Orb of Magic Focus (5e Equipment)
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The Orb of Magic Focus(I do not own this image) |
Wondrous Item, artifact (Requires Attunement by a magic caster.) History: This orb was made by a kenku druid looking to focus his magic. He used magical bones that he had found and a strange metal that when combinbined gave birth to the Orb of Magic Focus. Personalized Minor Traits: When you attune to this orb you can choose one focus and one minor trait. (you gain another Minor trait at 5th level and another at 8th level.) Orb Focus choices: Nature Focus: Once per short rest you can cast one of the following spells:5e SRD:Entangle, 5e SRD:Animal Friendship, 5e SRD:Longstrider. Healing Focus: You learn the 5e SRD:Spare the Dying cantrip and once per short rest you can cast one of the following spells:5e SRD:Healing Word, 5e SRD:Cure Wounds. Necrotic Focus: You learn the 5e SRD:Chill Touch cantrip and once per short rest you can cast one of the following spells:5e SRD:False Life, 5e SRD:Ray of Sickness. Intelligent Focus: You learn one cantrip of your choice form the wizards spell list and once per short rest you can cast one wizard spell for free. Draconic Focus: You learn one of the following cantrips: 5e SRD:Fire Bolt, 5e SRD:Ray of Frost, 5e SRD:Shocking Grasp, 5e SRD:Acid Splash, 5e SRD:Poison Spray, Thunderclap[1] or Frostbite[2] and once per short rest you can empower you a spell as a free action with elemental energy bassed on what damage your cantrip dose the damage of this ability is 2d4+Spell casting ability modifier. Orb Minor Trait choices: Nature Walker: You cannot be slowed by natural terrain and your movement is increased by 5ft. Nature Caster: Whenever you cast a Druid spell that forces a plant or beast to do a saving throw they roll with disadvantage. Radiant Soul: You are resistant to Radiant damage. Divine Caster: Once per long rest as a bonus action you can deal an extra 2d4+Spell casting ability modifier Radiant damage for that turn whenever you hurt a creature of the evil alinement. Death Watcher: You can sense undead out to 30ft away as a bonus action. (This gives a general direction not the exact placement of the undead.) Necrotic Caster: Once per long rest as a bonus action you can deal an extra 2d4+Spell casting ability modifier Necrotic damage for that turn whenever you hurt a creature of the good alinement. Intelligent Study: You can prepare one extra spell on top of the spells you already have prepared. Genius Caster: you can give your self-advantage on one spell attack once per long rest. Elemental Overcharger: Once per long rest you can ignore one elemental damage resistance on a target for one turn as a free action. Draconic Caster: Once per long rest you can gain resistance to one elemental damage for three turns of combat as a free action. Personalized Major Traits: When you attune to this orb you can choose one of the following Major traits you gain another trait at 8th level and another at 15th level. Orb Major Trait choices: Nature Rebuke: Once per short rest whenever you are struck by an attack you can use your reaction to cast a Druid cantrip or a first level spell that takes one action to cast. Greater Nature Focus: Once per short rest you can cast one of the following spells:5e SRD:Stoneskin, 5e SRD:Dominate Beast, 5e SRD:Hallucinatory Terrain. Empowered Healing: Once per short rest whenever you cast a Healing spell you can use your reaction to empower your next healing spell with an extra 2d4+Spell casting ability modifier of healing. Divine Focus: Once per short rest you can cast one of the following spells:5e SRD:Guardian of Faith, 5e SRD:Death Ward. Soul Snatcher: Once per short rest when you kill a Medium or smaller humanoid you can then use a reaction to cast 5e SRD:Animate Dead for free. (Any creature raised in this manner dies after the combat is finished) Greater Necrotic Focus: Once per short rest you can cast one of the following spell:5e SRD:Blight, 5e SRD:Bestow Curse(Bestow curse is cast at fourth level). Experimental Caster: once per short rest you can change a damage type of a spell to another damage type.(there is one rule to this ability you can only change Physical damage to another physical damage Example: Bludgeoning to Slashing the same rule applies also to elemental damage Example: Fire to cold.) Greater Intelligent Focus: Twice per short rest you can give your self-advantage on Constitution checks and saves to maintain your concentration on spells. Dragon Ability: Once per short rest as a reaction when you take elemental damage you gain resistance to the triggering damage and deal half of the damage to the attacker. Greater Draconic Focus: Once per short rest you can cast one of the following spell:5e SRD:Wall of Fire, 5e SRD:Ice Storm. |
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