Gorehowl (5e Equipment)
Weapon (battleaxe or greataxe), artifact (requires attunement by a barbarian or a fighter) Gorehowl was forged three generations before Grommash inherited it. Grommash's great-grandfather used Gorehowl to kill six legendary Gronn. Their hearts were sealed into the blade, granting it untold strength. When Golmash Hellscream, the father of Grom, was locked in the jaws of a giant Gronn, he found the strength to stab Gorehowl into the gronn's eye and kill it alongside him. When they fell, it was the gronn who died first. Magic Weapon. Gorehowl is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The axe also functions as a scimitar of speed and a sword of sharpness. The Orcish Warrior. If you are an orc or a half orc attuned to the axe, you gain the following benefits:
Giant's Slayer. While you are attuned to this weapon, you deal extra dice damage when you make an attack against a giant. When you roll a 20 on an attack made with this weapon against a giant, the giant must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or die. Orcish Heritage. This weapon is famous among the orcs as an unreplaceable artifict, and the orcs will see to it that the weapon is wielded only by orcs and orcish hands. If this weapon is wielded by a non orc and was either saw or heard of by orcs, then wielder will be hunted by orcs as long is he is wielding it. Terror. One action to spin Gorehowl ferociously producing a terrifying sound. All creatures within 50ft must make a dc15 con save or have disadvantage on attack and saving throws for 1d4 turns
![]() The legondary Gorehowl, by daniel Chavez, Source |
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