- 5e Creatures
- 5e SRD:Tribal Warrior
- 5e SRD:Warhorse
- 5e SRD:Warhorse Skeleton
- Adamantine Shelled Warbot
- Adamantine Warrior
- Alchemical Warrior
- Alpha The Magnet Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Ancient War Golem (Orizon Supplement)
- Aquado Sea Warden
- Astral Warrior
- Asura, Guild Wars Race)
- Aurora Warrior
- Axolotl Warrior
- Azure War Lizard
- Beaver Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Beta The Magnet Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Black Warrior
- Breaker the Magical Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Bugbear Elite Warrior
- Chaos Warrior
- Choji, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Clay War Golem
- Comet Warrior
- Commander Warbot
- Dracogoblin Warrior
- Dwarf Warrior
- Dwarven War Hound
- Fimir Warrior
- Formicid Warrior
- Fremen Warrior
- Fungal Warrior
- Gaara, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Gamma The Magnet Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Gardon Ironhide, Warpriest of the Good Fiend
- Gerudo Warrior
- Ghastly Warlock
- Giant Clay War Golem
- Goblin Warmage
- Goblin Warrior
- Goron Warrior
- Grippli Warrior
- Helgot Warbeast
- Helper Warbot
- High Warlord
- Hinata, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Hobgoblin Black Warden
- Hobgoblin War Priest
- Incendine Flaming Warrior
- Jaffa Warrior
- Kakashi, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kiba, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Kyoshi Warrior
- Madara, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Mantis Warrior
- Maramorian Warrior
- Matoka Warrior
- Naruto, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Needleback Warrior
- Neji, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Obito, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- OGC:Warmonger Devil
- Ogre Warlord
- Pantheon, Artisan of War
- Plasmoid Warlock of Juiblex
- Primal Warden
- Quazenti Warden
- Rat Warrior
- Rock Lee, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Ruler of Warriors
- Sai, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sakura, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Sasuke, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Savannah Ant Warrior
- Shikamaru, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Shino, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Silver Warrior
- Skaven Warlord
- Skeleton Warrior
- Snow War Golem
- Spirit Warrior
- Tanarukk Warchief
- Tanarukk Warlord
- Terracotta Warrior
- The First Warden
- The Warden
- Titan Warbot
- Totem Warrior
- Trow Iron Warrior
- Tyranid Warrior
- Valkyrion the Magna Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Viltrumite Warrior
- Wamuu, Warrior of the Pillar Men
- War Centaur
- War Griffon
- War Hammer Titan
- War Mage
- War Troll
- War-Slave
- War-Slave, Variant
- Waraji (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Warbot
- Wardolphin
- Warduke
- Warduke, Variant
- Warhorse Zombie
- Warlock of the Celestial
- Warlock of the Hexblade
- Warlock of the Undead
- Warlock-Engineer
- Warmech
- Waroman
- Warrior (Final Fantasy)
- Warrior Clan Namekian (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Warrior Dai Grepher
- Warrior Hellwasp
- Warrior, Kobold
- Wartortle
- Warwatcher, Eye of Xol (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- White Zetsu, War Arc (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Zombie Warrior
- Zombie Warrior (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- 5e Classes
- 5e SRD:Warlock
- 5e Warlock Classes
- Angelic Warrior
- Arcane Warrior
- Arcane Warrior, Variant
- Artonian Warrior
- Aura Warrior
- Avatar of War
- Avatar of War, Variant
- Aztec Warrior
- Blood War Remnant
- Blood Warrior
- Celestial Warlock
- Celestial Warrior
- Chain Warrior
- Companion Characters Other)/Human Warrior
- Critical Warrior
- Destiny Warlock
- Dragon Warrior
- Dragon Warrior (Dragonhyme)
- Dragonsoul Warrior
- Elemental Warrior
- Elemental Warrior, Variant
- Extended Warlock Levels
- Fey Warrior
- Frenzied Warrior
- Gifted Warrior
- Graviturgy Warrior
- Gravity Warrior
- Guild Wars Dragonhunter
- Hamon Warrior (JJBA Supplement)
- Ice Warrior
- Imperial Warden
- Keyblade Warrior
- Ki Warrior
- Lightning Warrior
- Lord of War
- Mantra Warrior
- Martial Warden
- Masked Warrior, Variant
- Master of War
- Master of War, Variant
- Memory Warden
- Myrmidon Warrior
- Nordic Warrior
- Primitive Warrior
- Psyche Warrior
- Psychic Ward
- River Warrior Cat
- Rubber Warrior
- Runic Warrior
- Runic Warrior Marine Variant
- Runic Warrior, Variant
- Scourge Warlock
- Shadow Warrior Cat
- Siege Warrior
- Skaven Warplock Engineer
- Sky Warrior Cat
- Soul Warden
- Spartan Warrior
- Spellcloak Warlock
- Spirit Warrior
- Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
- Taoist Warrior
