Child of the Great Dragon (5e Background)

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Child of the Great Dragon[edit]

Throughout your life, you may have wanted to have knowledge, power, or maybe a reason to do anything, well here it is. At some point in your early life, you had met a dragon, be it chromatic or metallic or normal, and convinced it to train you in the ways of the Dragons. These dragons could have many different reasons to actually train you, maybe they liked you, maybe they wanted you out of their hair, or maybe they even considered you a possible rival or pawn in the future, perhaps you were found as a child or are a half-bred, and are raised by a dragon... but regardless of the reason, they agreed to train you and that they did. But for whatever reason you chose to leave the area you trained in and got used to, maybe the dragon left, or was killed, or many other possibilities but for whatever reason, this has increased your ambition and you leave to accomplish said task.

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Arcana

Tool Proficiencies: Choose 1 of any

Languages: Draconic

Equipment: Jewelers Set, a set of fine clothes, a trinket (page 160 PHB) and a pouch containing 10 gp


Roll or pick one that suits your character.

d6 Social Class
1 Born of noble birth.
2 Was raised by the dragon who taught me.
3 I was born a commoner who wanted more.
4 I never knew my parents, nor did I ever want to, I raised myself.
5 I bounced around from place to place so I never really fit into a class.
6 Born of the middle class, I had all I wanted.

Aura of The Dragon[edit]

Dragons see you as one of their own kind when conversing with you, rather than a humanoid.

If your game uses feats, you may take this one instead of an ability score increase.

Feat: Aura of The Great Dragon[edit]

The Aura of the Dragon is within you and exudes from your being. When you are around others they think twice before crossing you, granting the following benefits: Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20

You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

You gain a bonus to Intimidation checks equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Those Of the great dragon have huge respect for dragons, value culture and love gold. Some Value the gold like those that trained them or some like the reclusiveness of being away from others.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I ask a lot of questions about different cultures.
2 I have huge respect for dragons, and their connections.
3 I expect kobolds to worship me, even though I'm not a dragon.
4 I treat dragonborn as if they were below me, because they are.
5 I get very angry when any kind of dragon is threatened.
6 I treat dragonborn with great respect, due to their draconic heritage and shared culture.
7 I have no remorse for dragons, because my draconic parent abused and used me.
8 I have flashbacks to when I was being raised or enslaved when I see a dragon('s lair) of the same type as my parent.
d6 Ideal
1 Money. Money is the most important thing in the world, and I'd do anything to get some, even if that means breaking the law. (Chaotic)
2 Culture. There is nothing more important than culture. It shapes history and laws, which we must follow. (Lawful)
3 Control. I love control. I must be the head of any group I'm in, and if they refuse me, I'll get there by authoritarian means (Evil)
4 Religion. Worship is the most important thing, especially to Tiamat or Bahamut (Any)
5 Connections. Cooperation between creatures is the best way to figure anything out. (Good)
6 Balance. Everything is a complex interaction of forces that must be kept in a delicate balance (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 Dragons are the most important thing to me, I'll do anything to protect them.
2 I'll do anything to keep my (rather small) horde safe.
3 Culture is the strongest force, and I stick to it, no matter the cost
4 I was given a magic item from my draconic parent, and wish to keep it safe.
5 Money is something sacred to me.
6 Bahamut/Tiamat are the most important gods in the pantheon.
d6 Flaw
1 I'll do anything for money, and it gets in the way of my relationships.
2 Common is a language I hardly understand.
3 I am so devoted to worshipping the dragon gods, that anyone who opposes them I must kill
4 The thought of dragons makes me mad, and enact violence on any mildly draconic creature.
5 Fire is beautiful, and so is anything on fire, so why not set fire to everything?
6 Anyone who is uncultured doesn't deserve my respect.
(4 votes)

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