Fixated (3.5e Feat)

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Fixated [General]

You gain the ability to apply your Favored Enemy bonuses onto three skills that would not normally benefit from Favored Enemy.
Prerequisite: Favored Enemy, Foe Hunter, or Grudge 1 skill rank
Benefit: This feat allows you to apply your Favored Enemy bonuses to skills that would not normally benefit from Favored Enemy, Foe Hunter, or Grudge. This may be taken as a fighter bonus feat as long as the prerequisites are met.
Normal: A character that has the Favored Enemy feat gains an additional +2 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks as well as +2 to damage.
Special: You may apply your +2 Favored Enemy skill bonus to any three skills that would not normally benefit from the feat whether or not they are class skills. This does not mean that you acquire those skills as a class feature; cross class penalties still apply; however, as long as you have at least one rank in any skill, you may list that skill as one that is benefited by Favored Enemy. This feat must be taken again when a new Favored Enemy is acquired.

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