Dragon Slayer, Variant (5e Class)
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Dragon Slayer[edit]
Dragon slayers are a unique type of people. They are taught by dragons on how to use magic when they are young. They become a master of whatever element they are taught. They can produce and control their element from any part of their body, which can be used both in melee or as a ranged form of offense. The generated element can be manipulated in a wide variety of ways, but their “type” is fixed. However, they can be given a material manifestation. Due to their draconian mentors, they possess keener senses such as sight, hearing, and smell. They also have some defining physical characteristics such as reptilian pupils, sharper canines, or dragon scales in various places.
Creating a Dragon Slayer[edit]
A dragon slayer is a master of their magic type as well as using their own body as a weapon. They are masters of unarmed combat, amplifying their own natural power with elemental magic. Their power is that of a dragon's, which is where they draw their namesake.
To quickly build a dragon slayer, make Dexterity your highest. Followed by Wisdom, then Constitution. Take the Outlander or Hermit background.
Class Features
As a Dragon Slayer you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dragon Slayer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Dragon Slayer level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: simple weapons, shortswords
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution.
Skills: Choose two from: Acrobatics, Arcana, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, and Survival.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- A gift from the dragon that raised and taught you (trinket of choice)
- (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Martial arts | Mana points | Draconic Agility |
1st | +2 | Martial Arts, Dragon Slayer | 1d6 | — | — |
2nd | +2 | Mana, Draconic Agility | 1d6 | 4 | +10 |
3rd | +2 | Dragonic Discipline, Motion Sickeness | 1d6 | 6 | +10 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d6 | 8 | +10 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Dragon Wing Attack | 1d8 | 10 | +10 |
6th | +3 | Elemental Mastery, Dragonic Discipline Feature | 1d8 | 12 | +15 |
7th | +3 | Draconic Mind, | 1d8 | 14 | +15 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d8 | 16 | +15 |
9th | +4 | Draconic Agility Improvement | 1d8 | 18 | +15 |
10th | +4 | Dragon Slayer's Secret Art | 1d8 | 20 | +20 |
11th | +4 | Dragonic Discipline Feature, Extra Attack 2 | 1d10 | 22 | +20 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 | 24 | +20 |
13th | +5 | Mastered Dragon Force | 1d10 | 26 | +20 |
14th | +5 | Elemental Mastery Improvement, Dragon Soul | 1d10 | 28 | +25 |
15th | +5 | Timeless Body | 1d10 | 30 | +25 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 1d10 | 32 | +25 |
17th | +6 | Dragonic Discipline Feature | 1d12 | 34 | +25 |
18th | +6 | Draconic Might | 1d12 | 36 | +30 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement, Archetype Feature | 1d12 | 38 | +30 |
20th | +6 | Draconic Boon | 1d12 | 40 | +30 |
Dragon Slayer[edit]
A dragon slayer's lost magic gives them the power of a dragon, and in turn, the power to defeat them. As they learn and grow, dragon slayers develop unique characteristics. Starting at 1st level, you gain the following features:
- Draconic Parent
As dragon blood flows through your body, it causes physical traits of your dragon parent to emerge, part of your skin is covered by a thin sheen of dragon-like scales.
Choose one of the following Draconic Parents:
Draconic Parent | Damage Type | Dragon's Roar Size |
Arcane | Force | All creatures in a 5 foot wide and 30 feet long line must make a Dexterity saving throw. |
Metal | Bludgeoning | All creatures in a 5 foot wide and 30 feet long line must make a Dexterity saving throw. |
Ice | Cold | All creatures in a 15 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. |
Fire | Fire | All creatures in a 15 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. |
Sky | Slashing | All creatures in a 15 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. |
Lightning | Lightning | All creatures in a 5 foot wide and 30 feet long line must make a Dexterity saving throw. |
Poison | Poison | All creatures in a 15 foot cone must make a Constitution saving throw. |
White | Radiant | All creatures in a 5 foot wide and 30 feet long line must make a Constitution saving throw. |
Shadow | Necrotic | All creatures in a 15 foot cone must make a Constitution saving throw. |
In addition, you learn how to read, write, and speak in Draconic.
- Draconic Resilience
When you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + Dexterity (or Strength) modifier + Wisdom modifier.
- Slayer Senses
You gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Insight, Nature, Perception, Survival.
Martial Arts[edit]
At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes.
You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield:
- You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
- You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain Dragon Slayer levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Dragon Slayer table.
- When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike, you can make one additional unarmed strike as a bonus action.
At 2nd level, your inner Dragon Slayer Magic finally awakens. Your access to this Magic is represented by Mana, a mysterious energy that fills your body. You have an amount of Mana equal to your Dragon Slayer level added twice.
You can spend Mana to fuel various Spells features. You start knowing three basic spells; Dragon's Roar, Devour element, and Elemental Strike.
Whenever you use Mana, it is considered spent. You regain all Mana points once you finish a short or long rest.
Some of your Mana features require you to make an attack roll or your target to make a saving throw to resist the features effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Mana Attack Roll = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
Mana save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
- Dragon Slayer Spells
Whenever you gain a level
You start off knowing the three following spells described below.
Dragon's Roar. As an action, you can spend up to your proficiency bonus in mana points to unleash a roar of elemental energy. The size, shape and damage type are all connected to your Draconic Parent. The roar is also affected by your stats. On a failure, a creature takes 1d8 damage per point spent, taking half on a success.
Devour Element. When you are targeted by a damaging ability or spell that uses your chosen Dragon Parent element, you can spend a reaction to can consume the element. You reduce the damage by your Dragon slayer level times 4.
Half of the total damage (rounded down) is absorbed by you, making you regain an equal amount of hit points, up to your maximum.
You can also devour your element if you find it around in the world. For example, if you find a flame as a fire dragon slayer you can eat it as an action and either regain hit points equal to your Dragon slayer level + your Wisdom modifier or regain an amount of Mana equal to your Wisdom modifier, this can be done as a bonus action on your turn. (Bludgeoning means you can eat metal, cold means you can eat ice, fire means you can eat fire, force means you can eat air, lightning means you can eat electricity, poison means you can eat poison, radiant means you can eat light/the color white and necrotic means you can eat shadows)
Elemental Strike. Once per turn when you make an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 mana point to add your martial arts die twice in the roll on a hit.
- Learning New Spells
Your draconic parent has taught you varying amounts of spells, however you have only absorbed so much of its teachings.
You know a number of Dragon Slayer Spells which can be from your Draconic Parent or from the general dragon slayer list equal to your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1).
You must meet the prerequisites of said spell to learn it.
Whenever you gain a level on this class, you may change one spell you know for another.
Draconic Agility[edit]
Also at 2rd level, your movement increases by 10 while not wearing armor or holding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain Dragon Slayer levels, shown in the Dragon Slayer table.
At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move.
Dragonic Discipline[edit]
At 3rd level, you choose a draconic discipline. You can choose between the Dragon Spirit and the Dragon Aspect, both detailed at the end of the class description.
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 11th and 17th levels.
Motion Sickeness[edit]
The greatest ailment to befall a dragon slayer is severe levels of motion sickness which comes in multiple stages and seems to get stronger the more powerful the you become.
At 3rd level, whenever you are mounting on a creature or vehicle, or aboard a vehicle such as a boat, you receive a penalty to all rolls equal to your proficiency bonus while you are inside the vehicle.
At 5th level, your movement speed is reduced to 0 while inside the vehicle, and you can only take one action or bonus action while inside the vehicle on top of all other detriments. At 11th level, while inside the vehicle, you're now considered incapacitated on top of all other detriments. At 17th level, you're now considered stunned on top of all detriments.
Placebo Effect. By believing you're not inside a vehicle, you can fight normally even inside said nemesis. At the start of your turns, you may for no action required make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a success, you lose all detriments relating to this feature for one minute, which you then have to repeat the save.
The DC is increased to 20 at 5th level, to 25 at 11th level and to 30 at 17th level.
A creature may also try to convince you, needing to beat against the same DC but needing to make a Charisma (Deception) check.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 18th level in this class.
Dragon Wing Attack[edit]
At 5th level, you have learned how to sprout two tendrils that serve as wings for a brief momemt. Once per round when you take the attack action, you can replace one of your attacks by spending 2 mana points. Two tendrils lash out from your arms targeting up to two creatures within 15 feet from you. Make a ranged spell attack roll. On a hit, it deals 2 rolls of your martial arts die in your draconic parent's damage.
Elemental Mastery[edit]
At 6th level, with time you started to master your element, using it as if it was a part of your body. Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Additionally, you have resistance to the damage type of your Draconic Parent, and whenever you deal said damage type it ignores resistance but not immunity.
At 14th level, you now have Immunity to your draconic parent's damage type, and it also ignores Immunities.
Draconic Mind[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you can spend 2 mana at the start of your turn to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.
Dragon Slayer's Secret Art[edit]
At 10th level, you learn an advanced technique of your dragon parent found in the Dragon Slayer Secret Arts section. Using these spells require both an action and a bonus action. At 10th level you can only use a secret art once per long rest. At 12th level you can use 2 per long rest, and at 15th level you can use 3 per long rest.
As there aren't enough canon secret arts, some were custom made, and you're free to create your own custom secret art so long as your GM permits it.
