Immunity Bypass Suppression (3.5e Feat)

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Immunity Bypass Suppression [Epic feat (General)]

You are both immune to something and can bypass others immunities yet, this very thing your immune to can get bypassed by others? Not exactly anymore.
Prerequisite: Must be immune to something and be able to bypass immunities of the same kind.
Benefit: Choose the effect that you are both able to by immune to yet also bypass other immunities with. When hit by an Effect of the same kind, instead, you are treated as having twice your resistance to that something.


 Alex the Barbarian is immune to fear effects but can also bypass others immunities to fear. He also has a Will of 24. if hit by an effect that bypasses his immunity to fear, the fear bypass is negated and Alex gets to will save for 1d20+48 instead of 1d20+24. 
 Jasmine is an Ooze. An Ooze can't get hit by crits(normally). Jasmine has a means to hit others who are also immune to crits and treats crit immunities as 1/2 or less protection to crits. if jasmine is hit by something that would bypasses her crit immunity, the following outcomes will happen: A.) If the effect treats her crit immunity as half, roll a 1d4. If the roll lands high, drop the crit by -x1 (a 19-20x3 crit range attack is now 19-20x2) and Jasmine is protected against 4/5ths of the crit damage rounding down. if the 1d4 rolls low, the crit only gets effected by the ladder. B.) Jasmine is hit by an ability that bypasses all crit immunity. This bypass immunity effect is more potent than Jasmines as hers treats crit immunities as 1/2. Roll a 1d4 to to decide the outcome. If it lands high, Jasmine treats total crit immunity bypass as 1/2 crit immunity bypass. If the 1d4 rolls low Jasmin treats total immunity bypass as 3/4ths crit immunity bypass instead.   

normal:Immunities block what they are protecting the character from and Immunity bypass effects strait up ignore immunities.

special: This feat can be taken once more than once. However, you must choose at the start of the day which Immunity Bypass Suppression you want to have active. You cannot have two Immunity Bypass Suppressions active at the same day or same battle. If there is a loop hole found to ignore the special rules, Immunity Bypass Suppression's are disabled.

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