3.5e Feats Excluding NBoF

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This is a list of all feats excluding SRD and "Netbook of Feats" feat (i.e. all feats created by users of this wiki.)

3.5e Feats
Feat Prerequisite Summary
A Monk's Power Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Character level 5th This feat grants you good unarmed damage progression for your fists.
A Step Ahead Improved Initiative, Dodge, Combat Reflexes, +6 Base attack Bonus. The Adventurer is a little bit faster than everyone else.
Aasimar Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Aberrant Binding Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Aberrations.
Aberrant Flesh Aberration blood Aberrant matter covers your flesh, giving you impressive resistance.
Ability Focus, Bending Bending Style 1st Your Bending attacks are slightly harder to avoid.
Ability Surge Chosen ability score 13 Your training in an ability unlocks surges of power
Ablative Armor Your armor plating is layered to push back explosively, reducing damage... at least for a little while.
Able-Bodied Strength Defeat a monster with a Large or higher size category, Have at least 1 DR that cannot be bypassed, Str: 20+, Fast Healing 10, Lightning Reflexes, Combat Reflexes Your body has such great endurance and super-humanoid abilities that your strength is greatly increased.
Absolute Authority BAB 15, Gravity knight class, Ability to change size With understanding comes Absolute power
Absolute Barrier BaB 20, Gravity knight class, Absolute Authority. If it wasn't enough to pin enemies to the ground you have to make it impossible for there to be hope.
Absolute Brilliance Cunning Brilliance class ability, Factotum level 20 Improves your Cunning Brilliance to even higher levels.
Absolutely Critical Poison Poison Use Your poisons can be absolutely critical
Abyss Maw level 5, must be able to eat food normally, Evil Alignment The second stage of Flesh Eater[1] allowing for the instant consumption of smaller creatures
Abyssal Grants the ability to speak with and understand demons.
Abyssal Abilities Chaotic alignment, any two other [Abyssal Heritor] feats Through your your abyssal heritage, your core abilities begin to increase.
Abyssal Resistance Con 13 Your ancestral blood makes you tougher against poison and electricity.
Abyssal Stalker Tiefling, Sneak Attack +2d6, level 6, Int 13 Deadly and unseen the Tieflings are considered the zenith of the deadly arts, stalkers and assassins of The Abyss are widely feared.
Accomplished Throughout the ages, since the dawn of time, many brave warriors have risen to fame and glory. After many, many battles, so to shall you. Taking this feat allows your character to add their ‘Glory’ to their attack and damage, putting their very name and pride into every swing.
Accurate Strike Base attack bonus +4, Dex 16, Weapon Finesse, Improved Critical, Weapon Focus (chosen weapon) Your Dexterity helps to amplify the accuracy of melee attacks.
Accurate Strikes BAB 3, Proficiency with melee weapons, Weapon Focus. Your melee strikes are more accurate.
Accurate Strikes, Improved BAB +6, Proficiency with melee weapons, Accurate Strikes The next version of the Accurate Strikes feat.
Acid Snow The Ability to Cast 2nd Level Spells. You have a strange synergy between Acid and Ice, allowing you to mutate the properties of a spell.
Acidic Mage You are good at doing acid spells.
Acolyte Copy Novice Copy feat, 7th level
Acolyte of Compassion Heal 9 ranks You can sacrifice Constitution to increase your Charisma for the lay on hands ability.
Acolyte of Honesty Wis 15, Sense Motive 9 ranks You can interact better with good aligned creatures.
Acolyte of Honor Dex 15, good aligned
Acolyte of Humility Con 15, character level 6, can own only what she can carry, must give 10% of income to charity
Acolyte of Justice Weapon Focus (with deity’s favored weapon), good alignment, 6th level or higher
Acolyte of Learning Wis 15
Acolyte of Sacrifice Con 15, good aligned Sacrifice your own hit points in order to heal your allies.
Acolyte of Spirituality Cha 15, good aligned You may radiate holy energy in effort to vanquish the evil around you.
Acolyte of Valor Diplomacy 9 ranks You grant yourself and others even more valor.
Acquirer's Eye
Acrobat Perform 2 Ranks You are a professional acrobat.
Acrobatic Attack Dex 13, Acrobatic, Tumble 8 ranks. You can use acrobatic maneuvers to get around an opponent's defenses.
Acrobatic Combat Mobility, Jump 10, Dex 15+ The use of acrobatics and jumping to always be on the move to avoid attacks.
Acrobatic Dodge Tumble 3 Ranks, 18 Dexterity, Evasion Class Feature You have gained prowess in tumbling and can now use your tumbling skill to avoid attacks.
Acrobatic, Tome
Active Shield Defense Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization
Actor By applying your skills of deception, you become a more capable actor
Adamantine Skeleton Able to create undead, Mithral Skeleton, Steel Skeleton Undead you create have their skeleton structure reinforced by Adamantine
Adaptability You're good at applying your strengths to things most people don't think are possible.
Adaptive Shield 3 ranks in the Adaptation Division of Vessel Magic; alternatively, 3 levels in any class You can temporarily negate the effects of a single creature's abilities or spells.
Add New Archetype Feat
Additional Bonded Weapon Base attack bonus +8, Improved Critical (with Weapon), Proficient With Weapon, Weapon Focus (with Weapon), Weapon Specialization (with Weapon) You may bond with an additional weapon
Additional Combat Style
Additional Form Racial ability to alter one’s form into the likeness of another. The character gains an additional form into which they can shift.
Additional Mark of Empowerment Fabled Hero level 24 Grants access to another Mark of Empowerment to the Fabled Hero
Additional Mark of the Scion Fabled Hero level 18 Grants access to another Mark of the Scion to the Fabled Hero
Additional Psionic Discipline Ability to use psionic powers Your psionic abilities cover far more than the normal psions.
Additional Test Subject Test Subject of a minimum Level 5 biomancer.
Additonal Skill Training Must have a minimum of 9 in desired skill's key ability You have received training in one skill which is not usual for your class, and you seem to be good at it.
Adept Copy Acolyte Copy feat, 9th level
Adrenaline Surge Constitution 15, 10 Hit Points, must have been Dying in battle.
Advanced Aerial Combat Str 15, Dex 15 You have become so effective in combat that you have learned to control a greater area in the battlefield.
Advanced Aerobatics You are truly at home in the air. You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics nearly perfectly
Advanced Hunter Training Iron Will, see under "Special" You underwent special and intense training to hunt monsters; as a result, you became considerably stronger, faster and tougher.
Advanced Natural Techniques Have the natural techniques class skill. You learn your natural techniques more quickly.
Advanced Plating I You've been augmented with interlocking plates into existing armor. Some of these plates may look decorative, but they provide well need protection.
Advanced Talent Must be able to spontaneously cast arcane spells Allows faster progression of spontaneous arcane casters
Advanced Training Dex 13, Int 13, BAB +1 You train with the tools of war to an unusual degree.
Aerial Combat Str 15, Dex 15 You are trained to fight while in flight.
Aesthetic Adept
Aggressive Feint Improved Feint, Intimidate +4 Ranks, BAB +3 Use Intimidation during a Feint
Agile Athlete Climb 1 rank, Jump 1 rank You rely on your agility to perform athletic feats, rather than brute strength.
Agile Brawler Dexterity 15 You are a nimble fighter, using your superior dexterity to gain the upper hand.
Agile Performer Perform (dance) or Perform (weapon drill) 1 rank Viewers appreciate your performance more for your feats of physical agility and prowess than your ability to emotionally connect with them.
Agile Shield Fighter Shield Proficiency, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Specialization, Two Weapon Fighting Similar to two-weapon fighting but this is for shields.
Agile Strike Dex 15 or more, Insightful Strike Class Feature Your fast reflexes and dexterous movement srpass your insight.
Agile Strikes BAB +3, Str +14, Dex +14, Proficiency with melee weapons You combine your agility with your strength for the best results
Agriculture None You are a farmer.
Air Scooter Air Bending Style 1st The Air Bender creates a ball of air to ride on, it can even go up walls.
Airbender You have mastery of Air.
Al-Tae-Fu 10 bluff, Improved Unarmed Strike, 16 Dexterity A defensive form of martial arts that uses showmanship to convinces potential attackers that the form is more effective than it actually is.
Alchemical Healing Int 15, 8 Ranks in Heal, 8 ranks in Alchemy (Organic), Alchemy Some alchemists have a better understanding of the body and how to heal it than others.
Alchemy Int 15. You stumbled upon the basics of alchemy, either on purpose or by accident.
Alchemy Body Tattoo Int 17, Con 17, two Alchemy Tattoo's, Alchemy Finding that small tattoos sometimes weren't enough, you created tattoos across your whole body, letting you do great feats of alchemy on the fly.
Alchemy Tattoo Int 15, Con 13, Alchemy Sometimes drawing a circle just isn't viable, in those cases, it helps to have one on hand
Alcohol Resistance None Some people in the world have the almost supernatural ability to take in large amounts of alcohol before falling to the ground. This feat makes that possible.
Alertness, Tome
Alkemy You are a WEIRD alchemist.
All the Science 6th level, 9+ ranks in Knowledge (Science), Bigger Science "We just scienced the sh#t out of this f#ck." -Sir Majesty
All-Out Attack BAB +3, Reckless Offense, Int 13 You ability to shift your focus from defense to offense is greatly improved.
Allegiance to Patron Ability to use eldritch blast. You may pledge allegiance to an eldritch patron to gain additional powers.
Altered Form Familiarity Alternate Form ability You have spent enough time in your Alternate form(s) that you have become as accustomed to it/them as you have your monstrous form.
Altered Unarmed Strike Improved Unarmed Strike You can inflict different types of damage with your unarmed strikes.
Alternate Form Mastery Alternate Form ability, Alternate Form Synergy, Altered Form Familiarity, Favorite Form Mastery of both your monstrous and humanoid forms has redefined the distinctions between both.
Alternate Form Synergy Alternate Form ability Receive additional bonuses in alternate form.
Alternate Strikes Base attack bonus +6 You may alternate attacks between two weapons.
Alternative Poison Poison attack that deals ability damage, Con 15 Change the type of damage delt by your poison.
Always Ready Ability that can be used two times per day or more often. When it's time to fight you can always draw upon your full potential.
Amazing Pockets Sleight of Hand 25 Ranks You can steal objects and hide them in interdimensional pockets.
Ambidextrous Minimum Dexterity 14 You can use both hands equally well.
Ameliorated Burden Strength 15 Through odd & extreme muscular development, you are able to carry a great deal more than you normally would be able to.
Amphibious 1st level only. You were born capable of breathing and living both on land and in water
Ancient Strength Dragon creature type, The Dragon strength and constitution are increased.
Angel Touched Character Level 6, Charisma 17. Blessed by the angels, your charisma becomes harder to resist.
Ani-Sense Any Ani-Man, Base Attack Bonus +6 An ani-man can use his developed senses to unlock his latent animalistic nature and gain a greater clarity of his surroundings.
Animal Affinity
Animal Companion Handle Animal 1 rank. You are befriended by an animal companion.
Animal Feat Training Handle Animal 4 ranks, target animal is trained for war (Handle Animal tricks attack and down, or any package that contains those abilities). Teach your animal lethal tricks.
Animal Master Charisma 17, 6 ranks in handle animal. You are a master at handling animals.
Another Slice of Shade Shadowblade 5th, ability to use darkness as a spell-like or supernatural ability You summon the night within to guide your blade.
Anoxia Wis 25. You bring back knowledge from beyond the grave.
Anti-Communist Machine Construct type, 1st level only You were made to destroy Reds!
Anti-Hero Any non-good. You do some not-so heroic actions, but you're still a (relatively) good guy or gal.
Anti-Villain Any non-evil. You aren't really evil, you know it. Killing people makes you sick... but its necessary.
Apport Arrows Wis 13, Apport skill 5 ranks You can teleport away incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other shot or thrown weapons.
Apprehend Str 15, Dex 12, Weapon Focus on chosen weapon You ever think to yourself hey, "I want to be Scorpion but with a huge ass weapon?" Well we have a feat for you!
Apprentice (TOWW)
Apprentice of the Tune Elf, Charisma 13 The Elves have a natural ability to produce art of all forms.
Apprenticeship New Mentor Types for the Lower Planes.
Aqua Adrenaline, Greater Gemini Dancer, Greater Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Swim 6 ranks You live for the deep
Aqua Adrenaline, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Gemini Dancer, BAB +3, Swim 6 ranks You live for the deep
Aqua Adrenaline, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Swim 6 ranks You live for the deep
Arcane Adept Int 13, Wis 13, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks A character with this feat can treat Adept spells as arcane rather than divine.
Arcane Cantata Bardic music, Perform 5 ranks You can boost the power of your spells with the sound of music.
Arcane Chef You know something about magical cooking.
Arcane Demoralizing Caster Level 3rd, Intimidate 8 Ranks You can use spell energy to Demoralize your target shaking them.
Arcane efficiency Any Spell Focus, ability to cast 5th arcane spells, must have three 5th level or higher spell with the same school chosen for spell focus Many years of casting the same spells you have learned to use them move effective than others.
Arcane Energy Spell Any three metamagic feats, Int 20, Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks, arcane caster level 12th Your arcane knowledge of the energies of the world are so great that you can manipulate them into any form of energy.
Arcane Leadership Character level 6th, wizard, sorcerer or wu jen level 1st, Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks. Your great knowledge of magic draws lesser arcanists to you.
Arcane Regeneration Ability to cast Epic Arcane spells, Intelligence 30, Spellcraft 35 Allows you to recast spells under certain circumstances.
Arcane Renewal Cast 3rd Level Arcane Spells, Martial Study or Initiator Level 3 Your Arcane power allows you to focus your mind on combat and use your most devastating maneuvers more frequently.
Arcane Schooling Your race must have a Favored Class that is an arcane spellcaster; Must be from Tirasus or Godsreach You were given training at a young age in the mystical arcane arts.
Arcane Sneak Attack Sneak Attack +2d6, Able to cast Arcane Spells Add damage to sneak attack based on spell level sacrificed
Arcane Surgeon 1 level in an arcane spellcaster class. Your studies of the magical world have given you knowledge of medicinal practices.
Arcane Talent, High Fantasy Cha 10 Gives cantrips or low-level spells as spell-like abilities.
Arcane Warrior Base attack bonus +12, Battle Caster CAr It has taken years, but you have finally mastered the art of armored spellcasting, letting you wear even the heaviest of armor without fear of ruining your spells.
Arcanist You're a scientist of Magic.
Arcanist Buckler Speciality any Arcane class Sometimes even one point of AC can mean life or death
Archaeology Archaeology is the study of the ANCIENT past.
Archaic Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Law to a greater extend.
Archeaology It is the study of ancient history.
Archon Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Archon's to a greater extent.
Arithmancy You learned to do divination by the numbers.
Armed Arrow Deflection Deflect Arrows, Dex 25, Balance 24 Ranks, Base Attack Bonus +11 You can deflect arrows with weapons that you are proficient with.
Armed Skeletons Able to create skeletons, Iron Skeleton Skeletons you create come armed with weapons and armor
Armor Born Heavy armor proficiency, Strength 22, Dexterity 20, Medium size or larger, Endurance You are strong enough that armor does not restrict your movements.
Armor Flexibility Mechanoid, Dex 13 Feat related to the Mechanoid race
Armor Focus, Greater Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus with selected armor, Fighter level 8th Choose one type of armor for which you have already selected Armor Focus (3.5e Feat). You can also choose exotic armors for the purposes of this feat.
Armor Focus, Variant Base Attack Bonus +1, Proficiency with selected armor Choose one type of armor. You can also choose exotic armors for the purposes of this feat.
Armor Manipulation Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Shield Proficiency You may activate the special abilities of any armor or shield that you wear.
Armor Mastery Armor Focus, Armor Specialization, Base Attack Bonus +8, Proficiency with selected armor You have mastered a wide range of armor. Your training with one specific armor now extends to other armors of a similar sort.
Armor Material Focus Base Attack Bonus +1 Choose a special material (Such as adamantine or dragonhide), when wearing armor crafted of that material, you move easier.
Armor Specialization Armor Focus (with selected armor), fighter level 4th, Proficiency with selected armor Choose one type of armor that you have Armor Focus with. You can also choose exotic armors for the purposes of this feat. You gain more AC when wearing this type of armor.
Armor Specialization, Greater Proficiency with selected armor, Armor Focus, Variant, Armor Focus, Greater, and Armor Specialization Choose one type of armor that you already selected Armor Specialization (3.5e Feat). You can also choose exotic armors for the purposes of this feat.
Armor Supremacy Fighter level 18, Proficiency in selected armor, Armor Focus, Armor Specialization, Greater Armor Focus, Greater Armor Specialization, Armor Mastery You are a grandmaster in the use of your chosen armor. When you wear it, no foe can prevail against you.
Armor Trained BAB +3 Strength 16 Trained in one specific armor it becomes more like clothing to you, providing better usage out of it.
Armored Casting Caster level 5th, 18 Charisma Whoever takes this feat can ignore arcane spell failure induced by armor to a maximum of 50%.
Armored Flurry of Blows Flurry of Blows, Armor Proficiency (Light), Dex 14 You have trained with a heavy weighted vest in order to be proficient with your martial ability despite wearing light armor.
Armored Flyer Strength 13+ Wear heavier armor, without carrying capacity penalties.
Armored Monk Flurry of Blows, Armor Proficiency (Light) You have been initiated into the ancient prancing crab style, which trains acrobatic maneuvers while armored.
Armored Plating Crystalforged, 1st level only. You were created with more armor than other crystalforged.
Armored Warmage Bard, Sorcerer or Wizard Allows Sorcerers and Wizards to cast spells in light armor without spell failure
Armoured Skin You're so tough that you can walk around naked and people still can't hurt you.
Arms of the Glabrezu none The abyssal blood in your veins cause you to grow one of the glabrezu's two sets of arms.
Army Fighting BaB +3 You are adept at fending off a horde of enemies.
Artificer Initiate Able to cast spells. Can only be taken within the first three levels. Your advanced training allows you to craft magic items at a lesser cost.
Artisan Any Craft skill 4 ranks. Your apprenticeship to an artisan has made you more capable in your craft.
Artist Must be from Kerrigan, Ashen Coast or Sol. You come from a land with an exotic culture, where dance and art thrive.
Ascended Super Saiyan 12th level Saiyan, Unlocked Saiyan Transformation This feat grants you an Ascended form
Ascetic Artist Scaling unarmed strike progression, Inspire Courage +1 Combine your monk and bard levels into a seemless whole.
Ascetic Fighter Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (any), At least 1 level in Fighter Combine Fighter and Monk levels to determine Unarmed Strike damage, Fighter level and bonus feats
Ascetic Leadership Character level 6th, monk or ninja level 1st. Your wisdom attracts those seeking insight into the way of the monk.
Ascetic Performer Improved Unarmed Strike, inspire courage +1 You combine your martial skills with your artistic prowess, balancing two apparent opposites.
Ascetic Priest Improved Unarmed Strike, Turn Undead Level your unarmed strike damage and turn undead level at the same time.
Ascetic Savage Monk level 1, Barbarian level 1 You have gone beyond your monastic training to learn to channel your pent up rage and fury to deliver devastating blows to your enemies and remain standing through the worst punishment.
Aspect of the Hunting Spider Dire Charge, Ride 1 Rank, Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Base Attack Bonus +22, Spider Jump class feature Your charges are devastatingly fast.
Assassin's Disjunction Sneak Attack 9d6, Hide 10 Ranks, Move Silently 10 Ranks, Sleight of Hand 10 Ranks, BAB +6, DEX 18 You can strike at the point where life energy and body are conjoined.
Assess The Foe Telepathy
Astonishing Leap Jump 4 ranks, Skill Focus (Jump), base attack bonus +6
Astral Exosuit Know astral construct power. You can wear an astral construct as if it were a second skin.
Astrogator None You know how to navigate wildspace.
Astromech Specialization 1st level Gives an extra specialization for a character with the Astromech race
Athletic Drill Wis 13, Combat Focus You trained especially athletic maneuvers with your combat forms.
Attentive Stormbow Center of the Storm Class Feature The Stormbow's Center of the Storm ability has it's range doubled.
Attune Domain Caster level 1+. Must follow a god or philosophy consistent with the chosen domain. You incorporate the workings of a divine domain into your magic.
Attune Magic Item Extraordinary Artisan and caster level 12th. This feat allows you to bond more closely with your personally crafted items, granting them improved saving throws.
Augment Critical Base Attack Bonus +12, Improved Critical. You swing your weapon with such might and skill, you deal more damage than usual with a true blow.
Augment Shadow Spell Focus (Illusion) Your Shadow spells are stronger.
Augment Shielding Must have the shield special quality. Your shields become stronger than normal.
Augmented Aura Cha 15, Iron Will, and either a class ability that includes an aura effect (such as a paladin's Aura of Courage, a dragon shaman's Draconic Aura, or a hexblade's Aura of Unluck abilities) or an ability to cast spells that include aura-like effects. The power of your personality gives you a commanding presence on the battlefield. Your allies see your gallant efforts worthy of recognition- your enemies fear you equally so. You have a lasting effect on all who see you in action.
Aura of Force Boneshaper level 6, Shape bone class feature, 15 constitution You are able to project an aura around your shaped items of pure force
Aura Sight Wis 13 You have unusual vision.
Automail Limb Missing a limb (arm, leg, or any part of an arm or leg, such as a hand or foot), Constitution 15+ This feat allows you to replace a lost limb
Avalanche Charge Mobility, Spring Attack, skirmish +1d6 When you charge, you've learned to strike hard and fast while flowing through your enemy's ranks.
Avatar of Compassion Heal 18 ranks, Master of Compassion You have become an Avatar of Compassion. Healing spells naturally become fully powered, and your healing touch can reach to those normally out of reach.
Avatar of Honesty (3.5e Epic Feat) Master of Honesty, Wis 19, Sense Motive 18 ranks You have become a walking, breathing beacon for the truth. In your wake no lies can be spoken, and those before you hide nothing in the shadow of lies.
Avatar of Honor (3.5e Epic Feat) Master of Honor, Dex 19, good aligned The ultimate act of honor is to defend one who cannot defend themselves. The character places themselves in the path of an attack, taking the attack in place of the intended target. The character may also be placed in a position to retaliate.
Avatar of Humility (3.5e Epic Feat) Master of Humility, Con 19, character level 15, can own only what she can carry, must give 10% of income to charity, can not own more than 6 magic items (this doesn’t includes items with charges or one time items such as potions or scrolls) You can dodge spells with ease, and are even less affected by fire and cold.
Avatar of Justice (3.5e Epic Feat) Acolyte of Justice, Initiate of Justice, Master of Justice, Weapon Focus (with deity’s favored weapon), Must be of good alignment, 21st level or higher. You have become a beacon of justice on battle. Using your profound divide power you are able to punish those evil ones before you to new heights. Your justice also resounds in the area judging those around you.
Avatar of Learning (3.5e Epic Feat) Wis 19
Avatar of Sacrifice (3.5e Epic Feat) Initiate of Sacrifice, Acolyte of Sacrifice, Master of Sacrifice, Con 19 or higher, good aligned, and, character level 21 or higher Through the sacrifice of your very own lifeblood you heal you companions, so that they may fight on through your own strength.
Avatar of Spirituality (3.5e Epic Feat) Initiate of Spirituality, Acolyte of Spirituality, Master of Spirituality, Cha 19 or higher, good aligned, character level 21 or higher You may vanquish undead and evil by bursting holy damage to an even greater intensity.
Avatar of Valor (3.5e Epic Feat) Master of Valor, Diplomacy 18 ranks or higher You are essentially the manifestation of bravery, courage and altruism. Your attacks grow faster and your allies are inspired.
Awaken Core Host Zonder Core, 9th level The Zonder Core is active, making you difficult to kill.
Awaken Dead Gift of Life, Power level of 3
Awesome Body Cha 16+, DR 3+ Your sense of self-worth is so great that it bolsters your ability to withstand damage.
Awesome Nickname You have a KILLER nickname.
Axethrower Must be a human from Indus. Alternatively, must be an Orc, Half-Orc or a Kerani. Your people favor the axe, and have learned how to hurl such weapons to deadly effect.
Babylonian Human, 1st level You hail from the empire of Babylonia, which has conquered Assyria and ascended to prominence.
Backbone Con 15 Your hardy body has more than enough to power a throw.
Backhand Throughstrike Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus 8+ You can easily breach into the open defense after you disarmed your


Backstabber Profession(Assassin) 4 ranks You know how to attack from behind.
Balance Drills Dex 13, Lightning Reflexes
Balor Spawn Con 13 You have the ancestry of a Balor, the mightiest demon of the Abyss in your veins.
Bamf Confusion The ability to bamf 3 times per 2 hours Gives the Bamfling the ability to bamf multiple times in a round with a grappled enemy
Bane Black Sky Darkness Class Feature, Black Sky Class Feature The combination of your hatred for a specific creature type and the darkness that dwells inside of you, your black sky class feature damages those of that creature type more heavily.
Bane Darkness Darkness Class Feature The combination of your hatred for a specific creature type and the darkness that dwells inside of you, your darkness class feature damages those of that creature type more heavily.
Bane Spell Any other metamagic feat Deal double damage to specific types of enemies.
Barbed Tongue Aberration blood Your tongue becomes a retractile barbed tentacle.
Bardic Gift Cha 15+, Perform 4 ranks, Bard You are a gifted spellcasting minstrel
Bardic Harmony Bardic music, Charisma 25, Perform 25 ranks You can combine two types of bardic music to provide the benefits of both
Barricade Str 17, base attack bonus +6
Basket hilt fencing stance INT 13, Combat Expertise The character is trained to fight with basket-hilted weapons and can take profit from the basket hilt protection in both defense and attack manoeuvres.
Bastardized Divinity Charisma 17+, Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 4 ranks, Ability to cast 1st level arcane spells, Must be taken at 1st level, Worship a living god, Must be the SAME alignment as your god. You may not be divine, but you've co-opted (some might say stolen) some very useful divine spells, and can use them as your own!
Bastardly Not Lawful good, no ability to heal others. Jerk personified.
Batter Up! Str 15, Base Attack Bonus +2 Take a baseball swing to trade accuracy for a better chance at a critical.
Battle Butler Any non-chaotic. You help your master out of duty, even if he wants to destroy the world or save it. Really these things do not matter to you.
Battle Charger Must be taken at 1st Level of a Combat-focused Class You fear nothing and embrace death.
Battle Dance
Battle Heart 3 levels in any Vessel-related class that uses Vessel Magic, at least one rank in the War Division of Vessel Magic In combat, you become fearless and immune to will effects as long as you are not at maximum health.
Battle Hymn Bardic music ability, inspire courage You can inspire your allies to true acts of heroism.
Battle Jump BAB +1 A falling charge that can be initiated with a running jump.
Battle Mage Concentration 12+ ranks You are an experienced battle mage, skilled not only at defending yourself while casting spells against your opponents, but in maneuvering the battlefield as you do so.
Battle Momentum Combat Reflexes, Str 13, Dex 13, base attack bonus +6 Your strength and force when fighting can send you deeper into enemy lines with every swing.
Battle Sense Improved Initiative, Wis 13+ You see a battle coming, just before it happens.
Battle Wisdom Wisdom +2 From years of killing and slaughtering his/her foes they've learned to use this wisdom to become their biggest strength.
Battlefield Surgeon
Be Efficient Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, base attack bonus +6 Snipin' is a good job mate.
Beast Binder Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Magical Beasts
Beast Cleave You must have an animal companion, along with both the Vicious Ally and Frenzied Ally feats. Your animal companion wastes no time in finishing one opponent and immediately engaging the next, going so far as to tear a trail cross the field of battle.
Beast Doll Arcane string class feature Allows you to create your doll in the shape of a chosen animal.
Beat 'Em With The Wet Part Improved Sunder, Str 16 You nasty, nasty beast.
Beauty of the Elves Elf or Half-Elf, Cha 18 You are wonderous-fair to look upon.
Beauty over Brains Cha 19 Who needs to be smart when you can be Beautiful. Thanks to your stunning appearance and demeanor, those around you, including yourself, mistake you for a genius. Gain a benefit of intelligence on level up.
Beholder Bloodline B'er'den You have tapped more deeply into your inherited bloodline than most others, and as a result a fully functional stalked eye has sprouted from your back.
Believable Int 18, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, Able to cast arcane spells. You make all the spells from the School of Illusions more real.
Beloved of Deity Favored of Deity, 5 hd minimum. Must have made some large contribution or sacrifice to your god, either 5000 gp (may be cumulative), or defeated an enemy(s) of the faith equal to 5 times your current hd, and sacrificed their possessions to your god. Enemies of the faith can be any that serve a god with an alignment opposed to your own. If your god has a hatred of a particular creature, those count as well. You are special to your Deity and they allow you to use limited set of spells.
Bend Bending Bending Style 1st Cover does little to reduce the effectiveness of your Bends.
Bending Finesse Bending Style 2nd Instead of just swinging your elemental weapon you bend it towards your opponent.
Benediction of Faith Must be of similar or same alignment of chosen Deity. Must have the same or similar domain as the worshipped deity. Wis and Char score of 13 or higher. Your patron deity has deemed you worthy of being noticed, and thus, has granted you with a beacon to signify to other mortals that you are a champion of note. Priests, priestesses, religious leaders, worshippers, and citizens instantly recognize you as a consecrated representative of your chosen deity. The result of this faithfulness is an exceptional blessing.
Bestial Supernatural Linguist Grants the ability to speak with and understand animals.
Bestial Legs Aberration blood Your legs become warped and powerful.
Bestial Regression You are slowly becoming more like a creature of the wild.
Bestow The Living Shade Shz'ther Guardian, Ward Of The Faceless Through the profane bonds that tie you to your guardian, he has permanently become a part of the shadow itself.
Better Extra Turning Turn Undead, Cleric 1 Extra Turning but better
Better Lucky than Good Positive Charisma modifier. You've never been the best, but that hasn't stopped you from having an uncanny amount of success.
Better to be Lucky than Dead Use luck points to alter dice rolls
Big Brute Ogrillon You bear a stronger resemblance to your ogre parent than your orc parent in size and appearance. Your physical stature lets you function in many ways as if you were one size category larger.
Big Guy Str 16, power attack. You are a big guy, you swing weapon very hard.
Big Puppet Arcane string class feature Similarly to the Big Familiar feat, this allows puppet makers to create larger dolls.
Bigger Science 3rd level, 6+ ranks in Knowledge (Science), Science Anything is possible if you put your science to it! You have mastered this.
Binder of Evil Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Evil to a greater extend.
Binder of Flame Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the water to a greater extent.
Binder of Frost Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the cold to a greater extent.
Binder of Good Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Good to a greater extend.
Binder of the Gods Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Angels to a greater extend.
Binder of the Mountain Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the earth to a greater extent.
Binder of the Sea Knowledge (Planes) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of the water to a greater extent.
Binder of the Sky Knowledge (Plane) 6, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creates of the Air to a greater extent.
Bitter Cold Frostbite class feature, Cryokinesis 10 ranks Your abilities are so cold that they affect even creatures normally immune to cold damage.
Black Knight Armor Proficiency (Heavy). You are a black knight, a mysterious rider travelling the countryside nameless. The power is in the black full-plate you are wearing...
Black Mage Intelligence 13 Gives moogles several damaging spell-like abilities.
Black Medicine Nongood alignment, Heal 5 ranks
Blade Snap Str 15 After you catch the blade of your opponent's sword in the prongs of your jutte, you can apply pressure to the sword until it breaks.
Bladesinging Elf, Dex 15+, Weapon Focus, Perform (Dance) 12+ ranks After years of training with a master of the bladesinging arts, you have finally learned the first steps of the fabled artform.
Bladesong Symmetry +8 BAB, 13 Strength, Two-Weapon Fighting, Bladesong Style Allows you to use part of your Bladesong AC bonus when two-weapon fighting, with certain conditions.
Blasting Spell Able to cast any spell with the Fire descriptor, Empower Spell
Blasting Spell (Metamagic) Empower Spell, any spell with the [Fire] descriptor Your AoE spells are far more effective, literally blasting your enemies away from the area in a magical explosion
Blessed from Deathless Beauty be dead or undead, patron Evening Glory, not evil alignment, this talent must be given by the goddess herself You are Blessed from the goddess Evening Glory, your body looks and works like a life body but in fact you are death.
Blessed Strikes Divine Spellcaster with cleric or paladin spells, Wisdom or Charisma 20+ , Must have had direct contact with the deity, Weapon Focus with the deity's Favored Weapon. Your attacks improve because of your deity's blessing
Blessing of the Divines Must have a luck bonus of +4 and be the seventh son of the seventh son The feat gives a bonus to being the seventh son of the seventh son. You have come to a point in life where the gods bless such rarity. You may have 3 wishes per year. The wishes do not reset or stack up. The wishes recharge after all wishes have been used. Using a wish causes a -2 luck bonus to all rolls for every wish used. The negative bonus does not reset till the wishes recharge. The negative bonus does stack.
Blessing of the Fey You have one of the Archfey as a patron.
Blind Fanaticism 3 HD, 18 CHA Spur others to greater lengths of Fanaticism
Blindeye Min of 5 ranks in hide, Alertness, a living creature It is harder to be seen by construct beings
Blindsense Character lvl 10, Wisdom 13, Blind-fight Training has made your senses like those of a wild animal
Blindsight Blind-Fight, Listen 20 ranks.
Blistering Spell Your fire spells sear the flesh from your enemies' bones, leaving them wracked with pain.
Blood Component Character level 21+, Constitution 25. Sacrifice HP instead of XP for spells/powers.
Blood Copy Vampire[2], 1 or more controlled vampires

