Warforged Components (3.5e Equipment)
The warforged are living constructs, creations of magic not entirely dissimilar to magic items themselves. A warforged character can incorporate special magic items—from weapons and armor, modifications to rings and rods—called components, into its own partially living, partially constructed form. While theoretically any item can be crafted for this purpose, certain objects are specifically designed for use by warforged characters. A bonded item can either be embedded into the body of a warforged or attached to a limb.
EMBEDDING OR ATTACHING A WARFORGED COMPONENT Any character capable of creating a magic item can make the same magic item as a warforged component, and any warforged character capable of using a magic item can use the same item as a warforged component. Warforged components use the special rules given below, and otherwise conform to the normal rules for creating and using magic items.
A warforged component usually occupies the same space on the body that a magic item of the same kind normally would. Components that do not occupy any space on the body cost twice what they would cost as ordinary magic items. These components only work when bonded to the body of a warforged; they are not usable by members of any other race. There is no chance of damaging an embedded warforged component when the warforged rolls a 1 on a saving throw, and an embedded component cannot be targeted by an attack independently of the warforged who bears it. Attached components, however, can be damaged and targeted. If a warforged component requires activation, the character with the component can activate it with a thought. Doing this requires the same kind of action as for an ordinary magic item (usually a standard action), but the warforged can do it silently and without moving, and never provokes an attack of opportunity to activate a component. Attaching or detaching a warforged component is a standard action that never provokes an attack of opportunity. If a warforged character has at least 1 hit point, embedded or attached components cannot be removed unless the warforged wants them to be. A disabled warforged (–1 to –9 hp) has no choice in the matter; embedded or attached components can be removed from a disabled warforged. If a warforged is destroyed (–10 hit points), each component gets an appropriate saving throw to remain intact; intact components can be salvaged. MODIFICATION COMPONENT FEATS These can be obtained in one of three ways. Either the warforged can purchase them, craft them or the warforged may take a feat to obtain them. Either way the perquisite must be fulfilled before they can be used. Finger Picks Price: 500 gp Body Slot: Hands (embedded) Activation: — Weight: — Prerequisites: Dex 13 With a faint click, a series of slender wires, probes, and picks slide from the tips of your fingers. These delicate, intricate tools function as masterwork thieves’ tools that grant an additional +2 bonus on Disable Device and Open Lock checks, for a total bonus of +4. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; knock; 250 gp
Armblade Price: 4,600 gp Body Slot: Hands (attached) Activation: — Weight: 8 lbs. Prerequisites: BAB +3, Exotic Weapon Proficiency This large metal cylinder with a heavy, serrated sword blade at one end attaches to a warforged. It fits over the hand and forearm.
An armblade is a +1 bastard sword, and requires the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat to use it properly. While the weapon is attached, the warforged cannot be disarmed, but the warforged also cannot use that hand for other tasks without removing the arm blade.
In addition, the wielder gains a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent. If the wielder uses a ready action to set an armblade against a charge, he deals double damage on a successful hit against a charging character. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, heroism; Price 2,300 gp
Battlefist Price: 5,200 gp Body Slot: Hands (attached) Activation: — Weight: 6 lbs. Prerequisites: BAB +1, STR 13 This +1 weapon resembles a massively oversized spiked gauntlet; one designed for a Medium warforged looks like a gauntlet designed for an ogre. It attaches to the arm of a warforged, completely covering the hand. This component only operates when attached and locked in place.
A battlefist increases the damage dealt by the character’s natural slam attack to 1d8 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (assuming a Medium character). Versions with higher enhancement bonuses are not uncommon.
A warforged monk who uses a battlefist deals increased unarmed damage as though the character were one size larger than actual, and he can add the battle fist’s enhancement bonus to his unarmed attack and damage rolls. Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull’s strength; 2,600 gp
Vanguard Treads Price: 3,100 gp Body Slot: see text Activation: see text Weight: 2 lb. Prerequisites:- These massive boots have spiked, treaded soles and look large enough to fit a heavily armored ogre. A row of inset amethysts runs around the top cuff.