Mastered Dragon Force[edit]
Starting at 13th level, you have learned to embrace the full magical power of your Dragon Parent and can now enter the legendary Dragon Force at will. As a bonus action for 5 mana gain the benefits listed in Dragon Force for the next minute.
Dragon Soul[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of Mana grants you proficiency in all saving throws.
Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can spend 1 Mana point to reroll it and take the second result.
Timeless Body[edit]
At 15th level, your Mana sustains you so that you suffer none of the frailty of old age, and you can't be aged magically. You can still die of old age, however. In addition, you no longer need food or water.
Draconic Might[edit]
Starting at 18th level, your Constitution, Wisdom, and Dexterity or Strength scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those scores also increase by 4.
Draconic Boon[edit]
Starting at 20th level, you gain an Epic Boon of your choice.
Dragon Slayer Archetype[edit]
Dragon Spirit[edit]
Focusing the magic of your Dragon Parent into yourself has begun to alter your heart, mind, and soul. As you walk along this path, you will learn to channel your Mana into specialized techniques.
- Draconic Uproar
At 3rd level, you've further learned how to strengthen your dragon slayer techniques. You gain a +1 bonus to mana attack rolls and Mana DC.
- Evolved Devour Element
At 6th level, you've begun attempting to try your hand at devouring other elements. You may attempt to use your Devour Element feature when attacked by another damage type from the Draconic Parent list.
After doing so, you must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take twice as much damage from the attack. On a successful save, you manage to successfully devour the element, granting the usual effects from the feature. Additionally, you then enter the Devoured Second Element state for the next minute.
- Draconic Resonance
At 11th level, you've gained sufficient experience in devouring foreign elements that your body begins to permanently channel the spirit of other dragons. You can choose another damage type from the Draconic Parent list. This choice cannot be changed later.
Additionally, you lose access to your evolved devour element feature, however you now gain access to your chosen element's spells and features.
Finally, as a bonus action you can enter the Mastered Second Element state for the next minute.
- Royal Blood
Starting at 17th level, you've begin to tap into the power of dragon royalty. The power itself permeating into your own blood, strengthening your body beyond it's normal limits. Your Mana maximum is increased by your level. Also, your Devour Element feature now reduces by 8 times your dragon slayer level, and devouring from the environment restores by twice your dragon slayer level + your Wisdom modifier added twice.
- Power of a Dragon King
At 19th level, your magic has fully matured to evolve into the apex of Dragon Slaying power. As an action, you can spend 5 mana to enter the Dragon King Mode for the next minute.
Dragon Aspect[edit]
As you used your Mana, your body started to change in likeness of a dragon to better utilize the Mana.
- Dragon Scales
At 3rd level, every inch of your body becomes covered in scales in scales, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain additional HP equal to your wisdom modifier each level. This benefit also affects previous levels.
- You gain a bonus to your AC equal to half your proficiency bonus.
- Your strength or dex, constitution, and wisdom modifiers increase by +2.
- Mana Infused Body
Starting at level 6, your body becomes one with your mana and you increase your stats to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and non-magical slashing damage. Your physical ability and wisdom modifiers also increase by +2.
- Dragon Features
At 11th level, your body really begins to morph into a form similar to the dragon who taught you granting the following benefits:
- Your Strength or Dex, Constitution and Wisdom modifiers increase by +4.
- Your slayer senses become further enhanced, giving you a +10 bonus to your passive perception. Additionally your blindsight is increased to 60 feet.
- You sprout a pair of dragon wings giving you a flight speed equal to your walking speed. These wings can be retracted as a free action and sprouted as a bonus action.
- You sprout a tail which you can use in place of an attack action dealing 3 martial arts die of damage. You cannot use extra attack if you utilize a tail attack.
- Matured Dragon Body
At 17th level, your body begins to become more dragon-like. Your size increases to large and you gain +6 hp per Dragon Slayer Level and passive resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage as your scales begin hardening like a dragons. Additionally your Strength or Dexterity, Con, and Wisdom modifiers increase by +6.
- Dragon Transformation
At 19th level, constant use of Dragon Slayer magic allows you to assume a full Draconic Form. As a bonus action, you can spend 10 Mana points to grow into dragon form, your size becomes gargantuan. On an elemental burst caused by the transformation, all creatures within 15 feet of you take damage of your elemental type equal to your Martial Arts die + your Constitution modifier. You gain the following benefits for 1 minute while you are transformed:
- You gain +5 to your AC & Saving Throws.
- Your strength or dex, constitution, and wisdom modifiers increase by +10.
- Your Dragon's Roar has Triple the size and damage
- Your draconic wings are now equal to twice your walking speed. As an action, you can flap your wings, each creature within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or will be pushed up to 30 feet and knocked prone, taking 4 martial arts die worth of damage.
- You may spend your reaction when being struck by an attack to harden your scales, giving you resistance to the damage. If you're already resistant, you instead become immune.
Your senses have sharpened even further, you have blindsight out to 120 feet and darkvision out to 120 feet. In addition, you can make Wisdom (Perception) checks as a bonus action You gain Natural Weapons claw (slashing damage, ranges up to 10 feet), bite (piercing damage, ranges up to 10 feet), and tail (bludgeoning damage, ranges up to 15 feet). Your unarmed attacks now can add your Wisdom and Constitution modifier to attack and damage. Its tail can be used to attack, grapple, or trip as an action. When Draconic Form ends, you can't move or take actions until after your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you.
Dragon Slayer Spells[edit]
General Dragon Slayer Spells[edit]
These spells can be learned by any Dragon Slayer.
- Draconic Reinforcement
As a reaction to receiving damage, you can spend 2 mana to reinforce your body to protect yourself from attacks. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain a bonus to Constitution saving throws and a damage reduction equal to your proficiency bonus.
Fire Dragon Slayer[edit]
The fire dragon slayer techniques were created by Igneel; the fire dragon king. You were trained by him since you were a child to learn the power of the Fire Dragon Slayer.
- Fire Dragon's Iron Fist
You can spend 2 mana points to ignite your fists with flames for 1 minute. For the duration, your unarmed strikes deal additional 1d4 fire damage. Also, whenever you score a critical hit with your unarmed strikes while this spell is active you may choose to force them to make a Strength saving throw against your Mana DC or be knocked prone.
- Fire Dragon's Sword Horn
You can ignite your head with flames with the shape of a horn as an action for 2 mana points. You move up to your walking speed. All creatures you pass by in this move must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your 2d6 + your Wisdom fire damage, and half as much on a success.
- Fire Dragon's Flame Elbow
Once per turn as part of making an unarmed strike, you may spend 2 mana points to ignite your elbow in flames before slamming it into the target. Make a melee magic attack roll. On a hit, they take 1d8 additional fire damage and must make a Constitution saving throw or have their speed halved and disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws until the end of their next turn.
- Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flames
Prerequisites: 5th level
As an action you can spend 3 mana points to launch a large fireball up to 60 feet from you. Choose an area within that radius. All creatures in a 25 foot square of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d12 fire damage and half as much on a success.
- Fire Dragon's Claw
Prerequisites: 5th level
As an action, you can spend 3 mana points to ignite a wave of flames from your feet, allowing you to move through the air. Until the end of your current turn, you gain the benefits of the dash action and making one unarmed strike against a creature in range. On hit, it deals additional 3d10 fire damage.
- Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang
Prerequisites: 5th level
Once per round as part of making an unarmed strike, you can spend 3 mana points to ignite one of your hands in flames and perform a devastating strike with the tip of your fingers. On a hit, the target takes additional 2d10 fire damage and is forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target becomes stunned until the beginning of your next turn, and suffers nothing on a success.
- Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist:
At 8th level as an action you may spend 4 mana points to ignite your fist with spheres of fiery light before charging your opponent and barraging them with a flurry of attacks charged with the full might of a fire dragon! Make 3 melee magic attack rolls against an opponent. Each attack dealing your martial arts die of damage +1d4 fire damage with each successful attack increasing the strength of the die by 1 step (meaning 2 successful attacks deal your martial arts die of damage +1d6, 1d8, and so on.) Finally you can spend an additional 1 mana to add an extra attack to this skill, this can be done a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
Iron Dragon Slayer[edit]
Technique created by Metalicana the Iron Dragon, you have been trained by him to learn the Iron Dragon Slayer power.
- Iron Dragon's Lance:
At 2nd level, as a bonus action for 1 mana point you can extend your unarmed strike reach by 15ft and deal extra 1d4 Force Damage for the next 2 turns. When you active the dragon lance you can attack twice with the unarmed martial arts strike instead of once.
- Iron Dragon's Demon Logs:
At 2nd level, as an action for 2 mana points you can turn one of your limbs into a a spearhead and shoot it forward, making a melee magic attack against a target. Dealing your unarmed martial arts die damage + 2d4 Piercing damage to the target.
- Iron Dragon's Sword:
At 2nd level, as an action for 2 mana points you can turn one of your arms into a sword and slash at a target. Making a melee magic attack against the target, dealing your martial arts die of damage +1d12 Slashing damage to the target.
- Tool Creation:
At 2nd level, as an action for 2 you can create any metal tool such as a pickaxe, shovel, or even toolkit as long as the supplies used by the toolkit are metal ones. The specific tools you can make with this spell are decided by your GM.
