Improved Masterwork (3.5e Feat)

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Improved Masterwork [General]

Improved Masterwork allows high DC Craft checks to improve weapons and armors with benefits greater than a simple +1 to attack or a reduction in armor check penalty. Some of the abilities are near magical, but all are ultimately mundane. Below is a list of possible effects, each added effect adds to the traditional DC 20 to create masterwork weapons or armor.
Prerequisite: Craft 4 ranks.
Benefit: Able to add additional non-magical benefits to weapons upon creation.
Normal: A masterwork weapon only gives +1 to attack, and masterwork armor only gives -1 to armor check penalties.

Unless stated, the benefits of various masterwork qualities do not stack. That is, you can't have two Lightweights for 50% weight reduction, or the like. You can apply multiple different effects, provided you can make the new DC.

Table: Improved Masterwork Weapons
Name DC Cost Effect Price
Brutal +5 +1 to damage. Does not stack with enchantment bonuses. 500
Lightweight +15 Weapon is 25% lighter. Stacks with mithril. 500
Durable +5 Extra 10 hp and 5 hardness to weapon. 500
Defending +5 +1 Shield Bonus when used defensively, +2 for two handed weapons. 500
Hooked +5 +2 to Disarm checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. 500
Buster +5 +2 to Sunder checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. 500
Counterweight +5 +2 to Trip checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. 500
Concealable +5 +2 to Sleight of Hand checks to hide weapon, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. 500
Charging +5 +1 to attack bonus from charging. 500
Gripped +5 +2 against Disarm checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. 500
Sturdy +5 +2 against Sunder checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. 500
Twinned +5 When wielding a particular weapon chosen at creation (say an improved masterwork knife paired with a longsword), the improved masterworked weapon's attack penalty is 1 less when used in two weapon fighting (no less than 0 penalty). 500
Favored +15 Choose a favored enemy as per a Ranger, and gain a +1 to attack and damage against that enemy, stacks with Ranger's favored enemy. 1000
Jagged +15 On a natural 20, weapon gets stuck in the enemy and requires a DC 15 Str check to remove (move action). Removal deals critical hit damage again. 1000
Raging +15 Deals an extra +2 damage when raging. 1000
Mighty Critical +15 Deal an extra 1d6 damage on a critical hit. 1000
Table: Improved Masterwork Ammunition
Name DC Cost Effect Price
Brutal +5 +1 to damage. Does not stack with enchantment bonuses. 500
Lightweight +5 Ammunition is 25% lighter and travels 25% further (Example: Lightweight arrows fired from a short bow have range increments of 75 instead of 60). Weight reduction stacks with mithril. Range increase stacks with anything that would increase range. 500
Durable +5 Extra 10 hp and 5 hardness to ammunition. Ammunition that hits it's target has only a 50% chance of being destroyed or rendered useless rather than always being destroyed. 500
Aerodynamic +5 Ammunition travels 75% further (Example: Aerodynamic arrows fired from a short bow have range increments of 105 instead of 60). Range increase stacks with anything that would increase range. 500
Favored +15 Choose a favored enemy as per a Ranger, and gain a +1 to attack and damage against that enemy, stacks with Ranger's favored enemy. 1000
Mighty Critical +15 Deal an extra 1d6 damage on a critical hit. 1000
Table: Improved Masterwork Armors
Name DC Cost Effect Price
Comfortable +5 You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. Heavy armor given this effect requires a DC 20 Fort save or become fatigued. 500
Lightweight +5 Armor is 25% lighter. Stacks with mithril. 500
Quiet +5 +1 to Move Silently checks. 500
Camo +5 +1 to Hide checks. 500
Riders +5 +1 to Ride checks. 500
Unstoppable +5 +2 to Overrun checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. 500
Pusher +5 +2 to Bull Rush checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. 500
Stylish +5 +1 to social skill checks while wearing this armor. 500
Roadblock +5 +2 against Overrun checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. 500
Unmoving +5 +2 against Bull Rush checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. 500
Footsteady +5 +2 against Trip checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. 500
Poor Grip +5 +2 against Grapple checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. 500
Swimmers +5 +1 to Swim checks. 500
Lesser Crash +5 Ignore the first 10 ft. of fall damage. 500
Buffering +15 Gain DR 1/-. Stacks with adamantine qualities. 1000
Free Movement +15 Reduce the armor check penalty by 1 again. 1000
Protective +15 AC bonus raises by +1. 1000
Crash +15 Ignore the first 30 ft. of fall damage. 1000
Dodging +15 When using the Dodge feat, the dodge bonus is +2 instead of +1. 1000

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