch, Red Dragon Emperor and Red Dragon Emperor of Domination, who resides within the Longinus, Boosted Gear wielded by his character. He is feared among Angels, Fallen Angels, Demons and the various other factions of the world for his destructive powers, said to be capable of killing gods and satan.

Creating a Boosted Gear User

You have the power of a celestial dragon, or rather the toughest dragon of all, were you born with that power? was chosen by him? Did the gods give this power? or was it irony of fate that you were born with it? well now what will you do with the power that not only defeats gods and superior beings, but also changes the course of everything, will you be someone who will save the world or improve it in divine destruction, will you win white or lose?

Quick Build

You can make a Creating a Boosted Gear User quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second Charisma, choose the Athlete background.

Class Features

As a Boosted Gear User you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Boosted Gear User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Boosted Gear User level after 1st


Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Absorbed Weapons
Tools: Choose two
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength and Charisma.
Skills: Choose two skills from: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Performance, Perception, Persuasion, History, Insight, Investigation, and Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Longsword or (b) Shortsword and shield or (c) Dagger and leather armor
  • (a) Smith's tools or (b) Woodcarver's Tools or (c) Alchemist supplies
  • (a) dungeoneer's pack, common clothes and a bottle of blood or (b) explorer's pack, fine clothes with hood
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 × 10 in funds.

Table: The Boosted Gear User

Level Proficiency
unarmed strike boost points Features Dragon Energy points
1st +2 1d4 1 Martial Arts,Unarmored Defense, Twice critical 0
2nd +2 1d4 1 Twice Critical Plus 0
3rd +2 1d6 2 Boosted Gear,Welsh Dragon Might 2
4th +2 1d6 2 Ability Score Improvement 2
5th +3 1d6 3 Extra Attack, Absorb Equipment 4
6th +3 1d8 3 Balance Breaker from Boosted Gear 4
7th +3 1d8 3 The Little Red Emperor, Dragon Slayer 6
8th +3 1d8 3 Ability Score Improvement 6
9th +4 1d10 4 The Contrary Existence, The Red Emperor's Ambition 8
10th +4 1d10 4 Presence Of A True Dragon 10
11th +4 1d10 4 Juggernaut Drive, Extra Attack(2) 10
12th +4 1d10 4 Ability Score Improvement, Illegal Move Triaina 12
13th +5 2d6 5 Strengthening the Illegal Move Triaina 12
14th +5 2d6 5 Illegal Triaina Movement of Destruction 14
15th +5 2d6 5 Cardinal Crimson Promotion, Burning hell of scorching flames 14
16th +5 2d6 5 Ability Score Improvement 16
17th +6 2d8 6 Dividing the wyvern fairy, Extra Attack(3) 16
18th +6 2d8 6 True Demon Dragon God 18
19th +6 2d10 6 Ability Score Improvement, Infernal Crimson Purgatory Law 18
20th +6 2d10 6 Invocation of the Red Emperor 24

Martial Arts

At 1st level, your martial arts practice gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and weapons absorbed by your holy gear.

You gain the following benefits while unarmed or wielding an absorbed weapon:

  • You roll a 1d4 + Strength in place of the normal damage from your unarmed strike (The same goes for the absorbed weapons respective dice). This die changes as you gain user levels of the boosted gear
  • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or an absorbed weapon on your turn, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Unarmored Defense

Beginning at 1st level due to your training in hand to hand combat, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 12 + your Strength modifier + your Constitution modifier.

Twice critical

Starting at 1st level you awaken your Sacred Gear, an integrated Weapon that you can summon as an action or bonus action. It appears as a red-yellow colored scale on the back of your hand. While active, you can spend a bonus action to gain 1 boost point. When attacking you can spend a boost point to add +1 to all attack rolls AND add 1 damage dice to any damage rolls (Ex: If the attack does 2d10 damage, with a boost point it will now deal 3d10 damage) per point spent.

