5e Artifact Weapons

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Artifact Weapons, Featured and Quality[edit]

These artifact weapons have been vetted through the Featured Articles or Quality Articles process and are suitable for any normal campaign.

Artifact Type Subtype

Artifact Weapons[edit]

Artifact Type Subtype
A Normal Wooden Sword Weapon shortsword
Adamantine Bow Weapon longbow
Aerondight Weapon Longsword
Akmon, Hammer of Purphoros
Almace Weapon dagger
Alondite & Ragnell Weapon greatsword
Apocalypse Weapon maul
Areadbhar Weapon spear
Atherial Blade Weapon any sword
Awakened Endrian Blade Weapon all martial weapons
Axe of the Minotaur Kings Weapon greataxe
Bagpipes of Piarais Weapon bagpipes
Bane of the Immortals Weapon +4 Longbow
Belmont Whip Weapon whip
Black Blade Weapon
Blade of Io Weapon Longsword
Blade of Mortals Weapon Arming Sword (5e Equipment)
Blade of R'lyeh Weapon rapier
Blade of Tathagata Weapon longsword
Blade of the Moon weapon longsword
Blade of the Void Walker Weapon shortsword
Blades of the Samurai Weapon katana and shortsword
Blessing of the Hunt Weapon longbow
Bloodfall Weapon scythe
Bloodspear Weapon Spear
Bow of Balance Weapon shortbow
BrennenYn Weapon longbow
Brilliant Fang Weapon longsword
Brynhildr Weapon Wondrous item
Cadmus Weapon Dagger
Calandil, Variant Weapon shortsword
Caliburn, The Sword of Selection Weapon longsword
Champion's Lance Weapon lance
Clarent Weapon longsword
Claws of hades Weapon Claws
Cypherion Weapon Dual Longswords
Dagger of High-Elven Lords Weapon Dagger
Dagger of Memories Weapon dagger
Dawnbringer of the Aasimar Weapon longsword
Death's Scythe Weapon scythe
Death's Whisper, Quiet in the Howling Void Weapon longbow
Death’s Fowl Oath, Quiet in The Eternal Void Weapon longsword
Dec's Benevolence Weapon
Dekella, Bident of Thassa
Demonclaw Weapon greatsword
Diabolus ex Nihilo Weapon longsword
Divine Falchion Weapon longsword
Draco Callidus Weapon greataxe
Dragon Fang Weapon Longsword
Dragon Kusarigama Weapon kusarigama
Dragon Rider's Bond Weapon longsword
Dragon Slayer Blade Weapon any slashing or piercing damage based melee weapon
Dragonborn Hammer Weapon warhammer
Dragonslayer Weapon greatsword
Dragonslayer, Variant Weapon Slabsword
Drevolt Weapon poleaxe
Duel Pistols Weapon flintlock pistol
Eisenbrand Weapon Longsword
Eleutheria, The Chainbreaker Weapon shortbow
Engrave Sword Weapon +2 Longsword
Ephixis, Bow of Nylea
Eternal Mind Blade Weapon Sword
Excalibur Weapon longsword
Eye of Horus Weapon hand crossbow
Fate Changer Weapon Longsword
Feathered Edge Katana Weapon katana
Feuer and Sturm Weapon shortswords
FoeRazer Weapon Short sword
Forgekeeper's Hammer Weapon warhammer
Fortia Spear Weapon spear
Frostspeaker Weapon scythe
Fujin Yumi Weapon longbow
Gae Bolg Weapon spear
Ghal-Maraz Weapon warhammer
Giagus Weapon battleaxe
Gilt Ruin Weapon longsword
Gladius Ignis Weapon Katana (5e Equipment)
Godslayer Weapon Any melee
Golden Reverie Weapon greatsword
Goldenor, Vanquisher of Kings Weapon Greatsword
Gonne Weapon
Gorehowl Weapon battleaxe or greataxe
Great Master's Glaive Weapon glaive
Greataxe of Half-Orcs Weapon Greataxe
Green Serpent Weapon Glaive
Grovetender Staff Weapon Quarterstaff
Gáe Bulg Weapon spear
Hakurouken Weapon scimitar
Halley's Comet Bow Weapon longbow
Hama no Tsurugi Weapon greatsword
Hammer of the Gemcutter Weapon light hammer
Hammer of the Lightbringer Weapon Warhammer or Maul
Hammer of Torrak Weapon maul
Hand of the Mountain Weapon Maul
Haven the Iron Harbinger Weapon glaive
Helion Weapon quarterstaff
Hellnight Weapon Bladed Whip
Holy Night Weapon glaive
Holy Swords of Eredor Weapon Short Swords
Hummingbird Weapon rapier
Ice Breaker Weapon Sniper Rifle
Infernal Blade of the Tiefling Weapon Longsword
Infernion Weapon greatsword
Infinity Weapon Longsword
Jigoku No Soko No Ha Weapon okatana (A katana with a longer blade- use the stats of a longsword).
Judgement's Sting, Variant Weapon longsword
Katana of the Unseen Weapon Katana
Keenfire Weapon martial, greataxe
Khrusor, Spear of Heliod
