5e Cleric Spells

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Cleric Spells

0-Level Spells

  • Cantillate Your voice become sweet and angelical, enhanced by magic.
  • Dreaming Tide
  • Vitality A creature you touch is imbued with a virtuous cause, strengthening their resolve.
  • Air Cushion Creates a blast of air to negate fall damage
  • Almighty Strike You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centered on you.
  • Aura Sphere
  • Blast You create a blast of pure destructive force.
  • Blast Cantrip Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of cantrips.
  • Blazer You cover your sword in volatile flames that propell you into the air to strike an airborne opponent or drag one off the ground, but its flames strike back at you if you miss.
  • Blazing Counterstrike Counter an attack with a fiery strike
  • Boreal Strike Your weapon emanates a misty cold aura of subtle and scintillating colors, freezing all in its path.
  • Brutal Blade Just hit extra hard with your weapon
  • Chord You pluck at the strings which hold the fabric of time, causing ripples to form in space and resonate forward.
  • Cleanse Wound A cantrip that provides minor healing for individual injuries.
  • Consecrate Strike Imbue your weapon with radiant energy as you strike.
  • Corroding Strike You enhance your next attack with Acidic energy.
  • Divine Arcane Attraction A cantrip to pull folks closer.
  • Divine Strike You enhance your next attack with radiant energy.
  • Double-Edge Dance You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes.
  • Double-Edge Dance, Variant You unleash a quick slash of fire which as you progress in strength, results in a series of fiery slashes.
  • Earthen Onslaught, Dagger
  • Earthen Onslaught, Handaxe
  • Earthen Onslaught, Mace
  • Earthen Onslaught, Quarterstaff
  • Ebb And Flow, Dagger
  • Ebb And Flow, Handaxe
  • Ebb And Flow, Mace
  • Ebb And Flow, Quarterstaff
  • Ember Strike You infuse your weapon with the embers of a fire, then strike as it bursts into flame.
  • Fiery Disengage A spell allowing you to rapidly escape in an burst of flame.
  • Final Stroke The fury of the tranquil, wielded only as a last resort.
  • Flare Blade There is a burning sensation near the hilt of your sword as you prepare to cast this spell. It grows as you hold and channel the spell up your blade until it is almost unbearable, releasing a destructive explosion of fire that decimates opponents but burns you in the process.
  • Flare Counter Your sword is wreathed in fire as you prepare yourself in a parry stance. If an adversary attempts to harm you while in this stance, the results are devestating.
  • Force Emit a burst of energy
  • Froststrike You enhance your next attack with frost energy.
  • Glare Directs a beam of radiant light
  • Gurranq's Sling A simple, yet effective cantrip developed by the Gurranq, Beast Clergyman.
  • Healing Ray Heal a creature by expending your Hit Die.
  • Healing Touch Using your well practiced knowledge of how to add great amounts of entropy to enemies, you are able to logically reverse the most minor injuries by magic, with slight risk.
  • Heated Hands You touch a sheet of ice up to 6 inches thick and no larger than 5 feet in any dimension, which instantly melts.
  • Holy Blade You conjure a blade of light to impale a creature within range. This spell is especially effective against the Unholy.
  • Ignite Create a burst of heat within a cube in front of you.
  • Ignite, Variant You extend your hand and a volcanic explosion sears your foe, taking more damage if they took fire damage previously.
  • Ignitions You extend your hand and a volcanic ignition sears your foe, making them more vulnerable to fire.
  • Illumination, Variant You conjure a globe of light, illuminating an area and blinding an enemy.
  • Inquisitor's Strike As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails.
  • Iridescent Ray You evoke rays of light that scorch enemies.
  • Kinetic Garrote You create and attack with a garrote made out of force.
  • Kinetic Throw You manipulate the power of force to toss your target.
  • Lambent Lance Hurl a spear of light to illuminate and harm foes.
  • Lesser Smite A very weak smite.
  • León's Small Wind Creates a small sphere of wind to target an opponent
  • Liberate Flame Make a flame within range burst, damaging foes nearby
  • Light Arc You conjure a beam of pure light and throw it at our enemy, briefly blinding them.
  • Lightning Lasers
  • Moonbeam Bolt Hurl a shard of moonlight against a target, can potentially revert shapechangers to their original form.
  • Moonlight You create a source of dim moonlight, capable of revealing the true form of things.
  • One Inch Punch You deliver a ki-infused close quarter unarmed strike
  • Orb of Light A sparkling ball of light fires from your hand strikes a single target. This attack deals double damage to undead, fiends, and any creature sensitive to light.
  • Pain Share Heal others by taking their pain
  • Power Beam You project a beam of force from your melee weapon to attack from a distance.
  • Radiant Blast You launch a searing beam of light at a creature within range.
  • Radiant Flare A flare of radiant light burns your enemies.
  • Radiant Lance You launch a lance-shaped beam of light at a creature within range.
  • Radiant Strike Imbue your weapon with radiant energy, striking your foes with the power of one's will or faith.
  • Radiant Strike, Variant Imbue your weapon with radiant energy, striking your foes with the power of one's will or faith.
  • Sacred Blade You enhance your next attack with radiant energy.
  • Sacrificial Strike You channel all of your energy into a singular burst.
  • Scald You burn a creature with boiling steam.
  • Shartrund's Energy Blade The caster raises her hand, a sword of flame forms in her grip and she strikes the goblin that is hurtling up the path, igniting it. Screeching in pain, the goblin jumps back and frantically pats himself out as the wizard readies herself for another strike.
  • Shining Force Blast A pulse of radiant energy which shines like a star blasts out from you in a line.
  • Shock of Flame A mote of white flame streaks towards a target within range.
  • Solar Blitz Radiant flames come from the tip of your weapon, striking your foes in a flash of light.
  • Solar Bolt You launch a brilliant bolt of light to sear the eyes of your opponents.
  • Spellfire You conjure arcane fire in your hand that can be used for light and combat.
  • Spellstrike You increase the accuracy of your attacks using your magic power.
  • Sun Gleam A weak beam of sunlight
  • Sword Beam A beam of light in the shape of the used sword streaks forward at a ranged target.
  • Unholy Flame Flame-like malevolence descends on a creature that you can see within range.
  • Weapon of Radiance Unleash a divine burst from your weapon by filling it to the brim with holy magic.
  • Wind Slash Basicaly a firebolt that can snuff-out candles
  • Winds of Chaos, Dagger
  • Winds Of Chaos, Handaxe
  • Winds Of Chaos, Mace
  • Winds Of Chaos, Quarterstaff
  • Withering Thorn Weave darkness into your weapon to drain your opponent's vitality with a hefty strike.
  • Word of Virulence You utter a divine word, and corrupting virulence erupts from you.
  • Chloromorpho You change the color of a touched object or willing creature for the duration of this spell.
  • Label Place a small permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any spell caster or magical creature.
  • Label, Variant Place a permanent magical label on an item. The label can be seen by any creature which can use spells or spell-like abilities.
  • Manipulate Hearing Influence a creature's sense of hearing
  • Bleeding Wounds Cause stable creatures to resume dying.
  • Blood Bind Bind your own life force to that of another creature in order to inflict the same damage you deal upon yourself to them.
  • Blood Blade You create a blade out of your own blood to use as a weapon.
  • Bloodbridge The caster creates a bridge of blood between 2 creatures, taking the blood of one and giving it to the other.
  • Charnel Claw Channel necrotic power through a clawing strike.
  • Cure Minor Wounds You touch a willing creature other than yourself, giving it a moment of respite.
  • Death Blade You enchant the weapon that you wield with the life force of a slain creature.
  • Death's Garrote You infuse your garrote with the power of death.
  • Decompose Decomposes a corpse.
  • Desecrate Strike Imbue your weapon with necrotic energy as you strike.
  • Desecration Desecrate the land.
  • Ghostly Hands You touch a willing creature and cover its hands with ghostly energy.
  • Grum's Fix 'em/Hurt 'em Caster chooses to either heal or damage a target, using their own lifeforce.
  • Inflict Minor Wounds
  • Inspire Survival Instinct Gives death saves to a creature without death saves
  • Jolt Cadaver You compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
  • Minor Animate You animate a number of tiny creatures to serve basic purposes
  • Ouroboros's Mark You create a tattoo of an ouroboros capable of tearing the flesh of a creature you try to touch.
  • Raise Ally Temporarily resurect an ally.
  • Sacred Hunting Your divine energy lowers enemy accuracy.
  • Shadowblade With a couple quick movements, you pull a sword made from solidified shadow from thin air that lasts for the duration.
  • Shadowstrike You enhance your next attack with necrotic energy.
  • Soaking Hands Concentrate the healing power of water to speed up the recovery of the wounded.
  • Soul Tear
  • Soul Transfer You choose a creature within range which isn't a construct or undead and grant it a lease of life, which you eventually collect.
  • Spectral Scythe Create a blade of necrotic energy at the end of a staff.
  • Spirit Meddling you use spirits to play tricks on others such as flicking on and off a torch, giving somebody a chill down their spine or any number of things
  • Sustain You keep someone just teetering at the brink, or at least until they can be tended to.
  • Vicious Rant You lace your words with withering magic and aggressively rant at a creature or object in range.
Needs Work
  • Whistling Wind The user sets up a magical aura like field around them, and strikes any target who enters the field in an instant.
  • Words of Inspiration Short Buff for your Companions

