5e Artifacts

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Artifacts, Featured and Quality

These artifacts have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Artifact Type Subtype


Artifact Type Subtype
117 Armor plate
5e Artifact Weapons
A Normal Wooden Sword Weapon shortsword
Adamantine Bow Weapon longbow
Adamantine Dragon Wondrous Item
Adaption Wondrous item
Aegis Armor Shield
Aerondight Weapon Longsword
Akmon, Hammer of Purphoros
Alice's Vorpal Sword Wondrous item longsword
Almace Weapon dagger
Alondite & Ragnell Weapon greatsword
Amulet of Entomancy Wondrous Item necklace
Amulet of Never-ending Radiance Wondrous item
Amulet of Storms Wondrous Item Amulet
Ao’s Heart Wondrous Item Orb
Apocalypse Weapon maul
Archmagus Manipulators Wondrous Item gauntlets
Areadbhar Weapon spear
Argus Amulet Wondrous Item necklace
Armor of Nessus Armor plate
Armor of Thrynn Armor Full Plate
Artificer; Permanent Infusion By Zetsubokaten Wondrous Item
Ashak-Tal, the Crown of Undeath Wondrous item
Ashen Armor Armor breastplate
Ashen Armor, Variant Armor breastplate
Astral Dragonsphire Wondrous Item
Atherial Blade Weapon any sword
Automated Gloves Armor gloves
Awakened Endrian Blade Weapon all martial weapons
Axe of the Minotaur Kings Weapon greataxe
Baalphegor's Black Band Ring
Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle Wondrous Item
Bagpipes of Piarais Weapon bagpipes
Bane of the Immortals Weapon +4 Longbow
Banner of the Barrows Wondrous Item
Battle Helmet of the Battle-Ox King, Variant Wondrous Item
Belmont Whip Weapon whip
Berserk's Armor Armor Heavy armor
Black Band of Iron Blood Wondrous Item ring
Black Blade Weapon
Blade of Io Weapon Longsword
Blade of Mortals Weapon Arming Sword (5e Equipment)
Blade of R'lyeh Weapon rapier
Blade of Tathagata Weapon longsword
Blade of the Moon weapon longsword
Blade of the Void Walker Weapon shortsword
Blades of the Samurai Weapon katana and shortsword
Blair Wondrous Item Pendant
Blessing of the Hunt Weapon longbow
Blood-Ink Tattoos Wondrous item
Bloodfall Weapon scythe
Bloodspear Weapon Spear
Book of Divine Science Wondrous Item Bludgeoning
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Secrets Wondrous Item
Book of Souls Wondrous Item
Book of the Five Rings Wondrous Item
Bow of Balance Weapon shortbow
Bracer of the Holy Pact Artifact Bracer
BrennenYn Weapon longbow
Brilliant Fang Weapon longsword
Brynhildr Weapon Wondrous item
Cackling Cauldron Wondrous Item
Cadmus Weapon Dagger
Calamity Wondrous Item ring
Calandil, Variant Weapon shortsword
Caliburn, The Sword of Selection Weapon longsword
Cataclysm Ring
Champion's Lance Weapon lance
Charge Accumulator Wondrous item
Chariot of Fire Vehicle
Chronal Core Equipment
Chronotronic Obelisk Structure
Circlet of Light Wondrous Item helmet
Clarent Weapon longsword
Claws of hades Weapon Claws
Clerici Clypeus Armor shield
Cloak of Destiny Wondrous Item
Cloak of Kewil Wondrous Item
Cloak of the Bear Wondrous Item cloak
Cloak of the Gentle Breeze Wondrous Item cloak
Cloak of the Witch Queen Wondrous Item
Cobra Crown Wondrous item circlet/crown
Coffin of True Resurrection Wondrous Item Coffin
Coin of Erbin Wondrous Item Ring
Coinmail Tunic Armor Tunic
Cooling Temper Wondrous item
Crown of Zorin Wondrous Item
Crystal of Rage Wondrous Item Arcane Focus
Cube of the Indestructible Wondrous Item
Cypherion Weapon Dual Longswords
D100 of Unfathomable Power Wondrous item
Dagger of High-Elven Lords Weapon Dagger
Dagger of Memories Weapon dagger
Dark-Spider Armor Chitin Armor
David Wondrous Item
Dawnbringer of the Aasimar Weapon longsword
Dawnlance Ammunition arrow
Death's Scythe Weapon scythe
Death's Whisper, Quiet in the Howling Void Weapon longbow
Death’s Fowl Oath, Quiet in The Eternal Void Weapon longsword
Dec's Benevolence Weapon
Dekella, Bident of Thassa
Demonclaw Weapon greatsword
Destroyer Armor Armor plate
Deus Aquis Wondrous Item natural
