False Super Saiyan (3.5e Feat)

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I Gave All The Transformations i made a Ranking to make it easier This One Is Ranked 1 Star[edit]

False Super Saiyan[edit]


Prerequisite: Saiyan or Half-Saiyan race, Character level 25[edit]

Benefit: You can tap into the power of the False Super Saiyan state as a swift action, gaining the following benefits:[edit]

- All melee, unarmed, and ki attacks deal an additional Damage Equal To Half Your Level.

- You gain temporary hit points equal to Half Your character level.

- The duration of the False Super Saiyan state is 1 minute (10 rounds), plus 10 Extra Rounds ,1 minute for every 10 character levels beyond level 25.

- After the False Super Saiyan state ends, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.

- There is a 1-hour cooldown before you can enter the False Super Saiyan state again.

Normal: Without this feat, you cannot access the False Super Saiyan state.[edit]

Special: You must be a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan to take this feat.[edit]


When you activate the False Super Saiyan state, your body undergoes a partial transformation. Your hair straightens and gains a red tint due to the reflection of the yellow aura on your black hair. There is no considerable change in your facial features other than a slight yellow hue to your skin. Additionally, your base ki color changes to a radiant yellow when in this form.


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