You can only give yourself as many boost points as the boost table shows. The amount of boost points you can use increases as you level in the dragon red emperor class.

Twice Critical Plus

At 2nd level, the holy gear increases in power by covering the hand and forearm and leaving the fingers exposed. When you activate your Twice Critical you will gain a +1 to your AC, in addition to all the previous benefits.

Boosted Gear

At 3rd level, the true power of your holy gear awakens and explodes. You gain the path of domination, now your gauntlet is complete and your companion Ddraig can communicate with you. Whenever you activate your Twice Critical feature you will gain another +1 to your AC(+2 total), and a +1 to hit with all attack rolls.

You gain the Transfer skill

As an action or bonus action you can pass all of your acummulated boosts to an allied creature within sight range.

Welsh Dragon Might

At 3rd level, thanks to Ddraig who teaches you how to use dragon power, you can now cast dragon spells or attacks. In addition, you can also learn random spells that the GM allows. All of the dragon spells are listed at the Dragon Skills list.

Dragon Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Dragon Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

In addition, you can change the DC of another class you are using for Charisma, for example if you multiclass into the Wizard class you may use your Charisma instead of Intelligence for your features.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. At 11th level you can attack three times instead of twice, and at 17th level you can attack four times instead of three.

Absorb Equipment

At 5th level, you can touch and absorb a magic item into your Sacred Gear, allowing it to use its abilities. An action is required to absorb an item, and when absorbed, the Item is destroyed and can be used as an extension of the blade. You can absorb a total of 2 + half your Red Dragon Emperor level magic items. While your Twice Critical is not active, you have no bonus from magic item effects. However when you activate it, you can choose 5 effects to become active (increases by 2 at 9th, 1 at 13th, 1 at 15th level) giving you these effects while active. You can swap effects during a long rest.

Balance Breaker from Boosted Gear

At 6th level you sell your arm to Ddraig to get a fraction of its power, you can use the Scale Mail cloak. As an action or bonus action for 2 dragon energy points, you will gain the following benefits:

  • You can add your Proficiency bonus to any damage rolls you make.
  • Increases your AC by +2.
  • Increases 1 Boost per turn while with balance breaker.
  • You gain wings, now being able to fly up to 40 feet.
  • You gain all of the current benefits of your Twice Critical.

You can end your transformation on your turn as a bonus action. It lasts for the entire fight, but it deactivates if you fall to 0 hit points. You can only use this feature once per short or long rest. At 10th level you can use it as much as you want.

The Little Red Emperor

Starting at the 7th level, as you grow stronger in power you gain two abilities originating from Ddraig's powers:


Your attacks are imbued with the ability to penetrate any armor and magical protection. When you attack someone you will always decrease your opponent's AC by 1d2, this increases to 1d4 at 16th level.

A little red

Your body has grown used to immense heat and higher temperatures, which gives you resistance to fire and radiant damage. In addition, you will roll with advantage to resist the effects of extremely hot weather.

At 18th level, you will now gain immunity to fire and radiant damage. In addition, you are now immune against the effects of extremely hot weather.

Dragon Slayer

Now at 7th level you get a gift from some super powerful being, the Three Factions want peace because they saw that you are powerful so they give you a relic called Ascalon which has become a ritual for you to use. Or you get an ascalon from a Boosted Gear user that was sealed inside your Twice Critical.

You get the sword Ascalon

obs: this weapon can be absorbed by your impulse equipment, you have its bonus in all your attacks and movements. But if you already have it inside you can use it normally.

The Red Emperor's Ambition

At 9th level now getting used to your power and that of Ddraig, you are driven by your ambitions and motivations.

  • Once you are incapacitated, you get up with 1 hit point
  • You get up with 3 boost points

The Contrary Existence

At the 9th level, a former user of the Boosted Gear reveals to you that one of it's ancestors has fused your arch-rival's gems into the gear itself.

You learn the Divine Division skill. As an reaction whenever an opponent makes an attack roll, you can roll Intelligence against a DC of 15, on a success you take two dice from his strongest attack as apposed to just one. On a failure, you just take the damage dice from the targeted attack.

