Brood, Dragon Clan (3.5e Race)
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A typical Female Brood Adventurer. |
Brood / Dragon Clan[edit]
They're generally a peaceable race of humanoids who turn into dragons, living what could acquaint to an average lifestyle of any of the other races. However as due to their nature as guardians against the evils of the Goddess Tyr and her minions are somewhat militaristic as well. Every citizen is capable of defending themselves against a variety of threats, using whatever is on hand, be it tool or weapon. They reserve their actual transformation for especially dangerous threats, where they use tooth and claw and breath to turn it back or destroy it.
One would think that living in the shadow of the constant threat of danger from demons and other of such ilk would harden them into a bitter or cold people. However this is not true, in the face of such evil and danger they have kept a friendly demeanour. Treating all who don't present themselves as a threat as guests to be protected from outside dangers for as long as they seek shelter with the Brood.
They have managed to keep this disposition through their exodus from infinity. Though, due to their new lifestyle as a nomadic people, they have become closer not as a people, but more inquisitive of other cultures and peoples. -I edited this so my DM would let me turn into a dragon :(
Physical Description[edit]
They are very much like Humans, however they seem to have a much greater variety of colouration for hair and eye colour.
Their most visible feature that identifies them as non-humans though are the appearance of draconic wings, tail and sometimes horns. At first glance they may seem somewhat demonic due to these features, and truth be told, more often then not they have been avoided or fled from due to such assumptions. However closer examination or examination through psionic or magical means easily reveals what they are.
They really like humans, having interbred with them in ancient times leading to their somewhat similar appearance. Other races of good alignment are treated as friends, and of neutral alignment, tolerated. They dispise anything Evil, or chaotic as to them it bares a resemblance or a taint of the Evil Goddess Tyr. As such a majority of the underground dwelling races such as the Drow or Skaven are their natural enemies.
Mostly Good or Neutral, and mostly Lawful or Neutral... it's Rare for a Brood to turn Evil or Chaotic, and such Brood are either killed or exiled from the clan.
For centuries their only lands were in the vast underground chasm of Infinity where the Goddess Tyr was imprisoned. Their capitol city residing in and around one of the many gargantuan supporting pillars of the underground space. However, with the sealing of Gate, they were freed from their generational duty, and migrated back to the surface, sealing their routs along the way.
As of now they are a nomadic people, looking for a new place to call home.
They pray to and worship the Great Dragon God, and have a natural hate towards the Goddess Tyr, and any other gods or goddess' like her. Due to their close community, which was more or less cut off from the majority of the known world, it is Rare for any Brood to worship any other deity. And while their new foray into the above world has allowed them to encounter other religions, the Dragon God will still be Chief God to them... for now at least.
Common, and Draconic
Brood naming conventions are very similar to that of humans, there is no real trial or rite of passage for them to undertake to gain their names.
Male names: Ryu, Zog, Ray, Teepo, Griol, Jono, Horace Female Names: Sara, Yua, Patty, Valerie, Hon
Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity: For Males
- +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: For Females
- Humanoid (Draconic):
- Medium: As Medium creatures, Brood have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Brood base land speed is 30 feet: Base flight speed is 30 ft (good maneuverability)
- Brood are allowed to choose 1 ability from the three below
- Heal (Sp): Heals a target at close range (25ft+5ft/lvl) for 1d6/lvl+WIS of damage to health.
- Attack (Sp): Buffs or Debuffs a Target (User's choice) granting them a + or - moral bonus to damage rolls equal to half the brood's lvl rounded down. Effects last for 1d4+CON, DC vs Debuff is 10+CON+1/2 level
- Defense (Sp): Buffs or Debuffs a Target (User's choice) granting them a + or - moral bonus to AC equal to half the brood's lvl rounded down. Effects last for 1d4+CON, DC vs Debuff is 10+CON+1/2 level
- Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages: Any (Except secret languages, like Druidic.) .
- Favored Class: Any. When multiclassing, a dragon's highest class level is not counted when determining experience penalties.
- Level Adjustment: +0
Brood Subrace: Kaiser[edit]
Uncommon to Rare, genetic fluke, any brood could be born as one, generally superior, seen as Favoured by the Dragon God, usually have additional wings in dragon form... Racial traits below are just copy/paste from above for now, will work more on them later
Racial Traits[edit]
- +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity: For Males
- +4 Dexterity, -2 Strength: For Females
- Humanoid (Draconic): <!- fluff about type and subtypes ->
- Medium: As Medium creatures, Brood have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Brood base land speed is 40 feet: Base flight speed is 40 ft (good maneuverability)
- Brood are allowed to choose 1 ability from the three below
- Heal (Sp): Heals a target at close range (25ft+5ft/lvl) for 1d61/lvl+WIS of damage to health.
- Attack (Sp): Buffs or Debuffs a Target (User's choice) granting them a + or - moral bonus to damage rolls equal to half the broods lvl rounded down. Effects last for 1d4+CHA, DC vs Debuff is 10+CHA+1/2 level
- Defense (Sp): Buffs or Debuffs a Target (User's choice) granting them a + or - moral bonus to AC equal to half the broods lvl rounded down. Effects last for 1d4+CON, DC vs Debuff is 10+CON+1/2 level
- Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic. Bonus Languages: Any (Except secret languages, like Druidic.) .
- Favored Class: Any. When multiclassing, a dragon's highest class level is not counted when determining experience penalties.
- Level Adjustment: +2
Vital Statistics[edit]
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
14 years | +1d4 | +1d8 | +2d6 --> |
Childhood1 | Puberty2 | Adulthood3 | Middle Age4 | Old5 | Venerable6 | Maximum Age |
4 years | 12 years | 16 years | 70 years | 200 years | 600 years | +4d100(1000) years |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 4’ 10” | +2d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
Female | 4’ 5” | +1d10 | 85 lb. | × (2d4) lb. |
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