1st-Level Spells

  • Adamantine Shell A basic defensive protective spell.
  • Adloquium Restore some health to an ally and conjure an additional protective shield to safeguard them from further harm.
  • Anti-Evil-Protection You create a magical holy barrier that protects anyone inside of it from evil creatures. No 3rd grade bully will bother you and your friends ever again.
  • Armor of Othrys The creature you touch glows with an aura that resembles moving spectral magma, creating a burning shield.
  • Begone Thot, Variant In the wise and eternal words of Jesus, whose words are kept alive through the scriptures of the Thot Patrol, "If she breathes, she's a thot."
  • Block Seed Prevents conception.
  • Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph A more fighting efficient glyph of warding.
  • Cleansing Flame You briefly channel the power of divine flames to burn away impurities in your body.
  • Corazon's Tiny Glyph A smaller, more efficient Glyph of Warding.
  • Dismiss Stranger You attempt to send one Stranger of CR 1 or less that you can see and is within range, back to The Dark.
  • Divine Armor When the divines themselves grant you their blessings, none shall ever harm those they protect.
  • Endure Elements Protection from normal environmental hazards.
  • False Blade Afraid your 9th level spell might actually kill someone? Well no more!
  • Leomund's Shield A shield that defends the user from harsh elements and the small inconveniences of life.
  • Mist of Inhibition A translucent magical fog settles around you, impeding motion.
  • Protector's Mark You are the sword and shield of your companions. This spell lets you use divine magic to reduce damage and protect your allies from peril.
  • Radiant Shield As a reaction, you create a radiant shield that protects you from harm.
  • Resistance, Variant The targeted creature can add 1d4 to a Saving Throw once before the spell ends.
  • Shield of Darkness
  • Shield of Stasis You create an invisible barrier of stasis in front of a creature or object that intercepts spells, creatures, projectiles, etc. and traps them in time.
  • Arcane Mark You place your mark upon a subject.
  • Calder's Starry Sky You project a map of the stars into the air.
  • Detect Fire Scan the area for traces of anything related to fire
  • Detect Outsider This spell allows its user to detect whether a creature or object is native to the plane they are in while casting it.
  • Detect Weapons For the duration, you sense the presence of manufactured weapons within 30 feet of you.
  • Divine Empowerment A willing creature is imbued with the power of a god
  • Find Quest Helps you find quests to go on.
  • Impart Knowledge A way to quickly and silently communicate complex ideas.
  • Know Recipe You touch a piece of food or a potion and learn how to replicate it.
  • Know Thy Foe A spell that lets the caster peer into the defenses of their target.
  • Minor Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Oreseer You detect the materials that make up an area of stone.
  • Penetrate Disguise
  • See Through You touch a simple surface such as a door, a wall, or even a shield to see through it as if it was transparent.
  • Speak with David Allows you to speak telepathically with David's past present or future.
  • Aether: Ascent A blast of wind magic allows you to throw your sword upwards with great strength, lifting your target off the ground or ascending great heights.
  • Aether: Quickdraw By invoking wind magic around the blade in you hand, you are given a moment of intense speed as you slash; propelling yourself forward to strike a distant target.
  • Apostle's Black Flame The go-to spell of the Godskin Apostles
  • Ball of Blackwater Launch a sphere of tainted water
  • Black Flame Blade Imbue the Black Flame on a weapon to inflict damage that increases with the target's strength
  • Blast Cast Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of spells.
  • Blink Slash By channeling magic around you, and your blade, you teleport yourself to strike a distant target.
  • Blood Flame Blade You infuse your blood with magic before cutting it on blade. The blade will sear flesh and force wounds open.
  • Burning Orbs Summon and fling a barrage of flaming missiles.
  • Corrosive Flame You snap your fingers, invoking chaotic green flames to engulf your target.
  • Dongle's All-Purpose Mending A general purpose spell, invented by Dongle, that combines the effects of Cure Wounds and Mending, to a certain extent.
  • Energy Beat You create a mote of radiant light that hovers above your head. It lasts for the duration.
  • Eruption Counter You prepare yourself for an oncoming strike, and counter it.
  • Fiendish Desecration You invoke the fury of your fiendish deity and smite all good creatures within the spell's radius.
  • Fire Shot Poor man's fireball.
  • Fox Fire The caster gains a burst of speed as three separate kitsunebi seek out enemies.
  • Frost Strike Infuses your weapon with the power of frost.
  • Healing Dagger Creates a shining dagger which heals those that gets hit by it, instead of inflicting damage.
  • Healing Wind You speak a word of power, and gentle wind envelops a number of creatures of your choice up to your spellcasting ability modifier that you can see within range.
  • Immolation, Variant You set yourself ablaze to torch surrounding foes.
  • Last Words Go out with a witty one-liner and a bang. Or just a bang, that works too.
  • Lesser Baja Blast Bring the power of the all-mighty Baja Blast to the battlefield.
  • Light Drive An orb of radiant power forming a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
  • Lightning Spear, Variant The primary offensive spell for members of the Dragon Cult in the Lands Between.
  • Lucky Star You summon a star of energy that explodes on an enemy, dealing incredibly random damage.
  • Magic Strike Your fist is wreathed in magic that instantly draws it to your opponent.
  • Orion's Bolts You point at a creature you can see within range, speaking an invocation to the celestial hunter. Clubs imbued with starlike radiance fly from somewhere behind you, burning and bludgeoning the target creature.
  • Paralysis Blow You summon black flames on your weapon.
  • Phoenix Wave You put your hand out in front of you or you focus this spell onto a weapon you move your hand or weapon in a sideways slashing motion causes a firey wave to apear from your weapon or hands then sendng the firey wave out 20 feet infront of you.
  • Pity of Acherus A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Alternatively, when you cast this spell you can make a melee spell attack roll against an undead creature within your reach.
  • Pixie's Gale Evoke the power of wind to fling creatures and objects away from yourself.
  • Ray of Light You form a concentrated beam of light infused with holy energy to strike your enemies down with a flash of light.
  • Replenishment Gradually restores hit points.
  • Rod Surge You project an elemental energy surge from your rod to a target within range.
  • Sakanagi Strike a target with the force of your being for pure damage.
