Vow of the Martial Lord (3.5e Feat)

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Vow of the Martial Lord [General]

This feat needs a summary
Prerequisite: Any Non-Chaotic
Benefit: +4 vs all spell and spell-like effects to include psionic, SR=11+ CL, and a +4 to touch AC
Special: The practice of forsaking the personal use of any spellcasting or psionic casting ability, exceptions on the following: Special abilities on weapons and Armor that are passive, such as flame, shock etc. etc., or enhancements to ability scores or skills. This Vow is not broken if a companion has casted a buff or healed you by a psionic or magical means. If you have willingly or was compelled by some means to break this vow, knowingly or unknowingly, then a full weeks' time un interrupted must be spent near a great source of the element chosen (or meditation by means of null), and or by means of the spell atonement, depending on severity.

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