Your blood mutates and begins to act as an open library writing the info it has taken in or will take in.
Blood Craft blood component ability, any two item creation feats You learn to infuse items with your blood.
Blood Frenzy Favor the Fang and Claw, Blootletting, Snatch, Rend, Knowledge Anatomy 20+ The ultimate in natural weapon attacks! You smell blood in the air... its quenching... driving you near insane... you... must... KILL...
Blood Sacrifice 7th level fighter OR The ability to cast 3rd level spells. Through a secret arcane ritual, you may sacrifice your vitality to gain staggering benefits.
Blood Spit When taking a big hit, you can spit the blood that you cough up into your opponents eyes and blind them.
Blood Splattered Intimidate +10 You wear your enemy's blood proudly.
Blood War Sorcerer Caster level 5, Knowledge (Arcana) 1, must have fought in the Blood War As a battle magician in the blood War, you’ve learned killing arts that would amaze common spellcasters.
Blooded Must be a dwarf from Kerrigan, or an Humans or Half-Elves from Volare or Silverfell. Alternatively, must be an Dragonkin, or a Half-Giant, or a Coug'r. You know what it means to fight for your life, and you understand the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells are chanted.
Blooded Metamagic Any other metamagic feat, Caster Level 3rd, Constitution 13+ You power your spells with your own essence
Bloodied Frenzy 15 Wisdom or less A Fighter's adrenaline turns into a blood lust in dire situations.
Bloodline You manifest a minor bloodline.
Bloodline, Greater Your bloodline reach the pinnacle ot it power.
Bloodline, Improved Your bloodline improved.
Bloody Ballet, Greater Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Greater Gemini Dance (Lv. 12 in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class)) Your feet are practically callouses by this point; you don't feel anything as you twist and turn about the battlefield, spraying the ground with droplets of blood.
Bloody Ballet, Improved Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Improved Gemini Dance (Lv. 7 in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class)) Your feet are practically callouses by this point; you don't feel anything as you twist and turn about the battlefield, spraying the ground with droplets of blood.
Bloody Ballet, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 Your feet are practically callouses by this point; you don't feel anything as you twist and turn about the battlefield, spraying the ground with droplets of blood.
Bloody Ballet, Perfect Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Perfect Gemini Dance (Lv. 20 in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class)) Your feet are practically callouses by this point; you don't feel anything as you twist and turn about the battlefield, spraying the ground with droplets of blood.
Bloody Mess Base Attack Bonus +6 For some reason, creatures you kill always seem to die in the most horribly violent manner possible.
Bloody Mess, Variant Power Attack, Base attack bonus +6 When you deal massive damage, it has a devastating effect.
Bludfrost Endurance Base Fortitude save bonus +2 or be born within the country of Blüdfrost Either because of growing up in Blüdfrost or training your body and mind to ignore the biting effect of cold, you can exist with ease in low-temperature environments.
Blunt Force Trauma BAB +8, Str 15, Sneak Attack +2d6 or Improved Sunder. A vicious strike with blunt weapons.
Blunt Trauma Str 13 Hit harder with blunt weapons against creatures with damage reduction.
Blurred Spells Base Land/Fly/Swim speed 60 ft, Ability to cast 3rd level spells, Dex 18 Your speed allows you to become like a blur, hiding your spells' true nature from the target until it is too late.
Blurred Vision Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, BAB +5 Your speedster can trick the eyes of foes, causing them to miss while attacking.
Blüdfrost Endurance Constitution score of 12 or be born within the country of Blüdfrost. You are resistant to cold damage, and immune to any cold damage while in Blüdfrost.
Body as Matrix Int 17, Gate of Truth Experience, Alchemy. Knowing the truth about alchemy and its circles, you know how to position yourself in just the right way to cast without needing to draw a circle.
Bodyguard Mobility, Con 15, Dex 15
Boiling Waters Elnade You can superheat your body to become hasted and with fiery benefits.
Bojutsu Proficiency with the Bo/Quarterstaff, a Base Attack Bonus +1, a Medium Sized Character or larger You are trained in Bojutsu, the art of staff fighting, and can use a number of staves to trip the enemy and block attacks
Bolster Constitution 16, Fortitude Save +5 After every round of combat, make a Fortitude Save of DC 15. If successful, regain 1d8 Hit Points. This total cannot exceed your maximum Hit Points. This effect is only active in combat and cannot be used outside of it, nor will it regrow lost limbs as per the Regenerate spell.
Bond Beyond Wis 13, Brought back to life by Raise Dead or Resurrection You passed over the river Styx once, and a part of you is still there.
Bondsman You are a master of ropes and manacles, which helps both when you’re trying to escape and when you’re binding an opponent.
Bone Barbs Shape bone class feature, 12 Con You are accustomed to shaping ridges and spikes into your armor.
Boneblade Master Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, Craft (Scrimshaw) 4 ranks You have mastered the alchemic processes needed to create boneblades, as well as their use in combat.
Bonus Feat You gain a bonus feat.
Boost Focus Your boosts are harder to resist.
Boost Focus, Greater Boost Focus You boosts become increasingly difficult to resist.
Boost Metabolism Psychic Healing
Boosted Fortitude Great Fortitude
Boosted Metabolism, Variant Base Fortitude Save of 10
Boosted Reflexes Lightning Reflexes
Boosted Will Iron Will
Bootlicker Charisma 13 With sweet words you can trick people into liking you.
Bore'ing sh0t Ranger (or similar to Ranger, see special for details), BAB 55, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Manyshot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Exceptional Deflection, Infinite deflection, Dimensional Door (as a spell-like ability), Fabricate An absolute piercing projectile built and designed to make ranged attacks scary in high level games (This is based on Zer0's B0re perk from Borderlands 2).
Born at Sea Must have been born and raised at sea You were born and raised on a boat and it shows
Born by the Forge Must be taken at 1st level You were born by the forge and spent most of your life working in the smithy before heading off for adventure.
Born of the Uttercold Must have a racial quality that innately deals cold damage on physical attacks, such as a Chilblain's "Frost Touch" ability (Refer to Frostburn-Pg.115). You are so attuned to your frozen heritage that your cold based damage damages those normally wouldn't be harmed.
Born to Rule Intimidate 10 ranks When you fight, your enemies know fear.
Bottomless Tools Bounty Hunter Level 1 Your arsenal of tools is more vast than any other's.
Bow Sniper Precise Shot, +1 Base attack bonus You are skilled at using a bow to strike vulnerable spots
Bow Sniper, Variant Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Selected Bow), +5 Base attack bonus You are skilled at using a bow to strike vulnerable spots.
Boxer Str 14, Improved Unarmed Strike, Proficient with Unarmed Strikes. You enjoy punching people in the face. It's kind of nice to feel their blood spray across your palms as you beat them to a bloody pulp.
Boy Scout Wis 13 You were once in a Youth program.
Brachiation Survival as a class skill Through extensive time spent in and around trees, you have grown capable of moving through them like a monkey.
Bracing Strike (3.5e feat) Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6. You can deal deal devastating damage to any opponent foolish enough to charge you.
Brains Over Brawn Int 13+. Your clever ingenuity allows you to get out of situations more easily than your physical appearance would lead others to believe.
Breaking Point 20 CON, 20 WIS, Endurance, Diehard, Melee Classes only, +8 Base Will save, ECL 12 Through mastery over the mind, you can briefly bend your own body to your own will or Break it all together for a brief flash of glory.
Breakthrough Counter Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist Your tenacity in melee combat is admirable, and even when the odds stack against you, you always manage to pull through with one last attack.
Breath Weapon Character level 6. You have a magical breath weapon.
Breathe that Foul Air Must be taken at 1st level Having grown up in the atmospheric trash that is the air in Warton, you are immune to the effects of coughing, choking, and other stink or smoke oriented attacks.
Brew Alchemical Potion Alchemist First Level Grants the user the ability to combine ingredients to form potions that replicate spell effects.
Brew Archpotion Brew Potion, Knowledge (arcana) 16 ranks, Spellcraft 16 ranks You can infuse more than one spell into a potion, but at a greater cost and instability.
Brew Lesser Salve Witch level 4, Dex 12
Brew Minor Salve Witch level 2, Dex 11
Brew Potion Batch Brew Potion, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 16 You can brew several of the same potion at the same time.
Bright Mage You are skilled at light spells.
Brilliant Negotiator Charisma 13, Intelligence 15, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks, Skill Focus (Diplomacy) Your keen intellect allows you to more easily get your way in any conversation, whether it be a common barroom argument or political discourse between kingdoms.
Broker of the Infernal Knowledge (The Planes) 10, must be able to cast a spell of the [Calling] subtype Through your study of the Infernal laws, you have learned to harness the power of True Names in your summoning magic.
Brutal Finesse BAB +6, Weapons Finesse You've learn to combine agility and raw physical might to make your attack hit home.
Brutal Offense
Build Witch's Cottage Wis 15, Str 11, Witchcraft 8 ranks Design and erect a cottage suitable for a witch to live in, including furnishings. A cottage enhances a witch's crafting, research and psionic abilities. Witch's must build their own cottages.
Built Body Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic. Your superhero has reached the pentacle of athleticism and physical fitness. This has resulted in a very strong and stout hero who can dish out and receive much more than the common man.
Built Tough Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, BAB +5 Your superhero can take it as much as he can dish it out.
Bullheaded Must be from Indus. Alternatively, must be a Drow, Fire Genasi, or Dragonkin The stubbornness and determination of your kind is legendary. You are exceptionally headstrong and difficult to sway from your intended course.
Burning Fanaticism 4 HD, CHA 22+ Spur others to unmatched Fanaticism
Burning Resolve Base Attack Bonus +25, Strength 40+, Constitution 30+ "You've attacked me enough!"
Burning Snow Cha 10 You are familiar with cold that burns.
Burning Soul Charisma 21, must had peaceful contact with a Fire Elemental. Your soul burns with power, your personal magnetism, your raw power of will and burning ambition attracted the attention of the denizen of the eternal flames. You are now a manifestation of your inner fire.
Burst of Physical Strength Base Fortitude Save of 10, Endurance, Diehard, Melee Classes only (Fighter,Barbarian,Monk). In times of dire need we all have a bit of extra strength, but some of us can call upon this strength at all times.
By the Skin of Your Teeth Base attack bonus +6, Con 18, Survive deadly attacks that would normally be a killing blow.
Byakugan This feat may only be taken at 1st level, Con 14. You have inherited the vast visual powers hidden deep in your family's blood.
Bypass Self-Immunity Immunity to a type of effect or energy You can affect yourself with spells that you would normally be immune to.
Calm Skill Skill Focus in selected skill, 12 ranks in selected skill. You have used this skill so many times that it is second nature to you.
Camouflage Skin Hide 5 ranks You trained to imitate structures and surfaces with your shapechange.
Camouflaged Hide 3 ranks You trained to imitate structures and surfaces.
Can't stop, Won't stop When using a full round action to run in combat, you gain a 2.5ft bonus to movement speed for each point of dex modifier that you have to a minimum of 5ft. While outside of combat you get a 5ft bonus to movement speed for each point of dex bonus you have and you can run for an extra 30 seconds for each point of constitution modifier you have.
Cannibalize Item Any Item Creation Feat that can create an item of the type you chose Choose either arcane, divine or psionic. You can draw the energies from an item of that type to offset the XP cost of creating a new item of the same general type.
Cannoneer You are a siege engineer specializing in cannons.
Captain Profession (Sailor) or (Commander) 2 Ranks You are a Captain of Men, either on the Sea, or on Land.
Cardsharp You are a gambler at heart.
Careful Listener None. You have a talent for studying expressions and reading the true thoughts of a speaker.
Carrier Must have one level of a Fiend class. You are a carrier of a dangerous disease, though you are immune to its effects.
Cat Snatch Bite attack, Feline Race You may start a grapple as a free action with bite attack.
Caustic Blood Boneshaper level 3, Shape bone class feature, 13 Con Your magics allow you to make your blood highly corrosive.
Caustic Caper, Greater Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Greater Gemini Dance You do not scorn the most vile substances
Caustic Caper, Improved Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Improved Gemini Dance You do not scorn the most vile substances
Caustic Caper, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 You do not scorn the most vile substances
Caustic Poison Con 24, Poisonous natural weapon, 20HD, At least one other feat pertaining to poison such as Ability Focus (Poison) Your poison can damage creatures typically immune to poison.
Cavalry Must be from Lionel Your people are known for their horses, and mounted combat is considered especially important and excelled in, within your country.
Celestial Supernatural Languages Grants the ability to speak with and understand celestials.
Celestial Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of good to a greater extent.
Celestial Blood Casting Good outsider or some other form of celestial blood Your blood bubbles with the power of some holy realm.
Celestial Descendant Good, Wis 10 You are remotely descended, even more remotely so than an asimaar, from a celestial being. You, over time, learn to accept this as part of yourself and draw power from it.
Celestial Destined any Good, must be taken at Level 1, 10 Wis You are remotely descended, even more remotely so than an Asimaar, from a celestial being. You, over time, learn to accept this as part of yourself and draw power from it. Eventually this power envelops you, causing you to return to your ancestors plane upon reaching the 20th lv.
Celestial Heritage Wings Celestial Bloodline, Spontaneous Caster. You channel your inborn power to spawn a pair of spectral, magical wings that glow with Celestial power creates light as light spell of a caster of equal lev.
Celestial Teachings Aasimar, level 6, Wis 13 You have learned the peaceful ways of negotiation and mutual respect with mortals and outsiders alike.
Cerulean Initiative Con 13 You channel incarnum to boost your reactions.
Chain Bikini Chick Cha 15, Female Your stunning looks distract the enemy.
Chain-Smoking Badass Must be able to physically smoke and have the means to support such a habit. When defeating the hordes of darkness isn't enough, try lung cancer.
Chakra Focus By taking a moment to focus your Chakra you can restore some of it.
Chakra Prodigy Bending Style 1st You focus on your chakra more than what's going on around you.
Champion of Deity Favored of Deity,Beloved of Deity,Servant of Deity, 17 Hd minimum. Must make a large sacrifice in the name of the god. Enemies of the faith equal to your current HD x 15 And an enemy of the faith slain in single combat with Hd higher then yours. These sacrifices have the same restrictions as Beloved of Deity. You are a champion of the faith, chosen to carry out your gods will. If they wish something they turn to you to see it accomplished.
Champion Summoner Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Superior Summoning, the ability to cast Summon Monster II The creatures you conjure are selected from the best of their race.
Changeling Beasthide Knowledge (nature) 6 ranks You can disguise as an animal.
Changeling blood Taken at character creation only. Race must be compatible with changelings (in other words most medium races) You are descended from a changeling and can use some of their abilities
Changeling Darkvision You inherited the ability to see in the dark from your Doppleganger ancestry.
Changling size-shifter Must be a shapeshifter. This feat alows a Changling to change its size one up or down from it's original size.
Channel Ki Strike Ki strike You can channel Ki into weapons to pierce a monsters defenses.
Channeled Rage Orc, Rage ability, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank Orcs train long and hard to gain an almost mythical control over their rage, and although they are are lost in zeal, they can still make decisions and battle plans.
Chant - Extra Skill Must be a class that classifies itself as a support, except Cleric. A special skill given to only the most exceptional of performing individuals.
Chant of Solitude Bardic Music, Concentration 9 ranks, Perform 9 ranks You can channel the power of your bardic music to sustain your allies, allowing them to function even after receiving wounds that would cause others to falter.
Chaos Music Perform Rank 4, Bardic Music ability The power of chaos improves your bardic music ability. Your performance becomes frenetic and completely discordant. Something about it speaks to some forgotten aspect of your primal consciousness.
Chaos Rage Intimidate Rank 4, ability to enter a rage. The power of chaos increases your rage ability. While raging, your muscles shudder with uncontrolled energy as a spirit of chaos pushes you past your physical nature.
Chaotic Reversal 3 ranks in the Chaos Division of Vessel Magic; alternatively, 3 levels in any class You can distort reality momentarily to change the outcome of events.
Charged Personality Must have a charisma of 20+ Whether it be your backstory or your personality, your charismatic nature fuels you to push forward. Now, you push your personality forward.
Chariot Archery Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat You are able to shoot while riding in a chariot.
Charioteering Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat You have learned how to drive a chariot, and know how to use its full potential.
Charming Personality 16 Charisma, +2 Bluff You're good at talking, and seem trustworthy.
Child of a Blacksmith Level 1 Start with a piece of equipment
Child of All Aasimar, Cha 13, Primus as your God for Divine Blood. Your bond to existence grows and you start to take on the traits of other creatures.
Child of Darkness Tiefling, Int 13 Spending most of your time in darkness you perfected your inert ability to spread darkness into the world.
Child of Feat Taken at charadcter creation. Must be the same alignment as the god chosen, and be of the god's preferred race. This feat gives a bonus to a character who has been favored by a particular deity.
Child of the Desert Must have been raised in a desert Life in the desert has toughened you.
Child of the Mother 6 Ranks in any Craft Skill, Aasimar, Int 13, Kithu as your God for Divine Blood. The world hears your whims and creates your desires.
Child of the Sun Aasimar, Wis 13 Exposing evil and embracing good you have mastered the ability to let your inner light shine.
Child of the Void 6 Ranks in Knowledge (Planes), Aasimar, Int 13, Nihlus as your God for Divine Blood. Even when your body walks in the mortal world, you can transcend partially into the void.
Chilling Bones Boneshaper level 3, Shape bone class feature, 13 Con Turning the very marrow of your bones to ice allows you assail your foes with stinging cold while protecting you from similar attacks.
Chitinous Hands Aberration blood Your hands become massive monstrous claws.
Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude Zealot level 4 By raising your weapon to the sky saying the scripture of your god and slamming weapon to the ground you will heal your allies and damage your foes
Chosen Carrier Not immune to diseases and magical diseases, Constitution score 18 or higher. You have chosen to carry around a certain disease in a mutualistic relationship. The disease does not damage you, but it does give you any positive effects of it.
Chosen of the Varuuts Must Worship a Varuuts Your loyalty toward the Eternal Ones is rewarded with power over death..
Church Education WIS 13 The clergy of your homeland has educated you from a young age.
Clairsentience Psychic Ability You have the potential to learn clairsentience skills.
Clairvoyance Wis 13
Clarity of Vision
Class knowledge 20 levels in 1 Class, Wis 16 or Int 16 Dabbling in another class has made you understand it.
Class Pet This feat must be taken at character creation You learned that your winning personalty and good looks can get you passing grades in magic school. You slowly have learned magic and can cast using your force of personality.
Claw Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, natural claw attack or Ki Claw Fights like monk, claws like bear.
Clawed Tornado Base Attack Bonus +6, The Beast Within class, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack You deal a devastating blow to the enemies around you.
Clear Focus Rat-Man or Wolf-Man, Wis 15, Base Will Save +2 Your focus is so strong and unwavering, the enemy cannot control, scare, or sway you to their side.
Clear Headed Bluff as a class skill You're hard to read.
Clever Ricochet Dex 17, Int 15, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot You know how to bounce ranged attacks to get around an enemy's cover.
Clinging Breath Dragon, Con 13+ Your energy-based breath weapon clings to creatures and continues to affect them on the round after you breathe.
Cloak the Mind Resilient Mind
Close-Quarters Thrower Dex 13, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weapon. You have advanced enough agility to not be hit by melee attacks while throwing weapons or bombs.
Clothesline Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +6 You can charge past your foe and render him prone.
Clouded Mind Wra'sh Blood feat, Dark Wood Walker feat Your experience in the dark woods and the dead Marshes of Wra'sh made you imperious to Mind Affecting Effect.
Clumsy Reflex Dex of 9 or lower You gain a +4 bonus to your Reflex save, but anyone adjacent to you suffers a −2 penalty as you haphazardly escape danger.
Cluster spell Any two metamagic feats Let you cast a spells into another spell area
Cold (Strongarm) Crafting Str 18 You Strong. You hit things hard. They change shape.
Colossus Climber Climb 20 Ranks, Balance 20 Ranks, Improved Grapple. Large opponents pose no problem to you, as you bravely scale their bodies and stab at their undersides, making it difficult for them to hit you in the process.
Combat Antimagic Wis 13, Combat Focus, Great Fortitude, base attack bonus 10+ Your intense concentration on the battle allows you to shake off magic.
Combat Ball Anthrohedgehog, Proficiency with natural weapon, Base attack bonus +1 You are more adept at fighting while in a defensive ball.
Combat Barrage Wis 13, BAB +6 When in Combat Focus, you gain extra attacks.
Combat Brutality Wis 13, Power Attack When in Combat Focus, you deal extra damage.
Combat Casting, Tome
Combat Concentration Psychic Ability You can use your psychic skills in combat.
Combat Dancing Tumble(6 ranks), Balance(6 ranks), Jump(6 ranks), Dexterity 14 You've learned to use your exceptional acrobatic skill to some advantage in combat, enabling several actions.
Combat Expertise (TOWW)
Combat Improvisation Wis 13, Improved Feint When in a Combat Focus, you can feint faster with a bonus.
Combat Loading (Merika Supplement) BAB +1, Proficient in small arms or longarms. The character is skilled at reloading his firearm amidst the dangers of combat.
Combat Looting
Combat Mastery (TOWW)
Combat Modification Mechanoid, first level only
Combat Presence Base attack bonus +6, Cha 13+, Intimidate skill. Your skill at arms strikes fear into the hearts of your foes.
Combat Reflexes (TOWW)
Combat School
Combat Sense Combat Reflexes
Combat Superiority (TOWW)
Cometeer You are a crewman of a Spelljammer ship.
Commanding Leader Minimum Level 3 (Any Class), 8 Charisma Or Higher, This feat enhances your Charisma and Charisma-related rolls based on your followers.
Common Magic Int 13, Knowledge (Arcana) 1 rank You are mentally adept to the point that you have naturally taught yourself how to cast spells. This feat functions similarly to the Cantrip Feat.
Communal Spell You can spread the effects of your spell to multiple allies by dividing its duration amongst them.
Companion Training Gemini Dance, Gemini Companion, Any Gemini Dance Style
Compelling Performance (TOWW)
Componentless Casting Caster level 20 NPC only Through your own rituals, you can ignore the horrible cost of body and mind that other spellcasters must pay.
Composite Plating Mechanoid
Con Artist
Concentrated Strike Power Attack, Weapon Focus(Specific weapon), Concentration skill rank 10+, Base Attack Bonus 10+ Use concentration to make your attack and damage for a specific weapon more lethal
Concentrated Summoning Spell Focus (Conjuration) You can maintain the duration of a Conjuration (Summoning) spell through concentration.
Concentrating Words Have at least 1 spell word/day. You can spend words instead of concentrating.
Concentrational Mana Regeneration spell points, caster level 5th allows concentration check to regen minor spell points
Condexor BAB 6, Base Fort Save of 5, SRD:Endurance Use Fort instead of Ref.
Conductive Spell Ability to cast a spell that deals electricity damage, caster level 3rd. You can cause your electricity to zero in on a target.
Confident Strike Cha 13, +1 attack bonus. Your attacks are so cool they won't miss; in your opinion.
Confuse Undead Turn/Rebuke Undead, Madness Domain Your mad god granted you the power to drive even the restless dead insane.
Confused Turtle Two Weapon Fighting You choose to wield two shields in place of a weapon in order to better protect yourself. But like a turtle with a rounded shell on top and bottom, this choice makes you look a little confused.
Conscript Commoner level 1 You were in the Militia.
Conscript Training You served in the militia.
Conservative Casting Concentration 4 ranks. You can preserve a spell even when you fail to cast it.
Consistent Spell Any non-chaotic You incur the power of order to give your spells consistently.
Constricting Fiend Character level 6. Your legs merge into a long tail, and you gain the ability to squeeze the life from your foes.
Constroficer Craft Construct Your effective level is 1 higher for the purpose of crafting constructs.
Consuming Brain Level 2 or higher, psionic, more than 5 powerpoints/day Boosts your intelligence with the penalty of other stats.
Contact Other Plane
Continued Toughness Constitution 14, Improved Toughness, Toughness You gain extra hit points at every level
Continued Training At least 2 classes. You continue training with one of your classes, even after you multiclass.
Control Spawn Your victims serve you eternally in death.
Controlled Fall Psychokinesis
Convert Spell to Power Must be taken at 1st level Your psionic mind dominates even your would-be arcane talent.
Copy Master Adept Copy feat, level 20 <!-A short summary of the feat->
Corded steel muscles Str 15, Toughness Your muscles are so strong that they actually help absorb blows
Corellon's Mysteries  base attack bonus +1 You've been trained in the combat style of the Fellowship of the Forgotten Flower, elven knights and warriors who were dedicated to Corellon Larethian and the recovery of the lost relics of the Tel'Quessir.
Corrosive Slime Aberration blood Your skin is covered by a rare acid.
Corrupted Critical Chaotic alignment, one other Abyssal Heritor feat Your very presence corrupts the critical protections of your enemies.
Cosmopolitan Must be from Lionel, Silverfell, or Tirasus. Alternatively, must be a Kaori, Half-Giant, Half-Elf, or other Half-Blooded Race. You've been lied to more times than you can count, this history has made you intimately familiar with the deceit, guile, and double speak of city folk.
Counter Throw Str 13, Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6 You are able to throw a charging opponent.
Counterstrike, Variant Dexterity 14, Combat Reflexes Characters with this Feat may react to an enemy's attack, striking back at them on instinct. If an enemy in melee range attacks this character, that character may roll a Concentration check to focus all of their speed and power into a quick counterstrike. The DC for this check is equal to 10 + Enemy Level + Enemy's Dexterity modifier. This is considered an Attack of Opportunity, and is subject to the same limitations per round.
Counterturn Undead Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Extra Turning You are able to counter the positive energy with the negative or the positive with the negative one.
Courtesan Bluff 2 ranks You are professional courtesan, who lures men with a smile.
Covered Enchantment Spell Focus (Enchantment) Your enchantment spells are hard to notice.
Craft Epic Wand Craft Wand, Knowledge (arcana) 28 ranks, Spellcraft 28 ranks You can craft wands that exceed the normal limits for such items.
Craft Faerie Dust Fey Type, Character Level 4th

The fey is familiar with the secrets of creating faerie dust

Craft Flare Caster level 9th, Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks You can create magical flares, items that hold two spells: an emanation and a targeted spell.
Craft Grenades Brew Potion. You can create explosive items.
Craft Imbued Item (TOWW)
Craft Magic Foods Ability to cast spells, Craft (Cuisine) rank 1 You are able to imbue the foods you make with magic.
Craft Magic Tattoo Variant Caster level 9th, Craft (Artist) 5 ranks You can create magical tattoos that duplicate the effects of a single spell.
Craft Magical Image Effective Caster level 5, Craft(Image) ranks 5, Spellcraft ranks 8 Use your knowledge of Spellcraft to create an image; the image

allows you to cast a prechosen spell.