Diabolus ex Nihilo Weapon longsword
Divine Beast Vah Medoh Vehicle
Divine Carapace Armor Chain Mail
Divine Falchion Weapon longsword
DM’s Pencil Wondrous Item wand
Donnonodrion's Glove Wondrous Item
Draco Callidus Weapon greataxe
Draconomicon Wondrous Item Book
Dragon Ball Wondrous item
Dragon Boots Wondrous Item Boots
Dragon Claws Wondrous Item Gauntlet
Dragon Fang Weapon Longsword
Dragon Helm Wondrous Item Helmet
Dragon Kusarigama Weapon kusarigama
Dragon Mantle Wondrous Item Cloak
Dragon Rider's Bond Weapon longsword
Dragon Scales Armor Scale Mail
Dragon Slayer Blade Weapon any slashing or piercing damage based melee weapon
Dragon's Tear Wondrous Item
Dragonborn Hammer Weapon warhammer
Dragonslayer Weapon greatsword
Dragonslayer, Variant Weapon Slabsword
Draught of Swarming Vice Potion
Dread Plate Armor plate
Drevolt Weapon poleaxe
Duel Pistols Weapon flintlock pistol
Duplicate Amulet Wondrous Item Necklace
Effigy of Averages wondrous item dice
Egidas Armor Shield
Eisenbrand Weapon Longsword
Elder Wand Wand
Eleutheria, The Chainbreaker Weapon shortbow
Endrian Armor Armor studded leather, half-plate, and plate
Engrave Sword Weapon +2 Longsword
Ephixis, Bow of Nylea
Equalleum Vehicle
Eternal Mind Blade Weapon Sword
Everance Armor plate
Everbloom Staff Wondrous Item Staff
Excalibur Weapon longsword
Eye of Horus Weapon hand crossbow
Eye of Jormungandr Wondrous Item
Eye of the Dark Star Wondrous item
Eyepatch of Truesight Wondrous Item Eyepatch
Farasis, Crystal Pendant Pendant
Fate Changer Weapon Longsword
Faust Wondrous Item Glove
Feathered Edge Katana Weapon katana
Ferra's Journal Wondrous Item
Feuer and Sturm Weapon shortswords
Fey Flute Wondrous Item flute
FoeRazer Weapon Short sword
Forgekeeper's Hammer Weapon warhammer
Fortia Spear Weapon spear
Frostspeaker Weapon scythe
Fujin Yumi Weapon longbow
Fused Shadow Wondrous item
Gae Bolg Weapon spear
Gauntlet of Leeches Wondrous Item
Gauntlet of the Lightbearer Wondrous item
Gem of Javamak Wondrous item
Ghal-Maraz Weapon warhammer
Giagus Weapon battleaxe
Giant Knight's Ring Ring
Gilt Ruin Weapon longsword
Gladius Ignis Weapon Katana (5e Equipment)
Glove of Eldritch Division Wondrous Item Clothing
Glove of the Arch-Magi Wondrous Item
Godslayer Weapon Any melee
Goggles of Cute Armor Goggles
Golden Reverie Weapon greatsword
Goldenor, Vanquisher of Kings Weapon Greatsword
Gonne Weapon
Gorehowl Weapon battleaxe or greataxe
Grand King Armor Armor plate
Grand Kings Armor Armor plate
Grand Mistake Wondrous Item
Grandmaster Bear Armor Armor Heavy
Grandmaster Wolf Armor Armor Medium
Great Master's Glaive Weapon glaive
Greataxe of Half-Orcs Weapon Greataxe
Green Serpent Weapon Glaive
Grovetender Staff Weapon Quarterstaff
Gáe Bulg Weapon spear
Hakurouken Weapon scimitar
Halley's Comet Bow Weapon longbow
Hallowed Defender Armor shield
Hama no Tsurugi Weapon greatsword
Hammer of the Gemcutter Weapon light hammer
Hammer of the Lightbringer Weapon Warhammer or Maul
Hammer of Torrak Weapon maul
Hand of Midas Wondrous item
Hand of the Mountain Weapon Maul
Hands of the Sculptor Wondrous item
Harvest Bringer Ring
Hate Bolt Ammunition crossbolt
Haven the Iron Harbinger Weapon glaive
Helena's Nail Wondrous item
Helion Weapon quarterstaff
Hellnight Weapon Bladed Whip
Helm of Marcellus Wondrous item Helm
His Broken Hands Wondrous Item prosthetic
Holy Night Weapon glaive
Holy Swords of Eredor Weapon Short Swords
Horn of Beckoning Wondrous Item
Hummingbird Weapon rapier
Ice Breaker Weapon Sniper Rifle
Idol of Hedonism wondrous item bottle
Idol of Knowledge Wondrous Item
Ikonor's Ring of Power Ring
Incursio Armor plate
Infernal Blade of the Tiefling Weapon Longsword
Infernion Weapon greatsword
Infinity Weapon Longsword
Infinity Quiver Wondrous item
Inquisitor’s Armor Armor Plate
Ioun Gauntlet Wondrous Item
Irritatio Ultimo Wondrous Item
Jigoku No Soko No Ha Weapon okatana (A katana with a longer blade- use the stats of a longsword).
