Form of Death (3.5e Feat)

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Form Of Death [General]

This ability grants you access to the **Form of Death**, allowing you to take on a skeletal, rotting form with specific benefits and drawbacks.
Prerequisite: Evil or neutral alignment
Benefit: You can use the **Form of Death** ability, entering a rotting skeletal form for 24 hours. Each time you use this ability, you take 1d6 hit points of damage at the start. While in this form, you gain immunity to slashing And piercing damage, and all Death Abilities, but you take double damage from all divine damage and Double Fire related Damage. You can function without a head, but if you are beheaded, you take a -10 penalty to all rolls and deal half damage.

If you do not have at least 3 levels in Vessel Magic or related classes, the cost increases to 3d6 hit points, and the duration is halved (12 hours). You do not need to know Vessel Magic to use this ability, but your usage is limited to half of what it would normally be (round down).

Upon the form's end, you take 1d10 necrotic damage if you have training in Vessel Magic. If you do not, the damage increases to 2d10. You can cancel this form at any moment as a free action, but doing so inflicts 1d12 necrotic damage.
Normal: Without this ability, characters cannot assume the **Form of Death** or access its benefits and drawbacks.
Special: This ability can only be used if your alignment is evil or neutral.

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