Craft Major Arcana Caster Level 8th, Craft Minor Arcana You can create a major arcana for use with tarot magic.
Craft Mana Crystal Arcane Caster level 5th. You can create a mana crystal.
Craft Minor Arcana Caster Level 1st. You can create a minor arcana for use with tarot magic.
Craft of the Soulstealer Three or more item creation feats, caster level 6. By studying stolen souls, you have learned to fully tap their power for your magical creations.
Craft Personal Focus Knowledge (arcana) 12 ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks, caster level 1st. You can craft a personal focus which replaces the need for expensive material components.
Craft Primitive Item Caster level 1st, from a primitive society You can now create crude magic items.
Craft Psychic Construct Psychic Ability and one psychic talent feat You can create and empower psychic constructs.
Craft Wacky Tobacco You create a tobacco version of potion.
Crafting Caster level 2, the character must see no value in material possessions, they must never buy or sell an item or ask someone else to. If this is broken this feat is lost and the character may gain a new one but never regain this. Create rings and wands easier
Creator Craft 2 Ranks You are a professional inventor, artist, and craftsman.
Creature of Magic Dragon creature type, Charisma 13 or better. Dragons have an innate ability to cast magic spells.
Crime Lord Gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks when dealing with criminals; twice per week, gather detailed information about a person, place, or organization; once per week, acquire illegal or hard-to-find items at a 10% discount.
Criminal Connections Non-Lawful Alignment This feat helps you navigate the criminal underworld with ease and leverage valuable connections.
Crippling Arm Hold Base Attack Bonus +4, Improved Grapple Each grapple check you win while pinning your opponent, you can attempt to cripple your opponent.
Crippling Leg Hold Base Attack Bonus +6, Improved Grapple Each grapple check you win while pinning your opponent, you can attempt to cripple your opponent.
Crippling Stab Slight of Hand +4, BAB +6, Light Weapon Proficiency, A weapon that deals Piercing or Slashing Damage. Quickly stab an enemy to get them to break their concentration.
Critical denied dex 20 wis 16 your ability to see to realize critical blows and move out the way are out standing
Critical Heal Spell focus (conjuration) Your healing spells have a chance to score a critical hit
Critical Power Attack Power Attack or Power Bow, Str 20 or Dex 20, base attack bonus +13 This feat allows you to increase your threat range when you sacrifice BAB for Power Attack/Power Bow.
Critical Resilience Con 13
Critical Statement Know at least one spell word Get bonuses on a natural 20.
Critical Weapon BAB +15, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization Your training with your specified weapon has taught you how to deal the most damage.
Critter Grants the ability to speak with and understand vermin.
Critter Care Handle Animal 4 ranks, Heal 2 ranks You learn to care for the animals that you handle.
Crossbow Dead-Eye Weapon Focus (any crossbow), Weapon Specialization (any crossbow), BAB +6 or better You can target vitals and make a devastating, single attacks with a crossbow.
Crusader of the Desert Crusader or Paladin class Your nomad life in the desert made you much stronger.
Crushing Slam Succedaneum You are adept at using your arms, fists and body as a natural weapon.
Cryomancer You know something about the cold.
Cryptozoology You have knowledge of hidden animals.
Crystal Bite Cyrstalforged You are able to use your mighty jaws and razor sharp teeth to crunch down on your foes.
Crystal Seer You use crystals for your second sight.
Crystal seer You see the future by crystal.
Cultist You joined a cult.
Cunning Dodge Int 13
Cunning Feint Int 13, Improved Feint
Cunning Rage BAB +4, Rage or frenzy ability, Combat Expertise You can focus your mind while in a rage.
Cunning Strike Int 15, base attack bonus +6
Cure Blindness/Deafness Psychic Ability, Psychometabolism, 5 or more ranks in the Psychic Healing skill You can use the Psychic Healing skill to cure blindness and deafness.
Cure Boost Heal 4 ranks Your cure spells are more powerful.
Cure Disease Psychic Ability, Psychometabolism, 5 or more ranks in the Psychic Healing skill You can use the Psychic Healing skill to cure diseases.
Cure Poison Psychic Ability, Psychometabolism, 5 or more ranks in the Psychic Healing skill You can use the Psychic Healing skill to eliminate poisons.
Cure/Inflict Wounds
Curled Backbone B'er'den The bones and muscles of your back begin to take on the hardened, curved properties of your beholder ancestors.
Curse of Cocytus Permafrost class feature, Life Extension 20 ranks Your body has frozen to such an extent that it is impossible for disease-carrying organisms to survive in you or for all but the most virulent poisons to affect you.
Curse of the Poisoned Blade Ability to use Hexblade spells Increase the DC of all poisons you craft with the craft (poisonmaking) skill
Curse the Heretics Hexblade'sCW Curse, Turn or Rebuke Undead Your curse is stronger when it is powered by divine energy.
Cursed Luck Rebuke Undead, Luck Domain You can jeopardize your enemies with your power over fate.
Cursed Penance Fox of Sin
Cut From the Air Power Attack, Str 13, Dex 13, Combat Reflexes You can cut ranged attacks coming at you or adjacent to you.
Dagger Dash Simple Weapon Proficiency (dagger), Weapon Focus (dagger), flurry of blows class feature You pursue a martial path that uses the dagger.
Daggersage Sneak attack, martial maneuvers Your rogue and swordsage skill increase in tandem
Dakmaa Of Alethros Crusader 1 ToB, Warforged race MMIII You are a Dakmaa of Alethros, a mighty warrior with flames of the lord of fire running in your veins.
Dakmaa Of Loskel'le Crusader 1 ToB, Hide 2 ranks You are a Dakmaa of Loskel'le, a dark warrior of the night who uses the shadows to bring justice to Faltharis.
Dakmaa Of Namat Crusader 1 ToB Through great trial you have been accepted to join the Dakmaa of Namat, the great general of the tribal wars.
Dakmaa Of Sekatas Crusader 1 ToB You are a member of the Dakmaae of Sekatas, the grey-clad explorers.
Dakmaa Of Tlasius Crusader 1 ToB You are one of the feared Dakmaae of Tlasius, hunter of spellcasters and slayer of creatures arcane.
Damage Decrease
Damage Deflection Shield Proficiency
Dampen Presence stealth 3 ranks Your habitual stillness makes you difficult to perceive for creatures that use blindsight or blindsense.
Dance of the Gentle Palm Bluff 4 Ranks In unarmed combat you are like a dancer, elegant and untouchable
Dancer of Music Perform (dance) 9 ranks, Dance class ability. Allows Bard levels to stack with Dancer levels for Bardic Dance.
Dancing Bard Perform (dance) 4 ranks, Dex 13, Cha 13, Inspire Courage Allows a Bard to use Perform (dance) for Bardic Music
Dancing Dodge 15 Dex or Cha You can dance your way around your opponents attacks.
Danger Sense
Dark Wood Walker You are used of walking in the Dark Woods of Wra'sh, nothing can scare you now.
Dark/Light Companion Animal Companion ability, Base Attack Bonus +10, Interaction with ether the Plane of Shadows or the Plane of Radiance. Magical energy gives your animal companion either dark or light powers.
Darkwood Body (Warforged) For warforged druids and such.
Darshul's Surge Iron Will Opponents who target you with magical effects risk sparking your ire
Daughter of Satine Merfolk, Female, Cha 13 The daughters of Satine are blessed with a special link to nature, they can calm almost any underwater animal
Dauntless Must be a Dwarf from Kerrigan or a member of any race from Lionel, the Ashen Coast or Sol. Alternatively, must be a Earth Genasi or Kaori. Your people have been put to the test generation after generation, and keep on persevering.
Dauntless Frame Strength 14, Constitution 12 Countless days spent training have given you a physique like no other.
Daylight Adaptation Must be a Drow or Orc, or other race that has Light Sensitivity or Blindness. You've spent so many years on the surface, out of the dark, that you've become adapted to the light of the sun.
Dazzling Blow Iron Fist Style You strike a blow so hard that it rattles your foes brain dazzling them momentarily
Dead-Eye Character level 6+, proficiency with guns. A true gunslinger never misses a shot.
Deadly Critical (TOWW)
Deadly Herbalist 8 Ranks of Knowledge, Nature, and 8 Ranks of Survival, or Wanderer, 5th level. Allows any nature based character the ability to harvest and use poisons from Nature herself.
Deadly Precision (TOWW)
Deadly Stalker Favored Enemy, Death Attack You specialize in your assignments on certain enemies.
Deafening Roar Tanreiss The sound of your roar can deafen friend and foe alike.
Death's Anchor Touch Rending Nullification Touch Banish creatures to the afterlife and prevent them from leaving.
Deceptive Conversation (TOWW)
Deceptive Hand Dextrerity 13, Charisma 13 Your manual skills allow you to fool any eye even in combat.
Deckard's Polyscience Skill Focus for any two knowledge skills, At least 5 ranks in at least 4 different knowledge skills, See Special below Through your studies you have learned the general basis of all knowledge.
Dedicated Steed Special mount Multiclassing paladins and other classes which provide special mounts, they can now have their other classes now count to determining the power of the mount.
Deduction (TOWW)
Deductive Reflexes 14 int You have learned how to use deductive reasoning to help you avoid damage.
Defensive Expertise Combat Expertise, Int 13+, Dex 13+ You are well-practised at defending others during combat by parrying blows aimed at them.
Defensive Reflexes (TOWW)
Defensive Roll Dex 17 evade 1 attack per day using Reflex Save
Deflect Magic Bolt Monk Level 5, Deflect Arrows, Wisdom score 16, Dexterity Score 16 Works as Deflect Arrows Feat, but for all single target spells that would inflict damage.
Deflecting Move Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility
Deflecting Shield Dex 13, Dodge, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Proficiency. You can use a shield to deflect touch attacks.
Deft Dodger Bab +5 Your defenses are second to none, only the best are able to strike you.
Deft Fingers
Deft Handling Str 14, Dex 14, Proficiency with the selected One-Handed weapon Allows the use of a particular One-Handed weapon as a Light weapon
Delay Potion Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank. You can drink a potion and postpone its effects.
Dementia First level only You have mastered many things in such a short time. As skilled as you are, your training is slowly leaving your mind. The longer you go on, the more you forget.
Demolitions Int 13, Use Magic Device 5 ranks The character can arm explosives and create explosive traps for the purpose of demolition.
Demon Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Demons to a greater extent.
Demonic Aura Must be a Tiefling You give off an aura oozing with a feeling of dread and unholiness.
Demonic Dash Chaotic alignment, four other Abyssal Heritor feats Your demonic heritage grants you sudden bursts of speed.
Demonic Deal Fox of Sin Dealing with demons constantly sapping your energy eventually you either find loopholes or make some deals.
Demonic scales demonic skin your scales seem to give off a reflection like a mirror
Dense Fists Unarmed mastery class ability, character must count as smaller than Medium size for the purposes of determining base unarmed strike level. Smaller stormfists gain attack power, up to that of a Medium creature.
Desert Dweller Must be raised in any hot desert. You lived since your youth in the desert, your travelled the golden sands. Your body can take more and ignore less.
Desert Fortitude Desert Ascension special ability, Great Fortitude You are untiring in your movements.
Desert Regeneration Draw in Sand special ability You can heal yourself even better by absorbing sand.
Destined Leader Leadership, CHA 17+ You can lead people of all races and walks of life, not just NPC classes and playable races.
Destructive Smite Great Smiting, CHA 25 Your Smite attack has a chance to slay your foes.
Determined Soul, Variant by Aarnott Iron Will Through your will alone, you can increase your resilience.
Device Knowledge You know your way with all things mechanical.
Devil Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Devils to a greater extent.
Devil Bringer Evil alignment Gives User Intense Power, And Begins the "Devil Bringer" Ability Tree.
Devil Buster lv15 Unleash The True Power Of The Devil Bringer.
Devil Snatch All Ability Scores At Least 10 Grab An Enemy From A Distance.
Devil's Blessed Devil's Favor, three other Devil-Touched feats A mighty champion of one of The Nine, you have been granted stronger powers than others.
Devilish Dance Dexterity 17, Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Perform (dance) 2 ranks You are better at killing people with your agility not your strength.
Devolution You’re nothing but an animal!
Devoted Disciple Wis or Cha 13, Must worship a deity and have an alignment that identically matches the deity's alignment. You are so devoted to your religion that you are granted powers like a cleric.
Devoted Knight Divine spell-casting, Smite Evil. Your faithful service to your patron deity involves both a strong focus on melee fighting, and spell-casting.
Devoted Leader Lay on Hands Class Feature, Marshal Major Aura Your conviction inspires others and affirms your faith.
Devoted Magi Access to Paladin spell list, Ability to spontaneously cast arcane spells. Your devotion to the righteous path harmonizes with your innate arcane abilities.
Devoted to a Cause 3rd level Paladin, patron deity Your patron deity has chosen you to champion one of it's aspects.
Devour the Soul Must have one level of a Fiend class As a fiend, you gain nourishment from devouring souls.
Dexterous Attack Dex 13, BAB +1 You utilize your eye-hand coordination to make your attacks more deadly.
Dexterous Instrumental Bardic Music, At Least 1 Rank in the Preform Skill of a chosen instrument. What you lack in charisma, you more than makeup for in technical ability with your instrument.
Dicing hits Dexterity 20, Only one weapon can be held. You may make extra attacks based upon your Dexterity score.
Dilettante Character level 5 Life not always goes in a straight line. In your journeys you dabbled in some areas of expertise that are not your focus. But, as all knowledge, those things that you learned have proven to be very useful.
Dimension Spring Attack Dex 19, Dimension Door Spell/Ability, Spring Attack With this feat you can use the Spring Attack feat with the Dimension Door spell/ability.
Dimensional Agility Abundant step class feature, or ability to cast dimension door. You become more used to dimensional travel and can continue your actions afterward.
Dimensional Shift Psychic Ability, Psychoportation You have the potential to learn the Dimensional Shift skill.
Direct Talent Psychic Ability, Telepathy Choose a psychic skill you already have that requires mental contact. You can now use this skill without the need for mental contact.
Directed Shockwave Tauren, Str 14 Coverts your War Stomp into a line attack.
Disarm and Fling Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Throw AnythingCW, base attack bonus +8 You can fling enemy weapons towards an unsuspecting target.
Discerning Snout Swinling race Certain Swinlings learn to put their noses to excellent use.
Disciple of The Sunlit Lands Initiator Level 21st Your strikes channel the heat and fury of the sand-filled realm, cutting into even those immune to flame.
Disordered Law Nonlawful Alignment, Will Save +4 Law in all Chaos, Chaos in all Law...
Distance Plates Vector Plate Class Feature Your Vector Plates send individuals further.
Distant Hexing Hex master class feature. You have learned how to affect targets at great distance with your hexing ability.
Distracting Cleavage Con 13 Are you listening to me? My eyes are up here!
Dive-Bomb Str 15+, Dex 15+, Aerial Combat You are trained to attack at speed from above.
Divert Teleport Psychic Ability, Psychoportation, 5 or more ranks in the Psychic Sense skill, 10 or more ranks in the Apport skill You can focus your psychic energy to redirect the apportation or teleportation of others.
Divetongue Casting Ability to speak Divetongue, (Primary Casting Score) 13 Those who speak Divetongue can vocalize, but not cast, underwater. This feat allows Divetongue to be the vocal components for spells, and thus permit underwater casting.
Divine Arcanist Level 1 of the launcher, devotee of a deity with the dominion of the sun you have been blessed by your divinity with the power to pull directly from the sunlight or the stars pure arcana magic, through your divine abilities
Divine Breath Breath attack, Con 19+ Str: 19+ Wis: 20+ Your belief in Divine energies has enhanced your natural breath weapon
Divine Bulwark Divine Caster lvl 3, Wis 13+, Cha 13+
Divine Companion Turn or Rebuke Undead, Animal Companion Your animal companion becomes a celestial or fiendish creature.
Divine Companion, Variant Language: Celestial, or outsider (good) subtype; Animal Companion class feature Your connection to or affinity with the celestials manifests in the form of your animal companion becoming a holier version of itself.
Divine Element Mastery Divine Rank 11,Divine Water Mastery,Divine Fire Mastery, Divine Earth Mastery, Divine Air Mastery Increase your abilities with each element
Divine Leadership Character level 6th, cleric, paladin or favoured soul level 1st, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks Your firm belief in your faith causes others to rally around you.
Divine Metamagic Must be able to cast 1st level cleric or paladin spells. You apply metamagic to your spells with your divine energy.
Divine Mind Must have a minimum of 3 psionic base class levels in one class and 3 minimum divine base class levels in one class. The powers of the mind and divine combined.
Divine Orc Command Orc or half-orc, Turn or Rebuke Undead, Orc Domain FRCS The orc gods made leading your orc brethren your destiny.
Divine Philosophy Any other Exalted Feat, Psionic Ability, Good alignment Your mind has reached a state of enlightenment, in which you realize that religion, morality, and sentience are truly the same thing.
Divine Physician Wis 18, Char lvl 6 A character with this feat has learned the secrets to remove ailments on multiple subjects
Divine Power Ability to turn/rebuke undead, ability to manifest powers Channel Effect (Turn/Rebuke) Undead for Power Points.
Divine Skill Infinity (3.5e Salient Ability) Divine Rank 16 Take your skill up to the next level
Divine Sorcerer Sorcerer <!-A short summary of the feat-> gains turning, loses familiar
Divine Spell Ability to turn or rebuke undead You can channel energy to replicate your prepared spells.
Divine Split Character level 5th Perform a ritual to permanently divide your essence into two beings, each embodying different aspects of your nature.
Divine Travel Turn or Rebuke Undead, Travel Domain You can speed up travel with divine energy.
Doctor Any Non-Evil You have been trained as a Medical Doctor.
Dodge Improved Dexterity 13 You are adept at dodging blows and you improve your dodging skills with time.
Dodge, 2nd Variant Dex 13 You nimbly evade slow and heavy attacks, putting clumsy opponents at a disadvantage.
Dodge, Variant Dexterity 13 or higher You are skilled at dodging attacks.
Dolphin Leap Jump 8 Ranks, Swim 4 Ranks You can hurl yourself out of the water with ease
Domain Focus Your domain spells are especially potent.
Dominions of the Infernal Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses; must have a Leadership score When you call, armies of those you have defeated are forced to answer in service.
Doomsday Prepper You see an apocalypse in the Near Future.
Doppel-Jointed Dex 13 Your shapechange ability made your body flexible, allowing you to shake off bonds and sommersault with ease.
Double Arcane Channeling Duskblade 20th level, BAB +21, Two Weapon Fighting, Twin Spell A Duskblade trained in Two Weapon Fighting can now explore his Arcane Channeling to its full potential
Double Cantrips Ability to cast 0-level spells You cast minor effects with ease.
Double Domain Slots Access to Cleric Domains, ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells You can prepare more Domain spells.
Double Edged Resistance Con 13, endurance. You have conditioned your body to resist the elements, at a cost of becoming vulnerable to others.
Double Kick Dex 13
Double Strike Two-Weapon Fighting or flurry of blows class feature, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6th Your attacks with two weapons are swift enough to be used while moving.
Double Uses Ability with limited uses per day (or week), with that ability You can use one of your abilities twice as often.
Draconic Grants the ability to speak with and understand dragons.
Draconic Breath Weapon Con 15 or Cha 15, Draconic Heritage(CArc) feat or a race descended from dragons such as those with the (Reptilian) subtype Subject gains a breath weapon that grows as they do
Draconic Mount Special Mount class feature, OR Waverider Mount class feature, OR any other Mount class feature which does not use Animal Companion progression by default Your mount gains dragonlike features.
Draconic Nature Dragon Type, natural weapon, natural armor 6, BAB 14 You have unlocked the full power of the dragon within you.
Draconic Pulse Any Non-Dragon Race There are many who wish to have the power of a mighty beast. There are even fewer who have lived to drink it's infamous blood.
Draconic Spell Focus Draconic Heritage CA Spells with the energy type of your heritage are more powerful.
Drag 'em Down Llathrana You know how to bring your opponent to the ground
Dragon Ball Creator Namekian race, Lawful Good alignment, Character level 25th Harness the ancient Namekian art of crafting Dragon Balls and summoning Eternal Guardian Dragons.
Dragon Binder Knowledge (Arcana) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Dragons
Dragon Wings Half-Dragon Your gained nonfunctional wings thank to your draconic heritage.
Dragon's Inspiration Bardic music, Perform 20 ranks, dragonblood subtype You can boost the power of your spells with the sound of music.
Dragon's Rage +6 BAB, Draconic Heritage, Breath Weapon The rage of a furious dragon lays inside you
Dragonborn Cha 11 You carry a trace of draconian power as a result of dragons in your ancestral or spiritual heritage.
Dragoncrafter Knowledge (arcana) 2 Ranks You can make special weapons, armor, and other items using parts of dragons as materials.
Drain Recovery Must have suffered from Energy Drain by spell or monster attack at least once You have been energy drained so often you can shake it off more easily.
Dreadful Demeanor
Druidic Binding Knowledge (Nature) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Animals and Plants
Dual Dance Dancer, Dex 15 You're able to dance in a way not many can.
Dual Identity Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, BAB +5 Your mastery of dual personas has increased your ability to go unnoticed.
Dual Show Arcana Bardic Music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 11 Ranks, Perform (any other) 11 Ranks, Charisma 15 Your artistic disciplines have ultimately magical consequences, allowing you to take advantage of each one
Dual Stance 2 known martial stances (Tome of Battle), Initiator Level 10 Use 2 martial stances (Tome of Battle) simultaneously for a limited amount of time.
Dual Strengths <!-A wielder of two blades has the ability to go even further beyond his current already amazing strengths->
Dual Strike Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , You are an expert skirmisher skilled at fighting with two weapons. Your extensive training with two weapons allows you to attack with both while moving through a chaotic combat or fighting a running battle.
Dual Wielding (TOWW)
Dual Wielding Mastery (TOWW)
Duality Of Essence At least 1 level in Devout Vessel, Devout Leader, or Vessel Magic You gain the ability to embody two opposing aspects of your soul, allowing for enhanced abilities and versatility in both life and death magic.
Duskmage 2nd Level Arcane Spells, 3+ Level Duskblade Combines Duskmage/ other arcane spellcaster abilites
Dwarven Blood 1st level Dwarven blood runs in your veins. Your parent or grandparent was a dwarf and you take after that side of the family
Dwarven Heart Rage Barbarian Rage abilities Your dwarven soul is stronger while in rage.
Dwarves Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Dweomercræft Intelligence 27, Any Six Metamagic Feats, Improved Metamagic Some mages have come to a unique understanding of metamagical processes, rendering them capable of effortlessly altering their spells.
Eagle Eye 10 spot Your aye are extremely keen
Ears of the God Ears of the Mage, Intelligence 30, Listen 27 ranks You improve your ability to listen to those who speak your name in the same way as a god.
Earth Lore Dwarf, arcane spellcaster level 3rd Dwarven spell casters have a connection with the natural stone of there homeworld that powers their spells.
Earth Mage You are skilled at earth magic.
Earth Stance Combat Reflexes, Defensive Stance The Earth Bender attacks his enemies weak points whenever they expose themselves.
Earthbender You have mastery of Earth.
Earthen Grace Desert Ascension class ability You can move through the earth like a fish through water.
Earthshaker Mechanoid, body weight of at least 1000 lb, Jump 5 ranks, Str 17
Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Earthwise You are in tune with the earth.
Easy Binding Bind Spirit class feature. Binding a spirit becomes easier for you.
Easy Peasy Archery BAB +20, Dex 25, Proficient with weapon, Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Critical, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot Double your attribute bonus on ranged to hit rolls.
Echolocation none Your character can sense things through echolocation as well as any other means of location, such as sight.
Ecologic Necromancy Must be able to cast animate dead Can animate destroyed undead
Educated Healthcare Int 17, Wis 15 General cleanliness and grooming go a long way in a wizard's college, but also inadvertently extends the health of the wizards involved.
Educated Upbringing INT 17 You grew up in a community that valued your intelligence, and provided education to enhance it.
Effortless Power Attack Str 16 , BAB 9, Improved Power Attack,Redux, Power Attack Makes Power attack even better for the people that take it.
Egyptian (3.5e Racial Feat) Human, 1st level. You are from the land of the Nile: The Kingdom of Egypt.
Eldrich Focus Able to use 'Eldrich Blast' Slight boost to Eldrich Blast
Eldrich Specialization 3rd level character, Eldrich Focus More Damage dealt through spell-like ability.
Eldritch Blood Warlock level 1st The power of warlocks boils within your blood and soul, giving stronger than normal magic powers.
Eldritch Boost Ability to invoke eldritch blast Gradually enhance the potency of your eldritch power.
Eldritch Break Caster level 9th Your ray spells carry extra power in them, allowing you to break through the enemy resistance.
Eldritch Flurry Base attack bonus +6, Eldritch Glaive Your ability to fire eldritch blasts increases, allowing you rapid fire.
Eldritch Hexer Hexblade's Curse, Eldritch Blast 2d6 Your have learned to mingle the arcane power of your hexblade's curse with the power of your eldritch blast, making your spells and invocations more powerful.
Eldritch Knight, Variant Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Caster level 10 A dedicated Wizard can hit things too. Like Gandolf.
Eldritch Power Your power over eldritch magic manifests in additional power for your rays.
Eldritch Skin Your damage reduction increases, now empowered with the energy of magic.
Eldritch Warrior
Electric Mage You are skilled at Electricity spells.
Element God Divine Rank 16, Divine Element Mastery Become with the elements
Elemental Grants the ability to speak with and understand all types of elementals.
Elemental Affinity Any other metamagic feat, Spellcraft 8 ranks Allows user to change any spell using elements to another element of a chosen type.
Elemental Aura Character level 7, must have a subtype granting immunity to a form of elemental damage. Your close relationship with primal elemental forces has manifested in a damaging aura.
Elemental Extraction Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic. Your superhero is capable of calling forth one of the four classical elements (picked upon taking of feat) and utilizing it for personal nees or gain.
Elemental Redirection Bending Style 1st You can defend against your own element more effectively.
Elemental Spellcasting Knowledge (The Planes) 4 ranks Choose an element (air, earth, fire or water). You cast spells with that descriptor more effectively than normal.
Elemental Tranquility Con: 15 Your body has become one with a specific element, whether through spiritual means or meditation in an environment surrounded by it.
Elemental Two-Weapon Fighting Bending Style 3rd, Two-Weapon Fighting You can maintain both elemental weapons at once.
Elemental Weapon Bending Style 2nd You can make a powerful weapon out of your element.
Elemental Weapon (Air) Bending Style 2nd You can make a powerful weapon out of your element.
Elemental Weapon (Earth) Bending Style 2nd You can make a powerful weapon out of your element.
Elemental Weapon (Fire) Bending Style 2nd You can make a powerful weapon out of your element.
Elemental Weapon (Water) Bending Style 2nd You can make a powerful weapon out of your element.
Elemental Weapon Focus Bending Style 2nd You've had time to practice wielding your elemental weapons.
Elusive Dodge Dex 13, Dodge, base attack bonus +1. You know how to use an enemy's tactics against them and dodge their attacks.
Elusive Reflexes Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +6 or Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility, monk 6th. You've mastered evasive defenses.
Elusive Target
Elven Bladesong Elf, Dex 13+, Combat Expertise, Mobility, Spring Attack, and Perform (Dancing) 4+ ranks. After years of study at a bladesinger academy or with a solitary master of the art, you have finally learned the first steps of the fabled bladesong.
Elven Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Elven Glamour Cha 13 The magic of the elven ancients is strong in your veins.
Elven Sailor Elf, Profession (sailor) 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Wisdom 13 Spending most of your time on the waves, you are a natural sailor at home on a ship in any condition.
Elven Spell Recovery caster level 1st You can recover your spells during your trance state.
Elvish Heritage Must be taken at First Level You are taught from a young age to move naturally through the forest, hiding from enemies. You can naturally use skills that you otherwise wouldn't be able to.
Emergency Response Quicken Spell May cast Spells from the Healing Domain as Immediate Action.
Empower Bending Bending Style 1st You can bend the elements to greater effect.
Empower Smite BAB +1 , Smite ability Your smite ability is empowered
Empower Talent Psychic Ability, Wis 13+ You can strengthen the effects of your psychic skills.
Empower Undead Able to create undead Undead you create are empowered with the fires of hell
Empowered Fist Base Attack Bonus +4 increase damage die of unarmed strike
Empowered Fists Improved unarmed strike, Base Attack Bonus +6 <!-A short summary of the feat->
Empty Quiver Base Attack Bonus +12, Dexterity 19, Improved Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot You darken the sky, as you empty your quiver.
Enchantment Brewing Caster level 7, Brew Potion Can take enchantments and turn into oils
Endless Void 5hd, able to eat food normally, evil alignment Stage 3 of Flesh Eater
Endurance (TOWW)
Endure Sunlight Vulnerability to sunlight You have learned to endure the day that so pains others of your kind.
Enduring Disguise Soul Protect Class Feature Soul Protect lasts briefly after a spell or supernatural ability is used
Enduring Fortitude Evasion, Toughness, Base Fortitude Save +4 An Enduring life of Trial and error has made you able to shrug the impossible
Enduring Life If things got really bad, you could always just hide under a rock for a century or two until they improved.
Enduring Psionics Extend Power Your psionic powers last longer than normal.
Enemy Spell Focus Caster level 1+ Your spells are deadly against a particular type of creature.
Energy Barrier
Energy Deflection Shield Proficiency
Energy Ray Mastery Energy Ray, manifester level 3rd You can shoot energy rays efficiently without expending to much of your power.
Energy Shield Psychic Ability, Psychokinesis, 7 or more ranks in the Telekinetic Shield skill
Energy Strike Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, BAB +6 or better
Enervate Spell-Like Ability Character level 6, Spell-like ability gained through either a feat, Racial Ability or class feature. This feat allows Characters with spell-like abilities to enhance one according to one of their ability scores.
