Mea Culpa, The Sword of The Father (5e Equipment)
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Weapon (Longsword), artifact (Requires attunement by a creature with strong religious beliefs and immense guilt)
This sword was created when a woman who believed her sin was too great that some divine punishment must be wrought on her, so she prayed to an idol of her god and slammed it against her chest as she prayed for punishment from the heavens, thrice she asked for some kind of deed or act which to absolve her sins with, thrice she struck her chest with the base of the idol and on the third strike a blade appeared, piercing through her chest from the base of the idol. her bloody body then became stone as to hold the weapon for whomever was chosen by her god to be their champion. Mea Culpa was born that day a weapon made to hold the faith and guilt of entire worlds.
Guilty Blade You gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon and damage dealt by this weapon bypasses any resistances or immunities.
Eternal Penance Your body ceases aging, and you cannot age or de-age by any means. Additionally, you begin regenerating 1d4 hp at the start of your turn, if you lose a limb or other vital organ your regenerated replacement will be made out of wood.
Fervor Whenever you deal damage with this weapon, you gain fervor equal to the damage dealt, which is used for some of the sword's other features. the maximum amount of fervor you can have is 100, this will change as the blade grows in power.
By the Grace As a reaction and 15 fervor you can force a successful attack made against you to miss, for an additional 10 fervor you can automatically pass a saving throw.
Blood Shot As part of an attack action and 10 fervor or hp, you can make a ranged attack with Mea Culpa at a target within a 90-foot range.
Rising Faith As a bonus action, you can spend 20 fervor to launch yourself up to 50ft in the air, you do not trigger attacks of opportunity while moving this way. Hostile Creatures who see you must make a wisdom saving throw DC (10+ level + prof bonus) on fail they have disadvantage on their next saving throw.
Guilty Blade You gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon and damage dealt by this weapon bypasses any resistances or immunities.
Eternal Penance Your body ceases aging, and you cannot age or de-age by any means. Additionally, you begin regenerating 2d6 hp at the start of your turn, if you lose a limb or other vital organ your regenerated replacement will be made out of wood.
Fervor Whenever you deal damage with this weapon, you gain fervor equal to the damage dealt, which is used for some of the sword's other features. the maximum amount of fervor you can have is now 150. As a free action you can spend any number of hit die to restore fervor.
By His Will As a reaction and 15 fervor you can force a successful attack made against you to miss, for an additional 15 fervor you can automatically pass a saving throw if you were to take half damage you take no damage.
Blood Wave As part of an attack action and 15 fervor or hp, you can make a ranged attack with Mea Culpa at a target within a 120-foot range. On hit the attack deals an additional 2d10 damage.
Rising Faith As a bonus action, you can spend 20 fervor to launch yourself up to 50ft in the air, you do not trigger attacks of opportunity while moving this way. Hostile Creatures who see you must make a wisdom saving throw DC (10+ level + prof bonus) on fail they have disadvantage on their next saving throw.
Heaven's Fall As an action, you can spend 30 fervor to strike the ground with a concentrated force of Zeal, creating a shockwave of Blood red energy in a 10-foot radius centered on yourself. All other creatures in this area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
If you use this feature in the air, you shoot downwards at a speed of 120 feet per round, creating the shockwave the moment you hit the ground. While falling, you are incapacitated, and you take no damage upon hitting the ground.
Guilty Blade You gain a +4 to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon and damage dealt by this weapon bypasses any resistances or immunities.
Eternal Penance Your body ceases aging, and you cannot age or de-age by any means. Additionally, you begin regenerating 3d8+proficiency bonus + con modifier hp at the start of your turn, if you lose a limb or other vital organ your regenerated replacement will be made out of wood.
Fervor Whenever you deal damage with this weapon, you gain fervor equal to the damage dealt, which is used for some of the sword's other features. the maximum amount of fervor you can have is now 200. As a free action you can spend any number of hit die to restore fervor.
Lunge As a reaction and 15 fervor you can force a successful attack made against you to miss, for an additional 15 fervor you can automatically pass a saving throw if you were to take half damage you take no damage. For a further additional 5 fervor you may make an attack action as part of the reaction
Blood Scythe As part of an attack action and 20 fervor or hp, you can make a ranged attack with Mea Culpa at a target within a 120-foot range. On hit the attack deals an additional 3d10+proficiency bonus damage.
Rising Faith As a bonus action, you can spend 20 fervor to launch yourself up to 50ft in the air, you do not trigger attacks of opportunity while moving this way. Hostile Creatures who see you must make a wisdom saving throw DC (10+ level + prof bonus) on fail they have disadvantage on their next saving throw.
Heaven's Fall As an action, you can spend 30 fervor to strike the ground with a concentrated force of Zeal, creating a shockwave of Blood red energy in a 10-foot radius centered on yourself. All other creatures in this area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 4d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
If you use this feature in the air, you shoot downwards at a speed of 120 feet per round, creating the shockwave the moment you hit the ground. While falling, you are incapacitated, and you take no damage upon hitting the ground.
Apodictic Heart of Mea Culpa The sword now deals 2d8 slashing damage instead of 1d8}}
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