Eye of Horus (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (hand crossbow), artifact (requires attunement by a lawful creature)

A powerful hand crossbow imbued with the divine powers of Horus. It is lighter than other hand crossbows, made from an unknown black material similar to obsidian and features gold inlayed lines as decoration along the handle which shape the symbol of Horus at the back of it.
You gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls with this weapon, and the damage type is radiant.

Vengeful Eye. As an Action you can place a mark on a creature within 120 feet of you that you are aware of that has caused damage to a creature that is either your ally or at least neutral to you. While a creature is marked this way they have no way of concealing their presence from you by any means short of a divine intervention. Additionally, a creature that is marked has vulnerability to all damage dealt by this crosssbow.
The mark appears as the symbol of Horus appearing on their forearm as if tattoed there disappearing once the mark is removed.
You can have only one such creature marked at a time and the mark persists either until you dispel it (no action required) or the creature dies, effects that can remove curses or dispel magic can also cause this mark to vanish if they are cast at 8th level or higher.

Mark of Judgement. If a target marked with the Vengeful Eye feature tries to perform any action that could cause the mark to be placed on them they are forced to make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or feel a searing pain where the mark is placed causing them to automatically fail that action and take 1d6 psychic and 1d6 radiant damage and causing the mark burn into their flesh to be visible even when the magical bond of the mark is already removed.

Unyielding Vigilance. When attuned to this crossbow, you gain immunity to the blinded condition and your vision cannot be impeded by darkness or weather conditions both natural and magical out to a range of 120 feet, additionally, yoy gain expertise in Perception, Insight, and Investigation.

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