  • Skysmite Summons a lightning bolt to deal Lightning and Radiant damage
  • Skyward Strike A weapon you're wielding is sheathed in heavenly light, which you can use to smite your foes.
  • Snap of Radiance You snap your fingers and emit a blinding burst of light.
  • Spirit Excalibur Summon an obscenely long sword of energy.
  • Star's Saint's Hand Share a helping hand...Saint =)
  • Thunder Shock Last Resort An extremely powerful lighting spell last resort option.
  • Thundershock Unleash paralyzing shocks of electricity.
  • Water of Life A creature you touch, which must be in a body of running water, regains a number of hit points equal to 1d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
  • Weight of 1000 Years You close your eyes and focus on the Vortex of Time, condensing the memories of the past millennia into a single thought, then gesture above the target and snap your hand down as all these thoughts and memories are solidified and forced upon the target.
  • Wyvern Watch You create a wyvern-shaped haze that guards an area against intrusion.
  • Zoltraak A simple spell that shoots either a large blast or multiple smaller blasts of concentrated mana.
  • Affect Cantrips Galore!
  • Air Step Extra jumping power, and double-jumping too!
  • Alter Object You transform an object into a useful item or tool.
  • Arcane Strength Magically enhance your strength.
  • Argent Blessing Temporarily gives a weapon the properties of a silver weapon.
  • Consecrate Weapon Imbue your melee weapon with holy might.
  • Dissonance Field Twist time and space to cause difficult movement and make it difficult to cast spells.
  • Golden Vow A small, generalist combat boon for your whole party.
  • Infuse Weapon You bolster a weapon's power with a magical enchantment.
  • Inversion Invert a spell effect back to it's original caster!
  • Medicinal Prayer Seeing an inured ally within your spells range you channel the magic power of your faith to heal their wounds at cost to yourself.
  • Midwife's Spell A collection of folk magic intended to help with conception and childbirth.
  • Promised Walk of Peace
  • Repair Repair an object or restore hit points to a construct.
  • Strengthening Flame You channel divine flames to enhance your power
  • Summon Rain Cause a light rain with cloud cover and harmless thunder and lightning.
  • Surge You channel harmless electrical energies in a willing creature you touch, heightening its speed and senses.
  • Sword Split You split a sword into two smaller swords or fuse two smaller swords into one larger one.
  • Sword Trap Defensive spell that allows you to stop enemies from using weapons, like a different version of the shield spell.
  • Transcription Magically copy or translate a page of text and/or images onto another page.
  • Xenae's Aquaforme Turns a target ground area into water.
Needs Work

2nd-Level Spells

  • DeLiszt's Dirty Little Secret Reveal something the target would prefer to remain unknown.
  • Detect Elements Locate the presence of elements in the enviroment around you.
  • Divine Revelation Your link to divinity grants you further knowledge.
  • Ethereal Hunter Detect and strike down creatures of the ethereal plane with ease.
  • Find Person A luminous green hand forms from your casting focus hovering in front of you pointing
  • Locate Portal Locate a existing portal in a crystal shell.
  • Lord Knows You point at a target within range and attempt to view their past and present to learn what they're capable of.
  • Mirror of Fate Predict the actions of your opponent, giving you an edge in combat.
  • Portent Your touch gives a creature instinctive forewarning about its demise, granting it proficiency on death saving throws.
  • Six Eared Hearing Your hearing vastly intensifies.
  • Telepathic Message You send a telepathic message to any single creature in sight.
  • Air Bubble, Variant An object or creature in range is surrounded with a 2-foot-diameter sphere of clean, pure air for the duration, which suppresses water or unclean air.
  • Anointment You call upon a higher level of divine power.
  • Calamity You conjure an oceanic calamity, causing waves of water to surge forth from the ground.
  • Control Sunlight You create a lingering burst of sunlight which blinds creatures and deals radiant damage.
  • Crono's Energy Invoke divine time magic to hasten a cantrip.
  • Destinguish As an action, you can extinguish any open flame within 120 feet of you. You choose how much fire to extinguish in that radius.
  • Eilistraee's Moonfire, Variant You conjure a beacon of light, either onto your person or hovering beside you in benign orbit.
  • Elemental Bolt You fire a bolt of raw elemental energy at a creature within range.
  • Eruption Create an explosion of blue fire erupting from your greatsword.
  • Halo of Rejuvenation A small circle of blue light appears over the head of a creature of your choice within range and lasts for the duration.
  • Light Binding You halt a foe's movement with the power of luminosity.
  • Lightning Field, Variant An Area of effect spell
  • Moon Pulse
  • Needle Hex You create spectral needles in the air around a creature you can see within range, which prick at it as it moves.
  • Positive Energy Ray Blast enemies with positive energy beams.
  • Recite Scripture Reading from a holy text, the caster greatly disables the subjects of evil that hear it.
  • Rejuvenate Convert temporary hit points into recovered hit points.
  • Step of Respite A spell that both heals and forcibly moves a creature.
  • Tractor Cannon You push a creature away from you.
  • Black Storm Barrage an area with dark energies.
  • Blinding Necrostrike You conjure dark magic to sap the vision of your enemy.
  • Blood Boiling Boil the blood in the veins of a creature you can see in range.
  • Bone Shield Create four bones to intercept attacks made against you.
  • Corpse Explosion As you snap your finger, a dead creature within range explodes with necrotic energy.
  • Death’s March Letting loose a bolstering cry, your allies are imbued with newfound durability.
  • Draw Blood Command the blood of an injured creature to gush from its wounds.
  • Faithful Dead For a short time, you can return a companion.
  • Feast of Ashes Curse a creature with an insatiable hunger.
  • Fire Covenant You draw out your soul, sacrificing your life force to burn your enemies.
  • Lingering Poison You inflict a creature in range with a toxic affliction that slowly deals damage for up to 1 minute.
  • Necrosh
  • Peel Back Scars Unheal a target.
  • Raise Ghoul
  • Revitalize A desperate resort to bring an ally that has fallen within the last 6 seconds from the dead
  • Soulfire Strike Convert part of your soul into a bolt of energy to directly attack an enemies soul - causing them to become exhausted.
  • Tears of Freyja Quickly bring back dying comrades.
  • Undead Minion Using the basics of Necromancy, you create a Minion to serve you after its life has ended.
Needs Work
  • Attribute Shield Add a target/caster’s ability score as temporary health through sacrificing one for the other.

