Combat Presence (3.5e Feat)

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Combat Presence [General, Fighter]

Your skill at arms strikes fear into the hearts of your foes.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +6, Cha 13+, Intimidate skill.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make an Intimidate check against all foes within 30'. Your Intimidate check is opposed by each target's modified level check (1d20 + character level/HD + Wisdom bonus [if any] + modifiers to saves against fear). If you beat a target's check result, that foe is shaken for 1d6 rounds. You can intimidate only opponents that can see you, and you can only use this feat once per encounter.
Normal: As a standard action, you can make an Intimidate check against one target, opposed by their modified level check (see above). If you win, the target becomes shaken for 1 round. You can intimidate only an opponent that you threaten in melee combat and that can see you.

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