- Iron Dragon's Footblade:
At 2nd level, as a bonus action for 1 mana you can sprout harpoon-like blades at the soles of your feet. Allowing you to travel up walls or even walk along ceilings as if you were walking normally.
- Iron Dragon's Club:
At 4th level, as an action for 3 mana points you can turn one of your limbs into a large iron club and shoot it forward at a target within 30 feet of you. Make a melee magic attack against the target, dealing your martial arts die of damage +2d6 Bludgeoning damage to the target. You can also spend an additional 1 mana point to shoot out a barrage of mini clubs toward surrounding targets, hitting every target whose AC is beat by your original attack rule. Taking the same initial damage as the first target.
- Iron Dragon's Hard Fist:
At 6th level, as an action for 5 mana points you can cover your hands in iron dragon scales and strike your target with devastating power. Make a melee magic attack against a creature within range, dealing your martial arts die of damage +5d4 Force Damage. On hit the target must succeed a constitution saving throw, being knocked prone and unable to stand up for 1d4 turns.
- Iron Dragon's Scales:
At 8th level, as a bonus action for 2 mana you can cover your entire body including hair and clothes with iron scales, drastically increasing your defensive and offensive capabilities for the next minute. Iron Dragon's Scales cost 1 mana at the start of each turn to maintain and gives the following benefits:
- +4 To the damage roll of Iron Dragon Spells.
- +2 Bonus to Strength and Constitution saving throws.
- Reduce every instance of damage taken by 5. For attacks or spells that combine multiple strikes into one action such as the scorching ray spell, you reduce the total damage taken from the attack by 5 rather than reducing each individual attack by 5.
- Carbon Absorption:
Should you encounter large amounts of carbon at any point in your journey you may attempt to absorb it as an action. Make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save you cough up blood, taking 5d12 poison damage. Upon passing the save you successfully manage the absorb the Carbon into your body, becoming a Steel Dragon Slayer for the next minute. You may leave this mode at any point as a bonus action, but for the duration all of your Iron Dragon spells instead become Steel Dragon spells. Steel Dragon spells have their damage increased by 2 die, and in the case of Iron Dragon's Scales, it's benefits instead become the following:
- +6 To the damage rolls of Iron Dragon Spells
- +3 Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws.
- Reduce every instance of damage taken by 7.
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifier by +1.
The drawback of being a Steel Dragon is that your body still suffers from the toxins in the Carbon. Taking 1d4 poison damage at the beginning of each of your turns that you remain in the mode.
Sky Dragon Slayer[edit]
Technique created by Grandeeney the Sky Dragon, you have been trained by her to learn the Sky Dragon Slayer power.
- Sky Dragon's Claw:
At 2nd level for 2 mana points you can shroud your hands in mana mimicking the shape of wind claws before delivering a claw attack against a singular opponent dealing 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier in slashing damage. Starting from 5th level you can spend an additional mana point to allow this spell to benefit from the extra attack feature.
- Crushing Fang of The Sky Dragon:
At 2nd level as an action for 1 mana point you can manifest whirlwinds in the tips of your fingers to strike your target. For the next 3 turns unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 force damage as your strikes leave behind a trail of wind.
- Sky Dragon's Healing:
At 2nd level you gain access to the Cure Wounds 5e spell which cost 2 mana to cast. For every 3 levels you gain after the second you may upcast this spell to a higher level for an additional 1 mana per level. The highest level this spell can be upcast to is 5th.
- Sky Dragon's Enhancement:
At 2nd level you gain the ability to temporarily buff yourself or a single ally for the next minute as a bonus action. This enhancement cost 2 mana, a target can only have 1 enhancement at any given point and the available enhancements are as follows:
- Arms: The target gains a +1 to attack rolls/save dc and +3 to the first 2 instances of damage they deal each turn.
- Armor: The target gains temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom score.
- Vernier: The target gains an additional 15 feet of movement as well as 10 feet of fly speed, being immune to fall damage for the duration of this buff.
- Raise: The target immediately ends any singular negative status condition chosen by the caster. If the condition has stacks they can only remove the first 2 stacks of said condition. This enhancement cannot affect exhaustion.
- Sky Dragon's Wave Wind:
At 4th level for 3 mana you can summon a tornado of wind to sweep up targets in a 30 feet sphere. Targets caught within this sphere must make a dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 force damage and falling prone, taking half as much on a success.
- Sky Dragon's Momentary Wind:
At 4th level you gain access to the Haste 5e spell, costing 3 mana to cast.
- Sky Dragon's Greater Enhancement:
At 8th level your enhancement spell becomes even stronger. Now being able to affect up to 3 targets per casting and having increased benefits at the cost of 5 mana. Additionally targets can have up to 2 benefits active at any given point. The strengthened benefits are as follows:
- Ile Arms: The targets gain a +3 to attack rolls/+2 save dc and +2d4 to the first 3 instances of damage they deal each turn.
- Ile Armor: The targets gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Wisdom score and reduce the first instance of damage they take each turn by half.
- Ile Vernier: The targets gains an additional 30 feet of movement as well as 20 feet of fly speed while gaining an additional reaction each turn.
- Re-Raise: The targets become immune to any 3 negative status conditions chosen by the caster when this spell is performed. Exhaustion cannot be chosen as one of the immunities.
Lightning Dragon Slayer[edit]
Technique created by Elexion the Lightning Dragon, you have been trained by him to learn the Lightning Dragon Slayer power or somehow gained their power through Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
- Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halbert:
At 2nd level for 2 mana you can form a trident of lightning as an action before hurling it at your opponent with an additional +1 to hit. On hit the attack deals 2d4 + your Wisdom in lightning damage.
- Lightning Dragon's Iron Hammer:
At 2nd level for 3 mana you can manifest a large amount of lightning in your fist before slamming the ground as an action, destroying as much of the terrain as possible. Targets within 20 feet of the chosen location must make a Dexterity saving throw. Taking 3d6 lightning damage on success or half as much on a failed. Finally the ground within 30 feet of you becomes difficult terrain for everyone except for you.
- Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist:
At 2nd level, as a bonus action you may spend 1 mana point to surge your fists with lightning, for the next minute your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 lightning damage, and if you land a critical hit the target becomes shocked, losing their bonus action on their next turn.
- Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist:
At 4th level, as an action for 3 mana you can send a powerful blast of lightning in the form of a fist at a target within 30 feet of you. This attack has a +2 to hit and deals 2d10 lightning damage while creatures within 20 feet of the target must make a Constitution saving throw. Taking 1d8 lightning damaged on a failed save and half as much on a success. The initial target automatically fails this save if they were struck by the first attack and take max damage from the dice.
- Lightning Dragon's Jaw:
At 4th level as an action for 4 mana you clasp your hands together before performing a powerful slam against a target. This attack gains a +1 to hit and deals 3d8 lightning damage. If the target is suffering from the stunned condition this attack gains a +3 to hit and deals 4d10 lightning damage. Finally you can use this spell as a reaction to a target becoming shocked as a result of Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist.
- Lightning Dragon's Raging Bolt:
At 8th level as a full turn action for 8 mana you can raise your fist into the air. Chanting an array of incantations as you charge a giant sphere of lightning in the air above you which you can descend upon your target at any point. Creatures within range of the attack must make a Dexterity saving throw, suffering the damage listed below on a failed save or half as much on a success. This attack grows stronger the more turns you spend charging it (which takes up an action each turn.) The charged strength is as follows:
- No Charge: This attack deals 3d10 Lightning Damage
- 1 Turn Charge: This attack deals 5d10 Lightning Damage, and the targets suffer a -1 penalty to their saving throw.
- 2 Turn Charge: This attack deals 6d10 Lightning Damage, and the targets suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throw.
- 3 Turn Charge: This attack deals 8d10 Lightning Damage, and the targets suffer a -4 penalty to their saving throw. Finally those who fail this save become Paralyzed until the end of their next turn.
Poison Dragon Slayer[edit]
A technique obtained through Dragon Lacrima, poison dragon attacks sport low damage but make up for it through drowning their target in debuffs.
- Poison Dragon's Fang Thrust:
At 2nd level as an action for 2 mana you can shoot out a large snake-like head toward any target within 30 feet, biting them and injecting them with venom. Those struck by this snake must make a Constitution saving throw. Taking 1d12 Poison Damage and receiving the Poisoned condition for 3 turns on a failed save, taking half as much and receiving no condition a success.
- Poison Dragon's Spiral Jaw:
At 2nd level as an action for 3 mana you can jump in the air and deliver a spiral of kicks down toward your targets in a 20 foot cone. Those caught in the range must make a Dexterity to avoid the spiral. Taking 1d6 Poison Damage and feeling their body become weakened. Lowing their Either their Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by 2 for the next minute. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
- Poison Dragon's Scales:
At 2nd level as an action for 2 mana you can shoot out a barrage of scale-shaped masses of poison toward a single target within 15 feet. Make 5 attack rolls with a +1 to hit, each one dealing 1d2 Poison Damage. For each scale the target is struck with their speed is lowered by -5 for the next minute. Should their speed be reduced to 0 through this spell they will be considered prone until the debuff wears off.
- Poison Dragon's Guard:
At 2nd level as a bonus action or reaction for 2 mana you can surround yourself and allies within 10 feet of you in a large shield of mana, protecting them against attacks. This shield follows you around and remains until it's hp is depleted or a minute passes, whichever comes first. Finally the shield itself has 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier in health.