3rd-Level Spells

  • Arcane Guard You conjure a magical ward around yourself, protecting you and nearby allies from harm.
  • Arcane Juggernaut Take anything that comes your way and return it.
  • Briars of Punishment Calls forth briars surrounding the caster.
  • Briars of Sin Calls forth blood briars in line in front of the caster.
  • Combat Avatar Encase yourself in a powerful combat avatar.
  • Cover In a flash of light, you and the targeted creature switch places.
  • Dark Dome You invoke the power of Urei, conjuring a dome of dark magic that surrounds you in a protective dark barrier, in response to an attack.
  • Dome of Light
  • Halo Create a golden halo that provides protection to a creature.
  • Hindering Light A beam of light shines from the heavens, allowing you to stop a creature from altering your mind or body with a spell.
  • Pincushion You weave a magical barrier around yourself, stopping most, if not all, projectiles.
  • Protection from Negative Energy You protect a creature against negative energy.
  • Succor Empower multiple nearby allies with a quick burst of healing, and a temporary magical shield
  • Syncopate Reduce a spell to a significantly weaker state.
  • Warrior’s Blessing Give target resistance to either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
  • Azrael's Vicious Flock Summon a vicious flock of ravens and crows from The Void to swarm an area.
  • Chains of Justice You conjure magical golden chains, that strike and ensnare your foes.
  • Chorus of Awe You snap your fingers and the sky becomes bright as a heavenly choir sounds and begins an awesome song of empowerment.
  • Chorus of Destruction You snap your fingers and the sky becomes bright as a heavenly choir sounds and begins an awesome song of destruction.
  • Conjure Potion of Healing Summon a potion of healing!
  • Convalescence A wave of warm, blue healing energy washes over a creature within range, healing its wounds.
  • Ghostly Clone You create partly visible clones of yourself to fight for you.
  • Hemorrhage You briefly conjure tiny sharp things in the bodies of creatures nearby, causing them to bleed internally.
  • Ice Axe This spell creates a battleaxe-shaped formation of jagged, fast-swirling ice shards in your hand.
  • Judge's Familiar Summon the judge's familiar, the preferred familiar of Azorius lawmages.
  • Lunar Spirit Manifest a companion spirit from moonlight.
  • Raksha's Wash Cycle By forming a summoning circle, an item is transported to a different dimension for cleaning and purification, potentially with a chance of drastic failure, and the cost of it being a free service.
  • Red-Hot Chains Create flaming chain links to restrict your enemies!
  • Searing Choker You reach out and conjure a circle of super-heated metal around your victim's neck.
  • Something Gives you something.
  • Summon Exotic Humanoid Call forth an exotic champion to your aid.
  • Summon Lesser Spirit You summon a spirit or group of spirits of your choice to fight for you appearing in spaces you can see within range.
  • Tide of Steel Conjure the spirits of war to aid you in combat and mow down your enemies.
  • Verdant Reanimation Strengthen your undead allies using plantlife.
  • Warmth Create a calming flame that heals creatures near it.
  • A Little Help You reach into the collective consciousness of the world and ask for a little help.
  • Analyze Creature Figure out how tough something is!
  • Artisan's Blessing You pray to your God to bless a creature with the knowledge of Artisan's Tools.
  • Ascertain Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly ascertain the general contents of nearby containers.
  • Detect Enchantment
  • Local Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents, not its exact location.
  • Lunar Luck Miniature moons orbit you and let you bestow luck on allies.
  • Retrocognition Predicting the future is so cliche. Allows the user to predict the past.
  • Scout A spell that allows to create a visage of yourself that can move through objects.
  • Seeking Blade This one's got your name on it.
  • Soul Reading You read the souls of any creature and object within the radius.
  • The Murderer's Ear This dark ritual creates a locus of divination out of the ear of a murderer.
  • Yuya's Tracking Spirit Summon a spirit to lead you to someone
  • Zone of Faith Create a zone to bolster those of your faith
  • Aura of Truth An aura that makes it where a creature is unable to lie, forcing the creature to talk when asking questions and the aura can translate all languages.
  • Dire Charm You magically infect a living creature with murderous impulses, unless that creature makes a successful Wisdom saving throw.
  • Dome of Discombobulation
  • Good Hope This spell instills powerful hope in those around you, relieving them of their worries.
  • Lesser Zone of Euphemisms Twisting the framework of communication itself, you create a space where proper etiquette is compulsory.
  • Lock of Guilt A lock that attaches itself to the hearts and souls of the guilty.
  • Lulling Spores of Harmonious Sleep You spawn a cone of spores to put foes to rest.
  • Melody of Lasting Start up a rousing song that you can sing for hours on end to keep up your spirits.
  • Shard of Hope You cause motes of light to radiate from an ally, strengthening the resolve of allies.
  • Temporary Expertise You touch a vehicle or set of tools and gain highly technical insight into its function.
  • Youngblood Give someone a refreshing de-aging brain massage. Also, you can decrease their mental age if you want to.
  • Apostle's Black Flame Blade A spell used by the Godskin Apostles to amplify their weaponry with Black Flame.
  • Blade of Justice You call forth the white flames of justice, causing white flames to erupt from a non-magical melee weapon you touch.
  • Blinding Heal Cleansing wounds with blinding light.
  • Booming Word You utter a very, very, very loud divine word.
  • Catastrophic Devastation "You brought judgement upon yourself, once you accept your life is at end, you are at peace"
  • Coned Blast You ring a small bell and cause it to emit a concussive blast.
  • Cure Disease Use this spell to help those that are sick with the simple cold up to the plague
  • Cure Heavy Wounds A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 4d8 + your spellcasting modifier and gains 1d6 temporary hit points.
  • Dark Striking Thunder You raise your hand up towards the sky and issue a prayer to the King of Urei to strike you and your enemies with dark lightning.
  • Deshell Similar to an egg, crack open the shell that which shrouds sentient life from the arcane arts.
  • Furious Unleashment A spell to use as a last resort when enemies gets too close to your liking or in desperate situations.
  • Halo of Lightning Create a halo of crackling lightning orbs.
  • Heal Major Injury You imbue a creature you touch with restorative magic potent enough to heal even potentially lasting injuries.
  • Heavenly Lightning You raise your hand towards the sky and summon lightning in a 100-foot tall cylinder with a 30-foot radius centered on you.
  • Hissing Darkness You launch a hissing ribbon of pure darkness from your hand.
  • Imperial Blight Blast an creature with radiant energy, consuming its body with flames of pure light.
  • Invisibility Purge
  • Lesser Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
  • Light of Celestia Your body glows with a celestial light that can be expended as an attack.
  • Lightning Stake Stake an enemy with a bolt of explosive lightning.
  • Lunar Blast Harness the power of the moon to weaken your foes and reveal their true natures
  • Mass Arcane Cure With the power of the arcane arts of a Magister you can heal more than 1 creature at a time
  • Meteoric Barrage Hurl a swarm of meteoric embers toward your foes.
  • Orb of Discord You create an orb of chaos that floats over the head of an enemy within range.
  • Orb of Harmony Bless a creature with a continuous healing orb.
  • Orb of Sacred Fire A brilliant golden orb of sentient divine fire springs from the casters hand and when flung explodes, damaging enemies and healing allies in explosion.
  • Pancea An all around healing for persisting afflictions, while not necessarily fixing wounds.
  • Positive Energy Blast Cause an explosion of raw positive energy.
  • Radiant Death Overload a creature with positive energy, potentially killing them.
  • Radiant Pulse You channel divine power directly down from the heavens on a target or a point in range.
  • Sealing Strike Infuse a ranged weapon with a pure aspect of morality.
  • Searing Light Focusing divine power like a ray of the sun (or moon), you project a blast of light from your open palm.
  • Sigil Sword Strike A destructive spell developed by a legendary enchantress. Call down a spectral blade to damage enemies and slow them down with special effects.
  • Solid Freeze You cast a line of frost witch will instantly freeze any liquid even blood leaving a trail of frost on the ground.
  • Storm Front You fire a thin bolt of lightning at a creature or object within range.
  • Sunlight You touch one object that is no larger than 15 feet in any dimension and cause it to shed sunlight. An upgraded form of the light cantrip.
  • Sunspark You create a brilliant, blinding glowing orb to illuminate the way before you.
  • Wings of the Phoenix As your vision begins to fade, your magical power surges as you are granted wings of fire.
  • Animate Army you pull undead souls from the ground you stand and command them to do your bidding while they so struggle to be free of your grasp.
  • Blood Casting You spill your own blood instead of your spell slots... how gruesome.
  • Blood Revenant Using a blood sacrifice, you create a living thrall to assist you.
  • Bloody Sacrifice You point your finger at a corpse or undead within range and cause it to explode in a burst of vile energy which harms your enemies but heals your allies.
  • Bonesword A bone, held in your free hand, becomes a shortsword, longsword or greatsword.
  • Cursed Tablet
  • Desolation Aura Deteriorating energy radiates from you in an aura.
  • False Death One living, willing creature you can see within range that has current hit points equal to or less than your spellcasting modifier has their hit points lowered to 0.
  • Greater Necrostrike
  • Grum's Stinky Steed Your trusty steed has died, no problem, it will now serve you in death! We have the Necrotic Energy!
  • Inflict Greater Wounds You fill your hand with negative energy and transfer that energy to a target.
  • Life Boost You create an aura that enhances healing.
  • Rewind Death You make creatures survive death.
  • Rigor Mortis You incapacitate an undead creature.
  • Soul Puppet, Variant you pull undead souls from the ground you stand and command them to do your bidding while they so struggle to be free of your grasp.
  • Speak With Skull Grant an eerie vitality to a skull of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose.
  • Vampiric Blade With a successful melee weapon attack, this spell drains the life from an opponent
  • Wither Time ends all things.
Needs Work

