Metal Hand of The Broken God (5e Equipment))

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Metal Hand of The Broken God[edit]

Hand replacement, artifact (requires attunement by verbal test from the hand (If attunment is failed then the person dies))

The Metal Hand of The Broken God is the severed hand of SCP-001 The Broken God. Since severed the hand has become sentient with a Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma score of all 20.jumped from user too user non having a peaceful end to their lives. While originally belonging to the broken god it hold no connection too it and wishes only to cause death and destruction to those in it's and it's users wake. The hand will also attempt to keep it's user alive (As log as it gets along with it's user) were they to get into danger by casting a umber of healing and beneficial and defensive spells (At the DM's discretion), even occasionally casting resurrection or revivifying spells. However if it's user were to fall out of it's good graces then i would attempt to find a new user as soon as possible even going as far as killing it's current user.

  • 2 minor beneficial properties
  • 1 major beneficial property
  • 2 minor detrimental properties
  • 1 major detrimental property

The metal hand grants the user a plus two to both their Dexterity, Strength and Constitution scores in addition to granting an extra 1d10 force damage on a punch

Spells. The hand has 30 charges. While attached to the user the user can expend charges to cast the following spells the amount of charges used per spell is one charge per level (upcasting means using more charges for the spell) eg. a 4th level spell costs 4 charges (one of each spell per day and only once) (spell save DC 17 with proficiency, +4 to hit) from it; finger of death, desintagration, burning hands, frost fingers,reality break, dark star, teleport, frost harm, imolationh, creation, counterspell, dispel magic,bestow curse, . The hand regains 1d10+5 charges at nightfall and at dawn. Additionally the hand can act as an arcane focus.

Destroying The Metal Hand of The Broken God. The hand can only be destroyed by a wish spell and will re appear in a random spot in the universe and await rediscovery.

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