Spellfire Wielder (Balanced)
Spellfire Wielder (Balanced) [General]
Absorption: As a readied action, you can absorb the next spell that would affect you as a rod of absorption, the spell levels of the absorbed spell add directly to your spellfire energy pool. If you would absorb spell levels exceeding your maximum spellfire pool, the excess spell levels absorbed are discharged as a burst of harmless light. In addition, if you would use a spell, or spell like ability, instead of its usual effect, you may have its equivalent spell level be added directly to your spellfire energy pool.
Release: As a standard action, she may expend these spellfire energy levels as a ranged touch attack (maximum range 400 feet), dealing 1d6 points of spellfire damage per level expended (Reflex half DC 20). Spellfire damage is half fire damage and half raw magical power, just like the damage of a flame strike spell is half fire and half divine energy. Creatures with immunity, resistance, or protection against fire apply these effects to half the damage. All creatures adjacent to the target creature make a reflex save (DC 10 + spell levels expended + Constitution modifier)
Healing: A spellfire wielder can also heal a target by touch, restoring 2 hit points per spellfire charge expended for this purpose.
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