Enervating Touch Your undead nature allows you to drain the life out of living victims.
Engineer Profession (Engineer) 2 Ranks A master mason who supplies architectural and engineering direction to the construction of all manner of structures.
Enhance Spell, Variant Maximize Spell.
Enhanced Armor Any Mechanoid, except Bronze
Enhanced Attack Dexterity: 30, Must have only 2 arms when taken You gain an enhanced amount of attacks due to your speed.
Enhanced Vector Cone Vector Cone You can now fire an absurd number of Vector Arrows
Enlarge Bending Bending Style 1st You can bend farther than normal.
Entropic Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Chaos to a greater extend.
Epic Dark Knowledge Dark Knowledge 9/day Your knowledge of creatures knows no bounds
Epic Diehard Constitution 21, Diehard, Endurance, Greater Diehard Your resistance to death is unprecedented.
Epic Imitating 18 Imitation slots You achieve an epic amount of imitation slots
Epic Invoking Maximum number of invocations in any class that uses them. Gain invocations.
Epic Learning Beguiler 20th level, Epic Spellcasting Your spellcasting capacity has already transcended the normal boundaries, so that your learning process related to spells in which you´re a specialist becomes even more natural to you.
Epic Mastery of Day and Night Mastery of Day and Night, Shadow Weave Magic or Spell Focus (Illusion), Spell Focus (Abjuration), Radiance (Class feature) or Spell Focus (Evocation), Empower Spell; Neutral Alignment of some type You have mastered the contrary disciplines of light, healing, darkness, and shadow. The character uses both Shadow and Light magic proficiently in such a way that all uses stack with this feat.
Epic Multiclassing At least two classes You have learned to synergize your class features.
Epic Potency Your blows are very powerful.
Epic Rage Greater Rage, Mighty Rage An increase to rage bonuses for Barbarians
Epic Spell Parry Base Attack Bonus +21, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spell Parry, Improved Spell Parry, Greater Spell Parry Your spell parry attempts have a chance of automatically succeeding.
Epic Two-Weapon Defense Dex 21, Greater Two-Weapon Defense*, Improved Two-Weapon Defense*, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +21 When fighting with two weapons, your defenses are extremely strong.
Epics of Time and Tide An Oral History Tradition
Erase Signature Psychic Ability, Telepathy or Clairsentience, Wis 13+, 1 or more ranks in the Psychic Sense skill
Eschew Materials Variant Ignore material components of 1 gp or less for free, adjust spell level for costs above that.
Essence Gourmand Must have one level of a Fiend class Even among soul-eating fiends, you are a accomplished eater.
Essence Infused
Essence Mixture Energy Substitution, Access to at least 4th level spells Mixes spell types to create new spell
Essence of Serenity
Essence Purification
Establish Estate Witch level 18; Wis 17; Cha 15; Spellcraft 12 ranks; Profession (village witch) 16 ranks; Psicraft 8 ranks Marks out an area of land as falling under your power.
Eternal Shikai Must have Shikai class ability. Though sheer spiritual pressure, a harmonic connection, or other feat, it seems that you are always in shikai state even when relaxed.
Euthanize Base Attack Bonus +4. With special cares, such as poison, needles or similar method. You may peacefully kill a helpless creature.
Evasion Dex 15, Lightning Reflexes You are adept at avoiding area attacks
Evasion Expert Agile Feat or Tumble 4 ranks You know how to escape damage.
Evasive Will Evasion, Slippery Mind, Bass Will Save +4 Your knack for evading extends to even your mind
Even the Guys Want Him Charisma 18, Male Your character is so good-looking and unintentionally charming that he becomes a babe and stud magnet.
Evil Eye Character Level 3 "Go ahead. Try it. I dare you."
Evolution of the Species Jigyousho level 20+ Since becoming a plant creature, you have learned to harness your ability to strengthen plants to such a degree that you can apply it to yourself.
Exalted Wild Intelligence Wis +18, Character level 5th, Spellcaster level 5, total ranks of 8 in any Knowledge, total ranks of 10 in any WIS Skills. Your wisdom increases your intelligence
Exercise Regime Con 13, Great Fortitude
Exhaustive Casting None Allows you to spend more energy to make your spells harder to resist.
Exhaustive Spell Spell Focus (Enchantment), Caster Level 14th, access to the spell "Overwhelm". The character´s spells that cause mind exhaustion are particularly devastating.
Exotic Weapon Training Martial Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, BAB +4
Exotic Weapon Training (TOWW)
Expand Attack Base attack bonus +6 You can take this feat to improve your attack bonus for greater accuracy on your attack rolls. This feat gives you a +10 on your attack rolls.
Expand Hex Aura Hex master class feature. You have learned how to expand the area you can affect with your hex aura.
Expanded Caster Stamina Character Level 8th You gain extra uses of your spells.
Expanded Critical BAB 4 As you garner experience, you begin to understand the importance of hitting weak spots.
Expanded Epic Spell Capacity Caster level 30th, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma 30, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Spell Capacity x3, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature) or Knowledge (Religion) 33 ranks, Spellcraft 33 ranks. Your vast intellect, wisdom or force of personality affords you greater command over the mightiest magic in the multiverse.
Expanded Hex Reserve Hex master class feature. You have greater reserves to fuel your hex abilities.
Expanded Spell Knowledge Caster Level 1st. The character's knowledge of the arcane expands, and they learn new spells.
Expanded Word Focus Have Word Focus for at least one word. Increases the stackability of a Word Focus.
Expeditious Dodge Improved Dexterity 13 You're good at avoiding attacks while moving quickly and you improve your dodging skills with time.
Expert Counterfeiter
Expert Demolitions Int 15, feat The explosives the character prepares pack more power.
Expert Learner Human, Intelligence 13 Humans have a quick mind and learn quickly.
Expert Learning 1st level only, Int 13 You are a master of many skills, which need not be in your field.
Expert Salesman (TOWW)
Expert Tactician
Explosive Construct Manifester level 9th, able to cast Astral Construct power, Boost Construct Allow your astral construct to explode instead of disappearing.
Extend Aura of Unluck Aura of Unluck ability* You are able to maintain your Aura of Unluck longer than most.
Extend Dance Gemini Dance as a class feature (2 Levels in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class)) A Gemini Dancer's Gemini Dance lasts for an additional 5 rounds
Extend Empowerment Empowerment class feature The power granted to you by the animal soul to fuel your attacks lasts longer than that of others.
Extend Talent Psychic Ability, Wis 13+ You’re more adept at affecting multiple targets with your psychic skills.
Extended Boost Ability to use 1st level boosts. You are able to remain in a boost longer than others.
Extended Life Span (3.5e Epic Feat) None Accumulation of various experience in the world have led your body to last miraculously than most of your race.
Extended Shadow Form Shadow Form ability. Your Shadow Form lasts longer than normal.
Extended Throw Str 14, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot You make use of your strength when throwing weapons to make them travel farther and faster.
Extended Transformation Grim Transformation Class Feature Transformation lasts for 5 additional rounds.
Extra Additional Attacks Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 Even the toughest foes cannot take that many blows.
Extra Animal Companion Handle Animal rank 18, Nature Sympathy (Or Druid/ranger levels) Level 10, Leadership, Improved Leadership, Allows for an additional Animal Companion
Extra Arm Aberration Blood, One other aberrant feat You grow an abnormal extra arm.
Extra Arms Character level 6 (per extra pair) You have more arms than normal.
Extra Arms, Variant You have more arms than is normal for your race.
Extra Aura of Unluck Aura of unluck ability* You may use your Aura of Unluck more frequently than normal.
Extra Clawed Tornado Base Attack Bonus +9, The Beast Within class, Improved Bull Rush feat, Power Attack feat You can use Clawed Tornado more times per day.
Extra Cleanse Cleanse paralysis. You can cleanse ailments more times a day.
Extra Damnation Points Damnation Points class feature You gain extra damnation points.
Extra Dance Gemini Dance as a class feature (2 Levels in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class))
Extra Death Pact Darkness Class Feature, Death Pact Class Feature, Lasting Death Pact feat You have learned to harness the power of darkness to stave of death additional times per day.
Extra Direction Grant Move Action class feature, Base Attack Bonus +4 You may use your Grant Move Action ability more often
Extra Domain Power Domain power with a daily limit. Allows additional uses of a daily domain power.
Extra Foodon Form Foodon Form Class Feature Due to your wish to stay in this form longer you gain extra rounds of Foodon Form.
Extra Force Blast Ability to use Force Blast (Reality Bender class ability). You gain an extra Force Blast per day.
Extra Hexblade's Curse Hexblade’s curse ability* You may use your hexblade’s curse more frequently than normal.
Extra Immediate Action Dodge, Combat Reflexes You are particularly adept at avoiding threats
Extra Ki Point Wis 10 or Cha 10, Ki Adept You gain an additional Ki Point.
Extra Kiai Shout Kiai Shout, Base attack Bonus +4 You gain extra uses of your Kiai Shout
Extra Maneuvers You know more maneuvers
Extra Mending Shadows Mending Shadows ability, Shadow Form ability. You may sacrifice uses of your Shadow Form ability to gain another use of your Mending Shadows ability.
Extra Mind Blade Shape Soulknife level 5 Add extra options to Shape Mind Blade
Extra Power Phantom level 3rd. You learn an addition power.
Extra Shadow Form Shadow Form ability. You may use your Shadow Form more times in a day.
Extra Slot Autoplate Pilot Level: 3rd The knowledge of your Autoplate has increased allowing you apply extra abilities to its Autoplate Suit.
Extra Summons Must have the signature summon ability of the great Fiendish Houses You may use your Fiend Summoning ability two extra times each day.
Extra Training 1st level only. You went outside your normal training and learned an additional skill.
Extra Transformation Grim Transformation Class Feature You can Transform 2 more times per day.
Extra Turning, Variant Turn Undead Class feature Variant of the Extra Turning feat.
Extra Turning, Variant by Zau Cha 13, ability to turn/rebuke undead Get a Charisma bonus with extra turning feat.
Extra Uses Ability with limited uses per encounter (or day or week) You can use one of your abilities more often.
Extra Word Knowledge Caster level 1 in a Spell Word-Based Casting class Learn a new word, and learn new words better.
Extreme Speed Dex 20, BAB 5 You have trained your body to the point of being able to move at supersonic speeds.
Eye to Eye Cha 14 You can see eye to eye with eyes, making your Linked Gazes more versatile.
Faeries Secret of Mysteries Gray elf, High Elf, Tallfellows Halfling, Wild elf, Winged elf, Wood elf You mastered the timeless secrets & rituals of the Faerie Mysteries, so that you can Initiate in Solitude
Fairy Eater Must have consumed the flesh of a creature with the fey type By consuming the flesh of fairies, you have absorbed a fraction of their magic.
Falcon Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Power Attack, ability to speak Common Your character can hit people with amazing force. The punch creates a field of flame around your fist that is shaped like a falcon. Your fist is protected from this flame but it is harmful to others around you.
Falconer Handle Animal 2 Ranks Falconry is a popular sport and status symbol among nobles.
False Super Saiyan
Familiar Bond
Familiar Subtype Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks, Improved Familiar Any new familiars gained by the spellcaster have the option of gaining a subtype.
Family Guardian living family members or married lover You protect your family and will do so at all costs
Fanatic Intimidate 1 rank, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank Using excerpts from their holy texts Orcs like to strike fear into the hearts of the unbelievers before battle commences.
Fangs of the Feline Feline Race You gain a secondary bite attack.
Far Shot (TOWW)
Farmer You are good at growing food.
Farmhand Farming is your life.
Farsight Your penalties due to range are halved.
Fast and Strong Str 18, Dex 18, BAB 10 Add Dex modifier on all attack and damage rolls, in addition to the Str modifier.
Fast Drawing Int 15, Dex 13, Alchemy A good alchemist knows how to draw quickly
Fast Drinker Dexterity or Constitution 13 You can drink potions and similar items faster than normal.
Fast Reload Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow), Weapon Focus (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow) You may reload a repeating crossbow as a move action.
Fast Shape Weapon Soul Knife Shape Weapon Ability, Soul Knife level 20 You have become adept at changing your weapon's shape.
Fast Talker Caster level 3 in a Spell Word-Based Casting class You can speak your spells more quickly
Fast-on-feet Athletic, DashComplete Warrior You have developed faster-than-average speed.
Fat for Muscle Con 19 While the rest of 'em waste their time training their muscles, you've spent your time acquiring power the fun way.
Fateful Strike Base attack bonus +8, Str 13+, Cha 15+, Power Attack You can channel the essence of your spirit into your attacks, at a cost.
Fateful Strike Variant Base attack bonus +8, Str 13+, Cha 15+, Power Attack You can channel the essence of your spirit into your attacks, at a cost.
Favor the Fang and Claw You must have the Beast Heir template. You cannot help but favor the natural gifts of your beast heritage, something those of your mortal kin lack.
Favored Child Character 1st level Divine blood makes you hardier.
Favored of Deity Follow a Deity and be within alignment for serving Deity. Must have a positive modifier for spell casting ability. Your Deity favors you more than others and grants you abilities you would other wise never be able to have.
Favored Weapon Base Attack Bonus +4, Weapon Focus, Masterwork (or Better) Weapon Character expertly wields his favorite weapon.
Favorite Form Alternate Form ability, Altered Form Familiarity In addition to your regular form, you have one specific form that you favorite among all the others...
Favorite Spell : Spell Mastery Cast one spell you know for free once per day.
Fear Cause fear in your enemies.
Fear Aura Intimidate 5 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks, Charisma 13+, non-good alignment. Emanate small fear aura.
Fearsome Mace Wielder Character Level 10, Power attack, Cleave You have mastered the oni's art of wielding a great club with devastating strength.
Feed the Dark Gods Any two Necromantic feats, Character Level 7, 10 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) You have attracted the attention of dark gods and demon lords, and they are willing to grant dark life to your creations in exchange for pain and power.
Feeding Frenzy rage class ability, Con 15 You are very hungry.
Fell Power From Within Eldritch blast ability Unlike most warlocks, much of your power is drawn from magical stores from deep within your body.
Femme Fatal Must be a female, Cha 15+, Any Non-Lawful You are a tempting goddess of seduction, and you know and use it to the fullest potential.
Fen Hunter Llathrana From years of tracking prey through the swamps of Dreden, your senses are greatly enhanced.
Fencing Combat School Must be chosen at 1st level You were trained at a combat school.
Ferocious Natural Weapons BAB+6; Natural Weapons <!-A short summary of the feat->
Ferocious Parry Base attack bonus +8, Ferocious Assault class feature With a shift in your stance and an adjustment to your grip, you ready yourself to deflect attacks and strike back with far more conviction to your blows than your enemies.
Fiend Cabalist Caster level 1 You were trained in the mystic arts by a powerful fiend, and your magical power stems from a dark source.
Fiendish Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind creatures of Evil to a greater extent.
Fiendish Blood Casting evil outsider or some form of fiendish blood (such as Abyssal Hereitor feats) The darkness in your blood shows in your spells.
Fiendish Flight Vestigial Wings Your flight gained through your abyssal heritage has greatly increased so that you are more comfortable in the air than on the ground.
Fiendish Invisibility Character level 6 You cannot be seen
Fiendish Pact Evil Alignment You have willingly given yourself to the service of an Evil deity or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to better serve your highest ideals.
Fiendish Skin None You grow a thick, leathery skin that protects your frail body.
Fiendish Telepathy Wis 13 You have inherited the telepathic ability of your demonic side.
Fiery Frolic, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Fiery Frolic (improved)
Fiery Frolic, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Fiery Frolic (Lesser)
Fiery Frolic, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 You enjoy the warmth of fire around you, you wish to implement it into your dances
Fiery Frolic, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Fiery Frolic (Greater)
Fiery Spirit Boneshaper level 3, Shape bone class feature, 13 Con Your burning passion deals damage to you foes and allows you to shrug off some damage from intense heat.
Fighters Reflexes muscles so strong you're able to quickly react to incoming threats
Final Rites Death's Contract Prevent souls from returning to life.
Find the Weak Spot Base Attack Bonus +6 You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it.
Find the Weak Spot, Greater Base Attack Bonus +12, Find the Weak Spot, Improved Find the Weak Spot You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it.
Find the Weak Spot, Improved Base Attack Bonus +9, Find the Weak Spot You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it.
Finesse Massive Damage Weapon Finesse, Base attack bonus +8 You can apply your Dexterity to Massive Damage DCs
Fire Mage You are skilled at fire magic.
Fire Penetration Arcane Spellcaster level 5 Your fire spell is more efficient then others.
Firearm Sniper Proficiency with at least one firearm, Weapon Focus (any firearm), base attack bonus +1 You are adept in lining up accurate, deadly shots with your gun.
Firebender You have mastery over fire.
Fixated Favored Enemy, Foe Hunter, or Grudge 1 skill rank You gain the ability to apply your Favored Enemy bonuses onto three skills that would not normally benefit from Favored Enemy.
Flamboyant Warmage Grace, Warmage Edge You mastered sword and sorcery with a cunning intellect and a flamboyant attitude.
Flames of Chaos Breath weapon dealing fire damage, Con 15, five Abyssal Heritor Feats. Stoke the chaotic flames within you to make them burn hotter than ever before and able to overcome fire immunity and resistance.
Fleet-Footed Two-Weapon Fighting Dex 19, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Base attack bonus+12. If you are wearing light or no armor you suffer no penalties associated wielding two weapons.
Flesh Eater Evil alignment, must be able to eat food normally Allows you to eat recently dead living creatures with no chance of disease and no need to cook it
Flexible Mind You have a special knack for particular skills.
Flight Psychic Ability, Psychokinesis, 1 or more ranks in the Telekinesis skill Telekinetic flight is easier for you.
Flip Dex 15 You can flip back up on your feet from a prone position.
Flurry of Throws Flurry of Blows With amazing quickness Ember launched a half dozen darts at her opponent.
Flying Ace Fly (perfect) Your so good at flying that nothing can hit you.
Focused Caster A caster has spent so much time training in casting and neglecting other aspects of combat that the skills of the spellcasting have improved greatly.
Focused Mind INT 16+ or CON 18+, WIS 16+ or CHA 18+, Must be able to meditate, Non-Chaotic Alignment, Iron Will, Concentration 10 Ranks You are able to achieve inner peace and absolute focus as long as you are not disturbed.
Follower of Alcyone Must be Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil or Neutral; Must worship Alcyone You worship Alcyone, the Goddess of the Fey; Your fervor has given you insight into the ways of the Fey.
Follower of Bahamut Must be Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good; Must worship Bahamut You worship Bahamut, the God-King of Dragons; Your fervor gives you proficiency with Bahamut's chosen weapons.
Follower of Balthazar Must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral; Must worship Balthazar You follow Balthazar, the God of the Righteous Crusade; Your fervor allows you to smite foes.
Follower of Bestia Must be Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good or Neutral; Must worship Bestia You worship Bestia, the Goddess of Beasts and the Hunt; Your fervor has made you self-sufficient.
Follower of Bycore Must be Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Bycore You worship Bycore, the God of Journeys; Your fervor makes you able to understand others, no matter their language.
Follower of Dices Must be Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Dices You worship Dices, the God of Chance; Your fervor allows you to see the infinite possibilities of any action, and possibly make them a reality.
Follower of Era Must be Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Neutral; Must worship Era You worship Era, the Goddess of Sexual Love; Your fervor makes you more fascinating to members of the opposite sex.
Follower of Fate Must be Neutral; Must worship Fate You worship Fate, the Goddess of the Time and Destiny; Your fervor leads to exceptional knowledge of past events.
Follower of Feylgara Must be Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Lawful Evil or Neutral; Must worship Feylgara You worship Feylgara, the Goddess of Stone and Sleep; Your fervor has made you strangely sensitive, and a light sleeper.
Follower of Fir Must be Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil, Lawful Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Fir You worship Fir, the God of Spite; Your fervor has made you more resistant to most effects.
Follower of Gahss Must be Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil; Must worship Gahss You worship Gahss, the God of War; Your fervor has made you a fearsome foe to behold.
Follower of Hel Must worship Hel You worship Hel, the Goddess of Death and the practitioner of the great sleep; Your fervor allows you to detect disturbances in the aura of living and un-living subjects
Follower of Helios Majora Must be Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Neutral; Must worship Helios Majora You worship Helios Majora, the Goddess of the Sun; Your fervor lights your way through darkness.
Follower of Helios Minoris Must be Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, or Neutral; Must worship Helios Minoris You worship Helios Minoris, the God of the Second Star; Your fervor gives you youthful appeal.
Follower of Isis Must be Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Good, or Neutral; Must worship Isis You worship Isis, the Goddess of Refuge; Your fervor has made you able to summon shelter, and the means to defend it.
Follower of Jubila Must be Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, or Neutral Good; Must worship Jubila You worship Jubila, the Goddess of Revelry; Your fervor makes performance come naturally to you.
Follower of Lunar Must be Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Neutral; Must worship Lunar You worship Lunar, the God of the Moon; Your fervor has led to you being able to see clearly in moonlight.
Follower of Macha Must be Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil; Must worship Macha You worship Macha, the Goddess of Corruption; Your fervor has made you able to see in the dark, but shun the light.
Follower of Mana Must be Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral; Must worship Mana You worship Mana, the Goddess of Knowledge; Your fervor has made you a veritable scholar, with the ability to read magical writings.
Follower of Mara Must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, or Neutral; Must worship Mara You worship Mara, the Goddess of Community; Your fervor has made you knowledgeable regarding the people around you.
Follower of Mephistopheles Must be Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Evil; Must worship Mephistopheles You worship Mephistopheles, the God of the Pacts and Scoundrels; Your fervor leads you to develop quite the silver tongue.
Follower of Munsa Must be Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil or Neutral; Must worship Munsa You worship Munsa, the Goddess of Storms; Your fervor has given you the will to persevere through anything.
Follower of Serberus Must be Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil; Must worship Serberus You worship Serberus, the God of the Chaos and Destruction; Your fervor grants you great strength and rage.
Follower of Somata Must be Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Somata You worship Somata, the God of the Wind; Your fervor has given you fleet of foot.
Follower of the Great Mother Must be Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, or Neutral; Must worship the Great Mother You follow the Great Mother, the Goddess of the Compassion; Your fervor allows you to heal and calm others.
Follower of Tiamat Must be Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil; Must worship Tiamat You worship Tiamat, the Abyssal Goddess of Dragons; Your fervor has made you skilled at hunting Tiamat's enemies.
Follower of Tirros Must be Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Tirros You worship Tirros, the God of Territory; Your fervor has made you capable of creating and seeing Arcane Marks at will. Furthermore, they can determine the proper and rightful owner of any object or structure that isn't protected against scrying.
Follower of Undine Must be Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good; Must worship Undine You worship Undine, the Goddess of the Ocean; Your fervor has made you no stranger to the water.
Follower of Vanguard Must be Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Vanguard You worship Vanguard, the God of Oaths; Your fervor makes you able to discern lies.
Follower of Vault Must be Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, or Neutral; Must worship Vault You worship Vault, the God of Wealth; Your fervor gives you insight on matters of artisanry, trade, and business.
Follower of Vok Must be Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Evil; Must worship Vok You worship Vok, the God of Fire and Forge; Your fervor fuels your forge, and drives your need to create.
Force Against Force Power Attack, BAB +12 Improve your attacks against inanimate objects and possibly destroy force effects.
Force Bolt Cast 3rd Level Evocations You shoot bolts of Force energy from unused spell energy
Force Mage You are skilled at Force spells.
Force Substitution Must be a spellcaster that can cast at least 3rd level spells.
Forceful Impacts Power Attack, Str 16, Proficiency with all martial weapons or any exotic weapon Your blows with melee weapons can push enemies on successful strength checks.
Forceful Intimidation 10 skill ranks in Intimidate Due to being brutish in nature, you have learned how to make others cower by having a larger muscle mass.
Forceful Jump Tauren, Str 16 Coverts your War Stomp into a proportion system
Foregone Focus Spellcasters no longer need a focus
Foreign Technique Study Intelligence 12, Be a Technician Allows a technician to learn techniques of another technician class.
Foreseeable Attacks Wisdom 17 Your experience helps you predict attacks.
Foreseeable Damage Wisdom 21, Character Level 8 Your experience helps you predict attacks.
Forester Must be from Indus, Volare or Tirasus You grew up in a great forested area, and are knowledgeable in its secrets and ways.
Forge Gauntlet Spellcaster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor You can forge magic gauntlets, an alternative to magic rings and rods.
Forgefire Reserve Forgefire Warlock 1 By having a special reservoir built into your body, you have an extra reserve of forgefire to tap into.
Forgeheart Must be from the Ashen Coast Because you are inured to the hellish heat of your homeland, you are resistant to blasts of fire that would damage other creatures.
Forger You are an accomplished forger.
Form of Death Evil or neutral alignment This ability grants you access to the **Form of Death**, allowing you to take on a skeletal, rotting form with specific benefits and drawbacks.
Formation Expert Base attack bonus +6. You are trained at fighting in ranks and files.
Formation Expert, Variant Base Attack Bonus +5 Allows you to make Shield Formation Tactial maneuvers.
Formation Fighter You are skilled at fighting alongside other men in close formation.
Fortune Teller Perform 2 Ranks You are a Fortune Teller in your day job.
Fortune's Favor 3rd level, Cha 13+ You can force the hand of fate to move in your favour.
Fox's Mettle Will or Fortitude save +2, Mask of Wraith
Frankenstein You are a maker of monsters.
Frantic Swings Dex 13 Anyone can swing like a madman, but you've learned how to make sure the blows actually connect.
Free Cantrips Spellcraft 5 ranks + 1 per each previous copy of this feat Cast a 0-level spell 1/day
Free Form Ability to alter one’s form into the likeness of another The character is able to mimic a wide array of other beings.
Freezing Footsteps, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Freezing Footsteps (improved) <!-A short summary of the feat->
Freezing Footsteps, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Freezing Footsteps (lesser) The cooling feeling of winter is what brings joy to your heart.
Freezing Footsteps, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 The cooling feeling of winter is what brings joy to your heart.
Freezing Footsteps, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Freezing Footsteps (Greater) <!-A short summary of the feat->
Freezing Waters Elnade You can chill your body to gain bear's endurance and gain frigid benefits.
Frenzied Ally You must have an animal companion and the Vicious Ally feat. When your animal companion believes itself outnumbered, outmaneuvered, or cornered it fights with unmatched aggression and brutality.
From the Abyss Evil Outsider You're familiar with the lower planes, very familiar.
Frontline Diplomat Favored Enemy You are a veteran of the border wars, but you also serve in times when a truce must be struck.
Frorestone Fighting Base Attack Bonus +1 or be born within the country of Blüdfrost You are adept at maneuvering and fighting in the tight spaces and underground passages of Frorestone
Frostfrail Adaptation Base Fortitude save bonus +2 Your body adapts quickly to changes in altitude, preventing you from suffering as much from altitude sickness.
Frozen In Time Cryopreservation class feature, Life Extension 5 ranks The ice coating your entire body is chemically preserving you, radically slowing your natural aging.
Frozen Mage You are skilled at cold spells.
Full Force BAB 12+ , Str 16+, Power Attack, Proficiency with melee weapons. Your put all the force of your body into the attacks you make. You're are going at it full force.
Full Moon Stance Sense Motive 9 ranks, Weapon Focus (any one-handed slashing weapon), Quick Draw. You have practiced the art of iaido and can use it's style offensively and defensively.
Full of Surprises Eijilund Plushie You are full of surprises; your spell-like abilities are more versatile.
Full Potential BAB 16+ , Power Attack , Proficiency with melee weapons. You use the full potential of your body when attacking enemies so you can bring maximum accuracy and damage to the battlefield.
Full Power Super Saiyan 12th level Saiyan, Unlocked Saiyan Transformation, Remaining in the Super Saiyan transformation for one whole week continuously, while eating sleeping, playing, fighting, etc. This feat grants you a more powerful form with a ki cost reduction
Functional Limbs Draegloth, Str 20 Your lower limbs strengthen and lengthen.
Functional Wings Vestigial Wings You can fly with your demonic wings.
Furious Charge Must be from Indus, or Lionel. Alternatively, you must be an Orc or a Fire Genasi. Your people are known for their love of battle, and they rarely waste time in meeting a foe blade-to-blade. You know how to make the most of a charge.
Furious Presence Cha 12, Rage 1/Day, Base Attack Bonus +3 When enraged, the character is truly a frightening presence on the feild of battle.
Furtive Assault Hide 8 ranks,

