Universal Techniques (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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Universal Techniques[edit]

In Dragon Ball, certain techniques are inherent to creatures based on their power level. The following list includes every technique that a typical creature of a specific level or Challenge Rating (CR) is expected to have access to, with X being the creature, streamlining the process of creating NPCs. A creature whose technique list links to this one is considered to have all the techniques listed for their CR and lower CRs (unless otherwise stated). Attack bonuses, DCs, and the maximum number of techniques a creature can have at a given time should be specified on the creature's page and are not included here. Any listed DCs remain constant across versions. Headers indicate the CR at which a technique is gained, with higher CR versions able to use any techniques available to lower CR versions.

Universal Techniques for CR 6[edit]

Flurry of Blows (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action immediately after X takes the Attack action on their turn, they make two unarmed strikes.

Perfect Dodge (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, X takes the dodge action.

Ki Enhanced Movement (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, X takes the disengage or dash action and their jump distance is doubled until the end of their turn.

Stand Ground (1+ Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). X takes half as much damage from all sources, but cannot willingly move until the beginning of their next turn. They may use this as a bonus action for 1 additional ki point.

Sledgehammer (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of X's next turn. They may only make one sledgehammer attack per turn.

Ki Jump (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, X jumps up to 30 feet and makes one unarmed strike.

Ki Cushion (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a reaction, X can spend 1 or more ki points when they fall to reduce any falling damage they take by an amount equal to five times the ki spent.


Exchange Blows (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). When an attack roll is made against X, they make an unarmed strike against the attacker.

Risking it All For a Friend (3+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). When a creature within half of X's movement speed is hit by an attack or targeted by a saving throw, X may move up to this technique’s range and take the hit instead, reducing the damage by their Ki attack modifier and taking the rest. For 2 ki points each time, X can interpose again for subsequent attacks on the same ally within the same turn, using any remaining required movement and damage reduction from the previous use. X can reduce the ki cost to a minimum of 0 by doubling the damage dealt to them for each ki point reduced. X may double the initial ki cost and lose their next turn's action to double the range of this technique.

Universal Techniques for CR 15[edit]

Flight (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, X gains a flying speed equal to their movement speed for 1 minute.

Ki Dash (2 Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a Lengthy Action, X moves forward at six times their movement speed, passing through creatures' spaces without additional movement speed cost, with opportunity attacks against them having disadvantage until the end of their turn.

Ki Sense (0+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a free action, all creatures within their movement speed are detected. Until the end of their turn, creatures that were within the area cannot be invisible to X. Additionally, X learns how many ki points or other currencies converted to their equal amount in ki and hit points the creature has, as well as its AC and the presence of any magical effects originating from such a creature. X may continue using this technique across turns, increasing its range by their movement speed each time. Using this before taking the search action allows X to locate creatures within range. This cannot sense creatures using a Godly Transformation unless X also has access to a Godly Transformation. X can take this technique multiple times, increasing its initial range by their movement speed again each time.

Ki Suppression (0+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a free action, bonus action, or reaction, X may temporarily reduce up to 1/10th of their Strength, Dexterity and/or Constitution scores, placing these points into a "pool." While in the pool, these points are not accessible to X. X can restore up to 1/10th of their Strength, Dexterity and/or Constitution from the pool as a free action, bonus action, or reaction. X may spend ki points to increase the amount added or removed from the pool by the initial amount added or removed per ki point spent. At the end of each of X's turns, if X has at least 2/10ths of all three of their Strength, Dexterity and/or Constitution in the pool, X regains 1 ki point per 2/10ths in the pool, up to a maximum of half of their average ki charge. X does not gain these benefits if they benefited from the stats placed in the pool during that turn.

Martial Sweep (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. X may only make one Martial Sweep attack per turn, the DC cannot exceed 18.

Martial Smash (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw or become stunned until the end of X's next turn. X may only make one Martial Smash attack per turn, the DC cannot exceed 18.

Martial Strike (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As part of an unarmed strike, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn. X may only make one Martial Strike attack per turn, and the DC cannot exceed 18.

