Arkhosian Warrior (4e Theme)

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By maxieda [1]

Arkhosian Warrior

You are a warrior of Arkohsia, an ancient Dragonborn empire that used to rule much of the known world. Now that the empire has Fallen, you are forced to wander the world in search of purpose and meaning, and attempt to rebuild your glory status and honor your ancestors. You are an ancient and immortal being, likely thousands of years old, who remembers much of this time and has fought in countless wars of conquest. You have accepted the changing world around you, although not without a degree of bitterness. You still understand ancient Dragon magic, and are skilled and well versed in using it to aid you in battle.

To many, the origin of Dragonborn are mysterious and relatively unknown. This has been in part by the Dragon's attempt to keep this ancient magic unknown to the rest of the world. How they came to be is often not entirely clear to most humanoids. Early Dragons, while not humanoid in anyway, were powerful magic users and highly intelligent despite appearing like beasts, and to blend in with humanoid society would often shapeshift in to various humanoid forms. Over time, they would develop forms in order to retain many of their dragonborn features, such as their Dragon's breath or flying, but still retain enough humanoid features which would allow them to fight with weapons they had trained with. Eventually, Dragon's in these humanoid forms would even mate with other humanoids, and their offspring would become half-humanoid, half-dragon creatures. Many of these Dragonborn later lost their ability to polymorph, and retained the feature of these half humanoid and Dragonborn creatures permanently, in part due to losing knowledge of this ancient magic. All Dragonborn possess within them latent dragon ancestry however, and with proper training, can learn to manifest this by polymorphing back in to their true, Dragon form. Arkhosian warriors thus truly are Dragons, who simply are taking a humanoid form they are more comfortable with to fight with and blend in to society with. Dragons are an inherently magical creature, and their physiology is not necessarily responsible for many of their features, such as flight or breathing elements, despite their close resemblance of this. A dragon might be able to breathe fire due to small amounts of gases built up in their system, but they just as easily can enhance this with magic to do an attack that is far more powerful than their body would otherwise allow.


As an Arkhosian warrior, you specialize in specific Dragonborn fighting styles and techniques, as well as rituals and features.

Class Prerequisites

None. Although Arkhosian warriors tend to have a preference towards Strikers or damage oriented builds.

Race Prerequisites

Dragonborn. You must be of Dragonborn heritage and been an ancient warrior of Arkhosia.


You are an ancient creature, who has lived potentially for many thousands of years. You survived the fall of Arkhosia and were forced to wander the empty ruins of your empire. Unlike most Dragonborn, you have the gift of immortality, and can live forever or for many thousands of years, as the Dragons of old did. As a result of being a warrior who was from Arkhosia, you both have particular allegiances, perspectives, and features, being old and having witnessed the world, and having witnessed Arkhosia fall. Some are Bitter and angry over the fall of their empire, and feel disgraced, while others over thousands of years have gradually accepted change despite their heritage. In any case, you are an immortal creature, a warrior forced to wander the world without a true home, and yet still seek the thrill of battle and offer your skill to a worthy cause.

Associated Skill: History, Insight

Starting Feature

Ancient Dragon


You are an immortal creature, who may have lived for thousands of years, and you remember the ancient Arkhosian empire at it's peak. You no longer age, and are considered an immortal creature for purposes of meeting creature origin. You no longer have eat, drink, breathe or sleep, and do not have to sleep to benefit from an extended rest. You never have to suffer from or make endurance checks to resist suffocation (such as from drowning), starvation, thirst, disease or exhaustion, as you can continue onwards relentlessly with little to stand in your way, being magically animated as all ancient Dragons are. You gain training in one additional skill and can learn two languages of any type. You also gain the "Arkhosian Fighting Style" Theme power.