Improved Grapple

As a hunting mantis, you take advantage of your natural prowess in ambushes.
Gain Combat Style Base Attack Bonus +4, Dex 15 You gain the use of a combat style as developed by Rangers.
Gain Local Acceptance Wis 17, Cha 13, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Profession (village witch) 8 ranks The people living within 10 miles of your cottage think of you as 'their' witch, their primary source of healthcare and wellbeing, granting you additional sway over them.
Gain New Mindblade Form WIS 13+, mind blade class ability, see below Gain one or more mindblade forms by class/race or with practice with your mindblade ability
Galagus Form Must have levels in Fighter or Barbarian; Must be a Galagian You have achieved a level of willpower that surpasses Galagus himself, and as such, you have the power to feed the shard of his soul that resides within you and take the form of a 3 ton metal skeleton, with powerful metal arms, and jade fire instead of eyes. This form lasts until all combat the Player is involved in has stopped.
Gallant Crusader Grace (Swashbucker class feature), Divine Grace (Paladin class feature) You combine a flashing fighting style with a deep religious dedication and a pure heart.
Gambling Cast Allows you to take a risk to possibly increase the maximum power of a non-variable effect from a spell.
Gambling Mage Able to cast 3rd level spells. You are willing to risk losing spell potency to reach for the ultimate payout.
Gemini Performer Gemini Dance, Bardic music or similar ability Gain additional uses of bardic music by sacrificing gemini dance
Gemini Rage Str 13, Dex 13, Barbarian Rage Two souls are within you, like inner twins, and when you rage your two sides show.
Gemini Training 1st level of Gemini Dancer You learn how to tie in several other training elements in your perfecting of the Gemini Dances
General Recharge Spell Ability to cast previously prepared arcane spells of at least 2nd level You can cast a spell repeatedly.
Gentle palm Monk level 8, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Ki Strike, Combat Reflexes Your unarmed strikes are but a gentle touch that devastates even the most protected enemy.
Gentle Palm Style Improved Unarmed Strike Your unarmed strikes are but a gentle touch.
Gestalt Training Wisdom 18 or Intelligence 15 Reduce or eliminate multiclassing penalties associated with one class.
Ghost Hunter
Ghost Step
Ghostly Grace, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Ghostly Grace (improved) You know there is life beyond death, but you search for the life beyond life
Ghostly Grace, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Ghostly Grace (lesser) You know there is life beyond death, but you search for the life beyond life
Ghostly Grace, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 You know there is life beyond death, but you search for the life beyond life
Ghoul Domination Ghoul fever supernatural ability. Ghouls you create are under your control.
Giant Dodger Dex 13, Dodge, Escape Artist 1 rank, Tumble 1 rank. You know how to use an enemy's size against them.
Giant Namekian Namekian race, Character level 0 Unlock the latent power to transform into a giant version of yourself, towering over your foes.
Giant Slayer
Gift of Life Cure/Inflict Wounds, Damage Reduction
Gift of the Animal Soul You must have the Beast Heir template or an animal companion. By entering a trance, you place your mind closer to the animal soul, learning from its seemingly infinite reserves of savage wisdom. Upon returning to your regular state of mind, you feel and behave more akin to the very things you witnessed.
Gift of the Seer Clairsentience discipline
Glyphic Spell Recording Able to cast 2nd level spells, use of a spell or prayer book You use a specialized system to record spells you know, similar to a geometers.
Gnomish You have a gnome (or 3) in your family tree.
Go Team Wis 13, ability to turn or rebuke undead, ability to cast clerical spells Each member of the team stuck a hand into the center of the group and the cleric released the spell healing everyone at once.
God Form 10 Prestige, Character level 1000, At least one other being with 10 prestiges (for the ritual version) Attain the divine God Form, unlocking extraordinary strength and refinement.
God of War Two Weapon Fighting, STR 30 With strength so great, the initial uses of a weapon are of no concern for you.
God's Blessing This feat can only be taken at character creation or if you have earned a deity's favor. You have been blessed by the gods, or more likely a specific god that has taken interest in you. They have blessed you to help you survive and grow, but remember not to spite the hand that blessed you. A God's wraith is a terrible thing, and they are watching you.
God's Sense Level 1 You have the Wisdom of a God
Godly Knowledge Must be taken at character creation You're imbued with knowledge of a higher power
Golden Spoon Must be taken at character creation. You have been born with not just a silver spoon in your mouth but a golden one and therefore you may multiply your starting gold by ten.
Goldly Weapon Divine Rank 1, War Domain Your godliness in handling this weapon shows
Golem Body Str 21, Con 23, Base Fort Save +9, Living Construct (ie: Warforged, etc.) Becoming more like an actual construct, you've gained some of their immunities.
Goodfellow You are an "actor".
Grace Gatherer Cha 15+, Spell Focus (Abjuration) Each different Abjuration spell cast on you increases your ability scores, scaling by spell level.
Grace Ritualist able to cast 2nd level divine spells Optionally dispel Abjurations cast on you for Healing domain spell slots.
Graceful Mount Paladin's Special Mount, Mounted Combat You can bestow your special mount with a holy blessing.
Graceful Strike Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, Base Attack Bonus +1 You use skill rather then brawn to damage your enemies.
Graft Clockwork Heal 10 ranks, Knowledge Engineering 5 ranks The secret arts of the cyborg are yours, enabling you to make artificial prosthetics and strange mechanical augmentations to the body.
GrandMaster Craftsman Character level 11th, 15ranks Craft, 12ranks repair This feat improves the users crafting and repairing abilities
Gravechill Undead Able to create undead, one other Necromantic Feat Undead you create are able to attack their enemies with the chill of death
Great Alchemist You have a knack for alchemy.
Great Fortitude, RoW
Greater Abundant Step Abundant Step, Improved Abundant Step, BAB +15 You have excelled beyond normal monk capabilities with your Abundant Step ability. You may use it five times per day and your caster level for this effect improves.
Greater Abyssal Heritage Any one Abyssal Heritage Feat. Your demonic essence is greater than that of other Abyssal Heritors.
Greater Additional Attacks Str 13, Int 13, base attack bonus +6, improved additional attacks Additional attacks are more precise.
Greater Aerial Combat Str 15, Dex 15, Fly speed 30ft (good), Aerial Combat, Advanced Aerial Combat You have learned to use air and gravity to your own benefit.
Greater Ameliorated Burden Strength 17 Even among those who train to carry heavy loads, your prowess is noteworthy!
Greater Armor Material Focus Base Attack Bonus +8 Choose a special material (Such as adamantine or dragonhide). While wearing armor crafted of that material, you move easier.
Greater Black Sky Darkness Class Feature, Black Sky Class Feature, Improved Black Sky feat, Dark Knight Level 20 With experience you have learned to master the effectiveness of your black sky class feature.
Greater Blindsense character lvl 21, Wisdom 13 Your senses have become so acute that even a dragon would be envious.
Greater Control Undead Int or Cha or Wis 15, Ability to cast Animate Dead You gain the ability to control more undead than before.
Greater Critical Proficient with weapon, base attack bonus +16 Choose one type of weapon.
Greater Critical, Variant Improved Critical(with chosen weapon), Base attack bonus +14 Choose one type of weapon.
Greater Curled Backbone B'er'den The extreme deformities of your back, ribs and muscles afford you an even greater level of protection.
Greater Darkness Darkness Class Feature, Improved Darkness feat, Dark Knight Level 10 Extend the reaches of your darkness even further to swallow more enemies.
Greater Deathless You must perform the Greater Legacy ritual associated with Deathless
Greater Demoralize Charisma 15
Greater Diehard Constitution 17, Diehard, Endurance. You refuse to die.
Greater Dive-Bomb Str 15+, Dex 15+, Fly speed 30ft (good)+, Aerial Combat, Greater Aerial Combat, Dive-Bomb, Improved Dive-Bomb You are trained to attack at speed from above, without your enemy having time to react.
Greater Efficient Item Craft Improved Efficient Craft Craft Even Faster
Greater Eldrich Focus 6th level character, Eldrich Focus Better odds of hitting even moreso
Greater Eldrich Specialization 9th level character, Eldrich Specialization, Greater Eldrich Focus Further Specialization, doing more damage
Greater Endurance <!-A short summary of the feat->
Greater Enervate Spell-Like Ability Character Level 8, Enervate Spell-Like Ability, At least one spell-like ability. A stronger version of the Enervate Spell-Like ability feat, Allows you to link to 2 ability bonuses.
Greater Feint Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Base attack bonus 4+ Your can use a feint to get into a favorable attack position.
Greater Ferocious Natural Weapons BAB+11; Improved Ferocious Natural Weapons; Natural Weapons <!-A short summary of the feat->
Greater Grapple Base Attack Bonus +6, Str 13 or Dex 13, Improved Grapple Character receives an additional +4 to all grapple checks.
Greater Heavy Armor Optimization Armor Proficiency(heavy), Heavy Armor Optimization, Base Attack Bonus +8 You become much better at using heavy armor
Greater Maneuverability Improved Maneuverability, Dex 11 Your navigation skills of the air are further increased.
Greater Many Shot Dex 25, Manyshot, Improved Manyshot You have learned to focus better while making a whirlwind attack.
Greater Monkey Beats the Gong Combat Reflexes Allows you to make more attacks of opportunity if all your Flurry of Blows and Monkey Beats the Gong strikes hit.
Greater Parry Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry Base attack bonus +12 You are trained to parry incoming melee attacks more faster
Greater Persona Immersion Persona ImmersionRoE, Cha 13+, Disguise 5+ You immerse yourself fully into your role and deceive even magical sensors.
Greater Power Attack SRD:Power Attack, Str 18, BAB 8 You can use the SRD:Power Attack as usual, but the limit for the SRD:Attack Roll subtraction is increased by your Str modifier.
Greater Psychic Focus Psychic Ability, Psychic Focus Your psychic skills within a particular talent are more potent than normal.
Greater Racial Emulation Racial EmulationRoE, Disguise 9+ Ranks, Cha 13+ Your shapechanging abilities are developed to a point where you know how to emulate a race so intimately, you can do it without concious effort.
Greater Savage Assault -BAB +16, Natural Weapons You have mastered the use of your natural weapons.
Greater Snap Reflexes BAB +8, Reflex Save +5, Sense Motive +9 Ranks, Dex 17, Wis 16, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Snap Reflexes, Improved Snap Reflexes, and conditional Improved Unarmed Strike. Your opponent's strike misses, but yours does not.
Greater Soulmeld Capacity Con 20, Expanded Soulmeld Capacity 2, Meldshaper level 6, Your soul's tie to incarnum strengthens even further allowing you to maintain even more essentia in your soulmelds.
Greater Spell Parry Base Attack Bonus +15, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spell Parry, Improved Spell Parry, Spellcraft 18 ranks. You are skilled enough at parrying spells that you can even deflect them back at their caster.
Greater Spell-like Abilities Spell-like abilities. Your innate magic grows with you.
Greater Spell-Lore Ability to cast 1st level arcane spells
Greater Spontaneous Rejuvenation 9th level Druid, must have the Spontaneous Rejuvenation class feature (PHB2 p.39) and the Improved Spontaneous Rejuvenation feat. (Source: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Improved_Spontaneous_Rejuvenation_%283.5e_Feat%29) Your abilities have mastered the replenishing aspect of life.
Greater Supernatural Abilities Supernatural abilities granted by a class. Your innate magic grows with you.
Greater Technique Forming Dex 13, be a technician, Improved Technique Forming (3.5e Feat) You learn to form the somatic requirements of techniques faster than ever before
Greater Teleport Outsider, character level 5+ The extraplanar blood running through your veins allows you to use the signature travel methods of the outer planes.
Greater Unarmed Training BAB+16; Improved Unarmed Training; Natural Weapons or Improved Unarmed Strike from a class that grants it for free. <!-A short summary of the feat->
Greater Undead Hunter Sacred Vengeance*, Turn or rebuke undead ability You can channel an amazing amount of energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee combat.
Greater Vector Barrage Vector Barrage, Caster Level 14 You can now fire an even greater number of Vector Arrows
Greater Voraxia Least Voraxia (3.5e Feat), Lesser Voraxia (3.5e Feat), You must perform the Greater Legacy ritual associated with Voraxia. You may unlock and use greater special abilities on Voraxia.
Greater Weapon Material Focus Weapon Material Focus with selected material, Base Attack Bonus +8 Choose one type of material for which you have already selected Weapon Material Focus.
Greater Whirlwind Attack Int 20, Dex 30, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Whirlwind Attack. You have learned to focus better while making a whirlwind attack.
Greater, Humanoid Form Dragon creature type, 10 hit dice, Humanoid Form Feat A Dragon may assume a human form once per week.
Grimoire User At least one level in an arcane spell caster class that has a limited number of spells known. As an academic, you are compelled to make use of a gimoire to keep track of your spells instead of depending on pure intuition.
Ground-Dweller Modification Mechanoid, first level only
Grounded Horsebreaking Cleave Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Strength 24, and Monkey Grip or Powerful Build You can use Horsebreaking Cleave on targets that are not riding on mounts
Grounded Push BAB +8
Grounded Stance
Grounded Strike Str 13, Base Attack +2, Improved Grapple Your so skilled at grappling you cause your opponents damage.
Group Tactics BAB +1 You have trained in group tactics; you have learned to coordinate your attacks and create openings and opportunities when ganging up against a single target.
Guard Training You've spent countless days and nights on guard duty and know how to notice when somebody is sneaking around.
Guardian Angel's Rebuke
Guide Knowledge (Local) 2 Ranks You are a professional guide for your area.
Guild Craftsman You are a guild member of good standing
Guilder You are a Guild Adventurer.
Guitar Hero None You are good at the guitar.
Gun for an Arm Gunstub. While most people with Gunstubs are clumsy with their new weaponry and equipment, you have gained greater ability and dexterity with your attachment, becoming more comfortable with it and treating it more like a part of your body.
Half-Celestial Mount Paladin's Special Mount Your special mount gains the Half-Celestial template.
Half-Dragon Companion Animal Companion ability, Knowledge(arcana) 2 ranks, Speak Language(Draconic) You have shown yourself to be an ally of all nature's dragon creatures
Halflings Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Halt (TOWW)
Hammer of Mollarok Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, BAB +2 You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force.
Hanbojutsu Proficiency with the Hanbo/Quarterstaff, Base Attack Bonus +1, Medium Size or Smaller You are trained in Hanbojutsu, the art of (shorter) staff fighting, and can use a number of staves to trip the enemy and block attacks
Hand-To-Hand Improved Unarmed Strike Weapons? Who needs weapons?
Hand-to-Hand (TOWW)
Hands of a Wiseman Wis 13,Healing Hands You are a wise healer.
Hands of the Saviour Lay on Hands class ability You can bring back the dead with the touch of your hands.
Hard Knock Life Diehard, Great Fortitude, Con 13
Hard to Avoid Combat Reflexes You make it difficult for enemies in your threatened area to avoid your attacks of opportunity.
Hardened Plating Crystalforged, Armored Plating Your armor hardens, allowing it to absorb more damage.
Hardened Warrior Con 17, Dex 17, Wis 17 A different approach to improved saves.
Harmless Form Character level 4 You can assume the likeness of a mortal.
Harsh Breath Dragon creature type The Dragon's breath is more damaging.
Hasty Spell Ability to cast spells, Caster Level 6th. You can sacrifice spell efficiency and effectiveness for greater casting speed.
Hate Int 13 Your hate for a specific creature allows you to be more proficient at killing them.
Haunt Spell Spell Focus (Necromancy) Your magic continues to walk the earth as a spirit.
Haunting Appearance Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate (8 ranks) You have become something so different — impossibly beautiful, subtly terrifying, or flat-out alien — that the sight of your face leaves people stammering and unable to act like themselves. You might want to consider a mask.
Healer You are good at healing people
Healing Hands Wis 13+, the ability to cast Healing spells You have an enhanced ability to cast Healing spells.
Heart of the Hero Base Attack Bonus +15, Rage 3/day When you rage, your heroic strength is heightened.
Heavenly Desserts Character Level 10, Must have eaten the flesh of an Angel, Archon, Eldarin or Deva By gorging on the sweet flesh of angels, you have digested a portion of their divine essence.
Heavy Armor Dash Heavy Armor Proficiency, Fast Movement or Dash, Run, Str 15 You are able to move at speeds that most would think impossible while in heavy armor
Heavy Armor Optimization Armor Proficiency(heavy), Base Attack Bonus +4 You become much better at using heavy armor
Heavy Fist Crystalforged You gain a deadly slam attack in addition to your normal attacks.
Heavy Infantryman You are skilled at spear and shield combat.
Heavy Power Attack Power Attack You are able to use one-handed weapons and light weapons more effectively with Power Attack.
Heighten Undead Able to create undead You are able to make undead that are more resistant to turning
Heightend Truespeak lvl 1 Truenamer Increase the DC of your utterances
Hellscarred Must have failed a saving throw to a spell or effect associated with a fiend, and cannot be a fiend or have any feats with the [Fiend] subtype. Having had your mind or body twisted by the essence of a fiend, you have gained some sensitivity and immunity to their power.
Hellscorched Spell Evil alignment. Your fire spells draw power from the Nine Hells, burning hotter than normal.
Hellspawn Tiefling, level 6, Int 13 With The Abyss as your birthplace you find it easier to withstand the intense heat and have learned to cloak yourself in shadows.
Hemorrhaging Blows Exploding Palm Style Rank 30, Sickening Blows, Base Attack Bonus +13 Your foes suffer massive internal damage from your unarmed palm strikes and may start bleeding internally.
Herald of the Earth Dwarven, familiar, Int 13 Dwarven spell casters often receive a familiar from the priests of Krilos
Herald of the Wave Merfolk, level 8, Wis 15 The champions of Satine gain a limited control over the very water they live in.
Herbalist Knowledge (Nature) 2 Ranks You are a herbalist who gathers and sells herbs and plants.
Herbology Herbology is the study of magical plants.
Hero of The Shield Must use a shield(s) as a weapon, must be above 35 years of age, Over Time and use with your shield you have grow accustomed to it and with so, you have learned to improved yourself
Heroic Presence Draenei, Level 7, Cha 15 Your very presence boost the moral of those around you.
Hexing Strider Hexblade'sCW Curse, Favored Enemy You're a woodsman with the ability to curse your enemies, especially your favorite ones.
Hexsinger Hexblade's Curse, Bardic Music Your hexblade powers work well with your bard training.
Hibernate Con 27, Survival 25 Ranks. You can place yourself in hibernation, effectively halting your bodily functions.
Hidden Mask Fox of Sin, Acquired all 7 masks, Ability to use Moderate Sins, Make a deal with a different Demon Prince.
Hidden Maw Aberration blood Your closed mouth is wider than normal and you can open it in a twisted way, showing sharp teeth.
Hide Silently Hide 20 move silently 5 You can huse hide in addition to move silently in checks
Hideous Screech Succedaneum You gain the Hideous Screech (Su) ability. Confuses and frightens targets.
High Metabolism Healing Constitution 13, High Metabolism (3.5e Flaw) I feel so much better after that bite to eat.
Higher and Higher Alumaril, level 18 Alumarils with further training can fly even better and faster!
Hill Tosser Brutal Throw You have learned the art of throwing small boulders like a giant.
History of Warfare Human, base attack bonus +5, Knowledge (History) 2 ranks Due to centuries of warfare most Humans have some basic understanding of military tactics.
Hit & Run Base Attack Bonus 11, Dexterity 13 Constitution 13, Strength 13, Must be medium or larger, Combat Expertise You become a mobile fighter, deftly moving in and out of range to hit and not be hit.
Hittite Human, 1st level. You are from the Kingdom of Hatti, an empire that often clashed with Egypt.
Holy Ram Turn or Rebuke Undead, divine spellcaster level 3+, Destruction Domain You can crush the walls that your enemies hide behind with holy power.
Honed Scent WIS 13 You have honed your sense of smell beyond the capabilities of other mata'ri.
Hoof Smite Paladin's Special Mount, Smite Evil, Mounted Combat, Ride 1 rank Your special mount can use your Smite Evil ability.
Hook Hold Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6
Horde Breaker
Horsebreaker Training Small, Medium, or Large Size, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), and Strength 24 Allows creatures of Medium, Large, and, on rare occasions, Small size to wield the horsebreaker
Horsebreaking Cleave Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Housebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Strength 24, and Monkey Grip or Powerful Build You can cut through a horse and its rider in one stroke
Hot-Blooded Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6 With your passion and fury, you sacrifice accuracy (and the chance at a critical hit) to roll extra damage dice!
Huge Size Character level 10 Your size increases to Huge.
Human Blood Partial Human ancestry (Half-anything), must be taken at 1st level Humanity dominates your ancestry.
Human Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Human Transmutation Int 17, Gate of Truth Experience, Alchemy, Soul Alchemy You have learned how to make the souls of humans feed into your alchemy.
Humanities Spark Substitute for Human 1st level bonus feat, ability to become Psionically focused The Human Spirit sustains your body channeling your Psionic Focus into the will to fight on
Humanoid Elite Int 9, Wis 9, Monstrous Humanoid, Giant, or Humanoid type. You're part of the elite of your race and have skills beyond the usual warrior or commoner.
Humanoid Form Dragon creature type, 10 hit dice A Dragon may assume a human form once per week.
Humanoid Guise Cha 13, any other Abyssal Heritor feat You can hide your demonic self under the disguise of a humanoid form.
Hunter's Eyes Shifter with the longtooth or razor claw trait. Keen eyes follow through to keen strikes; when you loose claw and fang, you strike with unmatched lethal precision.
Hypothermia Aurora (Absolute Zero) class feature The debilitating effects of your aurora are intensified.
I AM THE DEMON! Epic Level, Demonic Transformer <!-When you become a demon, it gains your strength->
I Know It Int 20+, Able to cast arcane spells level 7 You are so intelligent that you can use your Int modifier instead of you Wis modifier forWill saves.
Iaijutsu Growth Iaijutsu Focus Skill Iaijutsu users have grown past their limits on power.
Iaijutsu Master 10 Ranks in Iaijutsu Focus Skill An Iaijutsu Master has learned to use their Iaijutsu Focus Skill without having to have their opponent Flat-Footed.
Iaijutsu Speed Iaijutsu Focus Skill You now add your Dex Mod as a competence bonus to your Iaijutsu Focus Skill.
Icky Icky Eijilund Plushie Ewwwww....
Iconic Profile Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, BAB +5 Your superhero's costumed presence brings out the best (or worse) in people.
Identical Wild Shape Wis 18, knowledge (nature) 9 ranks, Wild Shape class feature Using your knowledge of nature, when you wild shape, you are identical to the creature you are transformed to.
Ignore Experience Cost Eschew Materials, Ignore Material Components, Spellcraft 45, ability to cast 9th level spells Allows A spellcaster to cast a spell without needing to spend the experience cost to cast it
Imbue Power Weapon Focus Simply put, theres more them one way to use magic power.
Imbue Seeking Spellcraft 8 Ranks, Weapon Focus You've become more adapt at using both weapon and magic together and have devised a cunning trick to hit and even track unsuspecting targets.
Imbue Weapon Psychic Ability You can focus your powers to imbue a melee weapon with psychic force.
Imbuement Int, Cha or Wis 15, Spellcraft 4 Ranks, Weapon Focus There comes a time in every spell caster's life when they wanna to pick someone off that's out of reach or smack someone with a sword that explodes in their face.
Immediate Vector Plate Mass Vector Plate Class Feature You can create a vector plate at a moment's notice.
Immortal <!-Avoid death from anything but combat.->
Immortal Arrogance Iron Will, vampire (non-spawn only) Even in undeath, your will is indomitable.
Immunity Bypass Suppression Must be immune to something and be able to bypass immunities of the same kind. You are both immune to something and can bypass others immunities yet, this very thing your immune to can get bypassed by others? Not exactly anymore.
Immunity to Cold Iron Con 13, Allurin By painfully building resistance, you no longer suffer from contact with cold iron like others of your race.
Impenetrable Callouses Charisma less than 12 Gain a natural AC bonus
Impromptu Dispelling
Impromptu Metamagic any metamagic Feat
Improved Abundant Step Abundant Step class ability, BAB +12 You have mastered your Abundant Step ability. You may use it three times per day and your caster level for this effect improves.
Improved Accurate Assessment Accurate Assessment, Epic Skill Focus: Sense Motive, Skill Focus: Sense Motive, Int 25, Sense Motive 24 Ranks You can analyze almost everything about a creature in an instant.
Improved Additional Attacks Int 13 Make additional attacks with higher accuracy.
Improved Anima Toughness No Con Score, Cha 21, Base Fortitude Save +6 Beings without metabolism are raised or constructed with animating force. This force now can be used to toughen them beyond the durability of their basic undead or construct frames, increasing their hit points.
Improved Armor Proficiency Heavy Armor Proficiency, +1 base attack You are more proficient with heavy armor
Improved Armored Monk light,medium and Heavy armor proficiency, Strength 17, monk level 1, Increased Monk Armor, Allows monks to wear heavy armor and have there ability's.
Improved Aura of Unluck Aura of Unluck Your Aura of Unluck is stronger.
Improved Aurora Aurora class feature Your aurora is harder to resist. Pity those caught in its unforgiving light.
Improved Base Attack Bonus Character level 4th Base Attack Bonus Increases by +1.
Improved Black Sky Darkness Class Feature, Black Sky Class Feature, Dark Knight Level 15 With experience you have learned to increase the effectiveness of your black sky class feature.
Improved Blindsense character lvl. 18, wis 13, Blind-fight, Blindsense Your acute senses now rival those of a dragon
Improved Blood Component Blood component class feature, Con 17 When infused with your blood, your magic is far more powerful.
Improved Blood Craft Con 17 Your blood becomes even stronger.
Improved Blood Frenzy (3.5e Epic Feat) Blood Frenzy, Knowledge Anatomy 25+ The beyond ultimate in natural weapon attacks! You smell blood in the air... KILL!
Improved Bow Sniper Bow Sniper, +5 Base attack bonus Your ability to line up accurate and deadly shots with your bow improves.
Improved Breath Weapon Cha modifier +4, breath weapon, base attack bonus +5 You can use your breath weapon more times per day
Improved Brew Potion Brew Potion, Craft (alchemy) 8 ranks You can create more powerful potions than other alchemists.
Improved Buckler Proficiency Shield Proficiency and a Dexterity score of 13 or higher You are extremely skilled in using a buckler.
Improved Chain Attack Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain) Int 13, Dex 13 The character can use his chain to trip the opponent and make suffer him with spikes
Improved Cleanse Cleanse paralysis. You heal and cleanse at the same time.
Improved Combat Casting, Variant Combat Casting, Concentration 6 ranks. You can endure pain to finish your spell.
Improved Combat Loading (Merika Supplement) BAB +5, Combat Loading. Whether he's a practiced gun for hire, or an old lawman, the character can load a pistol quicker than a rattlesnake's strike.
Improved Counter Parry Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +8 When you parry incoming attacks, they provoke attack of opportunity.
Improved Critical (TOWW)
Improved Crossbow Sniper Crossbow Sniper (Player's Handbook II page 77), Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6 Your ability to line up accurate and deadly shots with your crossbow improves.
Improved Curled Backbone B'er'den Your malformed spine becomes even more of a protective shell when you are curled
Improved Darkness Darkness Class Feature, Dark Knight Level 5 Extend the reaches of your darkness to swallow more enemies.
Improved Deafening Strike Deafening Strike, Hyper Sound +2d6 or better. Your deafening strike attack is useable more times per day.
Improved Deft Dodger Bab +10 Through strenuous training you have mastered reacting to your opponents blunders.
Improved Demoralize You know how to make your opponents freeze in fear.
Improved Demoralize II Charisma 13
Improved Dive-Bomb Str 15+, Dex 15+, Aerial Combat, Dive-Bomb You have done Dive-Bombs some many times that you can now use them without losing sight of your enemy.
Improved Draconic Familiar Draconic Familiar Allows you to keep Dragon Familiars longer than normal, as well as opening access to other dragons
Improved Draconic Legacy True Dragon or Draconic Heritage CA and Draconic Legacy CA You have truly mastered your draconic spellcasting powers.
Improved Drunken Strength Your Drunken Strength is improved.
Improved Efficient Item Craft Efficient Item Creation Craft things faster
Improved Enduring Fortitude Evasion, Improved Evasion, Toughness, Diehard, Base Fortitude Save +6 Your endurance has you to were even failing to shrug of the impossible is less of a burden.
Improved Evasive Will Evasion, Improved Evasion, Slippery Mind, Evasive Will Bass Will Save +6 Your will is as strong as a master thief's evasion
Improved Exalted Wild Shape Wild Shape 4 times a day|Vow of Poverty|Exalted Wild Shape Must be a Druid, Wild shape Change 4 times a day, Vow of Poverty, must Change to/from an Exalted Wild Shape
Improved Extended Hexing Hex master class feature. Your hexing ability lasts longer.
Improved Far Shot 2 Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Base attack bonus +6 With amazing accuracy, you can shoot haphazardly at greater distances.
Improved Fast Reload Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow), Weapon Focus (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow), Weapon Specialization (Repeating Heavy or Light Crossbow) Load a reload repeating crossbow as a free action and no attack of opportunity.
Improved Ferocious Natural Weapons BAB+11; Ferocious Natural Weapons; Natural Weapons <!-A short summary of the feat->
Improved Firearm Sniper Precise Shot, base attack bonus +6 You are even more adept in lining up accurate, deadly shots with your gun.
Improved Force Blast Able to use Force Blast (Reality Bender class ability) Your Force Blast is harder to dodge.
Improved Foreign Technique Study Intelligence 12, Be a Technician Familiarizes the technician in foreign styles of techniques reducing penalties for using foreign techniques.
Improved Frenzy of Speed Darkspear Troll, Base Attack Bonus +5 A feat to improve the number of times a Darkspear Troll can go into its Frenzy of Speed. This
Improved Gigantic Weapon Str 19, base attack bonus +19, Gigantic Weapon
Improved Glide Woodsprite, Endurance, 6 ranks in Jump. You have strengthened your wings and can control your falls better.
Improved Hawk Boomerang Proficiency 14 Dexterity, +4 Base Attack Bonus, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hawk Boomerang), Weapon Focus (Hawk Boomerang) Allows a Soklylie to return to the thrower on a hit.
Improved Hex Capacity Hex master class feature. You can invest more energy in your hex abilities.
Improved Horsebreaking Cleave Power Attack, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Horsebreaker), Weapon Focus (Horsebreaker), Strength 26, and Monkey Grip or Powerful Build Your ability to cut through a mount and its rider in one stroke is more fluid
Improved Hosting Daelkyr Half-Blood or Symbiont Mastery fear Wisdom score of 13 or higher The host can better tap into a chosen Symbiot.
Improved Inner Depths Of The Soul Inner Depths Of The Soul taken 18 times, Int 49, Wis 49, Cha 49 You have honed your inner reserve of power that allows you to reduce XP costs further.
Improved Invocation Charisma 15, Access to invocations. This feat allows the character to have additional invocations based on their class.
Improved Ki Blast Ki blast, Base attack bonus +9, Wisdom +14 Allows Charging of Ki Blast over multiple rounds and increased range
Improved Link Animal companion and character level 15 or higher. Share spells and feats with companion.
Improved Mana Regeneration Improved Mana Regeneration is an upgrade of Mana Regeneration. In order to get it, you must have at least a +5 modifier in your casting stat (For a sorcerer, would be 20 charisma). Character regenerates mana.
Improved Maneuverability Fly Speed You are better able to navigate the air.
Improved Martial Arts Wis 10, BAB +3, Improved Unarmed Strike You deal more damage while unarmed
Improved Masterwork Craft 4 ranks. Improved Masterwork allows high DC Craft checks to improve weapons and armors with benefits greater than a simple +1 to attack or a reduction in armor check penalty. Some of the abilities are near magical, but all are ultimately mundane. Below is a list of possible effects, each added effect adds to the traditional DC 20 to create masterwork weapons or armor.
Improved Mending Shadows Mending Shadows class ability, Charisma 13. You can heal more damage than normal with your Mending Shadows.
Improved Mental Leap Mental Leap, Str 13, Jump 5 ranks Your psionically enhanced leaps pass the limits for normal jumps.
Improved Mettle Mettle from feat or class feature, Great Fortitude or Iron Will, Concentration 18 ranks You are able to greater resist harmful spell effects with fortitude and will
Improved Mettle Training Con 15, Great Fortitude, base fortitude +3, Mettle Training or Mettle from a class source. You are able to resist effects with even greater fortitude.
Improved Minor Shapechange 3 racial feats Your minor shapechange ability is considerably more powerful.
Improved Monkey Grip Str 15, Base Attack Bonus: +6,Two-Weapon Fighting You can wield larger weapons than creatures of your size, even in your off hand.
Improved Mounted Archery Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Ride 1 ranks. You can make ranged attacks from a mount almost as well as you can from the ground.
Improved Natural Attack: Variant Natural Weapon, Weapon Focus (chosen natural attack), Base Attack Bonus +4 Your chosen natural attack deals more damage.
Improved Natural Bond, Variant Level 21, Wisdom 26, Multiple Animal Companions Your bond with your animal companions is taken to the next level, as your connection to nature grows ever stronger.
Improved Night Form Succedaneum, access to Night Form Your Night Form increases in power.
Improved Nonlethal Substitution Any three metamagic feats, Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks. You can modify a spell that uses energy to deal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead.
Improved Parry Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Base attack bonus +8 You have mastered the technique of defending yourself by parry incoming enemy attacks.
Improved Parry Strike Dex 19, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +8 When you parry incoming attacks, they provoke attack of opportunity.
Improved Parry, Variant Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Base attack bonus +6 You have mastered the technique of defending yourself by parry incoming enemy attacks.
Improved Partial Wild Shape Wis 25, Knowledge (nature) 24 ranks, wild shape 6/day. You can partial wild shape into sizes beyond your natural size.
Improved Pin Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple You pin your opponents more effectively.
Improved Point Blank Shot Point Blank Shot, Precise shot, Weapon Focus (ranged precision weapon) With this feat you learn to take advantage of the closeness of your ranged precision attacks.
Improved Power Attack, Redux Str 16 , BAB 6 Improved version of the Power Attack feat.
Improved Prestidigitation Parlour Tricks Your skill with prestidigitations is impressive, they last longer, are more believable, and awe other casters.
Improved Psychokinesis Psychokinesis, Charisma 15 You have an increased familiarity with the physical power of your mind, allowing you to use it more effectively, and in a variety of new ways.
Improved Puppy Dog Eyes Canin or other Dog-like Humanoid/Monstrous Humanoid, Bluff or Diplomacy 8 Ranks, Charisma 18 You are getting even better at getting what you want through begging
Improved Quick Doom Darkness Class Feature, Doom Class Feature, Quick Doom feat, Dark Knight Level 15 You have learned to alter the effects of your doom class feature to act faster on your targets.
Improved Ranked Fighting Base attack bonus +6 or higher, Combat Reflexes When fighting in a rank with at least one ally who also possesses this feat, you can co-ordinate your attacks effectively and threaten your opponent's vital areas more easily.
Improved Rapid Shaping Boneshaper level 6, 13 Con, Rapid Shaping You are able to shape multiple items rapidly
Improved Rapid Shot Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, +3 Base Attack Bonus You are an expert at firing weapons with exceptional speed.
Improved Razor Bite Lion-Man or Shark-Man, Str 17 Your bite becomes stronger, and your teeth are much sharper.
Improved Resolve Training Wis 15, Combat Casting, base will +3, Resolve Training. You are able to resist effects with even greater willpower.
Improved Rose Whip Jigyousho level 20+, Special Plant (Rose Whip) class feature, Weapon Focus (Rose Whip) Your rose whip has increased in power to devastating levels.
Improved Savage Assault BAB+11, Natural Weapons A short summary of the feat
Improved Scalykind Command Rebuke or command reptilian animals (Scalykind Domain power) You can command more powerful creatures than mere lizards with your Domain power.
Improved Screech Succedaneum Your Hideous Screech increases in area of effect and duration.
Improved Shape Mind Blade Soulknife level 5th Add more weapon shapes to your mind blade
Improved Shield Mate Base Attack Bonus +4, Shield Mate(3.5e Feat)
Improved Single Weapon Fighting Dexterity or Strength 17, Base Attack Bonus +6, Single Weapon Fighting You have trained even further with wielding a single weapon, becoming faster.
Improved Snap Reflexes BAB +6, Reflex Save +4, Sense Motive +7 Ranks, Dex 15, Wis 14, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Snap Reflexes, Any of the following; Improved Disarm, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip. Now your opponent's open themselves up to a limited Attack of Opportunity.
Improved Soul Imprint Succedaneum, any two Succedaneum feats You gain an additional Soul Imprint with additional sizes and creature types available.
Improved Soulspark Familiar Ability to shape the soulspark familiar soulmeld MoI Your ability to shape incarnum into a creature known as a soulspark has become more powerful.
Improved Spell Mastery SRD:Spell Mastery The character can spontaneously cast spell mastery spells.
Improved Spell Parry Base Attack Bonus +12, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spell Parry, Spellcraft 15 ranks. Your likelihood of parrying an incoming spell improves.
Improved Spellborg At least one Spellborg template You gain more benefit for being a Spellborg
Improved Spit
Improved Spontaneous Rejuvenation 3rd level Druid, must have the Spontaneous Rejuvination class feature (PHB2 p.39) Your abilities to influence the replenishing aspect of life has placed you as a prominent healer amongst your peers.
Improved Starspawn Aberration blood, Starspawn, Any other Aberrant Feat The wings that represent your aberrant heritage are stronger than normal.
Improved Storm of Throws Dex 27, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Storm Of Throws Your skill with thrown weapons allows you to make maximum use of their range when performing a storm of throws.
Improved Supernatural Capacity Invoker level 22nd, Epic Spellcasting; Empower Spell-like Ability, Maximize Spell-like Ability or Quicken Spell-like Ability. Warlocks and other creatures that possess Spell-like Abilities that have a power progression eventually come to a limit in the utility of their metamagic feats who affect these abilities. After understanding the infinity of magic power contained in the multiverse, they are capable of overcoming this limitation and reaching out a greater versatility in the use of their feats.
Improved Swift Craftsman Swift Craftsman You can craft even faster but at the expense of xp
Improved Synergy 10 ranks in any single skill You're good at combining your skills for greater effect.
Improved Synthesis Photosynthesis class feature You have enhanced your ability to photosynthesize, allowing you to heal at an unprecedented rate.
Improved Target Concentration 8 Ranks Through practice you have learnt to maintain a focus on a single foe while maintaining a solid defense.
Improved Technique Forming Dex 13, be a technician You learn to form the somatic requirements of techniques faster.
Improved Thrown Weapon Sniper Precise Shot, BAB +5, Thrown Weapon Sniper
Improved Tower Shield Bash Through further training, you can now keep your shield bonus when attacking with a tower shield
Improved Turning (TOWW)
Improved Twin Gunslinger (Merika Supplement) Twin Gunslinger, BAB +9
Improved Twin Weapon Fighting Dex 18, Twin Weapon Fighting, BAB 10 You gain an additional attack with each weapon with the attack roll of -5 to you highest BAB.
Improved Two Hand Weapon Fighting SRD:Weapon Focus and able to attack twice with a single two hand weapon as a full round action. This feat can only be taken if you use one two hand weapon. You gain an additional attack with you lowest BAB+2 if a two hand weapon is used, but you highest BAB is reduced by 3.
Improved Unarmed Strike, Tome
Improved Unarmed Training BAB+11; Unarmed Training; Natural Weapons or Improved Unarmed Strike from a class that grants it for free. <!-A short summary of the feat->
Improved Vengeance Vengeance Class Feature, Charisma 15+ You improve your ability to channel your hatred into raw destructive power.
Improved Vigorous Rage Rage, Con 17, base fortitude save 5+ You recover from wounds even faster when in rage.
Improved Watery Revival Water Bending Style 3rd Your training has taught you how to revive someone who is further gone.
Improved Weapon Finesse Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (any finessed weapon), base attack bonus +4 You've become more reliant on agility rather than strength when it comes to damage.
Improved Whip Proficiency Proficiency and weapon focus with a whip or similar weapon Your whip attacks are less useless.
Improved White Mage White Mage level 5 This feat amps up the existing White Mage feat or White Mage class, granting additional perks.
Improving Nature's Blueprints A Natural Armor Rating of at least +2, Strength OR Constitution 15+ The genetics of your nature are lacking when compared to the struggles you face. Failure is not an option. Thus, nature itself must be made adequate.
Improvised Sneak Attack Weapon Finnesse,Weapon Focus Dagger (or dagger like object),Dex Of 18 Or Higher) Sometimes People Who Are Not Rouges Learn How To Surprise Enemies To Deal Extra Damage
Improvised Weapon Proficiency Proficiency with the chosen weapon You are skilled at using unconventional items as weapons. This feat extends proficiency with a normal weapon to all those that resemble it. When you take this feat, choose any one weapon.
Imrpoved Blindsense Blindsense Your acute senses allow access to blindsight
Incineration Any Arcane class You are better attuned to fire spells.
Incise Glyphstone Spellcaster level 1 You can create glyphstones, an alternate single-use spell-completion item.
Increase Wisdom 20 ECL, 20 Wisdom Your wisdom increases due to training
Increased Charisma 20 ECL, 20 Charisma Your charisma increases due to training
Increased Constitution 20 ECL, 20 Constitution Your constitution increases due to training
Increased Critical - Epic Base Attack Bonus +25, Proficient with weapon, Improved Critical, Great Cleave. Only the most powerful can show the power of their weapons.
Increased Dexterity 20 ECL, 20 dexterity Your dexterity increases due to training
Increased Intelligence 20 ECL, 20 Intelligence Your intelligence increases due to training
Increased Monk Armor Armored Monk (3.5e Feat) Through years of discipline and training, you can use your natural abilities unhampered the distraction on armor.
Increased Strength 20 ECL, 20 Strength Your strength increases due to training
Incredible Dexterity Defeat an enemy while they are denied their dexterity to their AC. Avoid an attack of opportunity from a creature 5 HD above you, Dexterity 18+ Through feats of great skill and precision, your coordination and manual dexterity have grown to incredible heights.
Incredible Resilience Constitution 17, Diehard, Endurance. It's very hard to kill you.
Independent Eyes B'er'den You have mastered using your stored spells in synchronization.
Indiscriminate Aura Marshal level 1st, CHA 13 You have trained with many savage creatures as allies. As such, you know techniques that allow your Marshal Auras to affect such creatures.
Indomitable Base attack bonus +2, Cha 13+ Your strength of spirit enables you to better withstand the slings and arrows of your foes.
Indomitable Will Lvl 6 Fox of Sin
Induce Fear Telepathy
Inertial Field Wis 19+, 1+ Power Point, Concentration 5+ The power of your inner psychic energy creates a field that dampens incoming attacks.
Inertial Shot Psionic Shot, Base Attack Bonus +4 You can focus your mental energy into a projectile or thrown weapon to increase its damage potential by increasing the force it releases on impact.
Inertial Slash Run, Fast Movement Ability from Any Class, Base Speed of 60 ft., Weapon Focus (Any), Dexterity or Strength of 15, Must have Psionic Focus. An attack for those with "Flash" like movement speed.
Inflict Boost Non-good alignment Your inflict spells are more powerful.
Info Wars You are a conspiracy theorist.
Inherited Instinct 1st level only, and you must have the Beast Heir template. Gained from your wild blood you have an uncanny level of instinct and insight, that which your mortal heritage cannot compete with.
Inhuman Reflex Reflex Save +5, Lightning Reflexes. Your reflex, no matter what class is mighty.
Inhuman Will Will Save +5, Iron Will Your will, no matter what class is mighty.
Initiate of Bhaal Cleric level 1st, Servant of the Fallen, patron deity Bhaal. You have been initiated into the murderous doctrine of Bhaal's fallen clergy.
Initiate of Compassion Heal 6 ranks or higher, must be Lawful Good or Neutral Good
Initiate of Honesty Good alignment, Wis 13 or higher, Sense Motive 6 ranks or higher
Initiate of Honor Dex 13 or higher, good aligned
Initiate of Humility Con 13 or higher, character level 3, good alignment Can own only what she can carry
Initiate of Justice Weapon Focus (with deity’s favored weapon) Must be of good alignment, 3rd level or higher
Initiate of Kazael Divine Caster 5th level, Must have Kazael as a Patron Deity. You leave your life in the shadowy hand of Kazael.
Initiate of Learning Wis 13 or higher You're a scholar who loves learning and helping other's learn.
Initiate of Lolth Cleric or Blackguard, Drow, Patron Diety Lolth. You have been taught secrets of Lolth's faith.
Initiate of Mask Cleric level 1st, patron deity Mask. You have been initiated into the veiled secrets of Mask's clergy.
Initiate of Sacrifice Con 13 or higher, good aligned
Initiate of Spirituality Cha 13 or higher, good aligned You may use holy energy to attack the evil around you.
Initiate of the Red Robes Female, Turn or Rebuke Undead The red robes females rule Orc society and are constantly commanding and instructing the males.
Initiate Of The Sai'quel Shadowcrafter [3], Willing Deformity BoVD, must be a native of Dreden and a member of the Sai'quel You have been initiated into the fell ranks of the Sai'quel, the dark rulers of Dreden. Through their painful training, you have learned to harness the power of the marsh into your body, empowering your magic items.
Initiate of Valor Must be of Good alignment, Diplomacy 6 ranks or higher You grant yourself and others more valor.
Innate Combat Focus Wis 13 You can focus your mind on battle in any situation.
Innate Magic Int 3, Cha 11, must be taken at 1st level You can cast a minor spell.
Innate Power Have a reserve of at least ten power points. You acquire the mental skill to manifest a power innately and enhance its potency.
Inseparable (TOWW)
Insight Archery Int 13+, Base Attack Bonus +1 Use your Int bonus on ranged attack rolls instead of Dex
Insightful Spellcasting Intelligence score of 16 Your unique understanding of magic aids you in your spells accuracy
Insightful Strike
Insightful Strikes Wisdom 18+ You strike your foes with righteous awesomeness.
Inspired Ascetic Monk Level 1, Factotum Level 1, Carmendine Monk feat You have honed and focused your mind and body to be as sharp as possible when working in concert.
Inspired Chaos Master Bardic music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 8 Ranks, Perform (any other) 8 ranks, Charisma 13 You continue to reduce the existing barriers between music and theater performing both disciplines
Inspiring None. Your ability to command far exceeds your usual charm.
Inspiring Greatness CHA 15 Your personality gives you and party members a morale bonus to saves.
Inspiring Leader, Variant Bardic Music,Major Aura,Inspire Courage Bard and Marshal levels stack for the purpose of Bardic music, Major Aura, and Grant Move Action class features
Instant Cleave Soulcleaving, Initiative modifier of +3 Allows the user to cleave as a free action
Instant Empower Power Any other metapsionic feat You can increase the energy output of your powers in an instant.
Instant Extend Power Any other metapsionic feat You can increase the duration of your powers in an instant.
Instant Maximize Power Any other metapsionic feat You can manifest powers for maximum effect in an instant.
Instant Quicken Power Quicken Power, Instant Empower Power, Instant Extend Power, Instant Maximize Power You can manifest powers in an instant, not wasting your attention on them.
Instant Spell Quicken Spell, Caster Level 30, able to cast 12th-level spells. You can cast spells instinctively.
Instant Widen Power Any other metapsionic feat You can increase the area of effect of your powers in an instant.
Instantaneous Dance Improved Gemini Dance as a class feature (Level 7 Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class) class feat)
Instantaneous Hex Unusual Swiftness 3/day. Your swiftness now extends even into your mastery over hexes.
Instinctual Absorption level 3, Shape bone class feature, Your body instinctively tries to heal itself when death is near
Intellect None You are smarter than you are wise
Intellectual Anatomy Intelligence 25 Using your advanced intelligence you know your own body beyond normal comprehension
Intellectual Skill Int 14 You are not constrained by limits to which others must abide.
Intellectual Strike
Intelligent Blademaster Int 13 A magic user that's learned to wield his weapon effectively.
Intelligent Healer Lay on Hands Your Knowledge of the living body guides your Lay on Hands ability
Intelligent Strike Int 13+ Use your intelligence modifier instead of your strength modifier for melee attacks.
Intensify Power Empower Power, Maximize Power, Psicraft 30 ranks, ability to manifest 9th level powers. Combines the effect of Empower Power and Maximize Power to maximize and double a power's potency.
Intercept Shot Dex 13, Point Blank Shot You shoot enemies as they move across open terrain.
Interpose Combat Reflexes, Dex 12, Base Attack Bonus +3 or higher Your skills in battle allow you to place yourself in harm's way to protect your companions.
Intimidating Demise Power Attack, Cleave, Intimidate 10+ After slaying a foe in combat, you let out a battle cry that demoralizes all who can see you.
Intuitive Reflexes Alertness Your keen senses allow you a quick reaction to danger.
Investigator, Tome
Inward Focus
Iron Chef You are REALLY good at cooking!
Iron Fist Style Ki Adept, Improved Unarmed Strike The Iron Fist Style is a unarmed combat style which employs powerful blows to injure and break an opponents body.
Iron Scale Player must be dragon type or of dragon descent
Iron Skeleton Able to raise or create undead Undead you create have their skeleton structure reinforced by iron
Iron Will, RoW
Item Master
Ithan 1st level only. You were raised in the Imperial city of Ithas and have gained a knack for diplomacy and trade.
Jab BaB 3+, Improved Unarmed Strike A fast weak jab
Jack of All Trades (TOWW)
Jagged Edge Shape bone Class feature, 12 Con You shape your weapons to leave vicious wounds on your foes.
Jiraigan This feat may only be taken at 1st level, Con 13, Wis or Int 15. You have inherited the vast latent energies secreted deep in your family's blood.
Jive of Jealousy, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Jive of Jealousy (improved) You prefer to use your dances to toy with the feelings of others
Jive of Jealousy, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Jive of Jealousy (lesser) You prefer to use your dances to toy with the feelings of others
Jive of Jealousy, Lesser Gemini Dance, BaB +3, 6 ranks in either Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate. You prefer to use your dances to toy with the feelings of others
Jive of Jealousy, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Jive of Jealousy (Greater) You prefer to use your dances to toy with the feelings of others
Jumping Charge Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack You can use your mount's jumping ability to pounce on your foes.
Jungle Born Lizardfolk, Str 13 Those born in the jungle have to fight to survive and thus are tougher and stronger than other Lizardfolk
Jungle Jack You are a natural explorer.
Jungle Jill You are an explorer.
Jungle Jim You are effectively a monkey.
Juttejutsu, Variant Proficiency with the Jutte, Base Attack Bonus +1 You are trained in using the Jitte and are skilled at disarming enemies with bladed weapons.
Kaioken X2 Character level 5 Unlock the potential of the Kaioken technique, increasing your power for a short burst.
Karmic Insight Brought back to life by Reincarnate spell Your experience of reincarnation has enlightened you with deeper insight into the cycle of life.
Kata Second Level Monk A series of repetitive exercises to focus martial movement. Starting at second level a monk may gain temporary feats for the following game day, similar to a Magic User's preparing of spells.
Katana Proficiency Your skills in the Katana are like that of a expert.
Keen Critical Improved Critical, BAB +12 You become even more adept at striking vital points of your enemies.
Keep Focused Wis 13, Iron Will
Ki Adept Wis 13 or Cha 13 You have trained and meditated trying to learn the ways of Ki Manipulation
Ki Charge None Your character has honed the ability to charge ki points during combat, allowing them to recover energy for further use.
Ki Claw Flurry of Blows, natural weapon You can channel ki into your natural weapons.
Ki Flow Healing Stunning Fist, Heal 8 ranks You can heal wounds using Ki.
Ki Flow Medicine Stunning Fist, Heal 4 ranks You can heal certain conditions using Ki.
Ki Training Your extensive traning has gained you more ki than most.
Killer Instinct
Kinetic Shield Psychokinesis
Knight of the Lich Tyrants Wra'sh Blood feat, Dark Wood Walker, able to cast 2nd level Necromancy Spells, any non-good. You pledge your life to the four Lich Tyrants of Wra'sh, they granted you profane powers.
Knowledgable Strike Int 15+, Heal 4 ranks Your intelligence and knowledge of physiology allows you to identify how best to strike an opponent.
Knowledge is Eveything Int 15+ Use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier for ranged attacks.
Knowledge of the Bards Masterwork Instrument, At least 1 rank in a Perform Skill You study and learn about the power of your bardic music.
Knowledge Substitution Knowledge (any) 4 ranks, another Knowledge 1 rank. Use ranks in one Knowledge skill for others.
Knowledgeable Sorcerer 10 ranks in Knowledge arcana, 5 ranks in spellcraft, able to cast from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. You're more knowledgeable than the average sorcerer when it comes to the arcane arts.
Knowledgeable Throw <!-Your knowledge of the trajectory of your blades when thrown have increased your capacity for hitting your mark->
Knowledgeable Throw, Variant Int 16+ Apply your Intelligence modifier to throwing damage
Knucklehead Constitution 13
Krewe of Hunters Memeber You are a member of a special law enforcement unit that deals with Ghosts and the past.
Lamenter of the Forsaken Essence Infusion This advanced infusion grants immense power at the cost of the user's mind and soul. It provides temporary benefits but with dangerous psychological and physical side effects.
Landmine Maker None You know something about explosive traps.
Large Brain Intelligence 19, and your race must have innate psionic abilities.
Large Size Character level 5 Your size increases to Large.
Large Two-weapon Fighting
Last Rite Turn Undead, Repose Domain You can guide the dead to eternal rest using positive energy.
Last Second Shift Bending Style 2nd Your Bending attacks are significantly harder to avoid.
Lasting Death Pact Darkness Class Feature, Death Pact Class Feature You have learned to harness the power of darkness to stave of death for an even longer period of time.
Leadership, Tome
Least Deathless You must perform the Least Legacy ritual associated with Deathless
Least Voraxia You must perform the Least Legacy ritual associated with Voraxia
Legendary Power Ability Focus (ability), a natural or supernatural ability with a save DC., CON 10+ An ability granted by a race or class attains legendary status.
Legendary Prowess Epic Prowess Your perception and skill in combat are the stuff of legend.
Legendary Strength Defeat a monster with a CR 5 greater than yours. Survive in a fight where you were knocked below -7 HP, Must have 4 levels in a fighting class (fighter Paladin ect), 18+ Strength By defeating monsters stronger than you your body's strength has grown at a legendary rate
Legendary Super Saiyan Saiyan race, Character level 100, Legendary Saiyan Trait Unleash the power of the Legendary Super Saiyan, transforming into a colossal force with green, spikier hair, increased height, and massive bulk.
Legendary Super Saiyan 2 Saiyan race, Character level 300, Legendary Saiyan Trait, Prestige 2 Unleash the power of the Legendary Super Saiyan 2, transforming into a colossal force with electrifying aura, longer hair than Super Saiyan 2, and increased bulk.
Legendary Super Saiyan 3 Saiyan race, Character level 600, Legendary Saiyan Trait, Prestige 6 Unleash the power of the Legendary Super Saiyan 3, transforming into a colossal force with longer hair than Super Saiyan 3, increased height, and overwhelming strength.
Legendary Super Saiyan 4 5 Prestige, Saiyan race with tail, Character level 600, Legendary Saiyan Trait Tap into the primal power of the Legendary Super Saiyan 4 form, achieving extraordinary levels of strength and resilience.
Legendary Wrangler
Legion of Souls 18 ranks in Knowledge (Planes) or Knowledge (Arcana), and Soul Merging Class Feature Allows a Binder to merge the souls of two or more creatures of the same species.
Lesser Deathless You must perform the Lesser Legacy ritual associated with Deathless
Lesser Voraxia You must perform the Lesser Legacy ritual associated with Voraxia
Let Me Try Gain a +3 circumstance bonus on a skill after someone fails.
Lethal Accuracy Dexterity 16,