- Poison Dragon's Twin Fang:
At 4th level for 4 mana you can shoot out 2 waves of poison taking the shape of snake fangs toward a target within 30 feet. Make 2 attacks with a +2 to hit and on hit the target takes 1d8 damage while having their ac lowered by -2 to 1 minute.
- Poison Dragon's Sharp Horn:
At 6th level for 5 mana you can lunge at a target within 60 feet of you and attempt to thrust your hand into your target, sending a surge of poison throughout their body. This attack has a +3 to hit dealing 4d12 upon landing. Targets struck by this must make a Constitution saving throw. Having their max hp reduced by the same amount for the next minute. This attack cannot reduce their max hp below 1, but it can still damage them below 1.
White Dragon Slayer[edit]
Technique created by Weisslogia the Holy Dragon, you have been trained by him to learn the White Dragon Slayer power or somehow gained their power through Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
- White Dragon's Iron Fist:
At 2nd level, as a bonus action you may spend 1 mana point to surge your fists with holy energy, for the next minute your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage, and if you land a critical hit the target becomes blinded by your luminance until the end of their next turn.
- White Dragon's Claw:
At 2nd level, as an action for 2 mana you can gather light in your hands before firing it at your opponent. This attack has a +1 to hit and deals 1d10 radiant damage. Targets struck by this attack must make a Strength Saving Throw. Becoming restrained and unable to move any parts of their body from the neck down as your holy energy leaves a stigma on their body. At the start of each of their turns they can attempt to break free from the stigma by making a Strength saving throw. For each subsequent turn they remain trapped by this they gain a +1 to their save.
- White Dragon's Holy Breath:
At 4th level, as an action for 4 mana you can jump in the air and shoot out a wave of light from your mouth at a point within 60 feet of you. Upon landing this beam erupts into a massive explosion of light in a 30 foot sphere. Those caught in this attack's radius must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. Taking 4d12 radiant damage and half as much on a success.
- Holy Ray:
At 4nd level, as an action for 5 mana you can gather a stream of light inside your hands before shooting them off in a barrage of homing beams of light attempting to engulf and barrage your opponents. This spell has a +2 to hit and attacks 5 times each dealing 2d4 Radiant damage. Additionally you can spend mana up to proficiency bonus, with every 1 mana spent adding an additional attack to the spell.
- White Dragon's Illusion:
At 6th level, you gain access to the Modify Memory spell and can cast it for 5 mana. For every 3 levels past 6 you can upcast this spell at a higher level for an additional +2 mana to it's cost.
- White Drive:
At 8th level, as a bonus action for 2 mana you can enter White Drive, cloaking your body in an aura of holy light. Significantly strengthening your body for the next minute. White Drive cost 1 mana at the start of each turn to remain in the form and gives the following benefits:
- +1 To the Attack Roll and Save DC of White Dragon Spells.
- You're constantly considered to be under the effect of White Dragon's Iron Fist and it instead becomes a 2d4.
- You can reduce the first 2 instances of damage you take each turn by 5.
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifier by +1.
- Your White Dragon Spells have their cost reduced by 2 (This cannot be reduced below 1.)
- You cannot stack this with Shadow Drive.
Shadow Dragon Slayer[edit]
Technique created by Skiadrum the Shadow Dragon, you have been trained by him to learn the Shadow Dragon Slayer power or somehow gained their power through Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
- Shadow Form:
At 2nd level as a bonus action for 1 mana you can enter a shadow form for the next minute. Allowing you to freely turn into and enter shadows at will. While in your shadow form you become a lot harder to detect, rolling stealth checks at advantage and being able to use your wisdom score in place of dexterity for them.
- Shadow Dragon's Slash:
At 2nd level as an action for 2 mana you can cover your arm in shadows before punching your target. Upon landing your attack the shadows shoot outward as multiple tendrils stab into your target. This move has a +1 to hit and the user rolls a 1d10 for however many tendrils land on the target. The damage dealt being xd4 necrotic damage, with x being the number rolled on the d10. If you score a crit you instead roll the d10 twice and add +2 to the highest result. When benefitting from any mode instead of increasing the damage dice, you instead roll with advantage and decrease the crit range by half your proficiency bonus rounded up.
- Shadow Dragon's Haste:
At 2nd level as an action for 3 mana you can attempt to grab your opponent with a hand cloaked in shadows. On a successful hit you grab your opponent by their neck and begin to drain their life, dealing 2d8 necrotic damage and healing by the same amount.
- Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash:
At 2nd level as an action for 2 mana you can phase into the shadows beneath you appearing behind up to 3 targets. Those targets then must succeed a Wisdom saving throw to notice you. If you're hidden from your targets they receive a -3 penalty to this save. On a successful save they notice and manage to avoid your attack. On a failed save you assault them with a feather-like stream of shadows dealing 4d10 Necrotic Damage.
- Shadow Dragon's Eruption:
At 4th Level as an action for 4 mana you form a ball of shadow in your hands before throwing it at the ground within 45 feet of you as it erupts into a geyser of shadows. Those caught within a 30 feet sphere of the ball's location must succeed a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d8 necrotic damage on a failed save and half as much on a success.
- Shadow Dragon's Abyss:
At 6th level as an action for 6 mana you can spread out your shadow in a 40 foot radius from you for the next minute, this ground counts as difficult terrain and can catch airborne creatures. Those caught within this shadow or start their turn in it must succeed a Strength saving throw. On a success they manage to avoid being pulled in or go up 1 stage if they're already trapped inside, on a failed they begin sinking into the shadows up to 3 stages. Allies can willingly enter the 3rd stage without suffocating. Those 3 levels below you or below half health skip to stage 2. Those 6 levels below you or below 1/3rd health skip to stage 3.
- 1 Fail: The become trapped from the waist down, losing access to all forms of movements or abilities that would move them until escaping the shadow.
- 2 Fails: They become trapped from the neck down, only being able to use their head and nothing else.
- 3 Fails: They become completely trapped in your shadow and begin suffocating. Remaining there even after the spell ends. They become freed if you're either knocked out or willingly free them.
- Shadow Drive:
At 8th level, as a bonus action for 2 mana you can enter Shadow Drive, cloaking your body in an aura of dark shadows. Significantly strengthening your body for the next minute. Shadow Drive cost 1 mana at the start of each turn to remain in the form and gives the following benefits:
- +1 to AC and enemies receive a -1 penalty to saving throws against you as your body morphs in an out of shadows. Attacks that miss you allow you to disappear into shadows and reappear in a location 15 feet away.
- Your shadow dragon slayer spells have their damage die increased by 1 step.
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifier by +1.
- You can reduce the first 2 instances of damage you take each turn by 5.
- Your Shadow Dragon Spells have their cost reduced by 2 (This cannot be reduced below 1.)
- You cannot stack this with White Drive.
Dragon Slayer Secret Arts[edit]
Powerful techniques that can only be harnessed by the strongest of Dragon Slayers. Upon attaining secret arts at 10th level you're able to choose from the list of secret arts in accordance to your selected element if you meet the requirements. If you've gained access to a second element through the effects of Draconic Resonance. The level requirement for that element's secret arts go up by +2.
Fire Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can ignite your arms and generate long torrents of flames before sending them spiraling toward a creature in a 50 ft by 15 ft line. Those caught within the radius of this attack must succeed a Dexterity saving throw with the DC increased by +2. On a success creatures take half damage. On a failure they take 4d12 + your Wisdom modifier fire damage as the flames then erupt in a fiery explosion forcing creatures to make an additional Constitution saving throw. Taking 5d12 fire damage on a failure or half damage on a success.
- Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade:
At 12th level for 15 mana you surround your entire body with flames before propelling yourself forward toward a target within 45 feet leaving a stream of flames burning behind you. Make a melee magic attack with a +3 to bonus. Dealing 4 martial arts die of damage +5d6 Fire Damage. If you're currently benefitting from the effects of Dragon Force then you can utilize this spell regardless of it's other requirements.
- Purgatory Slashing Dragon Fire:
At 15th level you may spend 16 mana to ignite your fist with swirling flames before charging at an opponent and punching them creating a powerful explosion of flames. Make a melee magic attack with a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus. On hit the target takes your martial arts die of damage + 6d12 fire damage. You may also attempt to overheat this attack by spending your reaction as well as an additional 4 mana points. Doing so adds an additional 6d12 fire damage and the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw which they receive a -4 penalty to. Becoming incapacitated for 1d4 turns on a failed save. Upon overheating this attack you receive 5 ranks of exhaustion as your body suffers from the drawbacks of overheating the technique.
Iron Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Karma Demon: Iron God Sword:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can clap your hands together above your head to create a gigantic sword of iron before slamming it down on your opponent. Creatures in a 80 ft by 10 ft line must succeed a Dexterity saving throw with the DC increased by +2. On a failure creatures take your martial arts die of damage + 10d10 slashing damage and are knocked prone. Those who succeed take half damage and aren't knocked prone.
- Karma Demon: Iron Spiral:
At 12th level for 14 mana you can transform your legs into a giant drill. Rotating at high speeds before spiraling toward a creature within 60 feet. Make a melee magic attack with a +3 bonus. Dealing 2 martial arts die of damage + 6d8 Piercing Damage. This attack pierces through resistances and other effects that would otherwise reduce the damage.
