Human (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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Earthlings, also known as Humans on their homeworld, are the dominant species inhabiting the planet Earth.


DBZ Humans.png

Humans are bipedal mammals with various physical characteristics, including a wide range of skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors. They typically lack any distinguishing physical traits like antennae or unusual skin patterns. Earthlings reproduce sexually and mature at a rate similar to other humanoid species, reaching adulthood by their late teens or early twenties. They have a lifespan ranging from 70 to 100 years, although exceptional individuals may live longer.


Earthlings have a rich history shaped by cultural, technological, and societal advancements. They have faced numerous challenges and conflicts throughout their history, including wars, natural disasters, and societal changes. Despite these challenges, Earthlings have thrived and developed diverse cultures and civilizations across the globe. In particular, about 3 centuries ago the Earthlings faced a great evil who threatened the very fabrics of their world and threatened to enslave all humans under their rule. Thanks to mighty Martial Artists who had risen to face this threat head-on, the threat was stopped and the planet has not since faced any other world-threatening evils. Though this remains the case, some events have transpired that have nearly, and on occasion, cost the planet's very existence. A great team of heroes has managed to rise every time in order to put an end to these threats, however.


Human society is diverse and complex, consisting of various cultures, ethnicities, and social structures. Different regions and communities may have distinct customs, traditions, and belief systems. Earthlings have formed communities ranging from small villages to sprawling metropolises, each with its unique characteristics and challenges. There are five major cities, and in one of them rests a single king who rules the planet.

Human Names[edit]

Humans typically receive names from their parents shortly after birth. Names can vary widely based on cultural and familial traditions. Surnames are common among Earthlings and are often inherited from one's family lineage.

Human Traits[edit]

This species is known for its problem-solving and ingenious persona, with its ability to handle different issues and a higher Ki potential than most other races. Likewise, they are the only race capable of bearing children of other races that can also reproduce sexually.
Ability Score Increase. Increase two of your Ability Scores by 1.
Age. Humans mature at a standard humanoid rate, reaching adulthood in their late teens or early twenties. They typically live between 70 and 100 years.
Alignment. Human alignments vary widely, reflecting the diverse range of personalities, beliefs, and values within their society.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Versatile Culture. Humans have a natural aptitude for learning and adapting to new skills, knowledge, and cultures. You gain proficiency in a skill or tool of your choice.
Human Potential. As a member of the human race, you possess an extraordinary capacity for growth and adaptation. At 1st level you may gain one feat you meet the requirements of. You may gain additional feats at 6th level (2 total), 18th level (3 total), 30th level (4 total), 42nd level (5 total), and 54th level (6 total).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Common.
Subrace. Humans have evolved throughout Earth's existence, allowing them to be more diverse and take on the traits needed for their survival. When you select this race, choose between the Pure Clan and Hybrid Clan. If you take the Hybrid Clan, it replaces the Ability Score Increase provided by this race.

Pure Clan[edit]

Humans part of the Pure Clan are humans whose bloodline has not been changed as a result of interspecies mixing, allowing them to tap into the full extent of their potential.

Ability Score Increase. Increase one Ability Score of your choice by 1.
Focused Ki Control. A Human's potential, practice, and refinement of their abilities have given them the ability to better control their Ki, allowing them to do things that other races cannot with it as it interacts with their inner self. So long as your Ki Points are equal to half your Ki Point maximum or higher, you have a +1 bonus to your Initiative Rolls, Armor Class, and have a damage reduction of 1. The bonuses increase by +1 at the 10th, 19th, 24th and 30th levels (For a total of +5).
Human Determination. Despite being considered the weakest among mortal races, Humans harness their determination to capitalize on this perception, surprising their foes and swiftly gaining the advantage. Once per long rest, you can roll any d20 roll with advantage, or force a creature making a d20 roll against an effect originating from you to do so at disadvantage.

Hybrid Clan[edit]

Humans part of the Hybrid Clan are the children that have the blood of both Humans and another race that is compatible with humans for breeding. These offspring are members of the Hybrid Clan and garner the abilities of both parents and are often some of the strongest beings in the galaxy. They use the naming conventions of whoever parents them and typically have the lifespan and aging rate of the more dominant bloodline.

Ability Score Increase. Increase any one Ability Score which is increased by the other race by 1.
Hybrid Aging. Hybrids tend to have a longer lifespan than normal due to genetic inheritance. You now age according to the lifespan and aging effects of the race you are a hybrid of.
Hybrid-Blood. If you are part of the Hybrid Clan, your biology has changed to nurture the abilities of your bloodline. You lose access to one of the Human Race traits, which you choose when you select this subrace. Additionally, you may select one race that can have offspring with Humans and reproduce sexually. You gain access to two traits of the chosen race, which you choose when you select the race. You cannot gain access to the Ability Score Increase of the selected race through this feature.
Hybrid-Body. Belonging to the Hybrid Clan and to represent the change in biology, you have changed at a physiological level to represent this. For the sake of features, techniques, and abilities, you count as part of the Human Race and whatever Race you selected for the Hybrid-Blood trait.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4′ 8″ +2d12 120 lb. × (1d4) lb.

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