All the stolen damage dice behave like boost points. At the 17th level, you can reject obtaining Dividing Fairy Wyvern to instead upgrade this feature. The DC is lowered to 10, taking 3 damage dice on a successful throw and 2 on a failed one.

Presence Of A True Dragon

At 10th level, Ddraig's powers are flowing through your body liberating the aura of a true dragon. Twice per long rest, you can make a creature that tries to attack you with an opportunity attack to roll 1d20. If it is higher than your AC the attack hits, if it's lower than your AC the attack misses.

Dragonic Presence

As an action you can choose one or more targets within 120ft of you, and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw, on a failure they are frightned by your draconic presence for 1 minute.

Juggernaut Drive

At 11th level, because of some tragic event that leaves you lost in anger, rage, or sadness due to lack of power, you have unlocked this ability. Now that the seal is temporarily removed you gain a transformation to surpass even the gods, so you recite the chant and become domination itself. As an action, you spend half of your current hit points and recite the chant, making you transform and become the Red Dragon of Domination for 3 minutes.

While on this state you will lose control of your actions and your objective is destruction and Domination. After entering this state you will do anything to kill the creature that is the target of your rage. After you reduce that creature to 0 hit points, then you will attack all creatures around you, except creatures you love. You may try to end this state early by making a Wisdom saving throw DC17. On a success the transformation ends and you will revert back to your normal form with 10 hit points with 1 level of exhaustion. After the first use, to use it again you must spend 1d10 of your maximum hit points permanently. You gain the same abilities but you can only stay in this form for two rounds, now being able to control it. You can recover your lost hit points permanently using vital energy or spending 2 entire days resting.

Illegal Move Triaina

At 12th level, now your hidden potential is unleashed and you can cast an illegal move to give your balance breaker more power. You will learn 3 forms, but Ddraig will only gradually release them so that your body can contain its full power. You can enter this form as action or bonus action by spending 2 dragon energy points while on Balance Breaker.

Welsh Sonic Boost Knight

In this form you have massive speed to make, you lose excess armor making it thinner.

  • Your Armor Class is reduced by 3.
  • Increases 2 Boost while this form is active.
  • You will reduce your Strength score by 2, and reduce your Constitution score by 1.
  • You willadd your dexterity modifier to any of your damage and attack rolls, even if it already did before.
  • You will increase your Dexterity score by 2 and so will it's Maximum.
  • You will gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • 1 Boost per turn while in this transformation.

Strengthening the Illegal Move Triaina

At 13th level, Ddraig unleashes the Welsh Dragonic Rook form. A form that grants you massive power and defense, but have low body maneuver speed because of the massive and thick armor. As an action for 2 Dragon Energy points while on Balance Breaker you will gain the following effects:

Welsh Dragonic Rook
  • You will gain a +2 to your AC.
  • Increases 2 Boost while this form is active.
  • Your dexterity score is reduced by 4.
  • You add your strength modifier to your attack rolls, even if it already did before.
  • Your Constitution and Strength scores increases by 2, and so do their maximum.
  • You will gain advantage on Strength saving throws.
  • 1 Boost per turn while in this transformation.

Illegal Triaina Movement of Destruction

At the 14th level, Ddraig has granted you his last form, the Welsh Bishop Blaster. This form relies heavily on it's immense magical power applied through the 2 cannons on it's back

  • You have a +2 to hit and on the DC of your spells or Dragon Skills.
  • You can spend 1 boost point to make all of your allies using regain hit points equal to your hit dice.
  • When a creature attacks you, as an reaction with your aura you can impose disadvantage on the creature's attack rolls.
  • Your Charisma score will increase by 2, and so will it's maximum.
  • Your Strength and Constitution scores will be reduced by 1.
  • For each action you take you will fire a dragon shoot from your cannons that deals 2d6 force damage and is considered magical. This shot will always hit a target of your choice, though the target may roll a Constitution saving throw to take half damage.
  • 1 Boost per turn while in this transformation.