Sky Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Shattering Light: Sky Drill:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can take a wide stance, spreading your arms and creating a fast moving 120 ft by 40 ft barrier of wind centering on you surrounding yourself and all creatures in range trapping those inside. You then move your arms in a counter-clockwise motion. Shifting the force of the wind and forcing those trapped inside to make a Strength saving throw with the DC increased by +2. On a failure creatures are lifted up into the air by the wind and risen all the way to the top of the barrier before crashing down to the ground. Taking your martial arts die of damage along with the 120 feet of falling damage (12d6 bludgeoning) and landing prone. On a success the target only falls 60 feet and doesn't take your martial arts die of damage.
Lightning Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Roaring Thunder:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can rush toward a target within 40 feet of you. Striking them with a large, arching burst of lightning released from your fist. Make a melee magic attack with a +3 to hit. Dealing 4 martial arts die of damage + 2d12 lightning damage. In addition the target must succeed a constitution saving throw that they take a -2 penalty to. Getting knocked away 30 feet and becoming paralyzed until the end of their next turn.
- Megaton: Red Lightning:
At 12th level for 15 mana you can coat your fist in dark red lightning before striking at your opponent in a violent black flash of energy. Make a melee magic attack with a crit range of 15-20. Dealing your martial arts die of damage +20d4 lightning damage. If this attack is a critical hit the target is rendered unconscious by the blow.
Poison Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Toxic Devil: Jaws of The Viper:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can release a toxic mist in a 60 ft by 60 ft sphere centering on yourself and ensnaring every target within range before forming the shape of a Viper's Head. The mist last for 1 minute and takes 2 mana each turn to upkeep. Those who start their turn inside of this mist must succeed a constitution saving throw which they receive a -3 penalty to. On a success their speed is reduced by half and they take 3d6 poison damage. On a failure the target's speed is reduced to 10 ft and all other sources of movement are reduced by 3/4ths of their original value. Additionally they take 5d6 poison damage and are afflicted with the poisoned condition. These debuffs last indefinitely so long as they're inside the mist, last for 3 turns once they leave.
White Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Holy Nova:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can generate a large amount of light around your fist before slamming it into a target and release a large explosion of stored up light in the surrounding area. Make a melee magic attack against a creature within 30 feet with a +3 to hit. Dealing your unarmed damage +4d6 Radiant Damage. The built up light then explodes in a 25 ft by 25 ft range forcing all creatures to make a Dexterity saving throw. Taking 10d6 radiant damage on a failed save or half damage on a success. If the initial target is hit by the previous attack roll they fail this save automatically.
Shadow Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Phantom Siphon: Erupting Shadow Abyss:
At 10th level for 12 mana you can mix the shadow abyss and shadow eruption to create a devastatingly powerful spell. Placing your hands on the ground, you can target an area within 90 feet of you as shadows will begin emerging from the ground in a 40 foot radius. Those caught inside or start their turn in the radius must succeed a Strength saving throw that they have a -3 penalty to. On a success the creature can move freely, on a failure they become grappled and restrained as shadowy dragons pin them to the ground dealing 5d6 necrotic damage. Half this damage is siphoned and restores either your health or mana points. Creatures may remake this saving throw at the start of their turn, freeing themselves on a success, and taking the damage again on a failed save. The cost to upkeep this spell is 2 mana per turn, and for a bonus action for 4 mana you can erupt the shadows in a violent 60 ft radius explosion. Those caught in the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take your martial arts die of damage + 5d10 Necrotic Damage, or half as much on a success. Those restrained by this spell automatically fail the dex save.
Dragon Slayer Forms[edit]
Below are the various forms that can be accessed by Dragon Slayers once the right conditions are met along with the unique spells that come with them. While all the forms listed below are anime/manga canon, feel free to work with your GM to create custom spells/forms to make your own unique experience with the class.
Dual Element Form[edit]
An augmented state of power, manifesting in multiple stages. By integrating a secondary dragon-slaying element into one's innate magic, a Dragon Slayer can synergize both elements, elevating their combat prowess to unprecedented heights.
Devoured Second Element[edit]
Accessed through the use of Evolved Devour Element you temporarily enter a state of Dual Element where all of your Dragon Slayer spells become enhanced by the second element, granting you the following benefits for the next minute:
- You can freely use devour element on the secondary element for the duration.
- You gain a +1 bonus to AC & Saving Throws
- You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and save DC
- Your dragon slayer spells, roars and martial arts deal an extra die of damage from the devoured element. (With the exception of Iron Dragon's Lance, Fire, Lightning, and White Dragon's Iron Fist, and Crushing Fang of The Sky Dragon.)
- You gain a +2 to Strength, Dex, Con, and Wisdom score.
After the form ends, you get a severe stomach ache from forcing your body to digest a foreign element, giving you a rank of exhaustion until your next rest.
Mastered Second Element[edit]
Once you've fully channeled your second element through the effects of Draconic Resonance you're now freely able to enter the Dual Element mode of your chosen element as a bonus action, now granting new benefits:
- You gain a +2 bonus to AC & Saving Throws
- You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and save DC
- Your dragon slayer spells, roars and martial arts deal extra die of damage from the secondary element equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded up (With the exception of Iron Dragon's Lance, Fire, Lightning, and White Dragon's Iron Fist, and Crushing Fang of The Sky Dragon. If you use a spell originating from the second element, the extra die of damage instead come from your original element.
- Your second element benefits from Elemental Mastery but only while in dual element mode.
- You gain a +2 to your Strength, Dex, Constitution, and Wisdom modifier.
Additionally due to mastering having multiple elements, you don't suffer from exhaustion once Dual Element mode ends. It cost 0 mana to enter it the first time per rest, entering it again before resting however takes 8 mana.
Dual Element Unique Spells[edit]
Below are the canon spells unique to Dual Element modes. Like mentioned before it is possible to make homebrew ones for non canon dual elements, but that would be done with you and your GM. Spells listed here do not benefit from the extra die of damage dual element mode grants, as they're already made accounting for that benefit. If a canon spell isn't listed here then the spell is either unchanged from entering the mode or isn't a unique spell made from the dual element mode. For example Lightning Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame isn't listed here since the same effect is gained through using Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame while in lightning fire dragon mode.
Finally it is possible to use these spells without being in Dual Element mode. Doing so requires 2 dragon slayers of each element within 5 feet of each other to perform the spell. One spends their action to initiate the spell, and the other spends their reaction to join in. Each spend half the required mana and both must succeed a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a success they manage to combine the attacks using the highest whichever slayer has the highest attack bonus/save DC for the spell's stats. On a failure the attack blows up in their face, each participant taking a quarter of the listed damage rounded down. The mana is still spent regardless of if it succeeds or fails.
Lightning Fire Dragon Spells[edit]
- Lightning Fire Dragon's Iron Fist:
As a bonus action for 1 mana point you can ignite your fist in both Flames & Lightning. For the next minute your Martial Arts attacks deal an extra 1d6 Fire Damage & 1d6 Lightning Damage. If you land a critical hit roll a d2, on a 1 the target falls prone and is unable to get up until the end of their next turn. On a 2 the target is shocked, losing their bonus action on their next turn.
- Lightning Fire Dragon's Firing Hammer:
As an action for 4 mana points you can engulf lightning and fire around your fist and forearm before striking a target in melee range. Make a melee magic attack with a +2 to hit. Dealing your Martial Arts die of damage + 3d10 Fire Damage & 3d10 Lightning Damage. Targets must also roll a constitution saving throw, falling prone and unable to get up until the end of their next turn on a failed save.
- Lightning Fire Dragon's Fang:
As an action for 4 mana points you close in on a target within 20 feet with your arms crossed before delivering a vicious slash across their chest with fire and lightning. Make a melee magic attack with a +2 to hit. Dealing 2 Martial Arts die of slashing damage + 2d12 Fire Damage & 2d12 Lightning Damage.
Lightning Fire Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Crimson Lotus: Exploding Lightning Blade:
At 14th level you may spend 18 mana points you can unleash a more powerful version of the Exploding Flame Blade. Igniting one hand in fire and the other in lightning. You swing your arms in a wide arc sending a large vortex of fire and lightning in a 75 by 25 ft line. Those caught within the radius of this attack must succeed a Dexterity saving throw with the DC increased by +3. On a success creatures take half damage. On a failure they take 7d12 + your twice Wisdom modifier fire damage as the flames then erupt in an explosion of lightning forcing creatures to make an additional Dexterity saving throw. Taking 6d12 lightning damage on a failure or half damage on a success.
Iron Shadow Dragon Spells[edit]
- Iron Shadow Dragon's Club:
As an action for 3 mana points you can cloak your Iron Dragon's Club in shadows. The damage now increasing to 2 Martial Arts Die of Bludgeoning Damage + 4d6. While you can still spend the additional mana for the bonus effect. You can now also spend an additional 1 mana when casting the spell to shoot the club into your target's shadow. Having it come out from behind them and granting you advantage on the attack.
- Iron Shadow Dragon's Iron Slash:
As an action for 4 mana points you can charge toward a target within 30 feet and slash at them with an iron blade cloaked in shadows. Make a melee magic attack with a +2 to hit. Dealing 3 martial arts die of Slashing Damage + 6d6 Necrotic Damage.
