Super Duper High Schooler (3.5e Feat)

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<!-Super Duper High Schooler-> [<!-Archetype Feat->]

<!-Your the best around and no one can do what you do better.-
Benefit: See below
Special: You never stop qualifying for this feat.
   1 HD: Choose a skil, this is now considered a class skill for all your classes.
   3 HD: Chosen skill gains a +1 bonus in all instances of it's use.
   5 HD: Chosen skill's bonus is increased to +3
   7 HD: Chosen skill's bonus is increased to +5.
   9 HD:  Chosen skill's bonus is increased to +6.
  15 HD: Chosen skill's bonus is increased to +10 and all instances of success are treated as critical successes

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