Character level 3

Shirrechi have learned that a well landed hit will do better than a powerful one.
Lethal Mucus Bullywug. Your skin secretes a deadly biotoxin.
Lethal Poison Poison attack that deals ability damage, Con 15 Your poison becomes so potent, that it can cause death.
Lethal Whip Weapon Proficiency(Whip) Whip does lethal damage, among other things.
Lich Leadership Character Level 6th, nongood alignment, Knowledge (religion) 1 rank You gain the service of loyal undead followers
Life Leach 3rd level Regain a portion of the damage you deal as hit points.
Life of the Cursed Gain additional uses of the Hexblade's curse
Life-Learned 1st level only. You draw your skills from your experiences.
Lifesense Cha 11 You see the light that all living creatures emit.
Lightning Fast The Faster you are the more you eat.
Lightning Reflexes, RoW
Limb Sunder Fighter level 8, Improved Sunder You gain the ability to sunder opponent's limbs in battle
Limit Breaker Diehard, fortitude save +6 (base+Con bonus), 6th level, Con 13 This allows the character to further push themselves in life or death situations, allowing them to perform greater feats than even they imagined.
Limu Emu You are an insurance salesman (or is it salesanimal?).
Linger in the Light, Greater Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Greater Gemini Dance (Lv. 12 in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class)) You daze your foes with the light that exudes from you as you dance across the battlefield.
Linger in the Light, Improved Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Improved Gemini Dance (Lv. 7 in Gemini Dancer (3.5e Class)) You daze your foes with the light that exudes from you as you dance across the battlefield.
Linger in the Light, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 You daze your foes with the light that exudes from you as you dance across the battlefield.
Linguistic Cleave Soulcleaving, Intelligence 15, Knowledge (Linguistics) 2 Allows the user to gain languages when they soulcleave.
Lion Heart Lion-Man, Str 15, Base Attack Bonus +4 The heart of the lion beats within you, strengthening your resolve.
Lion's Roar Lion-Man, Cha 15, Base Attack Bonus +6 You roar like a lion, giving you an edge in combat for a brief time
Lizardfolk Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Local Discretion (TOWW)
Locksmith You are adept at making and defeating locks.
Lomeliilda Any elf, Daggerspell Mage or Shaper 1st You have been anointed as lomeliilda, a sacred warrior of Evermeet.
Lord of Dawn Aasimar, level 6, Wis 13 As a champion of good Adonai grants you the ability to heal the wounds of yourself or others with a mere touch.
Lord of Maggots Abomination (3.5e Prestige Class) class levels. Gives dominance over creatures that devour the dead.
Lord of Scales Lizardfolk, base attack bonus 7, or The powerful blood of dragons flows through your veins and grants you the power of the dreaded dragon breath attack
Lord of the Dance Must have been exposed to irresistible dance spell The urge to dance lingers on you.
Loremaster of the Arcane Arts ability to cast 2nd level arcane spells You are a master of Critical Spell Success.
Love From Above Alumaril, level 9 Alumarils with enough training can actually begin to fly!
Lovers' Defense When you and your other half choose to defend one another then there is no easy way of getting bast your defenses.
Lovers’ Assistance When you and your soulmate choose to do a specific task together you can cooperate with ease and efficiency.
Lovers’ Courage There is nothing that can instill fear in your heart when your other half is nearby.
Lovers’ Forbearance You can endure great physical punishment through sheer will alone as long as your soulmate stands by your side.
Lovers’ Offense Woe to those that dare to theaten you and your soulmate as your love can cleave through the greatest of menaces.
Luck of Heroes Must be from Silverfell or Sol Your land is known for producing heroes. Through luck, determination, and resilience, you survive when no one expects you to make it through.
Lucky Gambler You've got a natural talent when it comes to games of chance.
Lucky Skill Rabbit-Man, Cha 15, any two Luck feats A rabbit’s foot brings good luck, Thankfully for you, you have two.
Luminous Sigils Illumian Race only The sigils that orbit an illumian’s head glow vigorously, providing illumination.
Lunar Aura Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar, at least 2 Lunar Heritage feat. Your skin glow with your ancestor power, the light seem to have a strange effect upon others.
Lunar Body Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar Your very flesh seem empowered as your sorcerous power grow.
Lunar Flight Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar, 3 lunar heritage feats. Your power seems to affect the very gravity around you, as old lunars you discovered the secret of flight.
Lunar Heritage Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar The blood of the ancestral lunars flow in your vein, you gain a part of their awesome powers.
Lunar Inner Energy Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar, at least 4 Lunar Heritage feats. Your inner energy seem to protect you from harms, the lunar sorcerous power cover your entire body and enhance your very being.
Lunar Legacy Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar The power of the Lunar fill your very existence, your very being is shaken by the power you just uncovered.
Lunar Mind Supremacy Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar, at least 4 Lunar Heritage feats, must be able able to cast Telekinesis as a Sorcerer spell. Your have reached the pinnacle of Lunar Gravity power, you may objects with but a single thought.
Lunar Mystical Defence Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar You uncovered a powerful Lunar secret, Mystical Binding, you are now protected from enemies spells.
Lunar Skin Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar Your skin is covered by strange Sigils only visible when exposed to moonlight, the very existences of those rune-like figure seem to repel blades and other physical harms.
Lunatic Cha 13 Through some trauma your mind is shattered into pieces... the voices in your head mess with your thoughts, but also make it difficult for magic to bind your will.
Lunging Leap, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Lunging Leap (improved) who says bolting into battle can't be graceful
Lunging Leap, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Lunging Leap (lesser) who says bolting into battle can't be graceful
Lunging Leap, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Tumble 6 ranks who says bolting into battle can't be graceful
Lycan Form Mastery Lycanthropy or a Lycan Spawn Mastery of Lycan change.
Lycan Heritage Shapechanger subtype You have the blood of those affected by the moon. You are naturally resistant to magic which alter your form.
Lycan Legacy Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage, 9th level. The supernatural powers of your ancestors manifest in you.
Lycan Power Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage. Your Lycan heritage augments the power of certain types of magic.
Lycan Presence Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage, 6th level. The mystic powers which shaped your ancestors' manifest under your control.
Lycan Skin Shapechanger, Lycan Heritage. Your lycan heritage guards you against all weapons except those crafted with silver.
Machine Power BAB +4, Str 17, Mechanoid
Mage Int 12 you know how to cast arcane spells.
Mage Slayer
Magic Dealer Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank For a wizard, you show an unusual talent for business.
Magic Device Training Spellcraft 1 rank, Use Magic Device 1 rank You trigger magic devices with ease.
Magic Immunity Cha 30 Int 30 or Wis 30, character level 21+, magic resistant Your even more like a golem than before, you are slowly becoming immune to magic.
Magic Missile Mastery Ability to cast magic missile, Intelligence 15+ You have learned the secrets of magic missile.
Magic Resistant You are resistant to a single type of magic.
Magic Sensitivity Whenever a spell is cast nearby, the hair of your arms and neck rises, and you can feel the magical energy around.
Magic Water Pool Must be Aquatic, must be able to cast level 0 or higher spells, character level 1st. You were born with a magical connection to water - You are always in water, and use your swim speed accordingly.
Magical Aptitude, Tome
Magical Attacker Base attack bonus +1. Your magic guides your hand, and through your intelligent predictions, wisdom based awareness, or sheer force of will, your magic touch attacks find their mark.
Magical Contract Scribe Scroll, Craft (scribe) or Forgery 7 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 7 ranks and Spellcraft 4 ranks. Bind anything with an Intelligence higher than 3 to a magical contract.
Magical Cooking Profession(cook) 4 ranks You know a few unusual cooking tricks.
Magical First Aid Wis 13 or Heal 4 ranks You know a couple of healing tricks.
Magical Resistance Human, level 1 Some Humans are even less affected by magic.
Magical Resistance, Variant Must have been negatively affected by at least three spells of the chosen school/subschool/descriptor. You have been struck so much by magic that you have developed a resistance to it.
Magical Strike Psychomagic
Magical Training INT 10 or CHA 10, and must be from Tirasus or Godsreach You come from a land where cantrips are taught to all who have the aptitude to learn magic. Every crafter and artisan, it seems, knows a minor spell or two.
Magically Inclined Any race that has a specified spellcaster class as a favored class, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma must be a 13 or better, Level 1 or better in any spellcaster class. You are so attuned with magic that your innate ability to cast magic isn't restricted to just your chosen spellcaster class.
Magician Ability to cast at least one Illusion or Enchantment spell. You have the skills of a mage, but the heart of a performer.
Magizoology Magizoology is the study of magical animals.
Magnificent Pride Tanreiss. You unlock your hidden charm.
Magnificient Spellcaster The ability to cast level 4th spell of any school, 21 or more in your difficult class determining ability. The superior version of Prodigious Spellcaster
Make Knick Nack Craft (Knick Nack) 8 ranks, Eijilund Plushie race Hum de Dum
Malifiecus Wis 25. Your dreams give glimpses into future events.
Malleable Skeleton Shape Bone class feature, Disguise 6 ranks You are able to alter your physical appearance by changing the bone structure underneath.
Man Hunter Knowledge (geography) 6 Ranks.
Mana Regeneration In order to take Mana Regeneration, the character must already have taken Mana-based Casting. Character regenerates mana.
Manifest Bloodline Base attack bonus +6 and you must have the Half-Beast template. The animal within manifests completely, granting you a savage power and strength unknown to others.
Manifest Gate Ethereal Gate Class Feature You manifest your Ethereal Gate Class Feature into the Material Plane.
Manifest Rending Touch Rending Touch, Epic You harness the full power of your Rending Touch when not Transformed.
Mantra Magic 3HD, Wis 12, must not be barred from using magic A small collection of spells drawn from ones own force of will that require no real training
Marksman Dex 13+, Base Attack Bonus +1 Your hand-eye coordination has evolved to become far greater than mere normal archers; but rather, you can accurately pinpoint locations on your enemies body that are weak.
Martial Arts Training Improved Unarmed Strike or Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +1. You are well-practiced in the martial arts.
Martial Cadence Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus +4 The Character gains a damage multiplier while attacking the same enemy
Martial Improvisation You can use anything you can carry as a light load as a weapon.
Martial Leadership Character level 6th, barbarian or fighter level 1st, Str 15. Might makes right - at least, that's what the people who follow you believe.
Martial Performer Fighter Bonus feat, Bardic Knowledge and Music
Martial Sneak Attack Sneak Attack, Atleast 1 martial maneuver. Your rogue levels stack with your martial class to decide your Sneak attack damage.
Martial Style Aptitude Martial styles ability. The character gains skill in a martial style.
Martial Style Focus Martial styles ability. The character's skill in a martial style increases.
Martial Veteran Fighter level 6th. You are a veteran fighter, and unlock the ability to gain even more powerful abilities.
Mass Spell Your spells can benefit more targets.
Mass-Induced Development Must be Small sized or smaller. Due to your size -or rather, your lack thereof- you have developed certain features that enable you to perform as well as your larger counterparts.
Massive Get bigger
Massive Frame Base attack bonus +1, Str 15, Monkey Grip (Complete Warrior), and either Hulking Brute (Dragonlance Campaign Setting), Jotunbrud (Races of Faerûn), or Big Brute. You are able to extend your size-related benefits to the use of weapons designed for creatures one size larger than you.
Master Alchemist 5th level caster, Great Alchemist, Skill Focus (Craft (Alchemy)) You have mastered your ability to craft alchemy items.
Master Bull Rush Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus 4+ You are an expert at delivering a Bull Rush, so much so that you can avoid some of the standard penalties.
Master Caftsman Character level 7th, 10ranks Craft, 8ranks repair This feat improves the users crafting and repairing abilities
Master Corruption Touch You have gained complete control in the leakage of the demon in your soul.
Master Disarm Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Weapon Focus (any), Fighter level 4. You are an expert at disarming your opponent.
Master Feint Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, base attack bonus 3+ Your are an expert at feinting your opponent.
Master Grapple Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, base attack bonus 4+ You are an expert at grappling and can even turn your opponent's failed attempts against him.
Master Initiative Wis 13, Improved Initiative Your reflexes are tuned to perfection.
Master Manipulator Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, Can only be taken at Character Creation The character has telekinetic powers, allowing him to move objects without touching them.
Master Naturalist Ability to cast 1st-level divine spells, wild empathy. Your devotion to the natural world is all-encompassing, unifying your spellcasting ability.
Master of Compassion Acolyte of Compassion Feat, Heal 12 ranks or higher. You sacrifice your own health to remove a disease.
Master of Goblin Cuisine Throw Anything, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot What your food lacks in flavor it makes up in more tactical uses. Masters of Goblin Cuisine find themselves well-armed if they have eaten in the past five hours. They may not use this if they have eaten less than one hour ago, and they can only use it once per meal they have eaten.
Master of Honesty Acolyte of Honesty, Wis 17 or higher, Sense Motive 12 ranks or higher. You can interact better with good aligned creatures, and are more intimidating towards evil aligned.
Master of Honor Dex 17 or higher, good aligned, Initiate of Honor, Acolyte of Honor. You may take a blow for a nearby ally.
Master of Humility Con 17 or higher, Character level 9, Acolyte of Humility. You can dodge spells more easily, and are less affected by fire and cold spells.
Master of Justice Acolyte of Justice, Initiate of Justice, Weapon Focus (with deity’s favored weapon), good alignment, 9th level or higher. You gain additional uses of your smite evil ability.
Master of Ki Manipulation Wis 17 or Cha 17, 3 Ki Manipulation Feats Your Mastery of Ki Manipulation has unlocked new hardly heard of abilities.
Master of Learning Wis 17
Master of Sacrifice Con 17 or higher, good aligned, Initiate of Sacrifice, Acolyte of Sacrifice. You can heal your allies.
Master of Shapes Any Ani-Man, ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells You are a natural at changing shapes.
Master of Spellcasting Ability to cast 1st level Arcane or Divine spells. You are a master of casting spells.
Master of Spirituality Cha 17 or higher, good aligned, Initiate of Spirituality, Acolyte of Spirituality. You may burst forth holy damage to all evil and undead around you
Master of Terror
Master of the Wild Halflings, Wis 13, Dex 13, Survival 15 ranks, Hide 15 ranks Halflings that reach a specific level of skill in the hunt become known as Masters of the Wild and there skill in hunting is second to none.
Master of Valor Acolyte of Valor, Diplomacy 12 ranks. You are no longer susceptible to fear, and those around you become more courageous.
Master of Vermin 2 ranks in handle animal, any non-good alignment You can tame a swarm of vermin of any type. This can only be done if you can supply the swarm with sustenance, otherwise it will turn on you. An undead with this feat can host a swarm of insects like maggots or ants inside its body for the cost of 5 hit points a day per swarm.
Master Overrun Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Overrun, Fighter level 4th. Your are an expert at the overrun maneuver.
Master Prestidigitator Parlour Tricks, ability to cast 2nd level spells The arcane spellcaster has become an expert at using prestidigitations to bolster other spells.
Master Sunder Str 13, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Fighter level 4. Your are an expert at sundering your opponents weapons.
Master Trip Str 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, base attack bonus 4+ Your trips are so fast and brutal they can leave your enemies dazed.
Master Undead Hunter Greater Undead Hunter, Sacred VengeanceCW, Turn or Rebuke Undead ability, Undead Hunter. You can channel an extreme amount of energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee combat.
Masterd Super Saiyan Super Saiyan feat, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 60 Master the Super Saiyan state to eliminate its drawbacks.
Masterful Leader Leadership, Cohort, character level 11th. <!-A short summary of the feat->
Material Mastery Base Attack Bonus +16, Greater Armor Material Focus (3.5e Feat), Greater Weapon Material Focus (3.5e Feat), Weapon Focus (any). Your training with your chosen material has made you far more dangerous to those damaged by it.
Material Specialist (TOWW)
Mauler Mechanoid, Str 15
Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Maximize Bending Bending Style 1st You can bend the elements to maximum effect.
Maximize Talent Psychic Ability, Wis 13+. Usuing this feat, you can maximize the effects of your psychic skills.
Mechanical Wonder 5 ranks in a metal-based Craft, Any item creation feat Make mechanical marvels that act as magical items.
Mechanically Inclined Int 13, Dex 13, Disable Device 4 ranks You can figure out how things work and how to fix them. If you don't have the correct item at hand to fix a machine or an item, you can use something similar to provide a temporary fix.
Medic Profession (Healer) 2 Ranks You are a medicine-man who heals those in need.
Medicinal Mastermind Heal, 7 ranks You are so practiced in the ways of medicine, you can offer immediate recovery to small injuries.
Medicine None You have been trained as a physician.
Medicine Man You are good at older medicines.
Medicne You are good at making medicines.
Melee Weapon Mastery Base Attack Bonus +8, Greater Weapon Focus(chosen), Greater Weapon Specialization(chosen) You become a master with your chosen weapon.
Memories of Death Must be a native to the Prime Material Plane You retain your memories perfectly after you are slain and brought back from the dead.
Memory in the flesh Knowledge (arcana) 10 Knowledge (history) 10, least 100 years old After years of physical training your own body has learned to dodge attacks that you suffer.
Mental Fortitude Wis 13. You are particularly resistant to psychic attack.
Mental Recovery Psychic Ability, Wis 13+. You recover more quickly from the strain of using psychic abilities.
Mental Savant Ability to manifest 1st level powers, Int/Cha 13, Autohypnosis 4 ranks. You can make one power harder to counter.
Mentalist Cha 13 You are a fake psychic.
Mercantile Background Must be part of a wealthy merchant family, and must be an active member of that family in good standing. You come from a wealthy family with numerous contacts in the trading coasts and craft guilds of Tirr's bustling cities. You can get a good deal on almost anything you buy or sell.
Merchant Profession (Shopkeeper) 2 Ranks You are a professional merchant or shopkeepr
Merfolk Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Meta Slots Intelligence 30, Dweomercræft You gain additional mastery over metamagic.
Metacreative Crafting Any psionic item creation feat You supplement your craft with psionic inspiration.
Metamagic Master Four Metamagic Feats You can cast spells using metamagic feats more easily than normal.
Metamagic Pool One other metamagic feat, caster level 6th. You can sacrifice lower level spell slots to power your metamagic.
Metamoran Fusion Character level 50 Perform the Fusion Dance to merge with another character temporarily.
Meteorology None Meteorology is the study of weather.
Meticulous moves, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Meticulous Moves(Improved) When dancing you can find the deadliest place to strike
Meticulous Moves, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Meticulous Moves(Lesser) When dancing you can find the deadliest place to strike
Meticulous Moves, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Spot 6 ranks When dancing you can find the deadliest place to strike
Mettle Endurance or Con 15, Iron Will or Wisdom 15, Concentration 10 ranks You are able to resist harmful spell effects with fortitude and will
Mettle Training Con 15, Endurance, base fortitude +3. You are able to resist effects with great fortitude.
Mi-Go Item Creation Can only be taken at first level; Must be a member of The Reserve. You people have assimilated the art of creating Mi-Go Technology into their culture.
Midnight's Champion Must be Norkton, Must be aware of this fact, Marked Apart. You are a Norkton. You where born into the night. It sooths and comforts you like third parent. You are safe in it's embrace.
Mighty Carry Capacity Mighty Mouse (3.5e Spell) with Permanency I'm smaller, stronger, and I can carry a lot more.
Mighty Charge Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge. Your charges are incredibly powerful.
Mighty Death-Blow Fighter Level 18th, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Power Attack You can cleave heads in a single mighty blow.
Mighty Stunner Stunning Fist,Str 15 Replace your Stunning Fist Wis DC mod with Str mod
Militia STR 13, CON 13 You're a full-time militia member who has served in the guard in your homeland. Naturally, you've received weapons training.
Milk Jugs None You have memorable breasts, developed either naturally or artificially, which attract eyes and distract minds.
Mimic Spell Caster level 14th, Able to cast at least 1 Greater invocation, 8 ranks in Spellcraft, 8 ranks in Knowledge (Arcane)
Mind and Body (TOWW)
Mind Armor Wis 19+, Autohypnosis 5+ The power of your inner focus aids in your defense.
Mind Meld Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, Can only be taken at Character Creation The character has telepathic powers, and is able to see into and alter the minds of others.
Mind Numbing Touch Gentle Palm Style, Wis 13, BAB +3. You can weaken an opponent mentally with your unarmed strikes.
Mind of Power Telepathy You gain increased mental capacity at the expense of your physical health.
Mind Over Matter Psychic Ability, Psychometabolism, Wis 13+. Your mental strength allows you to heal faster.
Mind over Matter 14 int Your have learned to command your body to a greater extent.
Mind Over Matter (TOWW)
Mind Shield Heavy Shield proficiency, ability to create a mind blade, Base attack bonus +1. Using the same method as with your mind blade, you create a sheet of psionic semi-solid energy that functions as a heavy shield.
Mind Switch Psychic Ability, Telepathy. You have the potential to learn the Mind Switch skill.
Mind Trap Psychic Ability, Telepathy, 7 or more ranks in the Psychic Shield skill. You can psychically act against anyone who tries to overcome your mental defenses.
Minor Fast Healing Con 20 A lower-power version of the Fast Healing Epic feat.
Minstrel Cha 13, Perform 4 ranks, bardic music Your music never fails with the ladies.
Miracle-Gro Strengthen Plants class feature Your plants are stronger and tougher than normal.
Mithral Skeleton Able to create undead, Steel Skeleton Undead you create have their skeleton structure reinforced by mithral
Mithral Speed Mithral Mechanoid, BAB +3
Feat related to the Mechanoids race.
Mixology You are good at mixing drinks.
Mjolnir's Divine Conformity Weapon Focus (hammer or warhammer); Turn Undead As a holy representative of Thor you may take this feat which allows you to exchange one daily Undead Turning attempt into a thrown weapon recall while using a magical or mundane hammer.
Modular Body Mechanoid, first level only
Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Mollarok's Fist STR 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist Foe and adjacent creatures are stunned by thundering blow
Momentum (TOWW)
Momentum Rush 20+ Dex, 18+ Con, Run, BAB 7+ Use amazing speed to crush a foe
Monastary Training Level 1 Monk (Or Monk Variant i.e. Chaos Monk) The humble Monk as grown up to learn much more than what the average monk as learned. Beware because this knowledge was obtained through travel and dedication to her teachings.
Monastic Armor Wis: 15 By applying your adept intuition, you are able to access your opponents next move and prepare yourself for it.
Monastic Strike Wis 13 Your training has granted you the grace and unarmed strike of a monk rather than that of the average peon.
Money Spirit Wis 13 You have a spirit helper.
Mongekuo Sharingan
Monk Adaptation Iron or Mithral Mechanoid, Monk level 1st. Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Monk Weapon Focus Monk 1st Monks now can apply their unarmed damage to a special monk weapon.
Monk Weaponry Dex 13, Flurry of Blows class ability You may use additional weapons for the purposes for Flurry of Blows.
Monkey Beats the Gong Flurry of Blows, Dex 13+ Allows you to make an attack of opportunity if at least two of your Flurry of Blows strikes hit.
Monkey Grip (3.5e Tome Feat)
Monster Ecologist Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Nature), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The planes) 1 rank each You are an expert on dangerous creatures, and you have a broad base of knowledge about them.
Monster Hunter (TOWW)
Monster Slayer (TOWW)
Moongazer Any Lawful or lunar or half-lunar When you gaze at the moon, you are filled with whispers of truth and insight of the old lunars.
Morph Adapter Con 13, must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Adaptable to tough situations
Morph Biter must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Bite. Bite hard.
Morph Blender must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Now you see him, now you... where are you?
Morph Detector Wis 13, must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Spot and find creatures hidden.
Morph Hopper Dex 13, must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Hops around to avoid difficult terrain
Morph Might Str 13, must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Brute force allows carrying weights and breaking items.
Morph Shell Must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Tougher skin with scales, furs, etc.
Morph Speeder must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature move around faster
Morph Venom Con 13, must be able to change shape in one of the following five ways: change shape supernatural ability, shapechanger subtype, polymorph as a spell-like ability, able to cast the polymorph spell, wild shape or similar class feature Your body makes its own toxin.
Mortal Binder Knowledge (Local) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids
Mothman You know when disaster is coming.
Mountain Tosser You have achieved a mastery of throwing boulders.
Mounted Combat
Mounted Combat (TOWW)
Mounted Defense (TOWW)
Mounted Shooting (TOWW)
Move the Mind A power point reserve. Enables extra movement in the psionic plane.
Moves of Merriment, Greater Greater Gemini Dance
Moves of Merriment, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Moves of Merriment (Lesser)
Moves of Merriment, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, non-chaotic alignment You feel for your community and try to curb your otherwise self-aiding moves to their advantage aswell.
Moves of Merriment, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Moves of Merriment (Greater)
Mug Dex 15, Sleight of Hand (8 Ranks), Deft Hands You are able to preform a slight of hand action while attacking.
Multi Form Technique Character level 5 Harness the power to create multiple clones of yourself, each capable of independent action in combat.
Multi Strike Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Dual Strike, Dex 21, Three or more arms Your hard training and practice prepare you to attack quickly and efficiently using all your limbs.
Multi-Weapon Attack of Opportunity Dex 17, Three or more hands, Combat Reflexes, Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting You can exploit an opponent's opening in combat with multiple weapons.
Multi-Weapon Attack of Opportunity, Variant Dex 17, Three or more hands, Combat Reflexes, Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting You can exploit an opponent's opening in combat with multiple weapons.
Multi-Weapon Fighting, Hasted Dex 17, Three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9 You have learned to maximize the increased speed from haste to allow you to make additional off-hand attacks.
Multi-Weapon Fighting, Practiced Three or more arms, Multiweapon Fighting, Base attack bonus +9 Through training, a creature has learned how to fight with off-hand weapons as well as their primary.
Multi-Weapon Flurry Dex 17, Three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Flurry of Blows class feature Gain off hand attacks as part of the extra attack granted by Flurry of Blows.
Multi-Weapon Flurry, Improved Dex 21, three or more hands, Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Greater Multiweapon fighting, Greater Flurry of Blows class feature Gain additional off-hand attacks as part of your extra greater flurry of blows attack.
Multidexterity DEX 15, Three or more arms The creature is adept at using all its hands in combat.
Multifocus Epic Psionic Focus, Psionic Meditation, Concentration 24 Ranks, Character level 21st, ability to manifest powers of the normal maximum power level in at least one psionic class You can use and regain your psionic focus quickly enough to use it multiple times.
Multimetamagic None You are now able to place a metamagic feat on a spell twice.
Multiple Strike Multiweapon fighting, Improved multiweapon fighting, Multi Dexterity, Base attack 12, Three or more hands, Dex 22, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack. Your attacks with multiple weapons are swift enough to be used while moving.
Multiply Spell Repeat Spell, Twin Spell, Quicken Spell, Improved Spell Capacity Cast many copies of a spell at a very high spell level.
Multipower Quicken Power, ability to manifest 9th-level powers. The ability to manifest an additional quickened power in a round.
Multitasker Two skills with 4 skill ranks You are adept at using your skills for a myriad of tasks
Multitasking Psychic Ability, Wis 13+. You can maintain multiple psychic skills with less difficulty.
Multitool You are good at making and using Thieves' Tools.
Multiweapon Training Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, DEX 15. You train your humanoid or monstrous extremities to fight with them.
Murderous Intent
Music and Theater Bardic music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 5 ranks, Perform (any other) 5 ranks, Charisma 11 You are able to bring out the best in your music and your comedy no matter where ir when you are.
Musical Genius Perform (keyboard instruments), Perform (percussion instruments), Perform (string instruments) or Perform (wind instruments) 1 rank. The power of your performances derives more from your appreciation of musical theory than your ability to directly to directly connect with your listeners.
Musicology You have studied music.
Mutilated You were changed from a creature of lascivious charms to indescribable uglyness.
My Heart Will Go On Must be a Hendyn, Must be aware of this fact, Marked apart. You shall live forever, barring illness or violence. That is a heavy burden. You have hardened your heart to take all manner of pains as you watch your world turn to ashes around you.
Mycenaean Human, 1st level You are from the country of Mycenae, a land of the sea and mountains.
Myconology Myconology is the study of fungi.
Mystic Chef You know something about magical cooking.
Mystic Tattoo Caster level 1st. You are able to artistically scribe a magical tattoo that can later be used to cast a spell.
Mystical Dances Perform (dance) 12 ranks, Dance class ability, arcane caster level 4th, ability to spontaneously cast 2nd level spells. A normal Dancer has only physical Dances, with no magical components to them. When they take Mystical Dances, they gain access to three magical dances.
Naginatajutsu Proficiency with the Naginata, Base Attack Bonus +1 You are trained in the art of fighting with the naginata. You are specialized in fighting cavalry.
Narugan This feat may only be taken at 1st level, Con 15. Must be able to rage (such as a barbarian). You have inherited the vast primal fury buried deep in your family's blood.
Natural Alchemist 1st level only. You were born with a natural affinity for alchemy.
Natural Armor level 1 (must be taken at character creation), a positive constitution modifer, no previous natural armor, non-human. through a birth defect your character gains a natural armor that hardens as time goes on
Natural Bond, Variant Animal Companion class feature Your bond with your animal companions is exceptionally strong.
Natural Casting Wis 13, Spell or ability that gives you the ability to take an animal form You have learned to cast spells while in animal form
Natural Climber Climb 25 ranks You have achieved a skill at mountaineering that you could challenge a chamois.
Natural Empath
Natural Immunity 1st level only A useful genetic mutation
Natural Multiattack More than 3 primary attacks, Multiattack Feat Allows for many attacks
Natural Prodigy Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Natural Attack, BAB + 4 <!-Natural meets Unarmed->
Natural Skill 1st level only. You have a natural knack for picking up new abilities. You gain 2 extra skill point per level. This ability stacks with a human's racial ability, giving them a total of three free skill points per level.
Natural Swimmer Swim 10 ranks. You have achieved such skill at swimming that you could challenge a dolphin.
Natural Upbringing Halfling, Wisdom 13 From a very young age all halflings learn how to hunt and show respect to nature.
Naturally Skilled Non-Human Race, Intelligence less than 9. When you're focused, you're able to set your mind to learning something, even though you aren't all that bright!
Nature Sympathy Level 6,Handle Animal Rank 10 This allows for a character of any class to obtain an Animal Companion
Nature's Avatar Character Level: 9th You must have taken the Aspect of Nature wild shape variant.
Nature's Blessing Wildshape, Natural Spell. <!-A short summary of the feat->
Nature's Undying Favor Wild empathy class feature, must have established friendly relationships with the kodama before.
Necromantic Binder Knowledge (Religion) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Deathless and Undead.
Necromantic Rebuke/command undead non-good,a least one necromantic feat, ability to cast create undead. as a necromancer you learned how to rebuke/command undeads as a evil cleric .
Necromantic Rush Spell Focus (Necromancy) You undead minions are faster than normal.
Necrotic Pulse Ability to cast a 3rd level Arcane or Divine Necromancy Spell with the Evil descriptor. You can channel spell energy to strike fear into the hearts of the undead.
Needles Mastery Weapon Focus (assassin needles), Base Attack Bonus +4, Sneak Attack Class Feature. Your mastery of assassin needles allow you to perform stunning maneuvrers.
Negative Energy Conduit Any Non-Good, Able to cast Arcane spells. You have a connection to the negative energy plane.
Net Master Proficiency with using the net as a weapon You are an expert in the use of the fighting net. You know how to throw the net to increase its effect on a victim, and you are skilled at controlling the movements of your victim.
Never Skipped Leg Day Large or Powerful Build, Humanoid, Run, Endurance, Land Movement Speed 50 ft. Large humanoid is treated as mounted at all times.
New perspectives In D&D everything is possible and existing, if it makes sanse and is coherent with the logic.
Nimble Turning Dex 15, Con 15, Run, Fleet of Foot You develop your skills in turning beyond the normal range, allowing for fast rapid turning while running.
Noble You are born into the uppercrust.
Noble Birth Born into a Noble Family; Must be from Lionel, Tirasus, Indus, Ashen Coast or Godsreach. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, and raised from a young age to represent your family and your social caste.
Noble Vigor Tanreiss Though tanreiss reach mental maturity fairly quickly for humanoids, their bodies take a bit longer to reach their full potential. This feat represents the tanreiss becoming hardier as he or she grows up.
Nomadic Trekker Must be an elf from Volare. Alternatively, must be a Kerani or Thri-Kreen. You are particularly efficient at overland movement across the great grasslands.
Nonlethal Spell Your spell does not kill.
Not Now Character level 5 You can't fumble for a short time
Novice Copy Two-Tomoe Sharingan feat, 3rd level
Noxious Undead Able to create undead Your fleshy undead creatures have a sickening smell
Nut Cracker Halflings, one of the smaller races, has techniques secret to Halfling communities for dealing with larger opponents; Specifically attacking there nuts.
Nymph Endurance None
Nymph, Bedroom Proficiency None Someone with this feat is especially proficient in the bedroom department and knows how to please any partner between the sheets, on the dresser or hanging out of the window.
Oath of Iron Skin Must worship a Deity with Divine Rank 12+, Strength 22+, Con 22+, Wis 22+, Knowledge Religion 14+ Ranks, Knowledge The Planes 12 Ranks, Must have 4 levels in a religious class By taking an oath to the cosmos to take up a cause and follow it to the end
Oath of Unbreakable Devotion Strength 33, Wisdom 21. You must worship a Deity with Divine Rank 15. You must also have at least 4 levels in a religious class, and have a DR of 5. You take an oath to the Divine Energies and gain an aspect of a God.
Oberon's Legacy Character level 9 You have a hint of the hero Oberon's magic in you. It manifests as temporary wings that allow you to fly.
Obfuscating Velocity Mobility, Dodge, Bab +5, Move Silently 8 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, DEX 17, WIS 14, You dash extremely fast, so fast that you disappear whilst moving.
Observant Imitator Have class levels in a class that has an imitation class feature. You simply need to watch an ability rather than think about it
Obtain Special Mount Level 5 You obtain a special mount, like a paladin would.
Ocarina's Infinite Echo Requires a Charisma score of 20 or higher, and must be playing a class that utilizes the Charisma Ability Score as its primary ability or spellcasting ability. The Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, but alone its song shall fail. Only through the mental focus and agility granted to those who possess the ultimate wit may possess this integral feat. Your songs, dances, poems, and epic tales echo on infinitely in the minds of those you captivate.
Ollivander You are a wandmaker of some repute.
Olympian Acrobatic, Athletic, Agile, Run You can run up walls, spring off walls, or kick off walls to get high up in the air.
On Fire Charisma 13+ When you do something particularly amazing, your confidence manifests itself as bright flames.
One Handed Reloader Hand Crossbow Focus, Two Weapon Fighting, BAB +5 You are able to load a hand crossbow with surprising ease.
One Last Drop Self Exsanguination (3.5e Feat), Toughness, Con 20 You have one last drop to give.
One Thousand Fanged Whispers Truespeak 10 ranks. The voices in your head sometimes speak out loud.
One with the world 20 rank to hide you are able to mend hide your presence as if you wasn't even there
One-Handed Power Strike Proficiency with one handed melee weapons Your attacks with one handed weapons are stronger
One-Two Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, BAB 4+. You add an extra unarmed attack when your opponent least expects it.
Ooze Binder Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Oozes.
Open Totem Chakra
Oracle Wis 17, ability to prepare divine spells You guide your faith through the visions sent by your deity.
Orboids (3.5e Race) Spherical Shape racial trait. Level 1 only. You know how to use your limbless body to call upon magic style="text-align: center;" | Spherical Shape racial trait. Level 1 only. You know how to effectively protect your body with less coverage than other races.
Orc Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Ordinary Crafter Crafting rank 5+ <!-A short summary of the feat-> can make non-magic items
Outcast Any non-lawful.' You were cast out from whatever society/guild/nation you used to belong to. Everyone knows that outcasts are serious badasses.
Overbear Power Attack
Overcharged Spell The current delivered by your electrical spells is so high that it damages creatures that normally have resistance or immunity to electricity.
Overcome Electricity Injury Mechanoid, Great Fortitude
Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Overpull Str 13 You have learned to overdraw the power of a bow to increase power while sacrificing accuracy.
Oversized Deflection Strength 17, Deflect Arrows, Power Attack You are able to knock away objects much larger than normal.
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting (5e Feat) Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , STR 13, You are adept at wielding larger than normal weapons in your off hand.
Oversized Weaponry Str 19 You can use weapons that are two sizes too big.
Pack Hunter One or more animal companions of the same type, the ability to use wild shape to transform into the same type of animal as your animal companion, Favored Enemy class feature Ranger and Druid levels stack for Favored Enemy and Animal Companion
Pact of Envy Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact You have made a pact with Zariel to wreak vengeance on those with more than you.
Pact of Gluttony Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact You have made a pact with Erythnul to be as wrathful as possible.
Pact of Greed Evil Alignment You have made a pact with Dispater to sacrifice all of your wealth to him, in exchange for great power.
Pact of Lust Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact You have made a pact with Fierna to be... lustful.
Pact of Pride Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact You have made a pact with Maladomini to uphold an absurd standard of vanity.
Pact of Sloth Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact You have made a pact with Lupercio to be as slothful as possible
Pact of Wrath Evil Alignment, Fiendish Pact You have made a pact with Bel to be as wrathful as possible.
Pain is in the Mind Constitution 10 and Wisdom 15 OR Constitution 17; Taking this feat the third and fourth time requires being level 9, taking it the fifth time requires being level 15 Pain isn't real, it's all in your head, right? If you focus your mind you should be able to stop pain, or at least slow it down.
Painless Shaping Boneshaper level 6, 16 Con Reduce the toll shaping takes on your body
Paint Hero You are good at painting.
Palms of the Healer Gentle Palm Style, Cha 15 or Wis 15, Heal 15 You Manipulate Ki Energies to heal instead of harm.
Pansey Power Elf Increases the power of elves
Parched Path, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Parched Path (improved) The desert is eternal, dry, deadly, endless and beautiful. Why should you not be the same?
Parched Path, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Parched Path (lesser) The desert is eternal, dry, deadly, endless and beautiful. Why should you not be the same?
Parched Path, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, heat resistance (SS) The desert is eternal, dry, deadly, endless and beautiful. Why should you not be the same?
Parcour I Dex 13, Jump 5 rank, Tumble 5 rank Through little training, you have learned to make your way through urban areas more quickly.
Parcour II Dex 15, Climb 15 ranks, Jump 15 ranks, Tumble 15 ranks After some practice, you have learned to use your abilities to some advantage.
Parcour III Dex 20, Climb, Jump, Tumble, and Balance 25 ranks Parcour I, Parcour II You are perfectly at home swinging from poles and branches, running across walls and hanging off of the edge of buildings.
Parlour Tricks Ability to cast prestidigitation You are permanently under the effects of the prestidigitation spell and may weave it into other spells as they are cast.
Parry Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +3 Occasionally, defending one's self becomes more important then striking an enemy. While dodging attacks is useful, it is often easier to simply block the incoming weapon, preventing it from hitting. You defensive training allows you to read and parry incoming melee attack.
Parry Focus Weapon Focus (chosen weapon) +2 AC against weapon attacks with chosen weapon
Parry, Variant Dex 15, Combat Reflexes, Base attack bonus +3 Occasionally, defending one's self becomes more important then striking an enemy. While dodging attacks is useful, it is often easier to simply block the incoming weapon, preventing it from hitting. You defensive training allows you to read and parry incoming melee attack.
Partial Morphing Alternate Form ability, Alternate Form Synergy, Precision Transformation Your control over both your humanoid forms as well as your transformations has given you the ability to "morph" certain parts of your body.
Past Life Experience 1st level(recommended) This isn't the first life you lived.
Path of the Inevitables Lawful Neutral. You cannot have another allegiance-type feat. Your allegiance is yours to give only once. You devote yourself to the orderly working of the multiverse.
Pathology This is the study of disease.
Patron of the Peaks You are extremely familiar with the mountain side
Pegasus Mount You can call a Pegasus as your special mount.
Perception Wis 10 You know how to use your senses.
Perceptive Perception 7 ranks You are skilled at scanning an area or object quickly and thoroughly and listening into the sounds of your surroundings.
Perfect Abundant Step Abundant Step, Improved Abundant Step, Greater Abundant Step, BAB +18 You have perfected Abundant Step ability so far beyond the average Monk it is god like. You may use it seven times per day and your caster level for this effect improves.
Perfect Arcane Channeling Duskblade 20th level, BAB +25, Persistent Spell The Duskblade can now focus all her Arcane Channeling blows to attack just one target, using its full potential in exchange of a higher cost in spell slots
Perfect Blindsense Wisdom 13 This feat improves Blindsense to 200ft and improves Blindsight to 100ft.
Perfect Cleave Cleave, Great Cleave, Str 35, Superior Cleave. Your blows power through the opposition.
Perfect Moment Must be a Peir-Faiff, Must be aware of this fact. Marked Apart. Your perfection is greater than your body now, it is a function of your soul.
Perfect Senses Tanreiss. You've honed your senses and become much more aware of your surroundings.
Perfect Spellcaster Spellcraft 24 ranks, Practiced Spellcaster CAr Choose a spellcasting class that you have taken Practiced Spellcaster for. Your spells cast from that class are far more powerful.
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Variant Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , DEX 25, Ambidexterity, Greater Two- Weapon Fighting*, You can attack with your off-hand weapon as frequently as with your primary weapon.
Perfected Skill This feat may only be taken when the character has had years of practice of the skill wanted to perfected, as well as be exceedingly intelligent requiring a 25 intelligence or higher to be taken You have become quite proficient in a skill
Perfectionist One rank in Concentration A simple feat to increase success rates
Performer Perform 2 Ranks You are a performer, putting on a show for a living.
Perpetual Discharge BAB 20, Absolute authority, Absolute Barrier, Gravity knight class The force that stands above all is now within grasp and it serve's us
Perpetual planetary motion Gravity knight class, 20 BaB, Absolute barrier, Absolute authority one of the greatest examples of energy in motion
Perplexing Promenade, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Perplexing Promenade (improved) Who says two on one is an unfair fight? It’s completely fair... for the victor
Perplexing Promenade, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Perplexing Promenade (lesser) Who says two on one is an unfair fight? It’s completely fair... for the victor
Perplexing Promenade, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Gemini image or Gemini Companion Who says two on one is an unfair fight? It’s completely fair... for the victor
Persian Human, 1st level You are from Persia, a land to the East that may one day rise to prominence.
Persistent Fighter Training Fighter 3, Weapon Focus Your warrior training helps you get specific talents
Personal Spell Selective Spell. Personal spell transforms a spell's range to Personal.
Personal Technique Combat Expertise, Improved Feint Your ability to feint is hard to predict and more about mobility than personal.
Personalized Technique Combat Expertise, Personal Technique Your technique with weapons when the enemy drops their guard due to your actions can be stunning.
Perspicacity Intelligence 13, Concentration 1 rank. Your mental acumen keeps you from losing your concentration.
Persuasive, Tome
Phalanx Combat Shield Proficiency with your chosen shield and BAB +5 or higher. You are skilled at using your shield to create defensive formations--you can use your shield to defend your allies as well as yourself.
Phalanx Fighter
Phalanx Fighting Proficiency with a heavy shield, base attack bonus +1. You are trained in fighting in close formation with your allies.
Phantom Casting Phantom level 1st, Concentration 5 ranks. Your shadow shimmers as you cast a power, and you seem to cast from elsewhere.
Phantom Familiar Phantom level 3rd. You gain a companion from the plane of shadow.
Photoid (3.5e Template) Spirit Saber racial trait. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat or Flurry of Blows class feature. BAB +3 You can summon a pair of spirit sabers.
Physician Heal Skill 4 ranks. You have great skill at helping others recover from their wounds.
Piercing Hex Hexblade's Curse Your Hexblade's CurseCW is effective even against strong resistance.
Pikeman Proficiency with at least one reaching polearm, Weapon Focus with one reaching polearm. Pikemen are versatile fighters specializing specifically with polearms of various designs, making better use of them than the standard man-at-arms.
Pincers Two of your hands are converted into pincers.
Plague of Arrows “So that’s what that thing that was poking me was!”
Plastic Soul Dex 29, Escape Artist 30 Ranks You can fit through the eye of a needle.
Platinum Suggestion Platinum Mechanoid, Diplomacy 5 ranks, Charisma 17
Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Point Blank Shot, RoW
Poison Immunity Con 25+ Immune to Poisons
Poison Kiss The Succubus heritage in your blood turns your kiss into a life-sucking weapon.
Poison Sacs Must have one level of a Fiend class One of your natural weapons is envenomed.
Poisonous Admixture Poison attack with ability damage, Con 15, Ability Focus(Poison) Your poison gains an additional damage type.
Poisonous Undead Able to create undead Undead you create burst out clouds of poisonous gas when they are hit
Politician You have been a part of noble courts and aristocratic affairs all your life and have gained understandings of the complex political goings on carried out there.
Politicked Diplomacy 2 Ranks You are a member of the local bureaucracy, running the community with your words.
Positive Energy Conduit Any Non-Evil, Able to cast Arcane spells. You have a connection to the positive energy plane.
Potent Ancestry none While some only manifest their ancestry in small ways something has made them surface more strongly in you.
Potent Memory Int 14 You can dig into memory better than any others.
Potent Poison Poison attack, Con 13, BAB +5 Your poison attack deals more damage.
Potent Rageplant Special Plant (Rageplant) class feature, Profession (herbalist) 10 ranks Through manipulation of both your own body cells and those of the plant, you have created a better strain of the rageplant that responds better to your system.
Potion Smuggler Constitution 15, Concentration 4 ranks, Heal 2 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks You may drink a potion, oil or elixir without activating its effects and regurgitate it at a later time to be used as normal.
Potions You have some experience on potionmaking.
Pouncing Kitty Natural weapon, Feline Race. You may make a full attack after a charge.
Power Attack (TOWW)
Power Bow Power Attack, Point Blank Shot You can sacrifice accuracy for power with composite bows.
Power Casting Ability to cast fourth level spells (divine or arcane), Ability to manifest fourth level powers. Cast Spells using Psionic Power Points
Power Gauge None, can be taken at 1st level This feat grants you the ability to perceive and measure the power level of entities based on specific stats, including hit points. The power gauge improves as you gain levels.
Power Health The strength of your muscles determines your total health, not the quality of what is inside.
Power Level Sensing None Harness the power of Ki to sense and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your foes.
Power Mastery Psionic Meditation, manifester level 6+ You are a master of what others call lesser powers.
Power of Command Leadership, Telepathy
Power of the Arcane Mind Your power over the arcane empowers yours defenses
Power Reallocation Atleast One Level In Devout Vessel And Or Devout Leader, or Some type of Vessel Magic This feat allows a character to remove levels from one class and add them to another, at a significant cost of health and performance.
Power Resistance: Clairsentience and Telepathy, Variant 18 int, the ability to use one psionic ability. All psionic powers from the clairsentience and telepathy disciplines must beat the creature in an opposed intelligence roll in order to discover anything about it. If the one mentally assaults the user of this feat who is of higher character level promptly ignore this feat.
Power Scaling None You possess the ability to finely control the intensity of your powers, allowing you to scale your abilities from 0% to 100%. Additionally, you can instinctively gauge the Challenge Rating of creatures weaker than you.
Power Shot Wis 13+, Composite short bow or composite longbow. You can make exceptionally powerful range attacks.
Powercast Psychomagic
Powerful Build Str 18 BaB +1 Use Weapons 1 size Category larger
Powerful Charger Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6. You can deal devastating damage to any opponent you charge.
Powerful Planar Blood Gain additional Daily uses of your spell-like ability
Powerful Shield Bash Fighter, Strength 20+, have the Powerful Build racial ability or be Large size or larger Allows you to shield bash with a tower shield and similar shields
Powerful Strikes BAB 3, Proficiency with melee weapons, Weapon Focus. Your melee strikes are more powerful.
Powerful Strikes, Improved BAB +6, Proficiency with melee weapons, Powerful Strikes, Power Attack As the Powerful Strikes feat but improved.
Powerful Summoning Augment Summoning, the Ability to cast either Summon Nature Ally or Summon Monster Your summons are much stronger
Powerhouse There are individuals in this world who are simply better at doing what they do. These people are often referred to as 'powerhouses'.
Powerturn Psychomagic, Turn/Rebuke Undead (or similar ability)
Practiced Bard Perform 4 ranks Your bardic abilities suffer less from multiclassing
Practiced Bender Bending Style 1st You never forget to train you bending skills.
Practiced Combatant Fighter level 3rd. Improves Base Attack Bonus for multiclassed Fighters lagging behind.
Practiced Invocation Spellcraft 4 ranks Increases your invoker level by up to 4 for the purposes of Eldritch Blast damage and the number/availability of Invocations.
Practiced Magic Access to any arcane or divine spell list, Casting ability mod +5, Level 10 You have done extensive research in other fields of magic, and it has paid off.
Practiced Spellcaster, Greater Arcane casting ability score 20, Arcane caster level 15 Your advanced training in your primary arcane spellcasting class has resulted in enhanced knowledge.
Practiced Warrior Cannot Already have fast BaB progression You have practiced the way of combat as a youth be it for fun or for training.
Prance of Perfection, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Prance of Perfection (Improved)
Prance of Perfection, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Prance of Perfection (Lesser)
Prance of Perfection, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 There is no answer but the right answer
Prance of Perfection, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Prance of Perfection (Greater)
Preacher You bring the good word to the people
Precise Strike Dex 13 You sacrifice some of the force of your attack to assure your attack hits.
Precision Weapon Focus with the selected weapon. When using a ranged weapon, its attack modifier is increased by 1.
Precision Transformation Alternate Form ability Years of intense training and practice have left you with minute control over your alternate forms. Gain precise control over alternate form transformations.
Precocious Acolyte Divine caster level 1st, Spellcasting ability (Wis, Int, or Cha) 15. Your deity or master has shown you the basics of a spell beyond the normal limits of your experience and training.
Precocious Initiate Spellcasting ability (Wis or Cha) 15, divine caster, 1st level. Your master has shown you the basics of a spell beyond the normal limits of your experience and training.
Precognition Clairvoyance
Precognitive Strike Bab +1 You have learned to see through your opponents defense and react accordingly.
Prehensile Tail A long, reasonably dexterous tail Through training(or talent) you can use your tail for fine manipulation
Preparation With proper preparation, you can dodge anything
Prescient Strike Intelligence 13, Weapon Focus Your sharp mind discovers a critical flaw in your opponent's defenses, allowing you to slip past.
Preserve Scroll Scribe Scroll, Spell Recovery
Prestige Flexibility Qualify for prestige class which levels at least 1 other pre-existing class. Must be able to stack prestige and base classes. Int or Wis 15+ Every time you take a level in a prestige class that levels a pre-existing class you may choose 1 class to gain special abilities from.
Pretty Boy/Girl Humanoid Type, 15 Cha You are pretty, very pretty. Somehow it makes your life easier.
Priest Knowledge (Religion) 2 Ranks You are a member of the local clergy.
Primordial Supernatural Linguist Grants the ability to speak with and understand efreets, archons, and elementals.
Primordial Flames of Chaos Breath weapon dealing fire damage, Con 17, five Abyssal Heritor Feats, Flames of Chaos Create temporary pools of lava in the area of your breath weapon.
Private Detective You investigate stuff.
Prodigious caster 17 in your spell saving throw determining ability (int for mages, cha for sorcerers and so on); this feat can only be chosen as a level one character. You were born with the gift of magic. The spells you cast are way more powerful than those of the average magic user, even though you aren't so brilliant in the martial arts.
Product of Infernal Dalliance One of your recent ancestors mated with an infernal creature, and now the tainted blood of a Lower Planar creature flows in your veins. Though you can resist the call of your evil heritage, it manifests itself in an inheritance of fiendish power.
Professional Criminal Profession (Criminal) 2 Ranks You are a criminal who lives by unscrupulous means
Professional Luddite
Professional Worder Know at least one spell word Increase your caster level for a Wordcasting class.
Professor Knowledge 2 Ranks You are a professor, teaching all those who'll listen.
Projectile Plates Vector Plate Class Feature You can create smaller vector plates which can launch items towards foes
Prone-Fight Dex 15, Improved Trip, base attack bonus +6.
Prophecy Precognition
Protective Cleanse Cleanse paralysis. Your Cleanse grants a bonus save.
Protective Spell Ability to cast spells. Your protective spells are more potent.
Psionic Combat Focus Wis 13, Combat Focus, ability to manifest powers Combat Focus and Psionic Focus become one.
Psionic Far Shot Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, Base Attack Bonus +9 You can use your latent psionic energy to reduce environmental effects on your projectiles that would hamper their effectiveness.
Psionic/Arcane Discovery Expanded Knowledge, Must be able to use 2nd level powers Through diligent study and flawless searching through ones mind, you have learned how to use a wizards mighty spell with your mind.
Psychic Ability You have the potential to acquire psychic feats and skills.
Psychic Channeling Ability to cast arcane or divine spells, Psychic Ability. You can channel spell energy to fuel your psychic abilities.
Psychic Companion Animal companion or familiar. You have a psychic companion creature.
Psychic Focus Psychic Ability. Your psychic skills within a particular talent are more potent than normal.
Psychic Healing The Gift, Wisdom 13
Psychic Invisibility Psychic Ability, Telepathy, 6 or more ranks in Mental Contact. You can focus your energies to block your presence from the minds of others.
Psychic Link You have a mental connection with someone.
Psychic Reflection Psychic Ability, Telepathy, 8 or more ranks in Psychic Shield. You can reflect psychic effects back at their originator.
Psychic Severance Psychic Ability, Telepathy, 10 or more ranks in the Psychic Surgery skill. You can remove another creature’s psychic talents.
Psychic Stamina Psychic Ability, Psychometabolism, Wis 13+. Your mental strength reinforces your physical endurance.
Psychic Weapon Psychic Ability. You have the potential to learn the Psychic Weapon skill.
Psychokinesis The Gift, Intelligence 13
Psychokinesis (Psychic Talent) Psychic Ability. You have the potential to learn psychokinesis skills.
Psychomagic The Gift, Intelligence 13, ability to cast 2nd level spells
Psychometabolism Psychic Ability. You have the potential to learn psychometabolism skills.
Psychoportation Psychic Ability. You have the potential to learn psychoportation skills.
Psychotic You stab people in the... heh heh heh, ha ha, HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Psychotic Mind Base will save +3, con 10 Sometimes the mind just...snaps and it takes the body with it.

