Full Power Super Saiyan (3.5e Feat)

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Full Power Super Saiyan [Racial]

This feat grants you a more powerful form with a ki cost reduction
Prerequisite: 12th level Saiyan, Unlocked Saiyan Transformation, Remaining in the Super Saiyan transformation for one whole week continuously, while eating sleeping, playing, fighting, etc.
Benefit: When you transform into the base Super Saiyan transformation, the cost of the transformation is halved, and you pay only 1 ki point to sustain the transformation for each minute there after. In addition, you are not as emotionally tense and angry as a normal Super Saiyan, meaning you can think more clearly and rationally, in essence, you always retain your normal personality while transformed in all subsequent versions of the Super Saiyan transformation.
Normal: You cannot altar the bonuses provided by the base Super Saiyan transformation without turning into a Super Saiyan 2.
Special: If the Saiyan loses enough of their ki pool that they revert to their natural state, even if only for 1 second of 1 round, then they must begin their week over again.

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