Ki Blast (1+ Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, X's unarmed strikes have their range increased by their movement speed until the end of their turn. X may spend 1 additional ki point to use this as a free action.

Ki Wave (1 Ki Point). As part of making a Ki Blast attack, its range becomes a line and all creatures within range must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking the ki blast's damage on a failure.

Ki Blast Volley (1 Ki Point, Must have Ki Blast). As part of making a Ki Blast attack, choose a point within range of your Ki Blast, in a 10ft cube with the centre being the point you chose, creatures within range must attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking the ki blast's damage on a failure.

Full Power Blow (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, when X makes an attack action, they combine two of the attacks they can make into one attack, adding the damage die and half of the modifier to damage from attacks beyond the first. X may add one more attack they can make per additional ki point spent.

Massive Blow (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a Free Action when X hits a creature with an unarmed strike, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be moved up to the damage dealt in feet rounded to the nearest 5. the target can only move a maximum of 15 feet for every ki point spent. Anything in the creature's way must make a Dexterity save, or take half the damage the targeted creature took from the massive hit, stopping them from moving further, unless this drops them to 0 hit points.

Super Full Power Ki Wave (2+ Ki points/1+ Charge) X can use a powerfull, but generic Ki Wave. All creatures in a 45-foot long and a 5-foot wide line must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d10 force damage. X can add an additional 1d10 force damage, increase its length by 15 feet, and increase its width by 5 feet for 1 additional ki point by charging for 1 round.

Universal Techniques for CR 18[edit]

Afterimage Technique (2+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot). As a bonus action, or as a reaction to being targeted by a saving throw or attack roll, X moves half their movement speed and forces any creatures that can see them to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, X becomes invisible to them until the start of their next turn, or until they attack them. X may spend 3 additional ki points to make an unarmed strike against the attacker immediately after moving.

Ki Transfer (1+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot, Must have Ki Sense) As an action, X can transfer any amount of ki points that they currently have to a creature within their Ki Sense range. The ki points or other resources transferred cannot push that creature over their maximum amount for that resource.

Ki Control (0+ Ki Points)/(Half Technique slot, Must have Ki Suppression) When X uses Ki Suppression, they can also, or instead, temporarily reduce their maximum hit points, ki points, AC, damage dealt, or the range of techniques used, placing these values into the pool in the same way they would with their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. If the range of techniques is reduced, the damage must be reduced proportionally. This does not grant ki regeneration.

Powering Up (Cost 2 ki point/Supplementary Transformation). As an Bonus Action, X gain the following: X receive 3 points to increase any of it's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores in any way. it's aura radiates bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet. it can not use Ki Suppression. X must spend 1 ki point at the end of each of your turns to maintain this form.

Ki Barrier (3+ Ki Points/Supplementary Transformation). As a bonus action, X may create an up to 5-foot ki barrier. All creatures within gain a +6 damage threshold and damage reduction against effects outside the barrier until the end of their next turn. For every 2 additional ki points, X can either increase the damage threshold and reduction by 1 or expand the barrier by 5 feet. By spending 3 more ki points separately from the previous effects, X can further boost the damage reduction and threshold by their Ki Attack Modifier. X can extend the barrier's duration to the end of their next turn each turn by spending half the initial cost and their bonus action.


Ki Barrier Reaction (Part of Ki Barrier). As a reaction for 3 additional Ki Points, X uses Ki Barrier.

Universal Techniques for CR 25[edit]

Good/Evil Sense (1 Ki Point)/(Half Technique slot, Must have Ki Sense). As a bonus action when X uses Ki Sense, they may also know whether a creature sensed by their Ki Sense shares their Good/Evil alignment, has the opposite alignment, or is hostile toward another creature within range.

Super Ki Blast (10 Ki Points). As an action, every creature in a 30-foot radius up to 60 feet from X must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 12d10 force damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. This damage decreases by 1d10 for every 5 feet away from the initial target they are.