Judgement's Sting Wondrous Item
Judgement's Sting, Variant Weapon longsword
Junketsu Armor Clothing
Karsus's Power Crystal Wondrous item focus
Katana of the Unseen Weapon Katana
Keenfire Weapon martial, greataxe
Kerra's Book Wondrous Item
Khrusor, Spear of Heliod
Kiriel's Heart Wondrous Item
Knightfall Weapon Battle Staff
Kokorowatari Weapon katana
Laminated Vest Armor plate
Lathander's Spark Armor plate
Leviathan Weapon battleaxe
Leviathan, Final Form Weapon longsword
Lilith's Power Rod Weapon rod
Lily's Longbow Weapon longbow
Living Lightning Armor Plate
Lolth's Kiss Armor breastplate
Longbow of Wood-Elf Lords Weapon Longbow
Longsword of Humanity Weapon longsword
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Wondrous item
Lovers Quarrel Ring
Luciendar Weapon Greatsword
Macrowave Weapon
Magnum Opus Wondrous Item
Majora's Mask Wondrous item
Mantle of the Minotaur Kings Wondrous Item
Manual of an Iron Guard Wondrous Item
Master Sword Weapon longsword or shortsword
Masterpiece of the Smiths Weapon captain's sword
Mastix, Whip of Erebos
Maw of the Damned Weapon greataxe
Mea Culpa, The Sword of The Father Weapon Longsword
Mechronomicon Wondrous Item
Mentalurgy Wondrous item
Merchant's Promissory Note Wondrous Item
Mercyblade Weapon dagger
Metal Hand of The Broken God ) Hand replacement
Metamoran Stone Tablet Wondrous Item
Mikhail's Judgement Wondrous Item Amulet
Mindsplitter Weapon maul
Mirror of Doom Wondrous Item
Mithral Bear Wondrous Item
Mjolnir Weapon light hammer
Mjölnir Weapon light hammer
Monado Weapon longsword
Monolith Wondrous Item
Moon Shard Blade Weapon any martial sword
Morphing Armor Armor clothes
Mortal Blade Sekiro Weapon longsword
Mysterious Skull Artifact Relic
Nanocarbon Sword Weapon any sword that deals slashing damage
Necrolight Wondrous Item Cloak
Nether Scroll of Physiologia Vacus Scroll
Nether Scroll of Vox Arcanum Scroll
Nethuqualm Weapon Greatsword
Ninjas of Ice Book: The Art of Fridjitzu Book
Nituros Infinitus weapon longsword
Nox Weapon scythe
Nullian's Mageslayer Weapon Short or Long Bow
Numerology Stone; Multiply, Divide or Multiples of 3 Wondrous Item
Numerology Stone; squared Wondrous Item
Obsidian Greatsword Weapon greatsword
Ocarina of Time Wondrous item
Ocram's Razor Summoning item
Oculus Staff Wondrous Item staff
Officina angelica et daemones Wondrous item Eldritch Machine
Oghma Infinium Wondrous item
Omni Haft Weapon Shapeshifter
Omnissiah's Gift Weapon longbow, longsword or dagger
Omnitrix Wondrous Item
One Channel Radio Wondrous Item
Orb of Chimera Wondrous Item
Orb of Limits Wondrous Item
Orb of Magic Focus Wondrous Item
Orb of Nature Wondrous Item
Outbreak Prime Weapon Rifle, Automatic (5e Equipment)
Pack Alpha's Token Wondrous Item amulet
Paradox Watch Wondrous Item
Patchwork Dagger Weapon dagger
Pendant of Syranita Wondrous Item
Perfected Oculus Wondrous Item
Philosopher's Stone Wondrous Item
Philosophy's Mutation Wondrous Item
Pinewood's Blood Wondrous Item druidic focus
Planeshift Swords Weapon Shortswords
Plate of More Hall Armor plate
Potara Earrings, Variant Wondrous Item
Potion of Animation Potion