Pugilist Base Attack Bonus +1, 1st level character. You have been trained in the unarmed arts, be it through bar brawls, instinct, or rigorous training.
Punishing Blow Barbarian All damage dealt is returned.
Punishing Blows Iron Fist Style, Str 13, Dazzling Blow You have discovered how to deliver Unarmed Strikes that truly weaken your opponent
Puppy Dog Eyes Canin or other Dog-like Humanoid/Monstrous Humanoid, Bluff or Diplomacy 4 Ranks, Charisma 16 You are adept at getting your way by giving someone a mournful look
Purge Metabolism Psychic Healing
Purifying Spell Any good alignment, caster level 4 Inflict half damage as subdual damage that can not be healed normally.
Purity Warrior You are a "(un)holy" warrior with a mission.
Purple dragon lineage Draconic heritage, draconic breath and sorcerer level 3rd
Push Magic Device Use Magic Device 4 ranks, Cha 13 or better You temporarily increase the effectiveness of the items that you use.
Pyrokinesis Psychokinesis
Pyromancer You know FIRE.
Quadruped Lion-Man or Tiger-Man, Str 13 You have tendency to walk on all-fours.
Quick Deadly Blows Weapon Finesse, Dexterity 13 You make deep and numerous cuts, punctures, and bruises that eventually pile up to take down your foe.
Quick Dispel 2 Metamagic Feats, atleast 6 ranks in spellcraft You can counterspell a spell that you have prepared, at one spell level higher.
Quick Doom Darkness Class Feature, Doom Class Feature, Dark Knight Level 10 You have learned to alter the effects of your doom class feature to act faster on your targets.
Quick Draw (TOWW)
Quick Mercy Weapon Specialization (weapon of choice). You are so adept with your weapon of choice that you become quicker at giving your foes a merciful and swift death. Your experience has also taught you how to do so in a fashion that does not leave you open to attacks.
Quick Rage Barbarian Rage, Run You have learned to increase your movement speed while raging.
Quick Reconnoiter Listen 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks. You can learn a lot of information from just a quick scan of an area or object.
Quicken Poison Poison attack that deals ability damage, Con 15 Your poison takes affect faster then normal.
Quicken Summoning This allows the caster to summon creatures more quickly.
Quicken Supernatural Ability Supernatural ability and Charisma 15 or higher This feat allows you to speed up one supernatural ability that you possess to be one step faster
Quicken Talent Psychic Ability, Wis 15+. You can use psychic skills more quickly than normal.
Quickened Stealth Character lvl 10, Access to Rogue Special ability, Hide 5 ranks, Move Silently 5 Ranks After training for so long, your body has become accustomed to the dark corners of the world. It is easier for you to pass undetected and disappear at a moment's notice. Sneaking just got a whole lot easier.
Quickened Summoning Spell Focus (Conjuration), Caster Level 1+. You are able to summon monsters quicker than normal.
Quickened Training You reach for a higher power before others. Granting you abilities at the cost of gaining them later on.
Quicker Mercy Weapon Specialization (weapon of choice), Quick Mercy, Cleave Like the scars, the number of tactics to be used in the heat of battle grow. You are now so quick to dipatch of your fallen foes that it seems like second nature to you.
Rabid Beast Bite attack, contracted red ache, Con 15 Your bite infects your opponent with red ache.
Rabid Fiend Bite attack Your fiendish blood allows to infect others with your bite.
Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)/Warriors with Style
Rage System Character level 10 Harness your rage to fuel powerful transformations.
Raging Critical Rage class feature You deal extra critical damage while raging
Raging Inferno Barbarian Rage, BAB +5 Your burning rage is manifested in the form of a burning aura.
Rancorous Sludge Ochremancer level 21+ Your sludge bomb is unstoppably powerful.
Random Summon Level 5 Summon a random being to your side.
Random Trivia Knowledge (History) 4 ranks, Perform (Oratory) 2 ranks You know stuff.
Range Increment One other Metamagic Feat, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks Increases the Range of the chosen spell by 1.
Range Master Weapon Focus, +10 Base attack bonus You are skilled at using range weapons to strike vulnerable spots
Range Spree Rapid Shot You can make an additional ranged attack after dropping an enemy
Ranged Attack of Opportunity Base Attack Bonus +8, Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot. You can take advantage of a foe who drops his guard near you.
Ranged Disarm Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 15, base attack bonus +5, You can disarm a foe from a distance.
Ranged Dodge Dex 13. You're able to predict the path of projectiles, and get out of the way just in time.
Ranged Maneuver Point Blank Shot, crusader, swordsage, or warblade level 1st. Through fierce practice, you have learned to apply the effects of your maneuvers to ranged weaponry, making you a potent threat both near and afar.
Ranged Parry Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Parry, Improved Parry, Base attack bonus +12 You may parry projectiles attemt you and objects entering your reach.
Ranged Pin Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 15, Base attack bonus +5, Use Ranged weapon to grapple foe within 30'.
Ranged Sniper Precise Shot, base attack bonus +4 Your ability to line up accurate and deadly shots with your ranged weapon improves.
Ranged Sunder Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Str 13, base attack bonus +5, You can attack an opponent's weapon at a distance.
Rapid Fire Weapon Divine Rank 6, War Domain Don't stop swinging
Rapid Preparation Phantom level 1st Preparing your powers takes less time.
Rapid Reload (TOWW)
Rapid Reload, Variant Weapon Proficiency (ranged weapon with a reload time). You know how to reduce the time it takes you to reload a weapon that you are proficient with.
Rapid Response None, but see description You are able to avoid an effect with a swift move.
Rapid shaping ability to use the Shape bone class feature Through practice and determination you can shape objects faster than normal
Rapid Shot (TOWW)
Rapier Wit Charisma 17+ Your tongue strikes keener than any blade and your words cut deep.
Ray Attack Mastery Must have a ray attack that is fired in a standard action as a racial trait. Weapon Focus (Ray). BAB +6 You learned to use your ray attack as an effective weapon
Razor Bite Lion-Man or Shark-Man, Str 13 Your bite is so strong, you can cause a wound that does not heal quickly.
Reach Weapon Fighting Base attack bonus +1, proficiency with reach weapon You gain greater skill with your chosen reach weapon.
Reach Your Potential spellcaster 5th level+, spellcasting stat 20+ <!-A short summary of the feat-> caster levels are equal to HD
Read Minds Telepathy
Reader Does not have Illiteracy You are good at the written word.
Reaping Cleave Str 13, Base Attack Bonus +11, Supreme Cleave class ability, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave Allows you to move as you continually cleave through enemies.
Reckless (TOWW)
Reckless Accuracy Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Base Attack Bonus: +1.
Reckless Attack Base attack bonus +1 Give up defense to make your attacks land more easily.
Recover Dex 13+ You can quickly roll to your feet after being thrown, tripped, or knocked down.
Recurrence (TOWW)
Red Magic Must be able to spontaneously cast magic and must use spell points A powerful if reckless multicasting feat
Reduced Strain Psychic Ability, 5 or more ranks in a psychic skill. One of your psychic skills causes less strain on you.
Reflexive Recovery Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes Your amazing reflexes allow you to recover almost instantly from being knocked prone.
Reflexive Tracking Survival 10 ranks Track with touch sense.
Regeneration Con 15, Base Fortitude +7 After every round of combat, roll 1d6 and recover that many health points. Can only recover HP if you roll a Fortitude Save DC 15. If stacked then add 5 more to the DC. so after stacking after the first time then the DC is 20.
Regeneration (TOWW)
Reinforced Carapace Nerubian, character level 4 Your carapace is becoming stronger. It becomes possible to wear medium armor.
Release Full Protentional Int 22+ / Wis 22+ / Cha 22+ Combines CL to all classes and racial spellcasting
Relentless Grappler Sand Form class ability. Your shifting, sand-like body makes you a formidable grappler.
Reload on the Run Dexterity 13+, Rapid Reload. You can reload a weapon while moving.
Remote Running Int 14+, Run the Boat ability You have learned how to control your animated narrowboat from a distance.
Remote Sensing Clairvoyance
Rend Power Attack, Snatch, Strength 13+ You can rend things you hit with your claws
Rending Touch Elemental Focus Rending Touch Transforms his Rending Touch energy into elemental energy on command.
Rending Touch Elemental Focus, Improved Rending Touch Focus Transforms his Rending Touch energy into elemental energy on command.
Rending Touch Energy Focus Rending Touch Polarizes his Rending Touch energy into negative energy or positive energy on command.
Rending Touch Energy Focus, Improved Rending Touch Focus Polarizes his Rending Touch into negative energy or positive energy when not Transformed.
Rending Touch Focus Rending Touch +1d6 damage bonus on Rending Touch.
Replenish Spell Divine Caster level 3, Wisdom 13, Charisma 13 Exchanges uses of the Turn/Rebuke Undead ability for extra spells.
Requiem of the Undying 3 levels in Devout Vessel, Devout Leader, or a Vessel Magic-related class Upon death, you enter a skeletal form that grants temporary immunity to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage while imposing significant weaknesses to other damage types.
Reserves of Strength When you cast a spell, you can choose to increase its effective caster level at the cost of damaging yourself.
Resilient Mind Telepathy
Resilient Summoning Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning. Your summoned creatures are more resistant to banishment and warding.
Resist Critical Proficiency with armor, Base attack bonus +8 You are better able to resist critical blows with your selected armor.
Resist Poison Damage Con 17
Resist the Shadow Phantom level 1st, Concentration 5 ranks. Your soul becomes more resistant to the effects of Shadow.
Resize A Shift or Polymorph ability. Allows the player to change size.
Resolute Turning Allows a cleric to use Wisdom in place of Charisma when turning undead.
Resolve Training Wis 15, Combat Casting, base will +3. You are able to resist effects with great willpower.
Restoration 6th level, ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells, Wisdom 18, Heal 9 Ranks You gain the ability to cast restoration
Restoring Hands Lay on Hands, Base fortitude save 4+ You can restore ability damage with your Lay on Hands ability.
Reversal Base attack bonus +4, Int 13. You learn to turn the unfortunate in your favour.
Revitalizing Soul Spellcasting class that uses spell points, caster level 5. You sacrifice your burst spellcasting potential to instead gain the ability to regenerate spell points.
Revitalizing Touch 3 ranks in the Life Division of Vessel Magic; alternatively, 3 levels in any class You can revive any creature of equal or lower level to you, restoring them to 1 hit point.
Ride-By Attack (TOWW)
Righteous Calling The call to arms in a righteous cause can overpower preconceived notions of a person's destiny
Righteous Command Must be of Neutral Good, Lawful Good or Chaotic Good alignment. With but mere thought the power of good that embraces you strikes the mind of a wicked foe, compelling them to assail you rather than your more fragile companions.
Righteous Lay on Hands Lay on Hands class ability Your Lay on Hands ability is stronger for the pure at heart.
Righteous Rider Special Mount ability, Crusader 1 You combine your deities blessings for multiple effects, regardless of their nature.
Rinnegan This feat may be taken at 1st level or at a later level if they have "awakened" within you. You must have a Con 14. You have inherited the vast visual powers hidden deep in your family's blood or have been gifted the eyes from another user.
Riposte, Variant Dex 13, weapon focus, combat reflexes, improved parry. You have trained the style of parrying to perfection. You can now riposte his attack when parried.
Rise the Eldric, the Unbound 3rd level Summons an unpredictable undead general, who either aids you in battle or turns on you.
Ritual Litany Know at least one spell word You can spend extra time on a word spell in order to get a +5 bonus to the check.
River Runner 1 Level in the River Gypsy prestige class. You are a master of moving through the lands that touch on the waterways that you travel.
Road Runner Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, Can only be taken at Character Creation A frenzied blur of superspeed, the Road Runner origin feat grants superheroes with the ability to move at an amazingly fast speed.
Rogueish Ability Rogue Level 6th. You gain greater ability as a rogue.
Rolling Ball Anthrohedgehog You are able to move while in a defensive ball.
Rolling Block Improved Unarmed Strike, DEX 14, BAB 3+ Using a specialized technique you can deflect attacks better unarmed
Rope Dart Specialization Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Rope Dart) You can use a rope dart to its full potential by using your surroundings to surprise your opponents and affect multiple targets.
Rotstitched : Eijilund Plushie Your body has been sewn with the blankets of plague victims or has been rotted beyond recognition.
Rough Edges Con 15 You've become accustomed to being struck, and know just how to make it hurt them just as much.
Roulette Your intense amount of luck, has applied to combat affecting circumstance in combat.
Rumble of Rock, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Rumble of Rock(improved) You are strong until the end
Rumble of Rock, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Rumble of Rock(lesser) You are strong until the end
Rumble of Rock, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, CON 15+ You are strong until the end
Rumble of Rock, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Rumble of Rock (Greater) You are strong until the end
Run and Gun Spring Attack, Shot on the Run, or Adroit Flyby Attack; Dexterity 16 When you can't stop to talk, but you wanna send a message.
Run Through Attack Mobility, Running, Charge Attack, Supreme Cleave, Dex 16+, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus, Expertise, Improved Initiative. You can strike multiple enemies with great speed and across great distances.
Runic Wand Knowledge(Arcana) 4 Ranks, Use Magic Device 2 Ranks Rune Knowledge is power.
Runner Modification Mechanoid, first level only Feat related to the Mechanoid race.
Rush of Adrenaline (TOWW)
Rushing Parry Str 15
Sacred Dwarven Spirit Turn or Rebuke Undead, Dwarf Domain (FRCS) With the divine spirit of your deity you can turn a troop of dwarven allies into an unsurmountable line of defense.
Sacred Step, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Sacred Step(improved) Your ways are good, the holy will outlast all
Sacred Step, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Sacred Step(lesser) Your ways are good, the holy will outlast all
Sacred Step, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 Your ways are good, the holy will outlast all
Sacrifice For Power
Saddleback Ride 4 Ranks. Alternatively, must be from Lionel You've spent endless hours learning how to handle a mount in a fight.
Saddleborn You know horses!!
Safe Recover Dex 13+ You are adept at regaining your footing without letting your guard down.
Sagacious Strike Base attack bonus +6, Wisdom 13+ You chose to use your understanding of the flow of battle, expecting your opponents movements to place an attack, rather than brute strength.
Sailing Large Will Save +4, Run the Boat ability. You are able to animate larger boats than normal.
Sailor Profession 2 Ranks You are a sailor, earning your pay on the high seas.
Samarie Fury Rage or Frenzy ability Your Samarie blood awakened incredible violence within your self.
Samarie Heritage Ability to rage or cast arcane spells spontaneously. You have Samarie blood in your veins, which grants you incredible abilities.
Sanctified Caster Caster level 20th, good alignment, Sacred Vow, ability to cast Greater Restoration You lived a life of sacrifices, thus you got used to cast most sanctified spells without expending yourself too much.
Sanction Magic Turn Undead, Magic Domain Your divine lord gives and takes the power over magic.
Sanguine Punishment Ability to use 4th-level Bender of the Sanguine Techniques. You can manipulate your blood to be used as a stealthy weapon.
Santa's Little Helper You work for a fat man in a red suit.
Santoryu BAB+8, Dex 15, Str 13 You have achieved mastery with 3 sword combat.
Savage Assault One or more natural Attack The creature has learned to use its innate natural weapons more savagely
Savage Empathy Wild Empathy ability You are able to tame monstrous creatures like you would normal animals
Scaling Binder You gain the ability to bind to powerful spirits to be yourself
Scaling Eldritch Blast Eldritch Blast 5d6 Gain your charisma as d6s
Scaling Spirited Charge Ride 5 ranks Increase the power of your mounted charge attacks
Scar Magic Able to cast 3rd level spells A terrible affliction turned into a powerful weapon.
Scary Str 17,BAB 6 or more Allows the animal to scare things off with it's might
Scholar Knowledge 2 Ranks You are a scholar, learning all there is to know.
Science 1st level, Intelligence 15+, Diligent, 4+ ranks in Knowledge (Science) In a world where religion and magic dictate the laws and facts that the world lives by, you rebel against such primitive practices and swear by a revolutionary idea... science.
Scintillating Skeleton Boneshaper level 3, Shape bone class feature, 13 Con Electricity arcs across your skeleton empowering your attacks and defense.
Scintillating Spin, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Scintillating Spin(improved) Power is power...
Scintillating Spin, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Scintillating Spin(lesser) Power is power...
Scintillating Spin, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 Power is power...
Scion of Legend 1st level only. The stories you grew up on now aid you as you go out to adventure.
Scion of the Abyss List
  • Backstory with less than three generations from a Demon Lord of the Abyss, i.e. the great granddaughter/granddaughter/daughter of the Pale Night,
  • Level 9, at least one relevant (to the Demon Load in question) stat at 20 (i.e. CHA for Graz'zt, CON for Zuggtmoy)
  • Cambion, Half-Fiend, Fiend Descended, Alu Fiend etc.
  • An Abyssal Heritor Feat
Well, sometimes demons lords lose track of their spawn, like you... and oh are you a chip off the old block
Scope Precision Intelligence Must meet either the Class or Racial requirement, Wizard, Sorcerer, or Gray elf, High Elf, Tallfellows Halfling, Wild elf, Winged elf, Wood elf By mastering the timeless secrets of the Faerie Mysteries, You are a intellectual prodigy of Art of Combat Warfare.
Scorching Spell Able to cast a fire spell. Your fire magic is further bolstered, and burns your enemies to a crisp.
Scribe Profession (Scribe) 2 Ranks You are a professional Scribe.
Scribe Magic Tattoo Caster Level 3rd Create Magic Tattoos that cast a spell
Scribe Magic Tattoo, Variant Craft (calligraphy) +1 Like scribe magic tattoo but user is able to scribe up to caster level 6 tattoos
Scrimshaw Bone You can create scrimshawed bones, an alternate single-use spell-completion item.
Scrounging Wis 13. You gain the skill of finding random objects that suit your purpose.
Scrying Clairvoyance
Sculpture Hero You know something about sculptures.
Seal Life Dark Knight, Darkness Class Feature, Seal Fate Class Feature Your seal fate class feature has become so strong that you can absorb even more hit points of the creature.
Seal Soul Dark Knight, Seal Fate Class Feature, Seal Life feat Your seal fate class feature has become so strong that you can absorb even the soul of the creature.
Seamanship You are a sailor at heart.
Second Sight Fey, Half-Fey, Fey Touched or have a Fey bloodline* You see all things Fey as they actually are.
Second Weapon Bond Weapon Bond class feature You may bond with a second weapon.
Second Wind Barbarian, Orc Blood You breath back from the bring of death
Secondary Arms A second pair of arms, such as the Qua-Vel, which is weaker than your primary arms in function. Your secondary arms are as powerful as your primary, and can do everything they can.
Secret Art: Burning Falcon
Secret Art: Crane Step
Secret Art: Rising Dragon
Secret Art: Venomous Fang
Secret Identity Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic Your character's unmasked self is unknown to most.
Seekersense Clairvoyance
Selective Weapon Training BAB+1, Str 20+ Training with whatever weapon of your choice, for a cost...
Self Exsanguination Improved Blood Component Add even more blood to your spells!
Self Repair Construct, Toughness A medium construct obtains hive-minded nanoconstructs that constantly repair over time.
Self-Propulsion Int 13, The Gift, Psychokinesis
Sensitive Psychic Ability, Telepathy, Wis 13+. You are particularly sensitive to the emotions and attitudes of other creatures.
Sensitive Hearing Rabbit-Man, Rat-Man, or Wolf-Man, Listen 10 ranks Your hearing is highly developed and sensitive, giving you certain advantages and vulnerabilities.
Sensual Strike Charisma 15+, Base Attack +3 You blame your good looks for your accurate attacks.
Serene Maneuver [Dodge], Mobility, BAB +5, Concentration 7 ranks, Balance 7 ranks, Must be able to both see and hear or have any of the following; Blindsight, 360 degrees vision and/or hearing, true sight. Your intense concentration and focus allow you to evade most attacks at the cost of your environmental awareness.
Servant of Deity Favored of Deity,Beloved of Deity, 11 Hd minimum. Must make a large sacrifice in the name of the god. Either 40,000 Gp, Or enemies of the faith equal to your current HD x 10. These sacrifices have the same restrictions as Beloved of Deity. Your continued faithful service has pleased your god and they mark you as one of there servant by granting you special powers.
Servant of Shini Knowledge (Arcana) 5 ranks, must succeed on a DC 16 Knowledge (Arcana) check, must not have any other Servant feat, must not have declared allegiance to any other immortal being, alignment must be within one step of Chaotic Neutral. You are a follower of the ideals of Shini, Horseman of Death
Set Aside Base Attack Bonus +6 You are skilled at deflecting melee attacks.
Severing Strike Power Attack, Improved Critical You learn how to disarm an opponent. Or disleg him.
Sexy Is The New Strong Cha 20 Your musculature seems to shine
Shackled Body Character Level 10 You may gain a temporary boost to your constitution.
Shackled Health You can temporarily increase your durability.
Shackled Muscle Character Level 10 Become stronger through your drunkenness.
Shackled Regeneration You can use your drunkenness to allow for faster regeneration.
Shackled Strength Send a foe stumbling backwards.
Shackled Sweep Get drunk enough to increase your reach.
Shadow Enhancement Illusionist 3
Shadow Illusion Illusionist 8 Your images are imbued with material from the Plane of Shadow, making them partially real.
Shadow Mage You are skilled at shadow magic.
Shadow Puppet Shadowcaster level 3rd, Sleight of Hand 6 ranks, Eijilund Plushie race You are a great master of shadow puppetry, the art of making shadows move in your favor.
Shadow Strike Int 25. Your shadow can strike opponents.
Shadow Warper Ability to cast mysteries, Augment Summoning, Knowledge (Arcana) 12 ranks The creatures you summon with the power of shadow magic are far more alien then before.
Shape Exotic Armor Shape bone Class feature You are able to shape the chosen type of armor.
Shape Exotic weapon Shape bone Class feature You are able to shape and wield the chosen weapon.
Shapechanger's Resilience Succedaneum You gain Damage Reduction.
Shapeshifter Affected by an alter self and polymorph spell in the same day. Without doing anything, he quickly became a creature I'd never seen before.
Share Personal Spell Caster level 1
Share Spell You can bestow your personal spells upon others.
Shared Enemy Favored Enemy class feature. You have an animal trained for war. (The animal knows the Handle Animal tricks attack and down). Your animals are better against your enemies.
Sharingan This feat may only be taken at 1st level, CON 14. You have inherited the vast visual powers hidden deep in your family's blood.
Sharingan, Variant Must be taken at level 1, CON 15, DEX 15 You have inherited a visual power passed down through your family's blood for generations (Ideas for this Feat came from a forum on brilliantgameologists.com, username Risada and based on the Feat already on this site)
Sharp Shooting (TOWW)
Sharp Wit Int 13 and Iron Will Your keen intelligence shaped a strong mind.
Sharp-Eyed Fighter Strength less than 15, Dexterity at least 12. Lack of strength to have the need for an alternative, Dex to actually hit those points. Those who use their perception to spot points to attack rather than striking aimlessly, those who do are sharp-eyed fighters
Sharpshooter (Merika Supplement) Precise Shot, Weapon Focus with small arms or longarms weapon group. Possessed of keen eyes and steady hands the character could shoot a tick off a dog's back.
Shatter Psychokinesis
Shattering Screech Succedaneum, Hideous Screech Your Hideous Screech deals sonic damage.
Shell of Purity Harmed by a spell with the [Evil] descriptor, such as Unholy Blight at least once, good alignment Surviving the power of pure evil might strengthened your resilence.
Shield Ally Combat Expertise When an ally is attacked, you interpose yourself and take the blow.
Shield Bearer Proficiency with any type of shield besides bucklers, base attack bonus +6, Improved Shield Bash Your skill with shields is exceptional, making you a better defender with any shield you know how to handle.
Shield Charge Base Attack Bonus +3, Improved Shield Bash. It allows you to charge your opponent and knock them down with your shield.
Shield Mate Base Attack Bonus +1 Grants allies +1 shield bonus.
Shield Mount Mounted Combat, proficient with shields. You are adept at protecting your mount with your shield.
Shield of Resolution Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting The strength of your resolution improves your saving rolls.
Shield of Wardship Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting You devote yourself to the defense of others.
Shield Slam BAB +3, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Charge(3.5e Feat) Full Attack or Charge that Dazes target
Shield Sledding Cryoplaning class feature, Ride 5 ranks You use a shield as a makeshift sled to more swiftly slide over ice and snow.
Shield Ward Shield Proficiency, Shield Specialization May add your shield bonus to additional scores.
Shifter Flurry Base attack bonus +11, Shifter with the longtooth or razor claw trait. A flurry of claws and fangs, you lash out once more in the hopes to rake, rend, and tear your foes again.
Shifter Fury Shifter with the longtooth or razor claw trait, ability to rage or frenzy. When you shift and enter a raging state with it, there is seemingly nothing that can stop your vicious assault.
Shifter Rage ShifterECS, Barbarian Rage When you rage your shifter nature takes control.
Shifter Sprint ShifterECS with the longstride trait. Calling upon the blood of some swift animal in your heritage, you are capable of incredible bursts of speed.
Shifting Binder Knowledge (Planes) 6, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind shapeshifting creatures to a greater extend.
Shifting Form Draw in Sand special ability, Con 19. You can increase your size even further.
Shifting Weapon Soul Knife Shape Weapon Ability Sometimes a sword just wont do the trick, but a hammer will.
Shining Break Paladin level 3 You can cause a brief fissure in an enemy you hit with a shining strike that serves as a weak spot.
Shoop da Whoop A natural breath weapon with an area of effect cone. If your breath weapon is already capable of a line, you still gain the extra damage effect option. Your breath weapon cone focuses into a line twice the maximum range and 5 ft. wide.
Shz'ther Guardian Leadership, must have a changeling swordsage cohort You have gained the service of a shz'ther, one of the Faceless Ones, now your bond with it transcends what is considered the norm .
Siang Lance Adept Wisdom 13, Kilian Ranger Level 1, must be taken at level 1 Your mastery of the Siang Lance is evident very early on in your training.
Sickening Blows Exploding Palm Style Rank 15, Base Attack Bonus +9 Your foes suffer internal damage from your unarmed palm strikes.
Sidekick Character level 5th You have a sidekick/combat butler/servant etc.
Siege Boat Str 14+, Run the Boat ability. Your animated narrowboat can be used to make an attack.
Siegemaster You know the art of the siege.
Signet Symbiosis Must know Warlock invocations. A Warlock may enhance others with his invocations.
Silent Aura Marshal Level 1st, CHA 13 You have mastered ambush tactics that allow you to project your Marshal Auras without making any noise.
Silk Spray Nerubian, character level 2 You can throw a silk spray on a flying creature to make it loses its Fly property.
Silkstitched Eijilund Plushie Your body has been stitched together with silk, making your movements more fluid.
Silky Smooth Eijilund Plushie race, Silkstitched Your body is sleeker and quicker than before.
Silver Palm Must be from Kerrigan, Fairus, or Sol. Alternatively, must be a Kaori or a Water Genasi. You grew up in a culture based on haggling and the art of the deal.
Single Weapon Fighting Dexterity or Strength 15, Base Attack Bonus +1 You feel more comfortable fighting when you have a free hand and are able to better attack and defend.
Situational Awareness Wis 14 Use Wis for reflex saves
Size Matters Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, Can only be taken at Character Creation Your superhero is able to alter their own matter resulting in either increasing or decreasing the mass of their own body.
Sized Wild Shape Wis 18, knowledge (nature) 18 ranks, Wild Shape (Huge) class feature Using your knowledge of nature, you may assume any sized creature
Skill Aptitude A score of 13 or better in the skills’ key abilities. You’re talented in particular skills.
Skill Concentration Any Feat that increases 2 skills (Alertness, etc.) and 6 or more ranks in each skill. You almost never make mistakes when using a skill for which you have a knack.
Skill Master At least 15 skills with 5 or more ranks in them, level 9 You have trained to become a master of the skills you know, learning to excel in those areas.
Skill Prodigy Int 13 You have uncanny ability in one skill of your choosing
Skill Training Skill focus in chosen skill, 8 ranks in chosen skill. Allows extra training of a skill
Skill Understanding Wis 13, 1st level only. You learn from past events and break them down to a point you can understand them and preform them yourself with you own skills
Skillful combat BAB+8 Allows the user to attack with great skill, taking advantage of his knowledge of the weaknesses of others and exploiting their openings
Skin Adaptation Aberration blood Your skin has evolved to endure extreme conditions.
Skipper You have gained some experience on the planks of a ship.
Skyclad Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks. A character with this feat gains certain advantages when in a state of ritual nudity or near-nudity.
Skyclad Warrior Skyclad, Knowledge (arcane) 4 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +4 Confers fast movement and damage-reduction when skyclad and warpainted.
Slash Step Quickstep Tenken's class feature You can move through space with tremendous speed, cutting through all those who are in your way.
Slaying Sway, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Gr. cleave, Gemini Companion, Slaying Sway (Improved) There is no more beautiful symphony than the dying wail of a masterfully killed victim
Slaying Sway, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, cleave, Gemini Companion, Slaying Sway (lesser) There is no more beautiful symphony than the dying wail of a masterfully killed victim
Slaying Sway, Lesser Gemini Dance, cleave, Gemini Companion There is no more beautiful symphony than the dying wail of a masterfully killed victim
Slaying Sway, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Slaying Sway (Greater) There is no more beautiful symphony than the dying wail of a masterfully killed victim
Sleek Your extreme agility grants you the benefit of those smaller than you.
Sleep of Ages Character Level 8, you must remove all of your internal organs and place them within canoptic jars during a magic ritual Your mastery of ancient mummification techniques has revealed a secret technique for sleeping away the ages.
Slender Must be taken at 1st level You are slim for your race
Slice & Dice Shinsoke tenken's class feature Your shukuchi is a technique to be feared by all, and you can increase its already devastating power with another attack to finish off the storm of metal.
Slight Build Take at level 1 only. A character with a slight build that seems smaller than they are.
Slime Trail Character level 2. Your body secretes a slick mucus that dries quickly in contact with air, but you've learned to use this to your advantage.
Slippery Body Must have a Dexterity of 20+ Your body is slippery, like a fish. This feat lets you channel your inner fish. May or may not smell like mercury. *flops
Slippery Contortionist
Slippery Surface Verglas class feature The ice that you create on the ground around you is extraordinarily precarious.
Slipstream Shot Fell Shot, Psionic Shot, Base Attack Bonus +8 You can charge a projectile or thrown weapon to ignore many types of impediments.
Slow Maturation Must be taken at 1st level, must be younger than middle age. Your body ages slower and you retain your youthful outlook on life longer than others of your race.
Smash from Melee Strength 16+, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Cut from the Air, Smash for the Air, BAB 12+ With having a lot of requirements, this feat gives you the ability to parry incoming melee attacks.
Smash From the Air BAB +9 , Str 16, Dex 16, Power Attack , Cut From the Air Your powerful and swift attacks can slice ranged attacks out of the air.
Smell Death Soulcleaving The stench of death draws you to your quarry
Smooth Talk Must be from either Kerrigan or the Ashen Coast. Alternatively, must be a Halfling, Kaori or a Water Genasi. You grew up in a land where the people are accustomed to dealing with strangers without needing to draw their weapons to make their point. There are few problems that you can't talk your way out of.
Snake Blood Must be from Sol. Alternatively, must be a Naga The taint of the Yuan-ti or the Naga runs in your veins. No outward signs give away you heritage, but you are something more--or less--than those of your normal heritage.
Snake Tongue Wis 13, Yuan-Ti (Pureblood or Tainted One) MM You can communicate with viperkind.
Snake-Blooded Any non-good, charisma must be at least 16 Snake-blooded folk are created when spellcasters combine the power of the statue in the Snake god, Kulruid’s temple with their own magic arts, they gain additional unique powers and spells, such spellcasters gain snake-ish abilities that are considered natural abilities.
Snap Draw Dex 15, Quick Draw, Combat Reflexes, Base Attack Bonus +5. Your can get your weapon ready at the first sign of trouble and before anyone even knows you have it.
Snap Reflexes BAB +4, Reflex Save +3, Sense Motive +5 Ranks, Combat Expertise, Dodge Read your opponent's movements as they act.
Sneak Spell Sneak Attack +1d6 or more, spellcasting ability (arcane or divine). You are able to take advantage of gaps in your opponent's defence to deal more damage with spells.
Sneaky Disarm Sneak Attack +2d6, Improved Disarm
Snipper Bab+4, A precision damage class feature (such as Sneak attack or Skirmish). You excel at taking down enemies from afar with extreme perception precision.
Snowflake Wardance Bardic music Allows use of Snowlake wardance
Social Soul Elf, Diplomacy 6 ranks, Charisma 13 Spending most of your time in company of others you have learned to improve the behavior of other people.
Soft Bones Psionic level 2 Your bones are psionically hardened when you want them to be, requiring a swift action to harden them
Solid Grip 17 Str, Weapon Focus Wield most 2-handed weapons in one hand
Son of Satine Merfolk, Male, Wis 13 When a son of Satine receives a blessing from the underwater goddess it takes the form of special knowledge into the habits of aquatic animals, making the Merfolk better hunters.
Song Magic, Variant Perform 4 ranks, at least one level in a spellcasting class You have learned to incorporate music into your spellcasting.
Song of Flurry Bardic music ability, Flurry of Blows Your flurry is guided by your music.
Song of Overwhelming Valor Bardic Music, Perform ranks 5, Knowledge (History) ranks 3 Even when all hope seems lost, facing overwhelming odds, your music can summon the deep wells of pride and valor in your allies, giving them the courage to fight on, and fight harder still.
Song of the Blade Elf, Dex 15+, Whirlwind Attack, Perform (Dance) 4+ ranks After years of training with a master of the bladesinging arts, you have finally learned the first steps of the fabled artform.
Song of the Soul Must be an Aanan, Must be aware of this fact. Marked Apart. You can hear the notes of the souls of living things. The world is a pure tune for all time!
Songmage You know magical sound.
Soul Alchemy Int 17, Gate of Truth Experience or Training from someone proficient in Alchemy(Soul), Alchemy The truth revealed many things, one of which is the true nature of the soul, and how to control it.
Soul Knife Blade Enhancement Soul Knife Enchantments to weapon You can make your blades stronger.
Soul of Battle Base attack bonus +9, Cha 15+ Your fighting spirit manifests itself in the heat of battle.
Soul of Blüdfrost Born within the country of Blüdfrost You possess a magical understanding of the nature of cold
Soul Of The Undying Ability to bind or hold the souls of followers or other beings; 3rd level in a Vessel Magic-related class or Devout Leader When facing death, you may sacrifice a bound soul to restore your life, consuming the soul to save yourself from the final blow.
Soul Touch Soul Knife level 18 A Soul Knife's created blades can by pass armor.
Soul Transmutation Int 17, Gate of Truth Experience, Alchemy, Human Transmutation, Soul Alchemy Knowing how to utilize the souls of others allows you to utilize your own soul when things grow grim.
Soulcleaving Acceptance in the Church of Modroben and 4 ranks in Concentration Allows the user to soulcleave.
Soulwalker of Wra'sh Wra'sh Blood feat, Dark Wood Walker, Wra'sh Ghost Hunter feats. You are one of the soulwalker of Wra'sh, you preventing undeath with supernatural powers..
Spawn of Pazuzu Fly speed, poor maneuverability, Vestigial Wings You have a hereditary link to the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms that causes your wings to grow much larger, giving you an increased fly speed.
Specialist You are an expert in a limited field of skills.
Specific Recharge Spell Ability to cast previously prepared spells of at least 2nd level. Prepare a spell again without resting.
Speed is Survival dex 30 A frenzied blur of superspeed, this feat grants the ability to move at an amazingly fast speed.
Speed Star Dex 15, Run Be as swift as a shooting star
Spell Channeler <!- allows a caster to uses their touch and ranged offensive spells more versatily while mixing it with melee.->
Spell Detonation Any 2 metamagic feats You learn to detonate a spell stopped by spell absorption, spell resistance, energy resistance, DR, ETC. When this happens you may detonate the spell, costing you both the spell slot for the spell, and another of the same level, doing 1d6 per spell level. When you do this, the spell damages the target(s) bypassing the aforementioned obstacles. This can only be done twice per encounter. Any durations are halved. Any numerics are halved. (So an acid arrow cast by a lvl 4 wizard would do 2d6 dmg, last 1 round, and do 2d4 divided by 2 dmg)
Spell Focus, Variant Choose a school of magic (such as illusion) or a spell descriptor (such as mind effecting or fire).
Spell Parry Base Attack Bonus +8, Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Parry, Improved Parry, Spellcraft 2 ranks. You use your weapon to nullify an incoming spell.
Spell Penetration Surge Caster level 3, Knowledge Arcana ranks 5, Spellcraft ranks 5 With a surge of power you improve your ability to defeat spell resistance.
Spell Pool Metamagic Pool, any other metamagic feat, caster level 12th. You can pool some of your spell slots to utilize for metamagic.
Spell Recovery Psychomagic <!-A short summary of the feat->
Spell Resistance
Spell School Substitution Arcane Caster, Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, any metamagic feat, You can modify any spell school to use another type of school instead
Spellcaster Curse Hexblade's Curse Your Hexblade's Curse hampers enemy spellcasting.
Spellcaster Prodigy Spellcaster abilities. Casting stat for each class 22+ each Stacking spellcasters levels
Spellcasting Minor Magic, Major Magic, Concentration 1 rank. You have dabbled in magic.
Spellfire Wielder You can use spellfire to absorb spell energy, fire destructive blasts, or heal others, much like its described in the Spellfire section of the Magic of Faerun.
Spellfire Wielder (Balanced) You can use spellfire to absorb spell energy, fire destructive blasts, or heal others, much like its described in the Spellfire section of the Magic of Faerun.
Spellmaster able to use at least one spell-like ability You have had a talent for the spell-like abilities of your race/class since birth but it has only recently come into its own
Spellsong Bardic Music, Concentration 5 ranks, Perform 5 ranks, Knowledge (Arcane) ranks 5, Spellcraft 5 ranks*, Bard effective CL 2/ 7/ 12/ 17 Through your arcane knowledge you chant the weave into your song.
Spellsplit Arcane efficiency, Any Spell Focus, ability to cast 5th level arcane spells, must have three 5th level or higher spell with the same school choosen for spell focus. Allows the caster to split his high-level spells into multiple low-level ones.
Spellsword Shield Expertise At least one level in the Spellsword Prestige Class (Complete Warrior) Improves a Spellsword's ability to use shields
Spellweb Base Attack Bonus +4, Chaotic alignment You can use the inborn drow magic to summon webs from thin air.
Spellwise Must be from Tirasus or Godsreach. You were raised in a land where mighty wizards are common. Everyone in your homeland knows something about magic, and you have learned that things are sometimes not as they appear.
Spew Smoke You can exhale a cloud of dense, blinding smoke. Then eat everyone who makes puns.
Sphere Taker One of the following: Caster level 1+ from an Arcane Spellcasting Class (Spontaneous or otherwise), qualify for fiendish feats, or already have access to a fiendish sphere. Take a Sphere from the Tome of Fiends' Fiendish Spheres.
Spider Leadership Character Level 6th, Race: Drow You gain the service of loyal Fiendish or Celestial Monstrous Spiders and Drow.
Spider Obsession Any Non-Drow. You are obsessed with spiders.
Spider Web Nerubian, Silk Spray feat You can throw a web that behaves like the web spell.
Spider-Jumping Charge Spider Jump class feature, Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat You can combine a charge with a spider jump.
Spiderhost Nerubian, Reinforced Carapace feat You can summon spiders into battle.
Spiked Carapace Aberration blood Bone spikes emerge from your skin.
Spiked Chain Focus Drow, Proficiency with Spiked Chain, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +1 You are trained by the master drow cave-stalkers in the arts of spiked chain fighting.
Spiked Plating Crystalforged Your body is covered in lethal spikes that can deal damage to any foe that dares get too close.
Spin Attack Dex 13, fly speed, Medium size or larger Your wings can be used as weapons.
Spines of Fury Character level 3. Spines cover your body, and you may fire these spine at your enemies.
Spirit Bond Witch or magician level 12. A willing partner of the other class and identical level.

You can never attain more than one level more than your bondmate, and can only ever be part of one spirit bond at any time.

A bond between two characters which grants telepathic powers to each while both are alive.
Spirit of Fury Base attack bonus +12, Iron Will, Power Attack, Str 13+, Cha 15+ Your fury in battle is unmatched by all but the most intrepid heroes.
Spirited Charge (TOWW)
Spiritual (TOWW)
Spiritual Healer Wisdom 10 You have a minor talent in health.
Spiritual Leader Leadership People seek you out for spiritual guidance.
Spiritual Metamagic Other two metamagic feats, Chastise Spirits class feature, Caster Level 9th The connection with the spiritual world allows the Spirit Shaman to sacrifice your ability to affect it in order to make your metamagic more versatile
Spiritualist Wis 13 You are known to commune with the spirits.
Splatter Bloody mess, Base attack bonus +9 When you deal massive damage, it has a devastating effect.
Splice Spells Ability to cast previously prepared spells, any other metamagic feat. Expend energy of extra previously prepared spells to spontaneously use metamagic.
Spoken Vengence Combat Expertise, Toughness, Damage cannot prevent you from seeking revenge
Spontaneous Spell, Variant Ability to cast prepared spells, Caster Level 6th. You can sacrifice a prepared spell to cast an unprepared spell.
Spontaneous Summoner Intelligence 13, Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, able to cast any summon monster spell.
Spooky Energy Burst Cha 25, Ability to Spookify Skeletons The Spook Master releases a wave of spooky energy...
Spring Attack (TOWW)
Spring Attack, Greater DEX 15, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, BAB +11
Sprint (TOWW)
Spy 5 ranks Hide, 5 ranks Move Silently.
You gain information through stealth rather than talking.
Stab Base Attack Bonus +2.
Stable Focus Ability to gain a psionic focus. You are always considered psionically focused for a psionic feat.
Staff Focus Proficiency with staffs and quarterstaff, ability to cast 3rd level spells

