Super Saiyan 4 (3.5e Feat)

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Super Saiyan 4 [Racial]

Harness the primal power of the legendary Super Saiyan 4 form, achieving unprecedented levels of strength and resilience.
Prerequisite: 3 Prestige, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race with tail, Character level 400
Benefit: You can enter the Super Saiyan 4 state as an action that takes 1 turn to complete, gaining the following benefits:

- A 800x boost to all ability scores.

- Gain temporary hit points equal to 80x the Constitution modifier.

- When you run out of temporary hit points you will de transform

- The duration of the Super Saiyan 4 state is 1 minute per 10 character levels after 400.

- After the Super Saiyan 4 state ends, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion.

- There is a 1-hour cooldown before you can enter the Super Saiyan 4 state again.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - While in the Super Saiyan 4 state, your movement speed increases by 40 feet and you gain advantage on all saving throws.

- You grow about 2 feet in height during the transformation.

Normal: Without this feat, you cannot access the Super Saiyan 4 state.
Special: You must be a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan with a tail to take this feat.

    • description=When you activate the Super Saiyan 4 state, your transformation reaches new heights. Crimson fur covers your body, showcasing your muscles and head. Your hair becomes wilder and lengthens, reaching down to the middle of your back, with two long pointed bangs appearing on both sides of your neck. The shadow trim around your eyes and eyelids takes on a crimson hue. The aura loses the arcs of electricity, resembling a regular Super Saiyan's smooth aura, often depicted as reddish with a small yellowish glow and sparks of bioelectricity in various video games. In this form, you become considerably larger in height and muscularity, growing about 2 feet taller, akin to the transformation seen in GT, such as Vegeta's transformation back to a smaller size after the time limit ends.

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