4th-Level Spells

  • Barrier You send a protective barrier around a willing creature within range
  • Dimensional Anchor A green ray springs from your outstretched hand at a creature or object you can see within range, causing it to become anchored to its current plane.
  • Limited Spell Immunity
  • Magic Resistance The air around you ripples with waves of magic, lessening the effects of magic around you.
  • Positive Energy Aura You project an aura of positive energy that makes healing more effective. Do not cast it while fighting trolls.
  • Sun Ward You call upon the life-giving power of the sun to protect yourself.
  • Veil of Compressed Time Closing your eyes and outstretching your arms and muttering a few Astral words a blue glow envelops your entire body, this extra layer constantly shifts to where any impact is found.
  • Windflower Wind Barrier A protective wind barrier protects the caster from damage.
  • Disableget rid of that annoying trait of those insufferable enemies
  • Rorim's Lingering Presence Create a psychic construct that enacts your will when you aren't around.
  • Steal Voice With a silent motion, you prevent a creature from speaking intelligently.
  • Al-Taraj's Fulgursphere Detonates an electric blast that stuns targets for a short duration.
  • All Consuming Light You begin to create a ball of energizing light, causing the sky and distant lands to look like nothingness and darkness.
  • Blade Lightning You create a sword made from lightning that lasts up to an hour.
  • Celestial Storm Summon a swirling storm of blinding light to hinder your enemies
  • Chaos Hand You infuse your hand with destructive chaotic energy and touch a creature.
  • Divine Power Calling upon the divine power of your deity, you imbue yourself with strength and skill in combat.
  • Divine Spark You envelop two creatures within range with electrified holy energy
  • Fantasy Seal You create six multicolored orbs of divine energy, and then direct each one to hit a creature of your choice that you can see within range.
  • Fayne's Fiery Flagellation Send burning waves to char your enemies to ash.
  • Gilded Wave You strike the ground, creating a burst of divine energy that ripples outward from you.
  • Great Lightning Spear A miracle that launches a great spear of lightning. Said to be the legacy of an ancient clan whose leader was revered as the God of Sun.
  • Great Scorching Bolt Scorch your opponents with a mighty fiery bolt
  • Illumination You create a bright light that augments sight and reveals what is hidden.
  • Imbue with Spell Ability Give the gift of magic
  • Light Beam Fire a beam of light that deals damage, and is more effective against creatures with lower hit points.
  • Lightning Strike
  • Mending Sinews A slow healing effect that can be used to stave off grave injury for a while.
  • Message Connected
  • Necrotic Overchannel You concentrate masses of necrotic power into your blows, causing those unfortunate enough to be layed low by them to burst.
  • Radiant Absorption Raising your hands to the sky, you begin to absorb the positive energy surrounding you.
  • Radiant Aura A brilliant light erupts from your hand, rejuvenating your allies and castigating your enemies.
  • Sorrel's Helpful Harpoon The divine soul sorcerer Sorrel Glintwing created this spell to manifest javelins of positive energy, to keep its allies alive, while destroying his undead foes.
  • Thuryl's Temporal Torment Dome of random time change that deals damage to creatures vulnerable to aging.
  • Touched by the Sun You use the power of the sun to heal and protect yourself.
  • Wrath of the Gods Throw back foes with primal force.
  • Accursed Strike Empower your blade to strike a wound into a creature that won't heal.
  • Anesthesia You end your target's pain, allowing them to keep fighting.
  • Animate Undead Worker
  • Anpumose's Amazing Arid Assault Unleash a cone of dehydrating sand that damages targets and potentially give them exhaustion
  • Awaken Undead Bless an undead with the gift of sentience. Maybe it will thank you for it.
  • Blood Rain Rains blood in an area that inflicts necrotic damage, but rejuvenates undead
  • Death Armor You shroud yourself and up to five other creatures within range in protective energy.
  • Explosion of Death You make a blast of death that kills creatures and animates them into zombies under your control
  • Harmfield You are surrounded by rings of light which disrupt the life force of whatever touches them.
  • Hunger/Thirst A cruel curse that inflicts unending hunger or thirst
  • Jumpstart Temporarily cause a person to die in order to fully revive them.
  • Life Drain You attempt to drain the life out of a creature within range.
  • Mummify Embalm a corpse, protecting it from tampering indefintely.
  • Necrotic Reconstruction Break down, and rebuild.
  • Shell Bomb Send forth an animated explosive shell to decimate a far-away foe.
  • Skeletal Warhorse Create a skeletal warhorse from the bones of a large horse or horse-like creature.
  • Virion's Viscous Diarrhea A creature of your choice that you can see within range suddenly experiences uncontrollable, explosive bowel movements.
  • Virulent Plague Conjure a rapidly spreading disease.
  • Wall of Decay
  • Control Air Manipulate air to your advantage
  • Enspell Empower allies' weapons with the power of the elements.
  • Might of Giants A creature you touch gains the strength of a giant for a limited time.
  • Renew Life (5e spell)Alter your physical being to temporarily become an embodiment of life.
  • Softwood Choose one humanoid you can see within the spell's range. The target is encased in a layer of wood.
  • Un-Blight Transmutation energy covers a creature of your choice that you can see within range, moisturizing and giving vitality to it or causing entropic creatures to be damaged.
  • Xenae's Waterspout Creates a large waterspout.
Needs Work
  • Rebirth You are able to bring back a creature who has perished through a surrogate mother.

5th-Level Spells

  • Air Punch You punch the air creating a giant fist to hit a target.