Cardinal Crimson Promotion

At 15th level, you found that you got rid of most of the Boosted Gear's curse along with Ddraig or another individual. Now you've managed to unleash your hidden potential by rewriting the Juggernaut Drive chant, you can unleash more power and this is your answer to that power without harm your body and lose control. As an action for 4 Dragon Energy points while on Balance Breaker and having spent at least 5 boost, you will gain the following benefits:

  • You become the Red Dragon of Domination.
  • Your hit points increases by 50.
  • Your size category is Huge.
  • Your Boost cap is increased by 6.
  • For each boost you use you will gain 2 boost points.
  • You have complete control of the form, and may use it's features in any way you want.
  • 2 Boosts per turn while in this transformation.

The transformation lasts for 1 minute, at 17th level it loses its duration, but you gain 1 level of exhaustion in the moment you activate it.

Burning hell of scorching flames

At 15th level, Ddraig tries to unlock his most powerful flame, capable of killing gods since the flame is eternal and destroys even the soul without leaving any trace, you can use these flames in 3 ways, like a roar, in an unarmed strike and clear in a pillar of flame.

The flame deal's extra 2d8 fire damage at 14th 4d8 at 16th 6d8 at 19th.

This flame cannot be consumed by anything no matter the class, the only exception is of course if the bearer wants to do something about it.

These flames do not work on Great Red, Dragon God of Infinity, and Albion.

Dividing the wyvern fairy Plus

At 17th level, you sacrifice The Contrary Existence to acquire Dividing Wyvern Fairy. Now you can craft Wyven minis to aid in combat, but can only have up to 3 Dividing Wyvern Fairy (Red Dragon) at once. After training and living a lot with your allies you can make Wyven minis transform into two classes.

Crimson Extinct Dragon

It bonds with a Ranged Attacker from a distance, enhancing their characteristics.

  • The ally gains the same benefits of the Balance Breaker, but with a few changes.
  • The ally can use the dragon shot Dragon Skill with your DC.
  • The ally will be under the effects of the Penetration feature.

The changes are that you only gain the benefits ot the balance breaker on ranged attacks or spells.

Dragonar of Crimson Destruction

It bonds with a Melee Attacker to increase their resources.

  • The ally gains the same benefits of the Balance Breaker, but with a few changes.
  • The ally will be under the effects of the Penetration feature.
  • The ally gains the Two-weapon fighting fighting style, and can make two melee attacks at once on his first attack.

The changes are that you only gain the benefits ot the balance breaker on melee attacks.

True Dragon Demon God

At 18th level, you have been facing gods and even ancient beings as if they were normal enemiea. So with the body created by the Great Red, friendship with Ddraig, and bond with the dragon god of infinity, you can assume your true power and face everything, releasing his last form that has the aura of Satan, Dragon and God, thus being able to conquer everything and everyone. As an action for 7 Dragon Energy points and 5 boost points while on your balance breaker, you gain the following benefits:

  • You regain all of your Dragon Energy points.
  • You have advantages on any kind of rolls.
  • When a creature attacks you with magic of any kind you are forced to roll 1d20, if you roll more than 16 you completely overcome all of the magic and completely negates it. If you roll more than 12 you take half damage and is immune to the spell's condition. If you roll lower you will suffer the effects as normal.
  • Your health increases by 169.
  • Your scores are changed to: Str=38,Dex=16,Con=34,Int=20,Wis=20,char=30
  • Your AC becomes 28.
  • You can use all Dragon skills.
  • You can use the attacks and features of all previous transformations.
  • Your size is Large.
  • Your Boost cap is increased by 10.
  • For each boost you use you will now gain 3 boost points.

You can keep this transformation for 5 of your rounds. When you leave this transformation, you go back to the amount of Dragon Energy points you had before transforming. You may only use this form once per long rest.

