Kaioken X2 (3.5e Feat)

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Kaioken x2 [General]

Unlock the potential of the Kaioken technique, increasing your power for a short burst.
Prerequisite: Character level 5
Benefit: You can activate the Kaioken x2 as a bonus action, gaining the following benefits:
 - Drains hit points equal to half your character level per turn (rounded down).
 - Increases damage dealt by half your character level (rounded down).
 - Your movement speed is increased by 10 feet.
 - The duration of Kaioken x2 is 1 minute (10 rounds).
 - After the duration ends, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion. Every 10 character levels beyond level 5, the exhaustion penalty is reduced by 1 (minimum 0).
 - You can combine Kaioken x2 with any other transformation or form, doubling the exhaustion gained and halving the duration for both effects.
- Kaioken x2 can last for an additional minute for every 5 character levels beyond level 5.
Special: This feat represents your character's ability to harness the Kaioken x2 technique, temporarily boosting their physical abilities at the cost of physical strain. The combination with other forms allows for more powerful but riskier transformations.
    • description=
Harnessing the Kaioken x2 technique, your character can temporarily boost their physical abilities. Activating this form as a bonus action increases all ability scores by +2 and movement speed by 10 feet. The strain of this transformation results in 2 levels of exhaustion once it ends, but every 10 character levels beyond level 10 reduces the exhaustion by 1. Combining Kaioken x2 with other transformations doubles the exhaustion gained and halves the duration of both effects. With increasing character levels, the duration of Kaioken x2 can extend further, providing sustained power boosts.

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