White Shadow Dragon Spells[edit]
- White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk:
As an action for 4 mana you create an array of thin beams made up of light and shadow before closing them in on a target within 40 feet requiring them to roll a dexterity saving throw for the light, and a wisdom saving throw for the shadows. Each it's DC increased by +2, the severity of the damage is determined by the target's save. If the target passes by by 5 or more they take dodge every beam taking no damage from the attack. If they pass by 3 or more they get hit with 1 beam taking 1d10 Slashing Damage from Light or 1d10 Piercing Damage from Shadow. If they just pass the save the dice becomes 2d10s instead as they get hit with 2 beams. If they fail they get hit by 3 beams as the dice become 3d10. If they fail by 3+ the dice becomes 4d10 as they get hit by 4 beams. If they fail by 5+ the dice becomes 6d10 as they get hit by 6 beams.
- White Shadow Dragon's Sword Horn:
As an action for 3 mana you can turn your body into swirling shadows before launching yourself into a target within 30 feet. Turning into a beam of light as you pierce through your target upon impact. Make a magic attack roll with a +1 to hit. Dealing your martial arts die of piercing damage +3d8 Radiant Damage & 2d12 Necrotic Damage.
- White Shadow Dragon's Vestment:
As an action for 3 mana you can form multiple beams of light and shadow in the palm of your hand before firing them at a target within 50 feet in a barrage. Make 3 ranged magic attacks each dealing 1d12 Radiant Damage & 1d12 Necrotic Damage. You can spend additional mana up to half your proficiency bonus rounded up to shoot an extra beam of light per 1 mana spent.
- White Shadow Drive:
As a bonus action for 2 mana you can enter White Shadow Drive, shrouding half your body in an aura of shadows and the other half in an illuminating light. If you were in White Drive or Shadow Drive prior, you can end that form as a free action and enter this for half the normal cost (Cannot do this on the same turn you enter White or Shadow Drive.) White Shadow Drive cost 1 mana to keep up at the start of each turn. The benefits are as follows:
- +1 to AC
- +1 To attack rolls & save dc
- Your white shadow dragon spells have their damage die increased by 2 steps.
- You're constantly considered to be under the effects of White Dragon's Iron Fist and it instead becomes a 2d6.
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifier by +2.
- Reduce all instances of damage by 5.
- Your white shadow dragon spells have their cost reduced by 3, this cannot reduce them below 1.
White Shadow Dragon Secret Arts[edit]
- Holy Shadow Dragon's Flash Fang:
As an action you may spend 16 mana points to charge up a large sphere of both light and shadows in each hand. Combining them both before shooting them out in a large burst of the combined elements in a 60 ft by 20 ft line. Targets caught in the range must succeed a dexterity saving throw with the DC increased by +3. On a failure they take 6d12 Radiant Damage + 6d12 Necrotic Damage or half damage on a success.
Dragon Force[edit]
One of the strongest state a dragon slayer could possibly enter. Granting it's user the power to utterly destroy anything and everything in their path. Without mastery entering dragon force requires a conduit. Meeting a certain prerequisite that either allows or forces the dragon slayer to transcend to greater heights. Undergoing a temporary state of Dragonification, the slayer gains various traits such as scales, a tail, or even wings depending on the magic. The slayer's physical abilities also become enhanced to an extreme degree as well as magnifying their spells to an extremely powerful level.
You can technically enter Dragon Force at any level, but not willingly. If your campaign takes place in the fairy tail universe, then various canon methods like the consumption of Etherion, or a Fire Dragon Slayer's consumption of the Flames of Rebuke are various methods of achieving this state. For other campaigns, examples of said triggers would be experiencing an intense emotional state, or receiving an extremely large influx of magic from various sources. The main point is that regardless of the reason, until mastering Dragon Force, it's impossible to enter it willingly, only when your GM allows it. Regardless of how it's achieved, the benefits gained from Dragon Force aren't to be taken lightly. When entering Dragon Force for the first time, the slayer much choose which aspects of a dragon to embody. This decision cannot be changed each time it's entered, but once Dragon Force is perfected the change becomes permanent. The aspects are as follows:
- Dragon Scales: Gain +2 AC and a damage reduction of 3 which stacks with other sources.
- Dragon Tail: Gain the ability to strike with your tail as a free action once per turn. Dealing 2 martial arts die in damage.
- Dragon Wings: Gain fly speed equal to your movement speed as well as an additional bonus action (Recharge 4-6)
All slayers gain the following benefits from entering dragon force regardless of their aspect choice for the next minute:
- Restore xd10+Wisdom x Constitution in HP (X = Your level.) Excess healing is converted into temp HP. This benefit can only be gained the first time you enter dragon force per long rest.
- Restore xd10+Wisdom Mana (X = Proficiency Bonus.) This benefit can only be gained the first time you enter dragon force per long rest.
- Your Dragon Senses sharpen even further, If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. Your blindsight range is also doubled.
- You gain an additional action on each of your turns.
- Your Strength, Dex, Constitution, and Wisdom modifier increase by +4.
- Due to your Element constantly flowing out, your unarmed strikes and spells deal an additional 2 Martial Arts die of elemental damage.
- Your unarmed strikes and spells have their damage dice increased by an amount of steps equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded up (1d6->1d8->1d10->1d12->2d6->2d8, etc.)
When Dragon Force ends, you can't move or take Actions until after Your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you. After mastering Dragon Force, this only happens the second time you exit Dragon Force per long rest.
Dragon King Mode[edit]
Dragon King Mode, hailed as the pinnacle of all Dragon Slaying magic, bestows its wielder with power rivaling that of a dragon itself, besides fully transforming into one. There exist only two known methods to acquire this legendary power. The first involves either consuming or being bestowed with the power directly from the Dragon King corresponding to one's elemental affinity. This grants a temporary ascension into the King Mode for the following minute. The alternative method entails a natural evolution as a Dragon Slayer, wherein the power is unlocked through further progression. Regardless of the path taken to attain it, those marked with this power are formidable adversaries not to be underestimated. Enshrouded in the element they command with absolute mastery, they wield their overwhelming might to crush armies and vanquish even the most formidable foes.
Dragon King Mode can only be accessed by the Slayer's primary element and cannot be used in conjunction with Dual Element mode, nor does the slayer have access to their secondary element while using the form. They can however access Dragon Force while in the form for an even greater power boost. While benefitting from Dragon King Mode the slayer is shrouded in an immense cloak of aura formed by their primary element. Bodies of water evaporate in the presence of a Fire Dragon King, only the toughest of a opponents have even a shred of hope for surviving a Lightning Dragon King's electricity. One might find it impossible to stand firm in the presence of the immense and powerful winds generated by a Sky Dragon Queen. While in Dragon King Mode, the slayer gets the following benefits:
- The first time per long rest you enter Dragon King Mode, you're restored to full health and gain temp HP equal to your level x your wisdom modifier.
- The first time per long rest you enter Dragon King Mode, restore xd12+Wisdom Mana (X = Dragon Slayer Level.) The mana restored can go over your total mana but excess will be lost upon leaving the mode.
- +4 Bonus to AC & Saving Throws.
- Bonus to Attack Rolls & Save DC equal to your proficiency bonus.
- You gain a +60ft of movement.
- You gain a +6 to your Strength, Dex, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers
- You cannot gain disadvantage nor can opponents roll advantage against you.
- Your Dragon Roar's range and damage is doubled, your martial arts deal an extra 3 elemental dice worth of damage, and your spells damage dice are increased by 5.
- Your strength even has the capability of slaying immortal beings. Your attacks ignore effects that would prevent a creature from being killed/their HP reaching 0.
- Your devour element doesn't have a limit on how much damage you can devour and the benefits gained and multiplied by 2, but you can only consume your primary element.
No matter what method you used to enter the form, once Dragon King mode ends a wave of lethargy washes over you, giving you 4 ranks of exhaustion and you losing half your total mana.
Dragon King Unique Spells[edit]
While technically every spell used while in Dragon King mode is considered a Dragon King spell. These spells specifically can only be used while in Dragon King Mode. Spells listed here do not benefit from the boost in damage that Dragon King Mode grants, as they're already made accounting for that benefit.
- Dragon King Scales:
As a bonus action or reaction for 8 mana, you can harden your body with the scales of a dragon king increasing your defensive power immensely. For the next 5 turns, gain a damage reduction threshold of xd12 (X = Dragon Slayer Level + Wisdom Modifier.) This threshold reduces all instances of damage. If an attack counts as multiple attacks in one action it will only reduce the total damage.
- Roar of The Dragon King:
Spending an action instead of a bonus action as well as 12 mana, you can release the roar of a True Dragon King. Capable of wiping out entire armies with it's might. The Save DC of this roar is increased by +4, and the range/damage is quadrupled.
Fire Dragon King's Spells[edit]
- Fire Dragon King's Destruction Fist:
As an action for 10 mana, you can begin charging an immense quantity of flames into your fist. Lunging forward and striking the target releasing the massive amount of flames in a fiery explosion. Make a melee magic attack with a +4 to hit. Dealing 5 Martial Arts Die of Damage + 10d12 Fire Damage.