Primordial Staff Staff
Prism Blade Weapon Greatsword
Quarr's Magnifying Glass Wondrous Item Magnifying glass
Rael's Heart Wondrous Item arcane focus
Raijinto Weapon longsword
Reap and Sow, Etchers of the Ancient Void Weapon dagger
Reaper's Toll, Token of the Infinite Void Weapon longsword
Riftscar, Sword of Refracted Planes Weapon longsword
Ring of Arminian Wondrous Item ring
Ring of Envy Ring
Ring of Gluttony Ring
Ring of Single Speech Ring
Ring of Solomon Ring
Ring of Stars Ring
Ring of Summer ring
Ring of the Arch-Magi Wondrous Item
Ring of the Eternal Ice Age Ring any ring
Ring of the Flame Lord Ring
Ring of the Lycanthrope Ring
Ring of the Silent Rogue Ring any ring
Ring of Total Elemental Command Ring
Rings of the Arch-Heretic ring
Rings of the Archlich Wondrous Item
Riptide (Anaklusmos) Weapon Short Sword
Robe of Shadows Armor robe
Robe of the Abyss Wondrous item
Robes of the Fallen Wondrous Item
Rod of Mass Destruction Rod
Rod of Seven Parts Rod
Roukanken Weapon katana
Royal Moonblade Weapon any sword
Ruby Rod of Asmodeus Rod
Ryūjin Jakka Weapon katana
Scale Spear Weapon Spear
Scarf of Knowledge Wondrous item
Scarovon's scoprion rings. Ring
Scribbled Journal Wondrous Item Spell Book
Scythe of Nerull Weapon Scythe
Sea Seeker Weapon cutlass
Senketsu, 2nd Variant Armor Clothing
Senketsu, Variant Armor Clothing
Serpintine Staff
Shade and Shine Weapon Shortswords or Scimitars
Shadow Dragon Armor Armor light armor, hide, or scale mail
Shadow's Gloves Wondrous Item
Shadowcarver Weapon saber
Shadowrender Weapon greatsword
Shard of Radiance Weapon dagger
Shardblade Weapon longsword
Shatterstar Weapon Morningstar
Shield of the Dragon Hunter Armor shield
Shield of the Eternal Guardian shield heavy shield
Shield of the Phoenix Knight Armor shield
Sigmar's Fury Weapon warhammer
Signet Ring of Supreme Spell Storage Ring
Silvan Court Bow Weapon longbow
Sinblade Weapon Any Sword
Singularity of the Astral Plane Wondrous item
Sixth Heart of Yaldabaoth Wondrous item
Slayer Weapon greatsword
Sliver of Midnight Weapon Shortsword
Snakeheart Weapon longsword
Solar's Blessing Wondrous Item talisman
Soul Edge Weapon any weapon
Soul of Darkness Weapon shortsword
Spawning Shard Wondrous Item
Spine of the Unkillable Wondrous Item
Spiritus Weapon quarterstaff/greatscythe
Staff of All Power Weapon staff
Staff of Ra Weapon heavy glaive
Staff of Samhain Staff
Staff of Shayde Weapon quarterstaff
Staff of the Arch Magus Weapon Quarterstaff
Staff of the Forgotten Star Staff
Staff of the Spirit Guide Wondrous Item Quarterstaff
Star Dreamer Weapon Dual Great-Scythe
Starlight Staff Weapon special
Stone of Sizing Wondrous item
Summersong Platemail Armor plate
Sun Drop Weapon Handaxe (5e Equipment)
Sunforged Crown Wondrous Item
Svalinn Armor shield
Sword of Annihilation Weapon shortsword
Sword of Bahamut Weapon longsword
Sword of Mastery Weapon longsword
Sword of Seven Virtues Weapon greatsword
Sword of the Stone, Excalibur Weapon longsword
Sword of the Stranger Weapon Longsword
Sword of Woe Weapon longsword
Tail of Jormungandr
Tattoo of Assimilation Wondrous item
Tempest in a Bottle! Wondrous Item