A common warforged component, vanguard treads provide speed and stability to a warforged fighting amid the rubble and carnage of the battlefield.
Vanguard treads appear to be oversize metal boots with spiked, treaded soles. Their most impressive feature is their sheer size—they look big enough to fit a heavily armored ogre. Along the top cuff is a row of inset amethysts that seem to glow a bright purple whenever the wearer runs, charges, or resists a bull rush.
Activation: A set of vanguard treads occupies space on the body as a pair of boots, providing its benefits automatically as long as it’s embedded. Embedding or detaching a pair of vanguard treads is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
Effect: Your vanguard treads provide you with superior traction and stability, which has the following game effects:
• You can move through difficult terrain (such as rubble, undergrowth, steep slopes, stairs, or snow) at your normal speed and without suffering any other impairment.
• You are likewise unaffected by slippery ice, wet stones, or other areas where traction is a problem.
• You gain a +8 bonus on attempts to resist bull rushes, and a +4 bonus on grapple checks to resist a grapple attempt if that grapple would move you into another square.
Areas that have been magically manipulated to impede movement (such as an entangle spell) still affect you, as does water, quicksand, and other nonsolid surfaces. You likewise have to slow down for narrow paths requiring Balance checks and for surfaces steep enough to require Climb checks.
If the terrain deals damage (such as the burning ground on the plane of Fernia), you still take that damage. The massive spikes and treads on the soles of your feet leave a distinctive trail. Anyone following you gains a +8 circumstance check on the Survival or Search checks made to track you.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb; 1,550 gp.
Traction Claws (attached component) Price: 8,000 gp Body Slot: see text Activation: — Weight: 10 lbs Prerequisites: - This magic item consists of a set of large metal crampons and cumbersome clawed gauntlets, all four of which must be worn to function. The items occupy space on the body as a pair of gloves and a pair of boots, but when a warforged attaches them, they fuse with his armor and retract until needed. A warforged wearing these magic items gains a +5 competence bonus on Climb checks to climb a surface (but not to climb a rope) and a +5 competence bonus on Balance checks on slippery surfaces (such as ice or an area coated by a grease spell).
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, cat’s grace; 4,000 gp
Essence Of The Guard (embedded component) Price: (Lesser) 12,500 gp, (Greater) 25,000 Body Slot: see text Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisites: - This dull coppery disk bears symbols representing watchfulness. When embedded in a warforged, it occupies space on the body as an amulet, granting the character a (Lesser )+2 or (Greater) +4 competence bonus on Perception checks. Perception becomes a class skill.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; (Lesser) 6,250 gp, (Greater) 12,500 gp.
Command Circlet (attached component) Price: 25,800 gp Body Slot: see text Activation: — Weight: 2 lbs Prerequisites: INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 13 This circlet bestows a commanding aura upon its wearer. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on all Charisma checks, including Charisma-based skill checks. The wearer also gains a +2 competence bonus to his Leadership score. Friendly troops within 360 feet of the user become braver than normal, gaining a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against fear. Since the effect arises in great part from wearer, it does not function if the wearer hides or conceals himself in any way.
A warforged wearing a command circlet can telepathically speak to any allies within 100 feet as a free action (though the circlet does not grant the ability to hear mental replies). The wearer must be able to see the allies that he wishes to speak to; if multiple allies are in range, the wearer may speak to them all at the same time or deliver different messages to individuals or groups as time allows. In addition, once per day, the circlet can be used to cast remove fear upon up to ten allies within 30 feet of the wearer (including the wearer, if desired).
Strong Enchantment; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, remove fear, mass charm monster; 12,900 gp
Somatic Cables Price 24,00 gp Body Slot: Torso (embedded) Activation: Swift (mental) Weight: — A small mass of writhing metal cables slides from your chest, twisting about one another in arcane configurations.