Additional Features

Level 5 Feature

Arkhosian Dilettante


You have general knowledge and skills from your time as an Arkhosian citizen. You were not just a warrior, but lived your life and lived among the people as well. You spent countless hours in study as well as practice for different skills and abilities including combat. When you make a diplomacy or history roll, you may roll twice and use either result. You also gain another feat your level or lower, which may be retrained every time you level.

Level 10 Feature

Arkhosian Manifestation


Pick a damage type; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when you make an attack with a damage roll of that type or keyword, and the target gains a vulnerability of three to that damage type when you target them with an attack, which lasts until the end of your next turn. In addition, you gain an extra damage type and keyword type when you use certain damage types, you may choose to apply this to an attack or damage roll. With one damage type you may also deal another damage type and gain that keyword to attack and damage rolls. This applies to Acid and Psychic, Cold with Shadow, Fire with Radiant, Lighting with Thunder, and Poison with Necrotic.

Optional Powers

By yamaorce [2]

Arkhosian Fighting Style Utility
You ignite your inner dragonborn power, manifesting it in every attack you perform.
Encounter Star.gif Weapon, Implement, Dragonborn, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison
Minor Action Personal
Target: Self
Effect: Pick a damage type; Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison. Until the end of the encounter, you may choose to deal that damage type with all of your damage rolls in addition to their previous damage type, and your attack rolls may gain that damage type as a keyword.

Utility Powers

You may use Utility powers from the Dragonborne (4e Theme) or Breath of Arkhosia (4e Theme) themes, as well as other Arkhosian or Dragonborn based themes.

Dragon Fury Dragonborn Utility 2
The thrill of battle invigorates you, with spilling blood only further increasing your determination to fight.
Minor Action Personal
Target: Self
Effect: You gain temporary hitpoints equal to half your level plus your constitution modifier.

Knowledge of the Ancients Dragonborn Utility 2
Your are an ancient being, and as a result have accrued a lifetime of skill and knowledge that can aid you when in need.
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You make a roll.
Target: Self
Effect: You may roll a 1d6 die and add the result to the resulting roll.

By Nick Robles [3]

Dragonborn Weapon Dragonborn Utility 6
You imbue your weapon with your inherent, latent dragonborn powers, infusing it with elemental power.
Minor Action Personal
Target: Self
Effect: Choose one weapon you are wielding. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls with that weapon, and it deals 1d6 extra damage on a hit.
Special: The attack also gains the keyword of either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison based on the element of your Dragonbreath racial encounter power. If you have access to using multiple elements, or can use other elements, you may choose which element you use for this power, or add that damage type in addition to the type listed for this power.

Dragonborn Vitality Dragonborn Utility 10
You dig deep, summoning the energy needed to expel your dragon breath once again.
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You use your "Dragon Breath" racial power.
Target: Self
Effect: You regain the use of your "Dragon Breath" racial encounter power, if you have already used it this encounter.

Ancestral Heritage Dragonborn Utility 16
You manifest your true form, that all Dragonborn carry latent within them, revealing your true Dragon form. You are massive and hulking in nature, able to breath fire and the elements, and can fly.
Encounter Star.gif Racial, Polymorph, Ancient Dragon
Minor Action Personal
Target: Self
Effect: You enter the "Ancient Dragon" polymorph until the end of the encounter, or which you can dismiss as a free action to return to normal. While as an Ancient Dragon, you may not wield weapons other than what your polymorph form offers, however you may still use standard attacks using your unarmed attacks as weapons instead, and may wield any implements even if they are not in your hands, however you lose the implement proficiency bonus if it has one. Your armor and other features are absorbed in to your form, and return to normal once you leave the polymorph form. Your unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons of your level with a proficiency of +2 and that deal 1d12 damage. You gain a fly speed of 8, with an altitude of 50. You are treated as if a large creature, and take up a 2 x 2 four square area and increase your reach by 1. You increase the area of any Close burst, Area Burst, and Clost Blast attacks by 1, and deal 1d6 extra damage with them.

