The Book (5e Equipment)

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wondrous item (Book), artifact (Requires Attunement)

The Book a tome of several books written by those of ancient knowledge. Some call it the Good Book. But most coin the term "Authorized Version" to distinguish it from the Ghostly Guild's fake versions. The Book cannot be copied and does not retain its power if attempted.

  • 4 minor beneficial properties
  • 2 major beneficial properties

Inspired by the Holy Spirit. After reading the Book and digesting its contents, a creature's ability scores are each increased by 2, to a maximum of 22, and it becomes proficient in intelligent and wisdom saving throws and gains advantage on all attack rolls against evil celestials and fiends. The Book also grants the benefits of protection from evil and good permanently but only on celestials and fiends.
Destroying the The Book. A copy of the Book can be destroyed by ordinary means, but the Most High will always ensure that at least some remain to read.

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