The magic in your staff guides the magic that flows through your hands and arms. You are better suited in melee combat with staffs.
Stage Illusion You have a small magical knack.
Stagger Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes When an enemy is at the peak of their attack, you can stop them
Stalker Halfling, Wis 13, Dex 13, Survival 6 ranks Halflings keep training for the hunt through out there lives, often spending great amounts of time to perfect their art of stalking prey.
Stance Mastery Dual Stance, Initiator Level 15 Use 2 martial stances (Tome of Battle) simultaneously.
Star Child Cha 25 You were born under a shooting star.
Steadfast Determination Toughness, Iron Will Your physical durability allows you to shrug off attacks that would cripple a lesser person. Rather than depend on agility or willpower, you use your raw toughness to survive, you hunker yourself down prepping yourself the mental assualt with sheer force of constitution.
Steadfast Reflexes +2 or higher base Reflex save or Lightning Reflexes You rely solely on reflex for survival.
Steady Stance
Stealth Fighter Sneak attack 1d6, BAB +4 Fighters that train to be more like rogues but keep with the combat aspect of fighters
Stealthy, Tome
Steel Bones Base Fortitude Save +4 Your body has been altered and parts of your physiology have been replaced with artificial prosthetics.
Steel Skeleton Able to create undead Undead you create have their skeleton structure reinforced by steel
Steel Skin Must be taken at creation, Con 14 You were born with hardened skin and the ability to shrug off heavy hits.
Still Weapon Technique Improved Unarmed Strike, Dexterity 14 A way to expand your options as a bare fist fighter.
Sting of the Scorpion None You have a stinger that carries lethal poison.
Stocky Must be taken at 1st level. You have a thicker, stouter body than normal for your race
Stone Master Must be a Dwarf, arcane spellcaster level 6 Dwarven spellcasters gain an unsurpassed ability to work with natural stone.
Stone to Flesh 8th level, ability to cast 4th-level arcane spells, Intelligence 18, Craft (Alchemy) 9 Ranks You learn to use the spell stone to flesh
Stone Will 5 RanksConcentration Pain is not a limit, but a symbol of the strong. You know the difference.
Stoning Gaze Character level 9. You turn people you view into stone.
Stormheart Must not be from the Ashen Coast or Godsreach. The sea is in your blood. You are no stranger to seas chases and blood on the decks.
Storyteller Perform (Epic) 2 Ranks You tell stories, and expect to get paid.
Strange Aura Succedaneum You gain supernatural nondetection protection against divinations.
Strangle Hold Base Attack Bonus +8 You are so skilled at grappling you can attempt to strangle your opponent.
Strategic Commander Int 13, Profession (Soldier) 10 ranks, Tactical Commander Your study of combat strategy makes you a capable general.
Street Smart Growing up in any community of small city or greater size. You have learned how to keep informed, ask questions, and interact with the underworld without raising suspicion.
Streetwise You have experience of having been on the streets.
Strength of a Warrior Base Attack Bonus +1, Strength OR Constitution 18+ Your muscle bound body while not taking damage with any less pain or suffering, does tend to try to avoid it more often, relying on your ability to take attacks head on as well as rolling with them.
Strength of Personality Cha 14. Use Cha for saves.
Strength Over Speed Proficient with heavy armor and Strength 20 or higher.
Strengthen Undead Rebuke Undead You can give your undead allies a sudden boost of strength.
Strike Fear Intimidate 20 ranks You are adept at striking fear into your opponents during battle
Strike Naturally Improved unarmed strike The Master told his pupils to strike like nature intended.
Strike of Disapproval Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Favored weapon becomes powerful.
Strike of Revelation Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting Infidels will feel THE wrath.
Stroll of Stars, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Stroll of stars (improved)
Stroll of Stars, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Stroll of stars (lesser)
Stroll of Stars, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 You are amazed by the starry night sky and adore its beauty and power.
Stroll of Stars, Perfect Perfect Gemini Dance, Stroll of Stars (Greater)
Strong Arm Intimidation Strength or Dexterity 16 Intimidate Checks gain your Base Attack Bonus.
Strong Libido You have been training to use your strong body against another and you are normally horny as when in the act of copulating.
Strong Stomach You don't mind the smell of even the worst stench.
Strongarm Diplomacy Str 13, Intimidate 4 ranks Your brute strength makes up for your charisma when it comes to the art of fear.
Stronger Insides devourer Through Training and long uses of it your insides have grown more powerful!
Stronger Shooter Your strength is apparently so strong that you can ignore things like reflex and aiming.
Stubborn Reincarnation Your race is your life and will not change easily
Stunning Fist, Variant Base Attack Bonus +8, Dex 13, Wis 13 and Improved Unarmed Strike By channeling Ki Energy your unarmed strikes have the ability to stun your foes.
Sublime Kensai Base Attack Bonus +5, At least one level of Kensai CW, be able to initiate maneuvers. Your mastery of the Sublime Ways is reflected in your Kensai training.
Sublime Prestidigitator Parlour Tricks, Master Prestidigitator, ability to cast 4th level spells The arcane spellcaster has gone beyond mere mastery of using prestidigitations to bolster other spells.
Subtle Cut
Subtle Talent Psychic Ability, Wis 13+. You can use your psychic skills with less chance of anyone noticing your activities.
Succubus Heritor Cha 15 Your demonic ancestral blood can be traced back to a Succubus.
Succubus Sorcery Ability to spontaneously cast arcane or divine spells The Succubus heritage is strong in you and increases your sorcerous might.
Sudden Empower Any metamagic feat
Sudden Maximize Any metamagic feat
Sudden Metamagic Any one metamagic feat, Spellcraft 8 ranks. You are far more versatile with your metamagic.
Sudden Silent
Sudden Still
Sudden Widen
Summoning Diversity Spell Focus (Conjuration), Caster Level 3+. You can summon a greater variety of creatures than normal.
Sunlight Beam Cast 2nd Level light spells. You shoot a ray of sunlight from unused light spell energy.
Sunlight Immunity Sunlight powerlessness or sunlight-related weakness, Endure Sunlight, soaking in liquid night for one full week. Through sustained use of Liquid Night, vampires can walk in sunlight, but give off a distinct scent.
Super Duper High Schooler <!-Your the best around and no one can do what you do better.-
Super Focus Dodge Dodge, int 15
Super Namekian Namekian race, Character level 50 Awaken the latent power of the Namekian race, achieving the formidable Super Namekian form.
Super Saiyan Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 50 Tap into the power of the Super Saiyan, gaining incredible strength and resilience.
Super Saiyan 2 Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 100 Tap into the enhanced power of Super Saiyan 2, experiencing a significant boost in strength and resilience.
Super Saiyan 3 Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 300 Ascend to the Super Saiyan 3 state, achieving an unparalleled boost in strength and resilience.
Super Saiyan 4 6 Prestige, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race with tail, Character level 600 Harness the primal power of the legendary Super Saiyan 4 form, achieving unprecedented levels of strength and resilience.
Super Saiyan Grade 2 & 3 Super Saiyan feat, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 60 Achieve enhanced Super Saiyan states with greater power but reduced speed and agility.
Super Spell Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Intensify Spell, Spellcraft 60 ranks, ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells You can cast spells with extraordinary effect
Superior Aberrant Heritage Aberration blood, Two other aberrant feats Your blood is thick with your aberrant legacy.
Superior Ameliorated Burden Strength 19 You are able to shirk off all but the heaviest loads within your abilities.
Superior Cleave Base Attack Bonus +14, Cleave, Great Cleave. You use the momentum of the cleave to cover a greater distance.
Superior Craftsman Swift Craftsman, Improved Swift Craftsman Your life's dedication to crafting has reached its pinnacle.
Superior Eagle Eye 20 spot 10 search Your eye have become top notch,your vision is unhindered and you seem to be able to se a few second ahead of time
Superior Fortitude Great Fortitude, Character Level 6th +2 to fortitude saves, re-roll failed fortitude save 1/day.
Superior Hearing Must be taken at 1st level. You can discern even the finest difference in sounds, giving you an exacting ear
Superior Natural Attack Natural weapon, Improved Natural Attack, base attack bonus +10
Superior Reflexes Lightning Reflexes, Character Level 6th +2 to reflex saves, re-roll a failed reflex save 1/day.
Superior Sense of Smell Must be taken at 1st level Your sensitive nose can detect even the most minute odors.
Superior Taste Must be taken at 1st level You have a heightened sense of taste.
Superior Touch Must be taken at 1st level You feel every imperfection in even the smoothest texture, and your skin senses the slightest vibration.
Superior Unarmed Strike Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Power Attack, BAB +6 A boost to the unarmed
Superior Vision Must be taken at 1st level. Your eyesight is truly extraordinary.
Superior Will Iron Will, Character Level 6th +3 to will saves, re-roll failed will save 1/day.
Supernal Supernatural Linguist Grants the ability to speak with and understand angels and devils.
Supernatural Homunculus Craft Homunculus[1], Supernatural Maker. You infuse your most accomplished creation with eldritch and occult forces.
Supernatural Linguist - Grants one rank in Speak Language and grants access to all Supernatural Language feats..
Supernatural Magic Versatility Epic Spellcasting, Arcane or Divine Caster level 15th, Invoker level 15th. Deep down, every form of magic possesses one and same essence, yet distributed in various branches. Practiced spellcasters who also use invocations walk both the road of an arcane spellcaster and the Warlock path, and eventually they learn to adapt their metamagic feats to apply to both of their domains so that they could rise their versatility exponentially.
Supernatural Maker Craft homunculus[2], Deceive item[3]. You infuse your creations with eldritch power, building yourself a path still unexplored.
Supernatural Virulence Must have a poisonous natural weapon. Your poison is as much magical as it is biological.
Suppressed Legendary Super Saiyan Saiyan race, Character level 50, Legendary Saiyan Trait Tap into the suppressed power of the Legendary Super Saiyan, though not at its full potential.
Suppressing Weapon Focus Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. Turn the special abilities of your weapon on and off.
Supreme Feint Combat expertise, Improved feint, Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +5. You Feint with unmached speed and agility.
Supreme Strength (3.5e Epic Feat) The character cannot be an ordinary, pure-blooded mortal being. Due to unusual body structure, paranormal heritage or magical/surgical enhancement, you can utilize your physical strength in much impressive way than usual.
Supreme Trip Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Knock-Down, BAB +8 By combining their tripping abilities and their mighty attacks, a tripper can throw an enemy to the ground so hard, it really hurts.
Surefooted Must be a Coug'r or a Gnome. You were raised in an area where you fought often on steep slopes and treacherous surfaces.
Surge of Fortitude None, but see description You are able to shrug off an effect with a mighty surge of fortitude.
Surge of Will None, but see description You are able to shrug off an effect with a mighty surge of will.
Surgical Precision
User:Surgo/TestFeat1 testprereq Testing
Survival Instinct Animal Companion, Survival 12 ranks Living in the wilderness has sharpened your will to survive.
Survivor Must be from Sol or the Ashen Coast. Alternatively, must be a Thri-Kreen. Your people thrive in regions that others find uninhabitable, and excel at uncovering the secrets of the wilderness and surviving to tell the tale.
Sustained Breath (Metabreath) Dragon This allows a dragon to spew forth flames for several rounds continuously.
Swamp Born Lizardfolk, Con 13 Lizardfolk that are borne and raised in the swamps spend most of their time in the water and become expert swimmers.
Swarm of Bullets (3.5e Epic Feat) Dex 23, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (any chosen firearm). With lightning fast twitch aiming and trigger-finger you deftly fell all those in your sight.
Swarm Summoner Spell Focus (Conjuration), ability to cast a summoning spell or spell-like ability. You can summon hordes of monsters.
Sway Audience Diplomacy 8 ranks, Rebuke Undead With this feat, you may channel positive or negative energy in your speech to convince an audience.
Sweeping Slash Improved Quickstep tenken's class feature When you use a slash step, you may swing your weapon in a wide arc to attack those enemies in the spaces around you.
Swift Cleanser Cleanse paralysis. You are devoted to cleanse ailments.
Swift Craftsman You must have 5 ranks in 5 different craft skills. Intelligence 17 Your devotion to your craft has advanced your speed when crafting.
Swift Defense DEX 18, CON 15, Improved Initiative, Non-Evil Defend one ally in movement range
Swift Fighting Style Alternate Fighting Style 2/day, Base attack bonus +3, Int 13 Your training makes you more capable or changing the style you're employing in less time, making it easier for you to change from longsword to bow to greataxe.
Swift Natural Attack Base Attack Bonus +6, a natural attack that deals lethal damage. You can attack multiple times each round with a natural attack.
Swim Like a Fish
Swing for the Fences Str 18; Base Attack Bonus +7; Power Attack; Batter Up! Take a baseball swing to send enemies flying!
Sword and Flag Int 13 Fight with a sword and flag like a boss
Sword and Shield Strength 15, Dexterity 15, Base Attack Bonus 6, Hold the Line You harden your body and your mind, taking more knock down while being able to deliver pin-point attacks.
Synchronous Item Any Psionic Item Creation feat You may create items that benefit from your power but only function for you.
Systematic Attack Base attack bonus +1 Your techniques, altough almost theoretical in their execution, are very successful and their predictability is countered by their effectiveness.
Tactical Commander Profession (Soldier) 5 ranks Your experience in warfare makes you a capable leader in combat.
Tactical Forfeit Combat Expertise, Weapon Focus, Wis 13, base attack bonus +9 Give up attacks to add those BABs to your next single attack.
Tactical Genius Intelligence 13 or Higher, Military background or Schooling You possess a sound and tactical mind, capable of reading the flow of combat and coming up with quick strategies on the spot.
Tactical Warrior Minor Aura, Major Aura +1, Grant Move Action 1/day, Weapon Specialization The tactical warrior blends the leadership qualities of the marshall with the martial training of the fighter.
Taiji Mastery Wis 13, Combat Focus PHB II, Yin Combat Focus, Yang Combat Focus You have mastered the Taiji circle, making your Ki stronger when your Combat Focus is active.
Tail Snap Dragon creature type, Tail attack The tail attack of a dragon
Tail Strike Northern Sergals or Lizardfolk; Dex 15, Str, 15 An attack that lizardfolk can use if they are strong enough and have good coordination.
Talaran Tracking Be born in the city of Talara You are adept at tracking down individuals within Urban Environments and Communities
Talented Invoker 1st level only. You know more invocations than the typical warlock.
Talented, Variant Power point reserve, Overchannel feat or Wild Surge or Chaotic Surge class ability You can use Wild Surge or Overchannel to enhance a weak power without incurring the regular penalties.
Talk with the Animals Must be a Gronfrox, Must be aware of this fact. Marked Apart. All things in nature flock to you and bring you news. They are your friends and you are their friend.
Talking Familiar Familiar, arcane spellcaster level 5th Your familiar gains the ability to speak normally.
Tame Wild Animal Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Handle Animal 4 ranks. You can tame the wildest of beasts.
Tanreiss Ambusher Tanreiss. You use your natural speed to strike enemies hard when they aren't looking.
Tanreiss Lunge Tanreiss, BAB +6. While charging, you unleash a series of brutal blows upon your opponent.
Tanreiss Roar Tanreiss. You let loose a powerful roar, striking fear into the hearts of enemies around you.
Target Combat Expertise You focus your attention on a single target becoming less aware of your surroundings and more accurate in your attacks.
Targeted Arcane Channeling Duskblade 20th level, BAB +23, Extend Spell The Duskblade can now focus all her Arcane Channeling blows to attack just one target, but with reduced effects in each blow.
Tarot Specialization Tarot Mage 1st, INT 15+ Diligent study allows you to master a tarot card and forgo its use as a focus
Tattoo of Amity This Tattoo improves interactions.
Taunting Wit Bluff skill, Cha 15+ You can drive your foes to distraction.
Te Biggest Show Bardic Music, Jester's Performance, Perform (Comedy) 14 Ranks, Perform (any other) 14 Ranks, Charisma 17 You are capable of excelling at comedy and any other acting skill at the same time
Teacher You are a trained teacher.
Telekinetic Eye Ray B'er'den You have learned to tap even deeper into your inherited bloodline, and have reaped the rewards in the form of a telekinetic ray emminating from one of your eyes.
Telekinetic Mastery Able to use Telekinesis. Your understanding of the telekinetic is substantial.
Telekinetic Plates Vector Plate Class Feature, Projectile Plates, Caster Level 9 Your Vector Plates can now launch unattended objects.
Telepathic Communication Read Minds
Telepathy The Gift, Cha 13
Telepathy (Psychic Talent) Psychic Ability. You have the potential to learn telepathy skills.
Teleportation Int 17, Gate of Truth Experience, Alchemy When using alchemy, the position of things rarely matters, only that they are equivalent. Take this to the extreme and you get Alchemical Teleportation.
Tenacious Hexing Hex master class feature. You rebound more quickly from failed hexing attempts on enemies.
Tensegrity Con 25, Str 25. You are a veritable beast of burden.
Terrifying Air Tanreiss. Your very presence is unsettling to opponents.
Test Aversion You despise taking tests, and will do anything to avoid them.
The Deaf can Hear Voices from Air 9/day as a class feature. You can allow the wonders of sound to flow through a creatures' body again.
The Flame and the Void Cha 13 "The Flame and the Void" refers to the visualization of a flame in a void; all concerns - emotions, thoughts, even the concerns of life and death - are fed into the flame. This allows the character to become one with his surroundings.
The Gift
The Green Knight STR 15, CHA 13, Ability to cast spells Thou art a strange amalgam of Medieval clichés.
The Green Man Ability to cast spells An energetic and mystical being art thou.
The Growing Maw B'er'den, Fifth level in any class Your studies and mental effort pay off, and you become even more Beholder-like, as beneath the eye on your back, a large maw begins to grow.
The Mind's Fist Intelligence 17+ Your brain can amplify the power of your punches.
The Path of Blood Character Level 5 You have learned the dark and selfish rites that create vampires, the legendary immortal blood drinkers of the night.
The Strength of my Blade Proficient with a two handed weapon, Strength 18 One weapon? Make those hands worth it!
The Wild Man STR 15 A being of fearsome wrath art thou.
Thespian Perform (Acting) 2 Ranks You are a trained actor.
Thoroughbred You are capable of pulling off amazing physical stunts
Three weapon fighting BAB+6, you can use three weapons, one in each hand and another in your mouth, this is known as the art of 'San Buki Shura'.
Three-Tomoe Sharingan Two-tomoe sharingan, 5th level, (Replaces Two-Tomoe Sharingan, but you still keep the one tomoed Sharingan abilities)
Thrown Weapon Sniper Precise Shot, BAB +1
Tiefling Feats (The Test of Time Supplement)
Time is Money (3.5e Class) Diplomacy 5 ranks, artificer 5th level or greater, Rending class feature You gain experience from personal sales based off of their price.
Tip Top Condition Epic Reflexes, Epic Fortitude You are an incredibly well adjusted and adept fighter. The blood, sweat and tears you've shed in your journeys renders you immune to all toxins, standard biological poisons (which include acids, plants, etc) whose Reflex or Fortitude save is 30 or less.
Tireless Pilot Con 14+, Run the Boat ability. Your ability to go without sleep is legendary.
Toltec Familiar Must have a familiar You are able to transform your familiar into a small handheld object
Tongue of the Seductress Like your Succubus ancestor, you speak the universal language of seduction.
Topple Str 15, Martial Improvisation.
Torch Undead Turn or Rebuke Undead, Fire Domain or Sun Domain, 4th level You can burn undead in an outbreak of holy flames.
Tornado Smash Str 17, Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +12 Your Whirlwind attack sends the enemies flying.
Torturer You hurt people for a living.
Toss Master A player with this feat is able to use any object 5lbs or lighter as a thrown weapon.
Total Recall None. You can recall what was forgotten, and improve the Call to Mind power.
Touch of Vampire Able to use Charnel Touch or Withering Touch, Base attack bonus +2 You can use your Charnel Touch to heal yourself
Tough Guy Con 16+, Through a life of taking blows, you have hardened your body to a fine degree.
Tough Scales Dragon creature type Scales are harder than normal.
Tough Skin Any Natural Armor Bonus You're a nasty beast, like fuckin' Godzilla
Toughen Undead Able to create undead Undead you create are tougher than normal
Toughness is Everything Due to your sheer toughness you use your fort saves instead of will saves
Toughness, Variant Constitution 13+ You are much tougher than the average guy or gal of your race.
Tower Shield Bash Str 15, Improved Shield Bash, Tower Shield Proficiency Through intense training, you can now shield bash with tower shields
Toymaker Int 13+, Ability to cast prestidigitation You are adept at creating minor wondrous items
Track, Tome
Trail of Blood Dex 21, any evil alignment,Mobility, Power Attack, Great Cleave, base attack bonus +21 You're obsession with slaughter allows you continue the spilling of blood.
Trained Berserker Fighter Level 1st, Rage You bulk up and hone your skills at the same time.
Trained Conscript Commoner level 1 You were in the Militia.
Trained Memory Int 15+, at least 8 total ranks in Knowledge skill(s). You have the incredible memory of a preliterate scholar.
Trained Stance BAB +1 Through intensive training you can use your BAB as substitute for ranks Balance
Trample (TOWW)
Tranquil Trance Wisdom 18, Dexterity 16 You enter a Zen like state ridding your mind of anger, and becoming one with you mind and body.
Trap Mastery Trapfinding, Craft (trapmaking) 8 ranks As a veteran of the dungeoneering trade you have a wealth of experience with traps.
Treekiller Profession(Lumberjack or Woodcutter) 4 ranks You have a hatred of Plant Monsters.
Treetopper Must be an elf from Volare, or a Halfling from Tirasus. Alternatively, must be a Common Catfolk. Your people are at home in the trees and high places, daring falls that paralyze most other folk in abject terror.
Triple Threat Base attack bonus +15, Improved Critical (chosen weapon), Weapon Focus (chosen weapon), Weapon Specialization (chosen weapon). The chosen weapon's threat range triples.
Trivia Hero Knowledge(History) 4 Ranks You are good at random facts.
Trojan Human, 1st level You are from the Trojan Empire, a kingdom in Northwestern Asia Minor.
True Incarnation Incarnate Level 1st You are a true conduit of your alignment's plane, and, by your body's sheer force, your soulmelds are harder to resist
True Love Must have found a single PC or NPC to designate for this feat. You have found true love.
True Succubus Kiss The Succubus heritage in your blood turns your kiss into a life-sucking weapon.
Truth of Magic Caster level 21+, Spellcraft 24 ranks. You have learned to manipulate spells beyond their normal capacity, they are now bound by your power, not you theirs.
Truth Reading Psychic Ability, Telepathy, Sensitive. You can sense when someone is lying to you.
Tuff Stuff Any two Plushie racial feats, Eijilund Plushie race Your body has been reinforced with stronger materials.
Tunnel Fighting Base Attack Bonus +1 You know how to fight with no room to maneuver.
Tunnel Rat Escape Artist +4 You can squeeze through tight spaces more easily than normal
Turn Humanoid Caster level 10, Extra Turning Turn some humanoids as if they were undead.
Turning (TOWW)
Turning Mastery Choose a class without the Turn or Rebuke Undead special ability. Your Turn or Rebuke Undead will be more powerful.
Turning Swallow Strike The character must be able to make at least three attacks within the same turn. Weapon Focus in the weapon(s) being used in the strikes. A sword technique named after the famous technique of Sasaki Kojiro.
Twin Gunslinger (Merika Supplement) Dexterity 15 The character is trained in using two, one-handed, missile weapons at the same time.
Twin Weapon Form Wis 16, Ability to take the form of a weapon, Bab +3 Gain the ability to take on the form of a set of twin weapons
Twist the Knife BAB +4 You know how to make your blows especially painful — something that can be extremely useful if you’re attempting to distract a spellcaster.
Twisted Snake Style Snake Tail Class Feature, Dodge You become quite efficient at avoiding individuals while balancing on your snake's tail.
Twisting Arrows Vector Arrows Class Feature Your Vector Arrows can now twist around corners.
Two in One Training 20 Strength, +1 BAB This Feat allows you to wield two-handed weapons in one hand
Two-Handed Defense Dodge, Power Attack By quickly adjusting your grip, stance, and footing, you limit your opponents' ability to strike you past the bulk of a two-handed weapon.
Two-Handed Finesse Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1. Apply Weapon Finesse to one-handed weapons wielded with two hands.
Two-Handed Weapon Flurry Two-Weapon Fighting
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization Fighter level 14th, Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with selected weapon You know how to focus the maximum amount of power into a blow from a two-handed weapon.
Two-Tomoe Sharingan One-tomoe sharingan, 3rd level, (Replaces One-Tomoe Sharingan, but you keep it's abilities)
Two-Weapon Attack of Opportunity Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting. You can exploit an opponent's opening in combat with two weapons.
Two-Weapon Attack of Opportunity, Variant Dex 17, Combat Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting. You can exploit an opponent's opening in combat with two weapons.
Two-Weapon Fighting
Two-Weapon Fighting, Variant Dex 15. You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.
Two-Weapon Focus Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (with the selected weapon), Dexterity 18, Base Attack Bonus +11 Two-weapon fighting is easier for you when fighting with two matching weapons.
Ultimate Binding Binding to a spirit no longer has a time limit.
Ultimate Find the Weak Spot Base Attack Bonus +15, Find the Weak Spot, Improved Find the Weak Spot, Greater Find the Weak Spot You are able to find the weak spot on non-living entity allowing you to critically damage it.
Ultimate Fortitude Character Level 12th +2 to fortitude saves, rolling a natural 1 on a fortitude save is not an automatic failure.
Ultimate Reflexes Character Level 12th +2 to reflex saves, rolling a natural 1 on a reflex save is not an automatic failure.
Ultimate Strike Power Attack, Base Attack Bonus +30 You can analyze almost everything about a creature in an instant.
Ultimate Will Character Level 12th, Superior Will, Iron Will. +5 to will saves, rolling a natural 1 on a will save is not an automatic failure.
Ultra Super Saiyan Ascended Super Saiyan This feat grants you an Ultra form
Ultrasensitive Hearing Rabbit-Man, Rat-Man, or Wolf-Man, Wis 19+, Listen 15 ranks, Sensitive Hearing Your hearing has become heightened to an astounding level.
Unarmed Combo Strike Must be unarmed Monk or Ki user. Lets you make a combo attack if you are unarmed
Unarmed Mastery Dex 20, Str 20 "What do you mean I can combine speed and power? That's ridiculous."
Unarmed Mind Blade Ability to generate a mind blade, shape mind blade class feature. When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into a faintly glowing aura that augments your unarmed strikes with the abilities of your mind blade.
Unarmed Training BAB+6; Natural Weapons or Improved Unarmed Strike from a class that grants it for free. <!-A short summary of the feat->
Unbound Hexing You have found the secret to affecting even more probabilities.
Unburdened Wanderer Neutral Alignment Sometimes a druid walks the lands without the trappings of a life among civilization as most know it. Sometimes a monk spends their life atop a mountain, training in solitude. What use have they for material goods? Why be bound in spirit and body by material things?
Uncanny Deflection Deflect Arrows, Uncanny Dodge class feature, Dex 25, Wis 19 Your innate reflexes allow you to deflect ranged attacks before your senses would normally allow you to do so.
Uncanny Dodge Training Listen 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks, base attack bonus +1. You are well-practiced in being prepared to avoid blows.
Uncanny Knowledge Clairvoyance
Undead Animal Companion Animal companion, Undead type Your animal companion shares your unlife.
Undead Hunter Sacred Vengeance*, turn or rebuke undead ability. You can channel an amazing amount of energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee combat.
Undead Summoning Summon Monster, Summon Nature's Ally 1st lvl, Any Evil You summon undead creatures
Underfoot Striker Dex 13+, Tumble 4 ranks Can occupy space of another creature one size category larger.
Underground Ambush Nerubian, character level 4 The ability to dig and attack the enemy from underground.
Underminer None You know how to dig.
Understanding Int 13 Understanding can sometimes beat experience. Use this instead of taking prerequisite feats you do not want.
Understanding, Variant Int 17, Gate of Truth Experience, Alchemy You have seen the truth and understand the fundamental principles of alchemy, you can always produce results when needed.
Undeserved Toughness Constitution less than 12. Even though your body is no more resilient than the average person, you show added vitality.
Unerring Weapon Int 12, Weapon Focus with weapon, Weapon Specialization with weapon, base attack bonus 12+ You possess masterful control over your weapon and perform precise strikes with it.
Unheard Dex 20, Move Silently 10 ranks You are adept at moving without making any noise.
Unholy Toughness Beings without metabolism are raised or constructed with animating force. This force now can be used to toughen them beyond the durability of their basic undead or construct frames, increasing their hit points.
Unkillable (TOWW)
Unleash Spell Improved Spell Capacity, Spellcraft 25 ranks
Unprecocious Apprentice 1st level wizard You were a nightmare for your mentor. Even though you showed considerable talent, you never seemed to bother with studies and loved to pull pranks instead.
Unpredictable (TOWW)
Unrelenting Blow bab +15 <!-A short summary of the feat->
Unrelenting Divine Fury The ability to use smite and make more than one attack per turn. When facing terrible foes, one who is able to smite the enemy should not relinquish their god given power so easily.
Unrelenting Onslaught Dex 15, BAB +3 Your attacks come in terrifying waves
Unstable Summon Weave Any summon, create, or reanimate spell. At a cost of your summoned or risen creatures health, You may tie a spell to them, to be cast upon death, unsummon, reanimation, or deanimation.
Unyielding Soul 4th level, Base attack bonus +2, Iron Will, Con 13+, Cha 13+ You can turn assaults on your mind into assaults on the body.
Urban Bounty Hunter You track fugitives in an urban setting
Urchin Search 2 Ranks You grew up with little money, making you learn quickly how to make do with what you could find.
Useless Magecraft Spellcraft 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks Allow you to use the magic which is mostly useless (but it has a few uses)
Utterance Knowlege Ability to speak an utterance You gain a better grasp of the language of the universe, gaining more utterances.
Vampiric Surge Bite attack as a Natural weapons, base attack bonus +4, undead or outsider (evil) type.
Variant Greater Weapon Focus Fighter level 8th or BAB +16 Why be stuck with another +1 to your attack bonus when you can take... This!
Variant Greater Weapon Specialization Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon, Greater Weapon Focus with the selected weapon, Weapon Specialization with the selected weapon, an Ability Score of at least 16 for you to choose from, BAB +12 A revamped version of Greater Weapon Specialization
Variant Weapon Focus Proficiency with selected weapon, Base Attack Bonus +1. A variant of the general Weapon Focus feat that scales with levels.
Variant Weapon Specialization Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus with selected weapon and Fighter 4 or base attack bonus +8 A variant of the general Weapon Specialization feat that's not lame.
Vector Barrage Vector Arrows Class Feature, Caster Level 6 You can now fire an increased number of Vector Arrows
Vegetal Javelin
Veil of the Mother Cloak of the Obyrith, any two other Abyssal Heritor feats The connection you share with the obyriths has been finally tapped into to its fullest, and you take on traits of your true mother, Pale Night. When the gifts you have been given by the ancient fiend are used, they manifest in a cream yellow mist that hangs over you.
Venerable Sage age must be at least old, can only be taken at the 1st level Age no longer plagues you
Vengeance Slot Vengeance Class Feature You learn to naturally channel your hatred into a powerful vengeful attack against your foes without expending your magical energy.
Verdant Mage Animal companion and familiar Combine Druid & Wizard levels for animal companion and familiar
Vermin Binder Knowledge (Nature) 5, Elemental Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Vermin
Vernal Supernatural Linguist Grants the ability to speak with and understand plants.
Versatile Crafter 5 ranks in any Craft skill, Skill Focus in that Craft skill. You have become skilled in seeing and using similarities among different Crafts.
Versatile Craftsman Craft (any) 5 ranks; Skill Focus in chosen craft You are skilled at many types of craft.
Vessel Bullet 1 level in any form of Vessel Magic (e.g., Devout Vessel, Devout Leader) You can create and launch a customizable energy projectile, dealing damage to targets within range.
Vicious Ally You must have an animal companion. Your animal companion is significantly more ferocious than most of its kind, and is willing to fight relentlessly in the face of impending death.
Vicious Feint Intelligence 15, Intimidate +8 ranks, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Master Feint, Aggressive Feint, Any Evil-Alignment. Your Feint is now Alignment-based.
Vigilant You trained your senses.
Vigorous Rage Rage, Con 15 Your will to live is so powerful that wounds slowly close while you rage.
Vile Traitor's Blade Evil alignment, Sneak Attack +3d6 Your sneak attacks gain the evil descriptor and weaken good-aligned foes.
Viscous Grip None Your grip has high viscosity and you are able to grip non-solid objects.
Vital Core CON 16 The character has a strong vitality. Very little can break him down and nothing will keep him out of the fight.
Vitality Psychic Healing
Vitriolic Spell The acid conjured by your spells are so corrosive that it damages creatures that normally have resistance or immunity to acid.
Vivacious Waters Elnade You can use part of your body to create animated objects.
Voluptuous You have big breasts.
Vore Cast-Iron Stomach You can consume other creatures whole.
Vow of Nonviolence, Lesser CHA 13+ Vow of Nonviolence with bonuses
Vow of Nudity Sacred Vow, Cha 15 You have taken a sacred vow never to withhold your beauty from the rest of the world.
Vow of the Martial Lord Any Non-Chaotic
Walk of the Wild, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Walk of the wild (improved) You have developped an empathic link to the wild
Walk of the Wild, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Walk of the wild (lesser) You have developped an empathic link to the wild
Walk of the Wild, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Knowledge (nature) 6 ranks You have developped an empathic link to the wild
Walker Neutral Alignment A Walker has devoted themselves to a cause or deity to embody and serve their ideals. In this they deny themselves the few comforts many adventurers know.
Wall Acrobat Dex 15, climb 12 ranks, 2 movement skill tricks The wall is your playground. Enjoy it
Wall Run Dexterity 17 Your sheer skill and speed allows you to run across vertical platforms and seemingly defy gravity.
Wanderer Endurance. You have no home and wander the land, you are a drifter, a nomad. At home everywhere.
Ward of the Faceless Shz'ther Guardian Your connection with your shz'ther guardian deepens even further, letting you adopt the same frame of mind in battle.
Warlock Punch Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Power Attack, Falcon Punch, ability to speak Common, ability to speak 2 languages. Your character can hit people with amazing force. The punch creates a field of pure malevolence around your fist that is damaging to everything cought in its wake. Your fist is protected from this malevolence but it is harmful to others around you.
Warped Ears Aberration blood, One other aberrant feat Your ears become strange and warped.
Waste Walker You are adept at moving over sand and ice
Water Mage You are skilled at water magic.
Waterbender You have mastery over water.
Waterlogged Plushie You've grown so accustomed to your absorbent qualities that you actually get stronger from being sodden.
Way of the Muscle Strength is a 16+ Strength is key.
Weakening Strike Sneak attack +5d6, BAB +3 This feat lets you substitute sneak attack damage for Dex or Str damage
Weapon Abatement Cha 18. You miraculously avoid the first blow of any weapon.
Weapon Familiar Ability to cast first level spells, must not have a familiar but be able to get one. Not satisfied with an animal familiar, you create one that is more martially minded than most.
Weapon Finesse, RoW
Weapon Focus (TOWW)
Weapon Focus Improved Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1 You are especially good at using a weapon.
Weapon Focus, Variant Proficiency with selected weapon, BAB +1. A variant of the weapon focus feat that our group uses a lot.
Weapon Guard Dexterity 13+, Dodge You are greatly skilled at protecting your weapon in melee.
Weapon Handling Weapon Focus & BAB+1. Your weapon of choice is easier to handle.
Weapon Manipulation Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, BAB +4.
Weapon Mastery (TOWW)
Weapon Material Focus Base Attack Bonus +1 You gain +1 Atk with selected special weapon material
Weapon of Choice Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +2, Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13, Weapon Focus with selected weapon.
You train extensively with one weapon, mastering it to a degree not usually achieved.
Weapon Pact You can bind spirits to your weapon and armor.
Weapon Prodigy Weapon focus with selected weapon
Weapon Specialization (TOWW)
Weapon Superiority (TOWW)
Weave Seelie Spellknot Spellcaster level 1 You can weave a Seelie Spellknot, an alternate single-use spell-completion item.
Weave Unseelie Spellknot Spellcaster level 1 You can weave Unseelie spellknots, an alternate single-use spell-completion item.
Web Mastery Nerubian, Silk Spray feat, Spider Web feat Your Silk Spray and Spider Web feats become more effective.
Webwalker You can walk on webs like a spider.
Wedded to History Must be taken at character creation. Born in the distant past, you enjoy a special insight or posses uncanny abilities that distinguish you from those for whom the time of your birth is a best nothing but a few memories passed down through countless generations
Weighted Fist Proficiency with gauntlets, spiked gauntlets, or other fist weapon, Strength 18 This feat grants a user of gauntlets or other fist-related weapons use of unarmed strike feats and abilities.
Weird Science 6th level, 9+ ranks in Knowledge (Science), Bigger Science "Highly unlikely, but not outside the realm of extreme possibility."
Whimsical Attack Base attack bonus +1 You attack in an unorthodox and bizzare way, preferring to use extravagant moves instead of precise ones.
Whip attack Weapon Specialization (Whip), Greater Weapon Focus (Whip), Base attack bonus +10 You become adept at whipping those who move under the reach of your whip.
Whip Focus Weapon Proficiency: Whip, Dex 16 You are very skilled with the technical aspects of using a whip
Whip Grapple/Trip Dex 14, Weapon Proficiency(Whip) Can trip and grapple with using whip
Whirl of the Wind, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Whirl of the Wind(improved) Who says two on one is an unfair fight? It’s completely fair... for the victor
Whirl of the Wind, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Whirl of the Wind(lesser) Who says two on one is an unfair fight? It’s completely fair... for the victor
Whirl of the Wind, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3, Jump 6 ranks Who says two on one is an unfair fight? It’s completely fair... for the victor
Whirling Feint Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Improved Feint, base attack bonus +8, Bluff 10 ranks. You can feint all opponents in your reach at once.
Whirlwind Attack (TOWW)
Whispers of the Otherworld Character Level 4 You have learned the tricks of torturing a soul past the veil of life, and into the shadow of death.
White Mage Wisdom 13 Grants several spell like abilities to moogles.
Wicked Whirl, Greater Greater Gemini Dance, Wicked Whirl(improved) Your ways are cruel, but you will leave none in your path
Wicked Whirl, Improved Improved Gemini Dance, Wicked Whirl(lesser) Your ways are cruel, but you will leave none in your path
Wicked Whirl, Lesser Gemini Dance, BAB +3 Your ways are cruel, but you will leave none in your path
Widen Aura Marshal level 1st, Cha 13 You have extensive experience in large scale battles. As such, you can project your Marshal Auras to a wider area.
Widen Aura of Unluck Aura of Unluck You can protect others with your Aura of Unluck.
Widen Talent Psychic Ability, Wis 13+. You can affect a radius with a single use of a psychic skill.
Wild Binder Knowledge (Nature) 5, Outsider Binding Class Feature Allows a Binder to bind Fey.
Wild Born Wisdom 15, Dexterity 13 Due to a life dedicated to hunting and stalking, you gain bonuses to skills when in rural or wild areas.
Wild Form (3.5 Feat)
Wild Fusion Animal Companion class feature, Wis 18. Wild Fusion allows the user to lose the your animal companion to become one with your animal.
Wild Leadership Character level 6th, druid, ranger or spirit shaman level 1st, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks Your unbending devotion to nature is inspiring to those who follow you.
Wild Magic Student Iron Will, Spellcraft 1 rank. You are able to cause wild surges in your arcane spells.
Wild Metamagic Wild Shape, any two metamagic feats. You can channel the wild power of nature that flows around you into your magic, allowing you to pay the cost of metamagic feats by spending uses of your Wild Shape ability.
Wild Protection Druid, Wild Shape 4/day Your skill with your weapon is growing and so is your weapon
Wild Psionics Ability to manifest level 5 powers. You can force your psionics to go wild.
Wild Touch Use Magic Device Rank 8 You gain limited control over magic items that grant random effects
Wild West Proficiency with firearms, Character level of 8+. Embody the Wild West and enjoy called shots just like a cowboy should!
Wildborn Blood 1st level Shifter only, and you must have the Beast Heir template. Your mixture of magical beast and lycanthropic blood makes you supernaturally wise and physically gifted while shifting.
Will to Live Cha 13, Great Fortitude Your Cha replaces your Con for determining the bonus to your Fortitude saves.
Will to Move Will save higher than Reflex save Replace Reflex save Modifier with Will save Modifier
Willful Reflexes Wisdom 15 Your experience allows to to easier avoid danger.
Wind Mage You are skilled at air spells.
Wing Buffet Dragon creature type, Wing Attack The wing attack generates an effect similar to gust of wind spell.
Winged Defence Wings, Flight Speed Strong Wings can be used as shields
Winged Wonder Use of the Super or Sinister supplemental mechanic, Can only be taken at Character Creation The Winged Wonder origin feat grants the super hero the power of flight.
Wings of Evil Character level 5. You have sinister bat-like wings growing from your back.
Wingstorm Dragon, flyspeed 20+, Hover, Power Attack, Size Large+, Str 13+ You flatten targets with blasts of air from your wings.
Wise Life <Int 13, Wis 18> <Use Wisdom Modifier in place of Intelligence Modifier checks, abilities, skills, etc>
Wise One Ability to cast 1st level spells, Wisdom 15. There are those in this world with a natural connection with the magic forces that criss-cross underneath reality. These powerful individuals tend to be incrediblly calm, and incrediblly wise.
Wishsong Perform(sing) 13 ranks Your songs can changes reality.
Witcher Dexterity 13, Constitution 15, Wisdom 15 Witchers are humans who have been taken in as kids, mutated via an alchemical process and subjected to harsh trials to make them better monster hunters.
Wizard Progeny spellcaster abilities <!-A short summary of the feat-> stacking spellcasters levels
Wizard's Grace Int 13, ability to cast 1st level arcane spells. The tricky hand gestures that are an integral part of your spellcasting have helped you to improve other skills.
Wondrous Rings Character Level 8th, Craft Wondrous Item You gain the ability to craft rings.
Woodland Survivalist Must be from Volare, Indus, or Tirasus. Alternatively, must be Kerani. You have lived your life hunting among the trees, and have thus become rather capable.
Woodsman Profession (Hunter) 2 Ranks You are a professional hunter and all-around woodsman
Woodsprite Flight Woodsprite, Endurance, 9 ranks in Jump You have strengthed your wings and have unlocked the secrets of flight.
Woodwise Must have grown up in deep woodland territory. You are trained in fighting in woodlands and know how to use the terrain to best advantage.
Word Focus Know at least one spell word The save DC's of some of your spells are increased.
Word of Truth 1st level only. You have learned the secret of utterances.
Words of Cancelling The Countering Words class feature You can counter other people's spells with words more efficiently
Wordsmith you are good at words.
Wra'sh Blood Native to an area of heavy marshlands Resistance to poison and disease; immunity to some diseases
Wra'sh Ghost Hunter Wra'sh Blood feat, Dark Wood Walker feat You are a Ghost Hunter, you learnt the secret art of Wras'sh Witch Hunter and you are now able to hit even Ghost.
Wra'sh Necromancer Wra'sh Blood feat, Dark Wood Walker, Apprentice Necromancer feat Your mastery of the dark art and your tutelage in Wra'sh granted you very powerful dark powers.
Wrappings of the Ages Character Level 8 The ancient secrets by which unlife can be sustained in mummification have been unearthed.
Writhing Teeth Medusa (race) Your crown of snakes is more potent than normal...
Wushu Improved Unarmed Strike, Wisdom +13, Base Attack Bonus +6 You are trained in Wushu, a fighting art that improves your ability to fight unarmed.
Yang Combat Focus Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike Your Combat Focus training enhanced your offensive Ki powers.
Yin Combat Focus Wis 13, Combat Focus, Wisdom bonus to AC Your Combat Focus training enhanced your defensive Ki powers.
Yin Yang Style Flurry of Blows You can rush out in a mighty flurry or hold back to concentrate all energy on a powerful punch.
Zen Archery
Zen Defense Wis 13 +Wis on AC in some circumstances
Zen Fencing Dex 15, Wis 13, Weapon Finesse, Sense Motive 5 ranks, BAB +3. You use your knowledge of sentient nature to improve your fencing.
Zen Reflexes Wis 15, Wis bonus to AC, Zen Archery CW Use your Wisdom instead of dexterity for reflex save and dexterity-based skill check.
Zen Swordsmanship +4 Attack bonus, Weapon Focus (any sword), Wisdom 13 or higher Your take the art of swordsmanship with a serene and zen mind.
Zen Warrior
Zero Style Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes You can make a powerful counter against melee attacks.
Zonder Force Host Zonder Core, 3rd level. The power of the Zonder awaiten inside of you, granting you supernatural powers.
Zonder Link Host Zonder Core, 12th level Your Zonder Core links you to the Zonder Collective, giving you powers at the price of your sanity. The voices of other Zonders and something worse haunt you.
Zonder Madness Host Zonder Core, 6th level The Zonder Core inside of your body starts to corrupt your mind, a bane and a boon.
Zonder Sense Host Zonder Core The Zonder Core allows you to see through the Deep Fog, and sense other Zonders.
Æther Weapon Focus (Any Weapon), Str 15, Wis 13
  1. Eberron Campaign Setting
  2. Eberron Campaign Setting
  3. Complete Arcane