In addition, as a standard action, you may use the "Ancient Dragon's Breath" attack, either as a Close blast 3, Area burst 1, Close Burst 1 (after the polymorph feature is already used), with the attack roll using your highest ability modifier + 3, which deals 1d10 damage + your highest ability modifier as extra damage.

Ancient Dragon's Breath Dragonborn Attack Theme
As you open your mouth with a roar, the deadly power of your draconic kin blasts forth to engulf your foes.
At-Will Star.gif Primal, Polymorph, Ancient Dragon, Implement, Dragonborn
Standard Action Close blast 3, Area burst 1, Close Burst 1
Target: All enemies in area
Attack: Highest Ability Modifier + 3 Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + Highest ability modifier damage.
Special: You may only use this power while in your "Ancient Dragon" polymorph form. The power's range and area effect can be a close blast 3, Area Burst 1 (Ranged 10), or Close Burst 1. At level 11 you gain an additional +4 bonus to attack rolls and do 2d10 damage, and at level 21 you gain an additional +6 bonus to attack rolls and do 3d10 damage. You may choose for the damage type and keyword to become Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison before you make the attack.

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Theme Encounter Powers

By Kelli Cairns [4]

Breath of Arkhosia Theme Attack 3
You unleash your inner Arhkosian breath, hurling a powerful attack at your opponent.
Encounter Star.gif Implement, Arcane, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison, Racial
Standard Action Close burst 1, Close blast 3, or Area Burst 1 Ranged 10
Target: Each creature in burst.
Attack: Highest ability modifier + 3 Vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Highest ability modifier damage. In addition, each creature is slowed until the end of their next turn.
Special: You may choose for the attack to the gain the keyword and change it's damage type to either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison. In addition, you may choose for the attack to be a Close burst 1, Close blast 3, or an Area burst 1 with a range of 10 squares for the attack.

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Empowered Breath Theme Attack 7
You empower your breath with the magic of your ancestors.
Encounter Star.gif Implement, Arcane, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison, Racial
Free Action '
Trigger: You hit with a Blast, Close burst or Area Burst attack.
Target: Each creature hit by the attack.
Effect: You may deal an extra 1d10 damage to the targets of the attack. In addition, the targets take 5 ongoing damage, a -2 penalty to all defenses, and are stunned (save ends).
Special: You may choose for the attack to the gain the keyword and change it's damage type to either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison.

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Artic Blast Theme Attack 13
You unleash an artic blast, releasing a cold freeze on your enemy.
Encounter Star.gif Implement, Arcane, Cold, Racial, Weapon
Standard Action Close Blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast.
Attack: Highest ability modifier + 3 Vs. Reflex
Hit: You deal 3[W] or 3d10 cold damage to each target, and you may push them up to 2 squares.

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Fire of Arkhosia Theme Attack 5
You unleash a blast of radiant fire, summoning a cleansing fire to annihilate your opponents.
Daily Star.gif Implement, Arcane, Fire, Racial, Weapon
Standard Action Close Blast 5
Target: Each creature in blast.
Attack: Highest ability modifier + 3 Vs. Reflex
Hit: You deal 2[W] or 2d10 fire and radiant damage to each target, and each target takes 5 ongoing fire and radiant damage (save ends).
Effect: Allies in the blast are immune to damage and may instead regain hitpoints equal to the damage they would otherwise be inflicted.

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Arhkosian Breath Weapon Theme Attack 9
You unleash a blast of radiant fire, summoning a cleansing fire to annihilate your opponents.
Daily Star.gif Implement, Arcane, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison, Racial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature.
Attack: Highest Ability Modifier Vs. Fortitude
Hit: You deal 4[W] + Your Highest Ability Modifier damage to the target.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you may choose for your melee weapon attacks to target the fortitude defense and deal 1d6 extra damage.
Special: You may choose for the attack to the gain the keyword and change it's damage type to either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison.

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