Double Strike (3.5e Feat)

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Double Strike [General, Fighter]

Your attacks with two weapons are swift enough to be used while moving.
Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting or flurry of blows class feature, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 6th
Benefit: As a standard action, you can make one attack with both your primary and secondary weapons (or with both ends of a double weapon). The penalties for attacking with two weapons apply normally. If you are a monk, you can use your monk level as your base attack bonus when making these attacks (as when using flurry of blows).
Normal: You can only attack with two weapons when using a full-attack action. Monks only use their level for their base attack bonus when using flurry of blows.
Special: If you have the Spring Attack feat, you can use this feat to attack your target once with both your primary and secondary weapons (or with both ends of a double weapon) as part of the full-round action to use the Spring Attack feat. The penalties for attacking with two weapons apply normally. If you are a monk, you can use your monk level as your base attack bonus when making these attacks (as when using flurry of blows) This feat is replaced like the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

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