  • Camel's Drink You fill an open container within range with up to 5 gallons of magically cool and refreshing drinking water.
  • Create Portal Creates a portal in a crystal shell for a ship to pass through.
  • Dellmudes Hammer You create a massive hammer of glowing red force in an unoccupied space you can see within range.
  • Delta Divide Two copies of yourself are created to fight for you
  • Field of Vineyards A field of vines emerge around you, striking nearby targets.
  • Find Extraordinary Steed You call upon a loyal fierce steed, who can aid you in everything, and you might as well lose all your spell slots!
  • Five Sided Shelter 'By completing The Trial of the Green Lion from the Five Faced King, you are granted a space to seek refuge from the elements and rest peacefully'
  • Lightning Rain When using his powers an insane lightning storm begins to fall from the sky and hit several targets causing lightning and thunder damage
  • Power Word: Soup Imbed the truth of the Demi-God Storm, and impart the wisdom that tea is, in fact, the best soup.
  • Radiant Chains Using a divine power, you bind an otherworldly being with glowing chains of light, which burn into the creature's body.
  • Six Paths, Five Rings: Kurikara Divine Blade Create a divine manifestation of Nioh Kulika.
  • Sphere of Simulated Antimagic Within this sphere you create, the effects of anti-magic are simulated through magic.
  • Forced Movement You meld your hand to the forces of space, forcefully moving your opponent
  • Infernal Law You invoke the Pact Primeval, the oldest rules governing the cosmos, and the bonds of infernal law descend upon whomever your gaze lands upon.
  • Mike's Hard Lemonade, Variant Harnessing the power of Lapuard, you unleash a torrent of Booze upon your enemies to quench their thirst and render their bows and blades useless.
  • Reverse Morality Flips the target's alignment.
  • War Song You breathe in, and begin a chant which can make any man a willing fighter.
  • Ancient Dragon's Lightning Spear A more volatile version of the traditional lightning spear, for the more experienced members of the Dragon Cult in the Lands Between.
  • Astral Release Harness the planar disruption caused by the severing of a soul for a last-ditch effort to destroy your enemies.
  • Chastise You unleash the power of your convictions to smite your enemies, based on your alignment, and theirs.
  • Crown of Stars, Variant The caster surrounds themselves with a crown or mantle of stars primed to decimate their foes.
  • Diluvian Wave You strike the ground, causing flood waters of old to surge from the ground and sweep away your enemies.
  • Divine Judgement Flames wreathe a creature, potentially reducing it to ash.
  • Exploding Spaghetti Meteor You summon a giant flaming bowl of spaghetti from the heavens, which explodes into a burst of radiance when it strikes the ground.
  • Final Move Fall unconscious to protect allies, or to destroy enemies.
  • God Hammer You make a swift motion with your index and middle fingers, creating a hammer of lightning which falls on a creature or object within range.
  • Healer of Multitudes You overflow with positive energy, able to restore those you touch to perfect health.
  • Hellfire Wisps of gel-like flame encompass your arm and coalesce in your hand, quickly arching along a curved path towards a creature you can see within range.
  • Judgment You cause a ray of magical light to strike a creature within range, leaving it extremely vulnerable to magic.
  • Moonblast You conjure a pillar of moonlight to strike your foes with lunar power.
  • Mùspelflame You summon a comet from the heavens, which explodes into a burst of radiance when it strikes the ground.
  • Overward Smite The fate of your targets is in the hands of your deity now.
  • Positive/Negative Energy Zone A spell that interferes with the natural course of positive and negative energy. It could have been created by a Lich or a powerful demon, or even a cleric. Regardless of who created it, its usefulness for both healing and wounding.
  • Prismatic Bow A magical Longbow appears in your hands.
  • Rapture, Variant
  • Righteous Storm Three pillars of fire erupt on a place of your choosing.
  • Strands of Life You create a thread of positive energy connecting three creatures of your choice that you can see within range, none of which can be more than 30 feet from the first creature.
  • Sunbeam, Variant Raising your arms, the sun lights concentrate at your hands and pointing to a enemy you can throw a ray and cause a lot of radiant damage, as a sequence of this, you heal all allies in a 15 ft.
  • Sunlight Spear One of the ancient original miracles, that launches a spear of sunlight.
  • Swarm of Harpy Talons
  • Tabrīs’ Holy Fire Blast an opponent with the power of good and flames
  • Atlantean Weapon You imbue a weapon you touch with the elemental power of the deep blue sea.
  • Awaken Self Awaken yourself from loss of intelligence, volition, or consciousness, or resume sleep.
  • Create Minor Helm You touch a Chair or similar object, creating temporary minor helm.
  • Disrupting Weapon Make a melee weapon deadly to undead, destroying them utterly if struck in combat with this weapon.
  • Fire Enchantment You infuse a nonmagical weapon with elemental fire.
  • Gliding Light
  • Healing Fire Transmute magic fire into healing
  • Lolth's Bloodline You transform your body, gaining powerful spider-like abilities and features, depending on level this spell was cast at.
  • Mass Transcription Copy the contents of a book to another book, or more.
  • Righteous Might
  • Stamp The study of negative energy has allowed you to understand how to share it's affects with others
Needs Work
  • Reincarnation A transformative ritual that anchors a soul to the cosmic cycle, allowing them to be reborn with a new race and class upon death within 24 hours.
  • Summon Greater Spirit You summon a spirit or group of spirits of your choice to fight for you appearing in spaces you can see within range. Choose one of the following that appears.