Templar Cross Weapon any sword
Temple of Null Wondrous item
Teresa's Thorn Weapon Greatsword
The 6D Wondrous Item
The Administrator’s Clothes Armor light armor
The Book wondrous item Book
The Boom Book Weapon Spell Book
The Bulwark weapon greatsword
The Chain Veil Armor Helmet
The Cobalt Ward Armor shield
The Death Note Wondrous item notebook
The Desperate Move Vehicle
The Dimensional Blade Weapon Longsword
The Djinn’s Chalice Wondrous Item
The DM’s Pen Weapon dagger
The Dwarven Crown of Kings Wondrous item
The Eye of Lucifer Wondrous Item
The First Hero’s Sword Weapon Greatsword
The Forest Lord's Branch Weapon Quarterstaff
The Four Sword Weapon shortsword
The Fracture weapon maul
The Giants Fury Wondrous Item Gauntlets
The Givers Mask Wondrous Item
The Glaive of Elune Weapon Warglaive
The Godhunt Glaive Weapon Glaive
The Hilt of Many Blades Weapon any sword
The Hyper YEET Cannon Weapon cannon
The Infinite Shadow Wondrous Item
The Last Prism Wondrous item
The Last Word Weapon Handgun
The Mortal Blade Weapon longsword
The Necronomicon Wondrous Item spellbook
The Oculus Weapon Captain's sword
The Pipes of Fionnghall Musical Instrument Bagpipes
The Quiver of Infinity Wondrous Item
The Red Club Weapon club
The Ring of Dimensional Rifts Ring
The Ring of Iron Shadows Wondrous Item ring
The Sentinel's Hatred Wondrous item
The Shaed of Shadows Armor cloak
The Silencer Weapon Longbow
The Slayer of Kings Weapon greatsword
The Spellblade of Fire Weapon Greatsword
The Spellblade of Lightning Weapon Rapier
The Sworde of the Wynde and Sea Weapon longsword
The Taco Bell Wondrous Item
The Tyranny of Evil Armor plate
The Uno Cards Wondrous Item
The Vibe Glasses Wondrous Item Sunglasses
The Void Mirror Wondrous Item
The Weapon of Pure War Weapon
Thorn Weapon S&W 500
Throne of Want Wondrous Item
Thunderbolt weapon spear
Titanbane Weapon greatsword
Titan’s Gauntlet Weapon Gauntlet
Tome of Forgotten Knowledge Wondrous Item
Tome of Moon and Stars Wondrous Item spell book
Tome of the Roaring Ocean Wondrous item
Tome of the Searing Flame Wondrous item
Tome of the Tearing Gale Wondrous item
Tome of the Unending Expanse Wondrous item
Tome of the Unrelenting Earth Wondrous item
Tome of the Vanguards Guild Wondrous Item
Torms Shield Armor shield
Totuus Wondrous Item
Trident of the Tidal Shaper Weapon Trident
Tyrfing Weapon broadsword
Umber Spear Weapon spear
Uno Reverse Card Wondrous Item Card
Valkyrie's Pride Weapon greatsword
Vex Mythoclast Weapon Gun
Void Blade Weapon Greatsword
Voidherald's Mantle Wondrous item
Vorinthar, The Blood Lord’s Ring Wondrous Item ring
Wand of Altus Wondrous Item wand
Wayfinder Wondrous Item
Whisper Blade Weapon dagger
Wraps of Lendys Wondrous Item
Wraps of Zenith Wondrous item
Wrath of Dol Arrah Wondrous Item Orb
Wretched Impaler Weapon Spear
Wyrmeater’s Crook Staff
Yahron's Bowgun Weapon longbow
Yin & Yang Weapon dual shortswords
Yumewatari Weapon katana
Zaden's Fury Artifact Longbow
Zafkiel Wondrous Item
Zezzet Deck Weapon Deck of Tarot
Ümkar Weapon warhammer

Incomplete Artifacts

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