- Fire Dragon King's Purgatory:
As an action and bonus action for 24 mana, you begin to build up a large amount of flames which completely engulf your body. Burning your targets and everything around you with fire worthy of a true dragon king. You then release the flames in a violent explosion. Targets in a 100 ft sphere around you must succeed a dexterity saving throw with a +4 to it's save DC. On a failure they take 25d12 + Your Wisdom modifier in fire damage, or half damage on a success.
Lightning Dragon King's Spells[edit]
- Fire Dragon King's Red Lightning:
As an action for 16 mana, you combine the power of a Lightning Dragon King with your Red Lightning before delivering a powerful punch, capable of knocking out even the strongest of adversaries in a single blow. Make a melee magic attack with a +4 to hit. Dealing 6 Martial Arts Die of Damage + 16d10 Lightning Damage.
- Third Generation:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class, must have been implanted with a Dragon Lacrima
This feat is a unique one. Rather than selecting it, the feat is instead automatically added to your list upon being implanted with a Dragon Lacrima. This can also be taken as a background feat with the GM's permission, but besides that the only other method is obtaining it in story. Having been both trained by a dragon and implanted with a Dragon Lacrima, you possess an extra reserve of magic power to call upon. Once per long rest you can tap into this extra reserve, regaining xd10 (X = Proficiency) + your Constitution modifier in mana. You also have the uncanny ability to tap into Dragon Force at will. Although the dragon force itself will be considered incomplete until 13th level. Your choice in aspect upon becoming a third generation will be your permanent one, but while in incomplete dragonforce the buffs will be as follows:
- Dragon Scales: Gain +1 AC and a damage reduction of 2 which stacks with other sources.
- Dragon Tail: Gain the ability to strike with your tail as a bonus action once per turn. Dealing your martial arts die in damage.
- Dragon Wings: Gain fly speed equal to your movement speed.
All slayers gain the following benefits from entering dragon force regardless of their aspect choice for the next minute:
- Restore xd6+Wisdom in HP (X = Your level.) Excess healing is converted into temp HP. This benefit can only be gained the first time you enter dragon force per long rest.
- Restore xd6 Mana (X = Proficiency Bonus.) This benefit can only be gained the first time you enter dragon force per long rest.
- Your Dragon Senses sharpen even further, If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw.
- Your Strength OR Dex, Constitution, and Wisdom increase by +2.
- Due to your Element constantly flowing out, your unarmed strikes and spells deal an additional Martial Arts die of elemental damage.
When Dragon Force ends, you can't move or take Actions until after Your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you.
Once you reach 13th level and master Dragon Force you use the original buffs. An additional benefit after mastering Dragon Force you get that First and Second Generation slayers don't is the ability to enter Dragon Force once per long rest as a free action for no mana rather than spending a bonus action and 5 mana.
- Draconic Presence:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class, 4th level
- Increase your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- You can channel the dread presence of your dragon Parent, causing those around you to become awestruck or frightened. As an action, you can spend 4 Mana points to draw on this power and exude an aura of draconic power causing those within range to feel awe or fear (GM choice, varies depending on the affected NPC or Player's personality.) to a distance of 60 feet. For 1 minute, each hostile creature that starts its turn in this aura must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed (if awe is chosen) or frightened (if fear is chosen) until the aura ends. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is immune to your aura for the duration. While Draconic Presence is active you also exude an aura of the elemental type of you Draconic Parent.
- Will of A Dragon:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class, 4th level
You possess an indominable will, refusing to back down no matter the challenge. No matter the cost you vow to always fight to protect the lives of your comrades.
- Increase your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- The first time you would fall to 0 HP per rest, you instead fall to 1 HP. You then cannot fall below 1 HP until the start of your next turn.
- At the start of your next turn, regain xd12+Wisdom (X = Half your level rounded up) health and mana.
- Will of A Dragon can only be used once per long rest.
- Draconic Awareness:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class, 6th level, Cannot possess the Alert Feat.
Your senses amaze even the toughest of dragon slayers. Nothing can catch you off guard and your awareness surpass all others.
- Double your blindsight range.
- You cannot be surprised while conscious
- You gain a +5 bonus to initiative.
- Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.
- At the start of combat, you can spend 3 mana to grant you advantage on your initiative roll, or grant you a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus. You must decide this before rolling.
- You may use your wisdom modifier in place of dexterity when calculating your initiative bonus.
Fire Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Fire Dragon God Attacks:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Fire Dragon Parent), 8th level
Optional Prerequisite (GM Choice): Must have ingested Divine Flames through Evolved Devour Element. Doing so will grant you this feat without spending a feat slot on it.
You've learned to manifest the flames of a fire god and combine them with your attacks to unleash powerful Dragon God techniques!
- Your Wisdom or Constitution score increases by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- When casting a Fire Dragon Slayer spell, you can spend an additional 4 mana to add the flames of a God Slayer to the attack, creating a Dragon God spell! Doing so will make the attack deal an additional xd10 Fire Damage (Where X = Half your proficiency bonus rounded down.) Additionally the target will be forced to roll a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they're burned by the flames of the Dragon God. Taking 1d6 Fire Damage at the start of their turn for the next 3 turns. You cannot use this feature on Fire Dragon Iron Fist. You can use Dragon God spells a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Black Fire Dragon Mode:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Fire Dragon Parent), 12th level
Optional Prerequisite (GM Choice): Must have ingested Black Flames through Evolved Devour Element. Doing so will grant you this feat without spending a feat slot on it.
After learning to control and manipulate Black Flames, the user can combine them with their Draconic Flames to enter a new form which utilizes both variations of the element. As a bonus action for 4 mana you can enter this mode for the next minute. While powerful this form does come with downsides. For each turn you remain in Black Fire Dragon Mode you take 2d6 fire damage as the 2 flames clash for dominance. Burning your body in the process. While in Black Fire mode gain the following benefits:
- The damage die of all your Martial Arts and all Lightning Dragon Slayer spells are increased by 1 step.
- +2 To your Attack Bonus/Save DC.
- Your Fire Dragon Spells deal an additional die of damage.
- +2 bonus to your Strength Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers.
Optional Rule: As Black Fire Dragon Mode is an anime-exclusive, if your GM permits it you can sub out Black Flames with flames of any other color like Blue Flames for you own unique experience.
Iron Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Steel Stomach:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Metal Dragon Parent), 8th level, must have at least entered Steel Dragon Mode once.
Your bodies grown accustomed to absorbing carbon and processing it through your stomach. So much so that becoming a Steel Dragon Slayer has become second nature to you.
- Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution increase by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- The DC for Carbon Absorption is now reduced to 15
- You no longer take poison damage per turn while in Steel Dragon Mode
- Damage roll bonus becomes +8 for Steel Dragon Scales
- Saving throw bonus becomes +4 for Steel Dragon Scales
- Damage reduction is increased to 8 for Steel Dragon Scales
Sky Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Support Mage:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Sky Dragon Parent), 4th level, must not have the Combat Mage Feat.
Rather than focusing on improving your combat abilities, you instead spend your time focusing on your support based abilities. Ensuring that your allies will never fall on battle while you still draw breath.
- Your Constitution or Wisdom increase by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Your damaging spells that their dice permanently reduced by 2. If this would reduce the dice to less than 1, the dice category is instead reduced (1d12 -> 1d10 -> 1d8, etc.)
- Sky Dragon's Healing now heals by 2 additional dice
- Ile Arms buffs by an additional +1 to attack rolls/save DC. The damage die for Greater Ile Arms is increased by 1 step (2d4 -> 2d6)
- Ile Armor Now adds your proficiency bonus to the temp HP gained, Greater Ile Armor adds twice your proficiency bonus and reduces the first two instances of damage by half.
- Vernier grants an additional 15 ft of each movement option. Greater Vernier allows them to use the dash, disengage, or hide action as a free action (Recharge 5-6)
- Raise can remove up to 3 stacks of a condition. Re-Raise grants immunity to up to 4 status conditions.
- Combat Mage:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Sky Dragon Parent), 4th level, must not have the Support Mage Feat.
Rather than focusing on improving your supportive abilities, you instead spend your time focusing on your combat prowess. Ensuring that you'll fight till the bitter end.
- Your Strength or Dexterity or Wisdom increase by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Your damaging spells/roar have their dice permanently buffed by 3.
- Crushing Fang of The Sky Dragon is now a d6.
- Sky Dragon's Healing can now no longer be upcast.
- You lose access to greater enhancement.
- Guardian of The Skies:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Sky Dragon Parent), 12th level, Support Mage Feat.
You've fully embraced your role as Guardian of The Sky. Your support magic has reached a point where not even death is an obstacle in your presence.
- Your Constitution or Wisdom increase by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Any feature that buffs the damage dice no longer apply. Instead buffing the healing dice of Sky Dragon's Healing, Ile Arms gets a +1 to attack rolls/save DC per damage dice buff applied. Ile Armor now grants an additional 5 temp HP per damage dice buff applied. Vernier now adds 10 ft of both movement options per damage dice buff applied. Raise can remove an additional stack of a condition per damage dice buff applied. Re-Raise grants immunity to an additional status condition per 3 damage dice buff applied.
- You gain access to the Sky Dragon Secret Art Celestial Rebirth which for 20 mana, allows you to cast the Resurrection 5e spell without the required components.
- Lord of The Skies:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Sky Dragon Parent), 12th level, Combat Mage Feat.