At 20th level, it increases to 10 rounds. In addition you can now use it once per short rest. Depending on the campaign it has no duration but you gain 1 level at exhaustion.

Infernal Crimson Purgatory Law

At 19th level, you have a perfect mastery of your power and can combine with Ddraig. You and Ddraig create a metaphysical representation of your power and essence, creating an area where you are an entity that dominates everything, the place is surrounded by flames called hell burning with blazing flames, and all who have sins are judged. As an action for 6 Dragon Energy Points while under the True Dragon Demon God Form state, you may activate this for the remaining time of the True Dragon Demon God. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your attacks will always hit no matter what.
  • Your critical rate is now considered from 18-20.
  • All of your attacks ignores resistance and immunity.
  • Your blows reach the opponent's soul, making it so that whenever you deal damage of any kind they will have their maximum hit points reduced as well.

Summoning the Red Emperor

Finally at 20th level, you have acquired an absurd power, the power to bring the ancient domination back. You have acquired the full power capable of releasing the great and mighty celestial dragon Y Ddraig Goch. As an action for half your Dragon Energy points, spending 1d20 of your Maximum Hit Points while you are on your True Demon Dragon God you may summon Y Ddraig Goch.

Ddraig will have a minimum of 3 rounds on the battle, and a maximum of 8 unless your GM wants to increase it. He will always go first than his host, even if his initiative is lower.

Dragon Skills

You will be able to learn all the attacks of the Boosted Gear. Each spell will be learned at certain levels.

Dragon Shot

2 Dragon Energy points
At the 3rd level you get the dragon shot, you focus all your power into a small sphere. As an action you shoot in a single direction within a range of 30 to 120 feet dealing 2d8 force damage. Every creature on that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Dragon Spell DC, on a failure they take full damage and will be knocked prone. On a success, they will take half damage and will not be knocked prone.

Flaming Flame

2 Dragon Energy Points
At 6th level you learn the Flaming Flame, now you can utilize your dragonic power to launch fire as powerful as a true dragon's breath. You exhale fire in a 15-foot cone, making each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Dragon Spell DC, taking 5d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

  • improvement with impunity. If you have spent at least 1 boost point on the attack the cone becomes 30 feet.
Comet Of Wales Attack

4 Dragon Energy Points
You must be on your "Welsh Sonic Boost Knight" form to use this Dragon Skill.
At 12th level, you move towards your target with divine speed, hitting them with a massive impact thanks to your speed. As an action you can move up to a target within your movement speed and roll an unarmed strike with advantage against it, on a hit it takes your unarmed strike damage + 3d10 force damage, and forces the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure the creature is stunned until the end of your next turn, on a sucess the creature is not stunned and halfs the force damage taken.

Solid Impact

4 Dragon Energy Points
You must be on your "Welsh Dragonic Rook" form to use this Dragon Skill.
Your fists are of an ultimate tower, you prepare to deliver a charged punch as if it were a pressure pincer. As an action you choose a target within your reach, forcing him to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure he takes 4d12 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage, knocking the target prone. On a success he takes half damage and isn't prone.

Dragon Blaster attack

4 Dragon Energy Points
You must be on your "Welsh Bishop Blaster" form to use this dragon skill.
By focusing on a cannon on your back or arm, you have a small version of the Longinus Smasher, where you fire 1 beam of dragon power in an area, you can hitting up to two targets in 120fts. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take 6d10 + your Charisma modifier force damage, on a success they take half damage.

Longinus Smasher
  • You gain can use this power only in ways that say you can.

Your new skill is a beam of supreme power that you fire from your chest, they say it takes the name Longinus because he was a soldier who killed a divine being, this blow is destructive you damage in a 20d8 cone of radiant damage and necrotic, every creature in a 200ft cone must make a dexterity check to receive half the blow, bag fails at the GM's discretion to say the conditions. must spend 8 dragon energy points.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Red Dragon Emperor class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Red Dragon Emperor class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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