6th-Level Spells

  • Alpha Demiplane you manifest in the ethereal plane using your soul to create or expand a demiplane of limited space risking your own soul.
  • Call Spectator Summon a spectator to guard your loot.
  • Gather Instantly bring selected creatures to you.
  • Talisman of Summoning You touch a nonmagical piece of jewelry, and enchant it with the power to summon yourself.
  • Twisting Tendril You create a twisting wreathing tendril of necrotic energy.
  • Eldritch Portent You draw upon the timeless knowledge of an elder ancient in order to see the future.
  • General Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Locate Remains You sense the direction to the remains of a creature, as long as some portion of the remains is within 1 mile of you.
  • Major Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
  • Sphere of Awareness Project your awareness into the space around you.
  • Earth Shatter Summon a massive lightning bolt to empower your weapon and shatter the ground in your way.
  • Energy Burst You unleash a wave of bright searing energy all around you.
  • Guardian of the Living A creature of your choice that you can see within range and that took damage during this turn regains hit points equal to 5d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
  • Hydrogen Bomb Your main goal is to blow up and act like you don't know nobody
  • Internal Incineration The bones of a creature start to burn like hot iron, and the target is incinerated from the Inside out.
  • Lion Elemenacy: Holy The sound of singing from a heavenly choir erupts from the area as the spell takes hold. The sky darkens as if it suddenly became night, as the stars dance across the heavens.
  • Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
  • Raigo A massive sphere of destructive lightning that moves at your command, unleashing pulses of energy before culminating in a devastating explosion.
  • Regeneration You infuse a creature with positive energy, granting it the ability to rapidly regenerate from damage.
  • Shadow Axe You conjure in your hand a battleaxe made of shadow.
  • Soul Bind You target the soul of one or two enemies and bind them to each other. If there is only one enemy target-able, the first enemy to come within 60 feet of the targeted creature is then bound to the first targeted creature.
  • To Ashes Closing your eyes and reaching a hand forward towards a target within range you mutter the Astral words for Time, Accelerate, and End as dark blue light beams out of your hand towards the target
  • Amplify Damage Curse enemies to take additional damage from a specific source.
  • Armor of Flesh You touch an undead creature at least one size category larger than you and merge into its body for the duration.
  • Dark World You invoke the powers of darkness to corrupt an area as small as a 30-foot cube or as large as a 100-foot cube.
  • Essence Siphon You tear a creature's vitality from their body, and use it to bolster your own.
  • Life Transfer Takes health from a willing creature and transfers it to another creature.
  • Phantasmal Ship You enchant a ship, turning it into a powerful undead vehicle.
  • Reaping Gaze A deadly spell that rots flesh and chills souls.
  • Soul Bind You target the soul of one or two enemies and bind them to each other. If there is only one enemy target-able, the first enemy to come within 60 feet of the targeted creature is then bound to the first targeted creature.
  • Undeath to Death Destroy the undead hoards by unmaking the magic animating them
  • Unholy Flame, Variant Flame-like malevolence engulfs a 15 foot area around you.
  • Vampiric Aura Life-draining energy radiates from you in an aura.
  • Apotheosis You gird someone up with the might of the arcane, becoming great and terrible in aspect and in power.
  • Channel Divinity You become a conduit for divine power, allowing you to perform several miraculous effects.
  • Drought Cause the clouds to stop raining on a large area for one month.
  • Magic Talisman You turn a piece of jewelry into a protective magical item.
  • Part Water Thrust your staff into the edge of a body of water and that body of water parts so land creatures can cross it.
  • Spell Twine Create an arcane bond that distributes your magic to another.
Needs Work

7th-Level Spells

  • Dimensional Lock Prevent any travel between different dimensions.
  • Repulsion Prevent creatures from entering your sphere of influence.
  • Time Restoration You utter the Astral words for Time, Rewind, Restore, and Life as you raise your hand to the sky crushing a sapphire. Blue energy starts to flow into the dead body of any creature your wish to resurrect.
  • Control Undead A powerful spell that controls undead.
  • Greater Harmfield You are surrounded by rings of light which disrupt the life force of whatever touches them. Your enemies are magnetically pulled into them.
  • Mass Death Ward You grant several creatures a measure of protection against death.
  • Restore/Bind Soul You bind or restore the soul of a creature of your choice.
  • Resurrect Skeleton You touch the skeleton of a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, that didn't die of old age. If its soul is free and willing, the creature returns to life with all its HP.
  • Conceive Humanoid procreation spell, warning: 18+ content
  • Create Major Helm You touch a Chair or similar object, creating a temporary Major Helm.
  • Eco Dolor You select one living creature and create a small copy of the target in your hand, at the beginning of your next turn you "pop" the small copy making the target receive again all the damage caused to it since you cast the spell
  • Foul Form You take on the appearance and some of the qualities of an undead.
  • Golem Cause the earth itself to sprout legs and obey your command.
  • Indestructible Form You become an indestructible statue.
  • Updrafts Summon the power of wind to boost your allies
Needs Work
  • Soulcraft You create an artificial soul with profane methods.

