Convert Spell to Power (3.5e Feat)

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Convert Spell to Power [Background]

Your psionic mind dominates even your would-be arcane talent.
Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st level
Benefit: You convert levels of arcane spellcasting into manifesting as a psion with a discipline of your choice. If your arcane casting uses an ability other than Intelligence, you may choose to use that ability for your manifesting. You may take levels in classes that progress arcane spellcasting, but they may only advance the manifesting you gained from this feat. Any feats or class abilities that applied to spellcasting must be converted into their psionic equivalent. For example, classes that grant additional spells known instead grant powers known and classes that grant an ability requiring you to expend spell slots instead cost power points of an equivalent level power.
Special: Unlike a normal psion you may choose spells as a discipline. This functions as the Convert Spell to Power erudite ability, except you must select any spells as powers known as normal for a psion. You cannot use this feat with theurgic psionic or arcane progressions to gain manifesting levels more quickly. You may take this as a trait or flaw instead. If you do, you may never gain levels in a divine spellcasting class.

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