Wyrmeater’s Crook (5e Equipment)

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Staff, artifact (requires attunement)

This staff seems made of two separate serpents twined around each other across the weapon’s length before coiling out to face opposite directions with draconic heads frozen in savage roars. Each one looks made of different material whose exact shade alters in every change of light. One is shiny and smooth, as if each scale was delicately forged of the most precious metals. One is solid color, as if every groove was perfectly painted upon flawless wood.

Dragon Staff. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While you are holding this staff, you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your spells and you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs. The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d8 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn.

Draconic Spells. You can use an action to expend 0 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following cantrips or spells from it without material components, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: thunderclap (0 charges). You can use Constitution as your spellcasting ability when you cast a spell in this way.
Whenever you participate in slaying a chromatic or metallic dragon, a cantrip or spell option is added to this staff based on the age and color of the dragon. All spell options acquired in this way are lost when another creature attunes to this staff. Refer to the Draconic Spell Table below. Spells in the first row are obtained the first time you slay a dragon of the appropriate age, regardless of color, in addition to the color specific cantrip or spell.

Chromatic Ascension. When it has learned all spell options from Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White dragons, this staff grants you resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning and poison damage.

Metallic Ascension. When it has learned all spell options from Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold, and Silver dragons, this staff grants you advantage on saving throws to avoid or end the incapacitated condition or any condition that would incapacitate you.

Duality Ascension. When this staff gains both Chromatic and Metallic Ascensions, its maximum number of charges increases to 20 and it regains additional expended charges equal to your Constitution modifier daily at dawn.

Destroying the The Wyrmeater's Crook. The Wyrmeater's Crook is destroyed if engulfed in the Breath Weapons of a Chromatic and Metallic Greatwyrm simultaneously. If Chromatic Ascension has been achieved, the Metallic Greatwyrm must be Bahamut. If Metallic Ascension has been achieved, the Chromatic Greatwyrm must be Tiamat.

Draconic Spell Table
Dragon Color/ Age Wyrmling Young Adult Ancient Greatwyrm
Any chromatic orb (1 charge) dragon's breath (2 charges) protection from energy (3 charges) elemental bane (4 charges) summon draconic spirit (5 charges)
Black shape water (0 charges) ray of enfeeblement (2 charges) watery sphere (4 charges) druid grove (6 charges) maddening darkness (8 charges)
Blue mold earth (0 charges) erupting earth (3 charges) storm sphere (4 charges) mirage arcane (7 charges) earthquake (8 charges)
Brass control flames (0 charges) dust devil (2 charges) guardian of faith (4 charges) programmed illusion (6 charges) weird (9 charges)
Bronze thaumaturgy (0 charges) air bubble (2 charges) maelstrom (5 charges) find the path (6 charges) storm of vengeance (9 charges)
Copper hideous laughter (1 charge) spike growth (2 charges) awaken (5 charges) bones of the earth (6 charges) time stop (9 charges)
Gold charm person (1 charge) tongues (3 charges) dream (5 charges) crown of stars (7 charges) power word heal (9 charges)
Green druidcraft (0 charges) plant growth (3 charges) wrath of nature (5 charges) wall of thorns (6 charges) maze (8 charges)
Red command (1 charge) Ashardalon's stride (3 charges) immolation (5 charges) fire storm (7 charges) incendiary cloud (8 charges)
Silver prestidigitation (0 charges) fly (3 charges) hold monster (5 charges) whirlwind (7 charges) control weather (8 charges)
White gust (0 charges) warding wind (2 charges) ice storm (4 charges) wall of ice (6 charges) feeblemind (8 charges)
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