Sunforged Crown (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a lawful-aligned creature)

The Sunforged Crown is a radiant golden circlet embedded with a massive solar opal, said to hold the very essence of the sun itself. Crafted from Celestial Gold, an ore that only forms in places touched by divine light, the crown radiates an aura of authority and power. It grants its wearer unparalleled leadership, enhancing their charisma, wisdom, and strategic foresight. In battle, the crown can summon blinding bursts of sunlight, purging darkness and burning those of ill intent. At its peak, the Crown’s Judgement ability calls forth a pillar of searing divine fire, capable of reducing entire armies to ash.

The Sunforged Crown was first worn by King Aldric the Luminary, Valoria’s greatest ruler, who received it as a gift from the Solar Seraphim after proving himself a just and noble king. It became the ultimate symbol of Valorian sovereignty, believed to be a blessing from the gods themselves. Over centuries, it passed through the hands of many rulers, strengthening their wisdom but also testing their hearts. Those who strayed from the path of righteousness found themselves slowly consumed by their own ambition, as the crown’s power is said to burn those unworthy of its grace. Legends whisper that should the crown fall into darkness, it could be turned into a weapon of unimaginable destruction.

  • 3 minor beneficial properties
  • 2 major beneficial properties

Aura of Kingship. Allies within 30 feet have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.

Solar Judgement (Recharge 5-6). As an action, you can summon a beam of divine fire in a 10-foot-wide, 60-foot-long line. Each creature in the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 radiant damage on a failed save or half as much on a success.

Eternal Flame. You are immune to fire and radiant damage and can see through magical darkness within 60 feet.
Destroying the Sunforged Crown. The Sunforged Crown can only be destroyed by extinguishing the celestial fire within it. To do this, it must be taken to the Eclipse Sanctum, a hidden temple deep within the Obsidian Wastes, where no sunlight has touched for millennia. There, under a rare total eclipse, the crown must be submerged in the Void Well, a pool of primordial darkness that negates all divine energy. However, the crown does not surrender easily—before it is destroyed, the spirits of past rulers who once wore it will test the one attempting its destruction, forcing them to confront the burden of leadership and the cost of power. Should they falter, the crown will resist, binding itself to them and ensuring its legacy endures once more.

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