Sharingan (3.5e Feat)

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An active Sharingan.

Sharingan [General]

You have inherited the vast visual powers hidden deep in your family's blood.
Prerequisite: This feat may only be taken at 1st level, CON 14.
Benefit: This is a scaling feat that improves with your HD.

When activated this feat increases your visual capabilities further, growing in power as you grow more powerful. The Sharingan may be activated as a free action for up to 1 minute per HD per day; this duration need not be used all at once and may be broken up as you wish. The Sharingan places a strain on your body's systems; exhausting the full maxumim duration will cause you to suffer from blurred vision (-2 to attack rolls, spot and search checks) for one hour; you also become fatigued. When active, the irises of your eyes turn blood red and have three curved teardrop-shapped black markings spaced evenly around the pupil.

All the following abilities of the Sharingan stack. All abilities marked as passive do not require your Sharingan to be activated.

  • Level 1: You have a +2 dodge bonus AC. Passively, you have a passive +1 insight bonus to initiative.
  • Level 3: You gain a gaze attack once per round that dazes (WILL save) one target for 1 round; successive gaze attacks on the same target provide a stacking +2 bonus on the save and immunity to mind-affecting effects apply. Passsively, your initiative bonus increases to +2.
  • Level 7: You gain an additional +2 dodge bonus to AC and when fighting an invisivble opponent you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however.
  • Level 15: Your iterative attacks do not suffer a reduction in BAB. Passively, you gain a +1 damage insight bonus with melee attacks.
Special: You cannot have this feat together with the Byakugan, Narugan or Jiraigan feats.

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