Tattoo of Assimilation (5e Equipment)
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
The Tattoo of Assimilation is spoken of in hushed tones, known only to sages and those who dabble in forbidden magics. Few know its true origin, but there are whispers that it was once created by a group of ancient sorcerers who believed they could transcend mortality by merging their spirits with beings and objects of power. However, many who bore the tattoo over the centuries met dark fates, either consumed by the tattoo's influence or transformed into something barely human, forever seeking strength.
Those who wear the Tattoo of Assimilation walk a fine line between greatness and corruption, drawn ever closer to a fate where they are no longer in control—but they wield power few can even imagine.
The Tattoo of Assimilation
The Tattoo of Assimilation is no ordinary ink; it’s a living artifact, almost sentient in nature. The tattoo is a golden, fluid design that shifts and grows over the wearer's skin in response to their experiences. When dormant, it appears as a series of intricate, swirling patterns, resembling ancient symbols or runes of unknown origin, faintly pulsing as though alive.
This artifact is rumored to have been created by an ancient order of mystics seeking to break the limits of mortal power. To protect their secrets, they bound this potent magic within living ink, a tattoo that could only reach its full potential by assimilating the essence of creatures and items. Legend says the tattoo was passed down among those deemed "worthy" by the artifact itself, but only a few could handle its insatiable demands.
Random Properties. The Tattoo of Assimilation has the following random properties:
- 1 minor beneficial property
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 minor detrimental property
- 1 major detrimental property
Value Increment
You can absorb creatures or items in order to increment your power. For each creature type you can accumulate a total of 100 points. To gain points, you need to absorb the entire body of a creature or 10 items of the same type to gain 1 point. The GM can determine what needs to be absorbed in order to gain a point, to fit to the campaign.
Depending of the type of value increment, you will gain some benefit when you reach a certain amount of points. The benefits are cumulative and permanent.
- 10 points. You gain Darkvision out to 30 ft if you do not already have it.
- 40 points. You can breathe air and water.
- 60 points. You gain an additional 30 ft of Darkvision.
- 80 points. You gain an additional 30 ft of Darkvision.
- 100 points. You can detect any creature within 30 ft of you that has an Intelligence of 3 or higher.
- 10 points. Your movement speed increases by 5 ft.
- 40 points. You may add +2 to Perception and Passive Perception checks.
- 60 points. Your movement speed increases by 10 ft.
- 80 points. Your movement speed increases by 15 ft.
- 100 points. You may add +4 to Perception and Passive Perception checks.
- 10 points. You learn to speak, read and write in Celestial if you cannot already.
- 40 points. Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level.
- 60 points. Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level.
- 80 points. You have advantage on saving throws against magic.
- 100 points. You gain resistance to radiant damage.
- 10 points. You gain resistance to fire damage.
- 40 points. You gain advantage on Deception checks.
- 60 points. You gain +1 fire damage on every attack.
- 80 points. You gain +2 fire damage on every attack.
- 100 points. Increases AC by your Charisma modifier.
- 10 points. You gain resistance to fire damage.
- 40 points. You gain resistance to poison damage.
- 60 points. You gain resistance to cold damage.
- 80 points. You gain resistance to lightning damage.
- 100 points. You gain resistance to thunder damage.
- 10 points. You gain +1 to Charisma saving throws and skill checks.
- 40 points. You gain +1 to Charisma saving throws and skill checks.
- 60 points. You gain +1 to Charisma saving throws and skill checks.
- 80 points. You gain +1 to Charisma saving throws and skill checks.
- 100 points. You gain +1 to Charisma saving throws and skill checks.
- 10 points. You gain +1 AC.
- 40 points. You gain an additional 30 ft of Darkvision.
- 60 points. You gain resistance to poison damage.
- 80 points. You can move through objects and walls. If you stop inside of one, you take 3d10 bludgeoning damage.
- 100 points. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
- 10 points. You gain +1 AC.
- 40 points. You gain advantage on saving checks.
- 60 points. You gain advantage on Charisma based checks.
- 80 points. While below half of your maximum hit points, you gain advantage on attack rolls.
- 100 points. You gain a breath weapon. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy in either a 30 ft line or 15 ft cone, dealing 2d12 of poison, necrotic, fire, cold, thunder(of your choice). You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier before needing a long rest.
- 10 points. You gain proficiency in Medicine. If you already are proficient, you gain expertise.
- 40 points. You can identify the effects of any plant you see.
- 60 points. You gain expertise in Alchemist Supplies.
- 80 points. If you start your turn in direct sunlight, you regain a number of hitpoints equal to your Constitution modifier.
- 100 points. You are immune to poison damage and can't be poisoned.
- 10 points. You gain +2 to your AC, and +2 to damage rolls.
- 40 points. You gain proficiency in Mason's tools, Jeweler's tools and Smith's tools, and you know from sight what every metal, stone or gems is.
- 60 points. You can conjure a Smith's Tools or a pickaxe.
- 80 points. You gain expertise in Mason's tools, Jeweler's tools and Smith's tools, and you now require 1/10 of the efforts and materials to use Mason's tools, Jeweler's tools and Smith's tools.
- 100 points. Your body can be combined with any non-artifact magic item to gain its abilities and/or curses, to a maximum of combined items equal to your proficiency bonus.
Knowledge. Items with important history written within, rare books, not magical scrolls etc.
- 10 points. You gain proficiency in Arcana, if you already have it you double it.
- 40 points. You learn a number of cantrips from any class equal to your Intelligence modifier.
- 60 points. You gain 3 1st level spell slots.
- 80 points. You gain 2 2nd level spell slots.
- 100 points. You gain 1 3rd level spell slot.
- 10 points. You gain +1 damage to every attack and damage roll.
- 40 points. You gain +1 damage to every attack and damage roll.
- 60 points. You gain +1 damage to every attack and damage roll.
- 80 points. You gain +1 damage to every attack and damage roll.
- 100 points. You gain +1 damage to every attack and damage roll.
Arcane. Simple enchanted items, magical scrolls etc.
- 10 points. You gain proficiency in Arcana, if you already have it you double it.
- 40 points. You gain +1 to your spell save DC and spell attack bonus.
- 60 points. You gain +1 to your spell save DC and spell attack bonus.
- 80 points. You gain +1 to your spell save DC and spell attack bonus.
- 100 points. You gain +1 to your spell save DC and spell attack bonus.
- 10 points. You gain proficiency in every Professional's Kit.
- 40 points. You can conjure any Professional's Kit (Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, Gaming Set, Herbalism Kit, Musical Instrument, Navigator's Tools, Poisoner's Kit, Thieves' Tools).
- 60 points. You gain expertise in one Professional's Kit.
- 80 points. You now require 1/10 of the efforts and materials to use your Professional's kit.
- 100 points. Once per long rest, you may choose to use a Professional's Kit or Artisan's Tool without expending resources.
- 10 points. You gain +1 AC.
- 40 points. You gain +1 AC.
- 60 points. You gain +1 AC.
- 80 points. You gain +1 AC.
- 100 points. You are resistant to physical damage.
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