Jive of Jealousy, Greater (3.5e Feat)

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Jive of Jealousy, Greater [Dance Style]

You prefer to use your dances to toy with the feelings of others
Prerequisite: Greater Gemini Dance, Jive of Jealousy (improved)
Benefit: A Gemini Dancer with this feat has mastered the emotions of others. Once per dance, as a full-round action, provoking attacks of opportunity, she may force all foes within 30' must make a will save or be charmed as the spell. The victim remains under the dancer's command for a number of rounds equal to half the Gemini Dancer's class level. this benefit replaces the imroved dance style benefit.
Normal: Any save DCs are equal to 10 + half the Gemini dancer's class level + her charisma modifier.

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