8th-Level Spells

  • Hellhole You transform an area of land into a flaming hellhole.
  • Lazarus Pit You summon a pit full of green liquid that has healing and rejuvenative properties.
  • Mute With a single gesture and a commanding shush, you attempt to magically silence a creature you can see within range.
  • Power Word Charm A word of power that compels instantaneous, unconditional reverence and awe.
  • Power Word Forget You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to forget an event.
  • Eclipse You can create the massive image of a solar eclipse occurring directly overhead.
  • Greater Animate Dead This spell creates a powerful undead servant or many weaker servants.
  • Heartstop Stop a creature's heart, causing it to rapidly expire.
  • Soul Sunder Cut a soul's silvery cord to its body, snuffing out its life.
  • Zombie Infection You send out a wave of necrotic energy that may turn creatures that die into zombies.
  • Forge of the Elements With the power of the elements, you empower a forge to craft magic items at incredible speed.
  • Magic Warship You enchant a ship, granting it several potent abilities.
  • Permanence of Being A spell which makes a creature cease the aging process.
  • Power You fill yourself with energy, which can be used to harm your enemies or bolster your own vitality.
  • Skyweave Transmute and compress a great volume of air into other materials.
  • Touch of the Void Go back in time to the creation of the universe to boost your powers temporarily.
Needs Work

9th-Level Spells

  • 617 Pages Call upon a creature from somewhere unknown.
  • Abyssal Army Summon a handful of demons
  • Call of Valors Your past achievements and heroism have impressed the God-Emperor himself, deliver his soldiers from the Astronomican.
  • Death from the Heavens You summon a holy storm that can shatter even the strongest defenses.
  • Estate Summons an estate, which you control freely
  • Genesis The spellcaster creates a finite plane with limited access: a demiplane. Demiplanes created by this power are very small, very minor planes.
  • Hallowed Lances You conjure five lances of pure radiance to impale your foes.
  • Kamikaze Summons a godly wind to annihilate armies of opponents and sink ships
  • Pillars of Time
  • Power Word Crash You disconnect a creature from the matrix of reality.
  • Summon Greater Daemon You summon a greater demon to wreak havoc upon the battlefield.
  • Summon Living City You summon a city that is alive.
  • The Sun, Revealed Create the sun in miniature.
  • True Resurrect Skeleton Restore life to a deceased skeleton.
  • Warrior of the Gods Summon glowing armor and weaponry to make yourself virtually invincible.
  • Zodiac Stars Twelve multicolored and bright stars appear and settle on your head like a crown. You can use one bonus action to make a ranged spell attack and send one star to a target.
  • Beckon Kraken Command a kraken to come to your aid.
  • Darkest Fear You fill the minds of creatures around you with horrific waking nightmares.
  • Erase Memory
  • Power Word Peace Speak a word of power which can end a battle outright.
  • Purge Evil or Good But what if you felt REALLY bad about the whole kill everything thing?
  • Purity By offering up an example of good in unlikely places, you convince the gods to perform a miracle and attempt to sway a powerful creature of evil towards the side of good.
  • Annihilation You tear a hole in the very fabric of space and time. This spell is a conversion of the one in "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil".
  • Blast Everything in That Direction Beam of light that deals 1d4+100 force damage and repels 30 feet.
  • Divine Ruin Channel other spell slots into one spell
  • Enhanced Permanency The spell you know and love is back with a vengeance!
  • Fantasy Heaven After channeling the divine spirits of the world around you, you unleash a blinding flash of purifying energy towards a creature you can see within range.
  • Flames of Hephaestus a spell to either make magic items of destroy magic people
  • Greater Heal A fully healing spell that comes with a cost.
  • Greater Purge You strain a drop of pure divinity from your god or patron, letting the raw power burst out to consume those around you.
  • Heavenly Fall You call upon the highest of powers to bring down beams of radiance upon your enemies.
  • Heavenly Rebuke Harness the curse of a fallen angel to smite your foes and pull them to the depths.
  • Heavenstrike You beseech your deity to strike the wicked with an awesomely powerful stroke of heavenly lightning.
  • Holy Exodus In the name of your deity, you command the wicked to be no more.
  • Last Act As your final act of heroism you channel all of your arcane power into your body and then expel it as a destructive force that proves harmful to your enemies.
  • Malcador’s Fallen Star Named after its discoverer, this accursed star brought death to all who saw it, including the great astrologist himself.
  • Noval Strike Invoke the mighty power of the number nine!
  • Power Word Bind
  • Quantum Shift You force open the strongest rip in time creating an aging vortex for any enemy inside its area.
  • Quincy's Epic Hammer You conjure a downright massive hammer to smack down your enemies.
  • Replication Replicate the effects of another spell or magical effect.
  • Star Blazing Summons a giant rainbow star that splits into smaller stars to attack enemies.
  • Stardown Part the sky itself!
  • Ultimatum A final trump card, for when you know there is no way out.
  • Violet Inferno The deadliest spell of all time. Probably.
  • Weave Warrior When the light dims, hope is not yet lost. It's always darkest before the dawn, and the dawn has come.
  • Acererak's Enfeeblement Expel almost all of the life force out of a victim in a single stroke.
  • Animate Dead Legion You animate lots of undead.
  • Bond with Reality Bind your soul to a structure, and as long as you remain within it, you never die.
  • Brand of Undeath Causes all affected targets to be transformed into the undead should they die while under the spell's effect.
  • Consumptive Touch Drain the soul of a creature, causing it unbearable, deadly agony.
  • Contained Horrors
  • Create Greater Undead After sacrificing one humanoid you must then choose a corpse within range that corpse becomes undead with the challenge rating of 20 or lower under your control. The corpse cannot be the humanoid sacrifice.
  • Curse of the Diminished Soul You curse a creature with a dire curse, giving it a -3 penalty to all saving throws.
  • Death's Scythe Summon the power of Death himself: A weapon of ultimate destruction, capable of killing any being.
  • Impermanence of Being This spell begins or resumes the aging process on an unaging creature.
  • Mass Harm A flood of negative energy flows from you into creatures around you.
  • Necromantic Summons When Create Undead isn't powerful enough and Animate Dead doesn't give enough variety, turn to Necromantic Summons. It gives up some choice for stronger undead.
  • Obliterate Soul A powerful damaging spell that can destroy souls.
  • Resurrection From Beyond Bring anything back, by force.
  • Soul Strike You assault the soul of a creature within range, attempting to rend it from the body and disperse it into the ether.
  • Steelcurse May every blade be your bane.
  • Tribute to the Dark Ones Your blade becomes a portal straight to your dark patron, and in your prey's place rises undead.
  • Undead Dragon Create an undead servant from the corpse of a dragon.
Needs Work