God Form (3.5e Feat)

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God Form [Racial]

Attain the divine God Form, unlocking extraordinary strength and refinement.
Prerequisite: 5 Prestige, Character level 600, At least one other being with 5 prestige (for the ritual version)
Benefit: You can enter the God Form as an action that takes 3 turns to complete, gaining the following benefits:

- A 4000x boost to all ability scores.

- Gain temporary hit points equal to 400x the Constitution modifier.

- When you run out of temporary hit points you will de transform

- The duration of the God Form is 1 minute per 5 character levels after 500.

- After the God Form ends, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

- There is a 1-hour cooldown before you can enter the God Form again.

- While in the God Form, your hair turns pinkish-red, and you emanate a fiery aura. Your appearance becomes more refined and toned.

Additionally: - After the first use of the God Form, you gain a small amount of God Ki permanently. - You gain 1 free prestige, and you gain all the benefits and stats associated with it. - If you gain 7 prestiges, you can freely enter the God Form without the need for the ritual. The transformation becomes a free action, taking 0 turns.

Ritual Requirements: - A God Ritual with at least one other being is required to unlock this feat. - The entire party can be included in the ritual.

Normal: Without this feat, you cannot access the God Form.
Special: This feat can be taken by any race.
    • description=When you activate the God Form, your transformation is marked by a change in hair color to a pinkish-red hue, accompanied by a fiery aura. Unlike the bulkier transformations, the God Form refines your appearance, toning your muscles and giving you a more sophisticated and less brutish look. This form represents the pinnacle of power, combining immense strength with a polished and elegant demeanor.

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