Metamoran Fusion (3.5e Feat)

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Metamoran Fusion [General]

Perform the Fusion Dance to merge with another character temporarily.
Prerequisite: Character level 50
Benefit: You can perform the Fusion Dance with another character once per day. To initiate the Fusion Dance, both players must have this feat and succeed on a Reflex saving throw. The DC for the saving throw is 10 + your own Reflex modifier. If the saving throw fails, the fusion attempt fails, and both characters become a failed fusion for 15 minutes.

If the saving throw succeeds, both characters become fused for 30 minutes. During this time, the fused character gains the following benefits and drawbacks:

- Their health pools are combined and then doubled, and the total is imported as temporary hit points.

- Their ability scores are combined.

- Their movement speed is based on the faster of the two characters.

- Their appearance may change to reflect the fusion.

While fused, the player in control of the fusion is determined by mutual agreement or by rolling a Will saving throw against the other player's Will saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is 10 + the other player's Will modifier.

Players can change who is in control of the fusion at any time by succeeding on a Will saving throw or by the other player willingly relinquishing control.

At the end of the fusion's duration, both characters defuse, and their health pools and ability scores return to their original values. Each character gains 3 levels of exhaustion.

If the fusion reaches 0 hit points before the duration ends, it immediately defuses, and both characters are knocked unconscious At half Health.
Normal: Without this feat, characters cannot perform the Fusion Dance.

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