Eye of the Dark Star (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)

A black, starry vestige of an eye - a pitch black sphere with a dark star for a pupil. Supposedly the eye of a former God long forgotten, a being that's supposed to be dead from deep within the outer sea - but this eye still holds strength. It sees things. Futures untold, ancient knowledge... anything the holder asks, the eldritch being will answer - for a price.

By holding the eye in between both of your hands, as an action, you can meditate and attempt to form a psychic connection with the eye. Doing so causes the immediate decay of your eye, as this eye magically re-appears where your eye once was, moving on its own. Doing so causes you to take 12d8 psychic damage, leaving you permanently under the effects of the Feeblemind spell if this damage reduces you to 0 hp. When you attune to this artifact, you can try to peer into one of the futures the eye can see, allowing you to use one of the following benefits once:

- You look into one potential future, event, or outcome of any course of action you describe

- You see the location of any being you name and their current actions for up to 1 hour, assuming they aren't completely immune to Divination magic

- You ask any one question you desire, receiving an answer to the best of the Dark Star's ability.

This ability may be used one additional time, causing your other eye to transform in the same fashion if you do. Doing so causes you permanently blinded, only curable with magic equivalent to the wish spell. If using magic to cure your condition, your eyes do not transform back to what they previously were - instead, you can look through the Eye of the Dark Star as if it was your normal eye. When you use it in this way, you take another 12d8 psychic damage.

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