Majin (Dragon Ball Supplement)
“ | Your fighting style is remarkably close to that of a demon... Could you be one of those legendary creatures, in the flesh? I have heard about all the planets you've destroyed- you are evil incarnate! I never thought I would ever meet a Majin! | ” |
—Lord slug, the evil Namekian |
Physical Description[edit]
Majin are beings made entirely out of magic. With the only consistent trait being that touching a Majin feels like touching bubblegum, a Majin can have almost any look a person can imagine. Majins do not possess a gender, instead simply going by the pronoun that fits the form they are currently using. They also do not have any hair. Instead, they use chunks of their own body to make it look like they have something that looks like hair. Most Majin also have black in their eyes instead of white, but that color, like their skin, can be as varied as the Majin itself. Their entire body is made of a shapeable substance resembling bubblegum, and they lack any form of internal organs. Due to being the "umpteenth" generation of Majin, newer Majins quickly lose their shapeshifting abilities a day or two after their birth, leaving them in the form they were currently using for the rest of their lives.
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Various majin, Akira Toriyama |
At the creation of the universe, the manifestation of pure evil was born, and it called itself "Majin Buu". After many centuries of erasing entire galaxies, Majin Buu absorbed an entity of pure good and became a childlike, neutral, creature, that merely followed its master’s order for the promise of candy. But when Majin Buu was sealed and sent to his master’s next target planet, its master died, and after awakening once more, the neutral entity separated. After fighting both its good half and the mighty warriors of Earth, the evil Majin Buu was destroyed, leaving only the good half alive. Feeling lonely being the only one of its kind, the good Majin Buu separated once more, multiplying into the hundreds, thus creating the Majin race.
In other interpretations, Majins are beings created by those with powerful dark magic. The process of this creation differs depending on the creator. Some are molded out of large stone statues and filled with dark energy, while others are created in a more alchemical process.
The Majin do not possess a society of their own, but instead, try their best to integrate with the society they find the most interesting. Due to their innate, childlike behavior and curiosity, most Majin never settle down, instead opting to spend their immortal lives traveling the world to find the most interesting people and the tastiest candy.
Majin Names[edit]
Due to their innate simplicity, almost all in the Majin race simply call themselves "Majin" followed by a noise they think is funny. Later generations of Majin take on names associated with magic. The rarest Majin naming convention comes from those who live in coexistence with a creature they have absorbed, in which case they combine the two names.
Sample names: Majin Buu, Majin Bob, Majin Mani Mani, Majin Kabra, Majin Salaga, Majin Goma, Majuub, Janembuu, Majitan, Majin Kuu, Hirudegarn.
Majin Traits[edit]
Majin race from the Dragonball series.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score and Constitution increases by 2. Your Intelligence score is reduced by 2.
Age. A Majin is born with a mature body and a Majin has never been documented to die of old age. A Majin rarely matures mentally, retaining the childlike personality of its progenitor.
Alignment. Although all Majin are born with a liking to violence, they value friendship over any fight, and food even more so. Being children at heart, almost every single Majin is as chaotic as a person can get, and being beings of pure hearts, most Majins are good. Some have been known to be neutral, but since the death of the evil Buu, evil Majins are extremely rare.
Size. Standing from barely 5 feet tall to just below 7 feet tall, and weighing somewhere between 120 and 360 pounds, a Majin's looks can vary vastly, to the point where you may question if two Majin even belong to the same race. When a Majin has found a shape they like, or if they spent too much time deciding on a form, they remain in that form for the rest of their lives. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Rubber-Gum Body. Although most newborn Majin's shapeshifting abilities have faded, they retain some of their originator's abilities. Your normal reach is considered 10 feet greater. As a bonus action to elongate your limbs, your reach extends by an additional 10 feet. If you attack using a weapon with the heavy weapon property while using this trait, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your limbs remain elongated until you use a bonus action to shorten them. Additionally, you are immune to diseases, have resistance to poison damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.
Food Transfiguration. The magical essence inherent to Majins grants them a potent reserve of magical energy, particularly when utilizing their Transfiguration abilities. As a reaction, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can transform its body into a piece of food for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. If consumed during this time, the creature is instantly killed, and its body is destroyed. If you or another Majin consumes the food, the consumer can choose to gain ki points equal to the CR or level of the transfigured creature, or twice as many hit points.
Childlike Wonder. Almost every Majin lives their lives with the mind of a child in an adult body. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, as most Majins don't fully comprehend fear.
Inherent Magic. Majins retain residual magical abilities that allow them to wield potent abilities uncommon to others. You learn two cantrips from any class spell list. At 6th level, one 1st-level spell. At 18th, one 2nd-level spell. At 30th, one 3rd-level spell. At 42nd, one 4th-level spell. At 54th, one 5th-level spell.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Each spell can be cast a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) per long rest.
Magic Regeneration. A Majin's magical essence and rubber-like body grant them enhanced regeneration to sustain their life. When reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, as a reaction, you can spend Ki Points up to the number of Hit Dice you have. For each Ki Point spent, expend a Hit Dice and regain the rolled result as Hit Points. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | +2d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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