Knightfall Weapon Battle Staff
Kokorowatari Weapon katana
Leviathan Weapon battleaxe
Leviathan, Final Form Weapon longsword
Lilith's Power Rod Weapon rod
Lily's Longbow Weapon longbow
Longbow of Wood-Elf Lords Weapon Longbow
Longsword of Humanity Weapon longsword
Luciendar Weapon Greatsword
Macrowave Weapon
Master Sword Weapon longsword or shortsword
Masterpiece of the Smiths Weapon captain's sword
Mastix, Whip of Erebos
Maw of the Damned Weapon greataxe
Mea Culpa, The Sword of The Father Weapon Longsword
Mercyblade Weapon dagger
Mindsplitter Weapon maul
Mjolnir Weapon light hammer
Mjölnir Weapon light hammer
Monado Weapon longsword
Moon Shard Blade Weapon any martial sword
Mortal Blade Sekiro Weapon longsword
Nanocarbon Sword Weapon any sword that deals slashing damage
Nethuqualm Weapon Greatsword
Nituros Infinitus weapon longsword
Nox Weapon scythe
Nullian's Mageslayer Weapon Short or Long Bow
Obsidian Greatsword Weapon greatsword
Omni Haft Weapon Shapeshifter
Omnissiah's Gift Weapon longbow, longsword or dagger
Outbreak Prime Weapon Rifle, Automatic (5e Equipment)
Patchwork Dagger Weapon dagger
Planeshift Swords Weapon Shortswords
Primordial Staff Staff
Prism Blade Weapon Greatsword
Raijinto Weapon longsword
Reap and Sow, Etchers of the Ancient Void Weapon dagger
Reaper's Toll, Token of the Infinite Void Weapon longsword
Riftscar, Sword of Refracted Planes Weapon longsword
Riptide (Anaklusmos) Weapon Short Sword
Roukanken Weapon katana
Royal Moonblade Weapon any sword
Ryūjin Jakka Weapon katana
Scale Spear Weapon Spear
Scythe of Nerull Weapon Scythe
Sea Seeker Weapon cutlass
Shade and Shine Weapon Shortswords or Scimitars
Shadowcarver Weapon saber
Shadowrender Weapon greatsword
Shard of Radiance Weapon dagger
Shardblade Weapon longsword
Shatterstar Weapon Morningstar
Sigmar's Fury Weapon warhammer
Silvan Court Bow Weapon longbow
Sinblade Weapon Any Sword
Slayer Weapon greatsword
Sliver of Midnight Weapon Shortsword
Snakeheart Weapon longsword
Soul Edge Weapon any weapon
Soul of Darkness Weapon shortsword
Spiritus Weapon quarterstaff/greatscythe
Staff of All Power Weapon staff
Staff of Ra Weapon heavy glaive
Staff of Shayde Weapon quarterstaff
Staff of the Arch Magus Weapon Quarterstaff
Star Dreamer Weapon Dual Great-Scythe
Starlight Staff Weapon special
Sun Drop Weapon Handaxe (5e Equipment)
Sword of Annihilation Weapon shortsword
Sword of Bahamut Weapon longsword
Sword of Mastery Weapon longsword
Sword of Seven Virtues Weapon greatsword
Sword of the Stone, Excalibur Weapon longsword
Sword of the Stranger Weapon Longsword
Sword of Woe Weapon longsword
Templar Cross Weapon any sword
Teresa's Thorn Weapon Greatsword
The Boom Book Weapon Spell Book
The Bulwark weapon greatsword
The Dimensional Blade Weapon Longsword
The DM’s Pen Weapon dagger
The First Hero’s Sword Weapon Greatsword
The Forest Lord's Branch Weapon Quarterstaff
The Four Sword Weapon shortsword
The Fracture weapon maul
The Glaive of Elune Weapon Warglaive
The Godhunt Glaive Weapon Glaive
The Hilt of Many Blades Weapon any sword
The Hyper YEET Cannon Weapon cannon
The Last Word Weapon Handgun
The Mortal Blade Weapon longsword
The Oculus Weapon Captain's sword
The Red Club Weapon club
The Silencer Weapon Longbow
The Slayer of Kings Weapon greatsword
The Spellblade of Fire Weapon Greatsword
The Spellblade of Lightning Weapon Rapier
The Sworde of the Wynde and Sea Weapon longsword
The Weapon of Pure War Weapon
Thorn Weapon S&W 500
Thunderbolt weapon spear
Titanbane Weapon greatsword
Titan’s Gauntlet Weapon Gauntlet
Trident of the Tidal Shaper Weapon Trident
Tyrfing Weapon broadsword
Umber Spear Weapon spear
Valkyrie's Pride Weapon greatsword
Vex Mythoclast Weapon Gun
Void Blade Weapon Greatsword
Whisper Blade Weapon dagger
Wretched Impaler Weapon Spear
Yahron's Bowgun Weapon longbow
Yin & Yang Weapon dual shortswords
Yumewatari Weapon katana
Zezzet Deck Weapon Deck of Tarot
Ümkar Weapon warhammer

Incomplete Artifact Weapons[edit]

Pages with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.