Super Saiyan Grade 2 & 3(3.5e Feat)

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Super Saiyan Grade 2 and 3 [Racial]

Achieve enhanced Super Saiyan states with greater power but reduced speed and agility.
Prerequisite: Super Saiyan feat, Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 60
Benefit: You can enter the Super Saiyan Grade 2 or Super Saiyan Grade 3 state as a swift action, gaining the following benefits:
    • Super Saiyan Grade 2**:
 - 3x To melle and unarmed damage
 - You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level
 - The duration of the Super Saiyan Grade 2 state is 30 Seconds, 5 Turns per 15 character levels after level 55.
 - Your speed is reduced by 5 feet
 - After the Super Saiyan Grade 2 state ends, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.
 - There is a 1-hour cooldown before you can enter the Super Saiyan Grade 2 state again.
    • Super Saiyan Grade 3**:
 - 4x To unarmed and melle
 - You gain temporary hit points equal to 3x your Level.
 - The duration of the Super Saiyan Grade 3 state is 30 Seconds, 5 Turns per 15 character levels after level 55.
 - Your speed is reduced by Half, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws.
 - After the Super Saiyan Grade 3 state ends, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion.
- There is a 2-hour cooldown before you can enter the Super Saiyan Grade 3 state again.
Normal: Without this feat, you cannot access the Super Saiyan Grade 2 or Grade 3 states.
Special: You must possess the Super Saiyan feat and be a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan to take this feat.


When you activate the Super Saiyan Grade 2 state, your muscles bulk up noticeably more than the standard Super Saiyan form, and your aura intensifies. Your strength and resilience are significantly enhanced, but your speed and agility are slightly compromised.

Upon entering the Super Saiyan Grade 3 state, your muscle mass increases dramatically, giving you immense power but severely reducing your speed and agility. Your aura becomes even more pronounced, and your ki emits an overwhelming force. While in this form, you are a powerhouse of destruction, though your movements are considerably slower.


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