You've fully embraced your role as Lord of The Sky. Lesser beings quake in your presence as your Sky Dragon Magic has evolved to allow you to destroy any foe who stands in your way.
- Your Strength or Dexterity or Wisdom increase by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Your dragon force now changes your hair color to a new color of your choice, additionally you can choose a second aspect.
- Your max HP increases by 4 per level, this applies to all future levels as well.
- Crushing Fang of The Sky Dragon is now a d8.
- You can spend an additional 8 mana on Shattering Light: Sky Drill to supercharge it. The save DC is increased by an additional +1. Creatures now take double the falling damage from the spell, and it instead adds 3 martial arts die worth of damage instead of 1.
Lightning Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Thunder Palace:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Lightning Dragon Parent), 8th level, wisdom score of 16 or higher.
You've learned the legendary Thunder Palace, a spell that involves setting up multiple lightning lacrima in a circular formation around a target which can be set off remotely or put on a timer, striking all the targets below with powerful lightning bolts.
- Your Wisdom score increases by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- As an action you can spend 2 mana to set up 3 lacrima surrounding a spot within 60 feet. At 12th level you can spend 4 mana to set up 6 lacrima per action. Each lacrima takes up one square and has an HP of 15. Should a target attack and destroy a lacrima they'll be immediately electrocuted through the effects of Organic Link Magic. Taking the same amount of damage dealt to the lacrima (This includes damage that goes over the lacrima's HP.) There is no limit to how many Lacrima you can have set up, and as a bonus action you can command each lacrima to strike a point within 180 feet of the lacrima's location. Creatures struck by the lacrima must succeed a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d12 lightning damage per lacrima.
You can also set a timer on the lacrima when casting for however long you'd like. Doing so will cause the lacrima to strike the ground beneath them once the time is up forcing creatures within a 15x15ft radius of where the lightning was struck to roll a Dexterity saving throw, taking the 1d12 lightning damage on a failed save or half on a success. Creatures can be struck by multiple lacrima this way if set up correctly, but will only roll 1 save for all of them.
- Grand Thunder Palace:
Dragon Slayer Class (Lightning Dragon Parent), Thunder Palace Feat, 12th level, wisdom score of 18 or higher.
You've now learned to cover an entire town or base with the thunder palace spell given enough time to set it up. Allowing it to become the ultimate defense, or the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
- Your Wisdom score increases by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Over the course of a full rest, you can begin setting up Thunder Palace Lacrima to surround an entire base/town. The amount of Lacrima you can set up per full rest is equal to your level x 5. The total amount of lacrima you can have covering a base is equal to your level x 20. As a bonus action you can either set a timer on the thunder palace or to immediately strike a certain point within 180 feet of the base/town. Dealing the listed damage per lacrima to creatures caught within the radius. If you choose to have the lacrima strike the base/town itself then the lacrima will strike the ground beneath them following the 15x15ft radius rule. Doing so possesses so much destructive power that the base/town in question will be reduced to rubble in the aftermath of the Thunder Palace.
- Red Lightning Dragon Mode:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Lightning Dragon Parent), 12th level
As a bonus action for 4 mana you can access a special kind of dark-red lightning by using your blood as fuel, often described as "lightning beyond lightning." Boosting your bodies capabilities immensely and turning all of your Lightning Dragon Slayer spells into Red Lightning Dragon Slayer spells. There is no mana cost to upkeep this spell. Instead you take 2d6 necrotic damage for each turn this mode remains active. This damage cannot be reduced by any means, receiving the following benefits in return:
- The damage die of all your Martial Arts and all Lightning Dragon Slayer spells are increased by 2 steps.
- +2 To your AC.
- You gain an additional 30 feet of movement.
- +2 bonus to your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom modifiers.
Poison Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Toxic Path:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Poison Dragon Parent), 4th level, Must not have the Assault Path feat.
You've begin to develop a specialty in draining the strength of your opponents until they reach their inevitable demise. You've ensured that while your attacks don't have much power, the venomous toxins built up from each of your strikes could wear down even the toughest of foes.
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity or Wisdom by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Poison Dragon's Fang Thrust now poisons for 5 turns and has a +1 to the DC.
- Poison Dragon's Spiral Jaw now stacks up to 5 times.
- Poison Dragon's Scales lower their speed by -10 per hit now.
- Poison Dragon's Twin Fang now lowers their AC by your Wisdom modifier.
- Poison Dragon's Sharp Horn now no longer requires a saving throw and reduces their max HP regardless.
- Toxic Devil: Jaws of The Viper has it's DC increased by +3. Additionally those who fail the save have their speed reduced to 5 and are unable to use external sources of movement. Finally if they fail the save by 5 or more, the poison begins to wear down their body at an alarming rate. Giving them a rank of exhaustion for however long they remain in the mist and persisting for 3 turns after they exit.
- Assault Path:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Poison Dragon Parent), 4th level, Must not have the Toxic Path feat.
You've focused on increasing the strength of your attacks while deciding that poisoning your target is less of a priority than destroying them outright. While your strikes aren't as toxic as before, they carry much more power than ever before.
- Increase your Strength or Dexterity or Wisdom by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- As a bonus action for 1 mana you can shroud your hand in claws for the next minute. Making your dragon martial arts attacks deal an additional 1d4 slashing damage.
- Poison Dragon's Fang Thrust now deals 3d12 Poison Damage but the Poisoned Condition only last for 2 turns now.
- Poison Dragon's Spiral Jaw now deals 4d8 Poison Damage, but can only be stacked up to 2 times.
- Poison Dragon's Guard now has 6d8 + your Wisdom score in health.
- Poison Dragon's Twin Fang now deals your Martial Arts die of damage + 2d6 Poison Damage.
- Poison Dragon's Sharp Horn now deals your Martial Arts die of damage + 5d12 Poison Damage, but only half of their max HP is reduced by this damage.
- Toxic Devil: Jaws of The Viper covers it's exterior with scales after forming around the targets, trapping them inside. The health of the scales are equal to Wisdom score x Half your Poison Dragon Slayer level, and it's resistant to attacks from the inside. The spell no longer poisons the target. but now deals 8d8 poison damage each time they fail the save, or half on a success.
- Otherwordly Hearing:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Poison Dragon Parent), 12th level, Wisdom score of 18 or higher
Your hearing is exceptionally acute, granting you remarkable auditory perception beyond that of an ordinary person.
- Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Your hearing range expands up to 500 feet.
- You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
- You can discern the source and location of sounds even if they are muffled or obscured.
- You have a 360-degree field of auditory perception, allowing you to detect sounds from all directions, including those above and below you.
- You can selectively focus on specific sounds of interest while filtering out background noise.
- In combat, you can use your acute hearing to anticipate your opponents' movements. You gain a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your proficiency bonus, and cannot be surprised by enemies you can hear. Your hearing also grants you an additional +2 to your AC and Dexterity saving throws.
- You can also perceive the surface thoughts and emotions of creatures within 30 feet of you. This ability does not allow you to delve into deeper thoughts or memories, but it provides insight into their immediate intentions and feelings.
- This benefit comes with it's weakness. Should you be subject to any sufficiently loud noise whether from an attack, creature, or anything (GM Discretion for if a noise qualifies as too loud for you to handle.) You will be forced to roll a constitution saving throw. If the attack has a listed DC you'll follow that, otherwise the base DC for this save is 20. On a failed save you feel an extreme pain in your ears, taking 5d6 force damage and becoming stunned until the end of your next turn.
White Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Purifying Radiance:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (White Dragon Parent), 4th level.
It is said that the radiance of a White Dragon purifies all it comes into contact with. Through training with your holy magic you've started to further exemplify those teachings. Using your holy dragon magic to cast miracles the likes of which were never before seen.
- Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- You gain the ability to cast the Remove Curse 5e spell for 4 mana.
- You gain access to the Divine Smite feature from the Paladin Class, which affect your Martial Arts attacks and Dragon Slayer Spells instead of a weapon. Instead of consuming a spell slot, it costs 2 mana initially and an additional 1 mana per upcast. At 5th level, you can upcast it to 2nd level (2d8), at 9th level to 3rd level (3d8), at 13th level to 4th level (4d8), and at 17th level to 5th level (5d8).
Shadow Dragon Slayer Feats[edit]
- Rejuvenating Shadow:
Prerequisite: Dragon Slayer Class (Shadow Dragon Parent), 4th level.
You've spent a lot of time in your shadow, so much so that you've noticed your body seems a lot more energetic and powerful while inside of your shadow. That it possesses various properties that can help strengthen you when in combat, or provide immense relaxation outside of combat.
- Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
- Shadow Form no longer cost mana outside of combat and can last indefinitely.
- While in shadow form you gain xd6 (X = Charisma Modifier) Temporary hit points and feel extremely energetic. Resisting effects that would unwillingly render you unconscious. Starting from 6th level, the dice becomes a d8, then a d10 at 11th level, then a d12 at 14th level.
- Shadow form now grants it's benefit to every dexterity based ability checks/saves rather than just stealth.
- Outside of combat you feel much more relaxed inside of your shadow form. If you decide to rest while inside of it, 10 minutes is sufficient enough to grant you the benefits of a short rest, and 30 minutes is enough to grant you the benefits of a long rest. While an hour grants you the benefits of a full rest.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the dragon slayer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity of 13 and Wisdom of 13.
Proficiencies. Simple weapons, one skill
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