- The Sealed Warrior
- Thunder Warrior Cat
- Umbrella Warrior
- Viking Warrior
- War Hulk
- War Magus
- War Priest, Variant
- War Wizard
- War's Champion
- War's Champion, Variant
- War-smith
- Warcaster
- Warcaster, Variant
- Warchief
- Warcraft Death Knight
- Warcraft Death Knight, Variant
- Warcraft Shaman
- Warden "old school"
- Warden
- Warforged Destroyer
- Warframe
- Warhammer Fantasy Witch Hunter
- Warlock Engineer
- Warlock, Low Magic Variant
- Warlord
- Warlord - Revision
- Warmage
- Warper
- Warpriest
- Warrior Cat
- Warrior of Fenris
- Warrior of the Sun
- Warrior Poet
- Wind Warrior Cat
- Wraith Warrior
- 5e Subclasses
- Air Elemental Warrior, Variant
- Air Planetouched Warrior
- Anti-Mage Warrior
- Anti-Magic Warrior
- Antimatter Warrior
- Arcane Warden
- Arcane Warmonger
- Armstrong Warrior
- Atlira Traveler Warlock
- Black Warden
- Blood Warrior
- Circle of the Elemental Warrior
- Circle of War
- Circle of Warshapers
- Colossal Warrior
- Cursed Warrior Domain
- Diluvian Warrior
- Divine Warrior
- Draconic Warrior
- Draconic Warrior, Variant
- Dragon Warrior
- Dusk Warden
- Earth Elemental Warrior
- Earth Planetouched Warrior
- Eldritch Abomination Warden
- Eldritch Warrior
- Eternal War School
- Fire Planetouched Warrior
- Fire Warrior of the Lost
- Forsaken Warrior
- Frostwarden Warrior
- Gravity Warrior
- Herald of Chaos Warlock
- Jaguar Warrior
- Magnetic Warrior
- Moonshadow Warrior
- Mountain Warden
- Musician Warrior
- Natural Warrior
- Ninja Warrior
- Ninja Warrior, Variant
- Oath of the Dragon Warrior
- Oath of the Solar Warrior
- Oath of the Warlord
- Oath of War
- Order of the Phantom Warrior
- Pact of the Cursed Warrior Warlock
- Path of the Force Warrior
- Path of the Frozen Warrior
- Path of the Immortal Warrior
- Path of the Ki Warrior
- Path of the Occultic Warrior
- Path of the Pinoak Warrior
- Path of the Reckless Warrior
- Path of the Shaman Warrior King
- Path of the Stone Warden
- Path of the Totem Warrior
- Path of the Totem Warrior, Expanded
- Path of the Totem Warrior, Expanded, Expanded Variant
- Path of the War God
- Path of the War Rage
- Path of the Warborn
- Path of the Warforged
- Path of the Warlord
- Path of the Warlord, Variant
- Path of the Warp Spasm
- Path of the Warrior Shaman
- Path of the Warrior Shaman, Variant
- Poltergeist Patron, Warlock
- Psi Warrior
- Psi Warrior, Variant
- Radiant Warrior
- Rune Warden
- Sage of War
- School of Warping
- Smelting Aura Warrior
- Sorcerous Warrior
- Soul Warden
- Sugar Warrior
- Telekinetic Warrior
- Tethered Warlock
- The Risen War
- The Warlord
- The Warlord, Original Variant
- The Warlord, Variant
- Trion Warrior
- Vicious Warrior
- War Domain
- War Domain, 2nd Variant
- War Domain, 3rd Variant
- War Domain, 4th Variant
- War Domain, Variant
- War Magic
- War Magic, Variant
- War Master
- War Medic
- Warbreaker
- Ward of Amaras
- Warden
- Warden of Hearts
- Warden of the Wild
- Warden, 2nd Variant
- Warden, Variant
- Warforger
- Warhound Domain
- Warlock Otherworldly Patron: Juiblex
- Warlord
- Warlord, Variant
- Warpriest
- Warpsmith
- Warrior
- Warrior Bloodline
- Warrior, Variant
- Water Planetouched Warrior
- Way of the Legendary Warrior
- Way of the Spirit Warrior
- Way of the Warrior
- Way of the Warrior Monk
- Way of the Z Warrior
- Wildfire Warden
- 5e Races, Subraces and Racial Variants
- Ancient Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Asura, Guild Wars (5e Race)
- Beachblush Warforged (5e Race Variant)
- Bloodclan Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Clan Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Grassland Warrior (5e Race Variant)
- Guardian Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Kin Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Kittypet Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Lizardmen, Warhammer (5e Race)
- Loner Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Mark of Warding (5e Subrace)
- Midas Warrior (5e Race)
- Mountain Cat, Warrior Cat Edition (5e Race)
- Sister, Warrior Cats Edition (5e Race)
- Sprite Warband (5e Race)
- Star Warriors (5e Race)
- Tenno/Warframe (5e Race)
- Variant Warforged (5e Race Variant)
- War Born (5e Race)
- Warden (5e Race)
- Wardrober (5e Race Variant)
- Warehound (5e Race)
- Warforged (5e Race)
- Warforged Infiltrator (5e Race Variant)
- Warforged, 2nd Variant (5e Race)
- Warforged, 3rd Variant (5e Race)
- Warforged, 4th Variant (5e Race)
- Warforged, 5th Variant (5e Race)
- Warforged, Modeled (5e Race Variant)
- Warhammer High Elf (5e Race Variant)
- Warrior Cat (5e Race)
- 5e Other
- 5e SRD
- 4e Creatures
- 4e Classes
- 4e Races and Race Variants
- 4e Other
- 3.5e Creatures
- 3.5e Races
- 3.5e Classes
- 3.5e Other
- 3.5e SRD
- Unearthed Arcana
- 3e SRD
- d20 Modern SRD
- d20 Modern Homebrew
- Pathfinder SRD
- Pathfinder Homebrew
- 2.5e Homebrew