Developed for spellcasting warforged, somatic cables can be used to execute the somatic component of any spell. This effect allows a warforged to cast spells even with both hands occupied, when its hands are immobilized, or even when grappled (though this still requires a Concentration check).
A warforged who suffers from a spell failure chance due to armor can roll twice, taking the better of the two results.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, Still Spell, telekinesis. Cost to Create: 12,000 gp.
Monocle Of The Ebon Hunter Price: 18,000 gp (lesser) or 38,000 gp (greater) Body Slot: eyes Activation: see text Weight: - Prerequisites: see text This lens attached to your face makes you a deadly hunter at night, able to bring down your prey with arrows from the dark.
A monocle of the ebon hunter is a coin-sized lens of smoky crystal, set in a wire frame that attaches to your head near the temple.
When you have a ranged weapon in your hands and are in shadowy illumination or darkness, the wire frame around the monocle glows faintly red-orange, like embers in a campfire. Peering through the monocle, you see auras surrounding your foes within 60 feet. Bright sparks on the periphery of the aura indicate weak points in your enemies’ defenses; you’re more likely to strike a telling blow if you can hit those points.
Prerequisite: A monocle of the ebon hunter is an embedded warforged component, so it functions only for warforged characters.
Activation: A monocle of the ebon hunter occupies space on the body as a set of lenses or goggles, providing its benefits automatically as long as it’s embedded. Embedding or detaching a monocle is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. You can wear only one monocle at a time.
Effect: Monocles of the ebon hunter come in two varieties. A lesser monocle grants a +2 competence bonus on ranged attacks made against targets within 60 feet. A greater monocle grants a +4 competence bonus on ranged attacks on targets within 60 feet, and a +2 competence bonus on damage rolls if those ranged attacks hit.
Both versions of the monocle of the ebon hunter grant darkvision out to 60 feet.
Moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, true strike; 9,000 gp (lesser) or 19,000 gp (greater).
Tracker Mask Price: 18,000 gp Body Slot: goggles (attached component) Activation: — Weight: 1 lb. Prerequisites: Survival 3 ranks, WIS 13 Crafted to fit above the mouth of a warforged, this thin mask is a peaked band of silvery metal with ventlike structures that fall under the eyes when worn. Originally created for use by warforged reconnaissance troops, the tracker mask grants its wearer the scent ability. However, many warforged covet this item because it gives them the ability to smell all scents, not merely those of a creature being tracked. Gain a +2 to Survival when tracking.
The mask occupies space on the body as goggles and fuses with the wearer’s face when donned, forming a nose ridge with the slatted vents on either side.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, owl’s wisdom; Price 9,000 gp
Projection Orb Price 25,200 gp Body Slot: Face (embedded) and —; see text Activation: Standard (mental) Weight: — and 7 lb. (globe); see text A perfectly spherical globe, resembling a small crystal ball, glints with the same glassy hue as your own eyes.
This “item” is made up of three parts: two crystalline eyes embedded in your face, and a matching globe. As a standard action, you can cause anything you see to appear in the globe, allowing its possessor to view what you are viewing. Deactivating the link is a swift action.
Moderate divination; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, scrying; 12,600 gp.
Armbow Price: 25,000 gp Body Slot: Hand (attached component) Activation: — Weight: 12 lbs Prerequisites: DEX 13, Str 13, BAB +5, Exotic Weapon Proficiency This +2 repeating crossbow is formed from darkwood, and it has an unusually thick and rounded stock. It attaches to the arm of a warforged, completely covering the hand. This component only operates when attached and locked in place.
An armbow magically loads and fires with a thought, as a standard action. The weapon automatically creates bolts to keep its ammunition case filled. The case holds 5 bolts at a time; whenever one bolt is fired, another one is magically created. It can create 20 bolts per day. Thereafter, the warforged can use his own life energy to create additional bolts, at a cost of 1 hit point per bolt. At any time, the warforged can expend 3 hit points to create a bolt that is aligned as if he had cast align weapon on it. Creating a bolt is a free action. Bolts vanish if they are removed from the armbow without being shot. Hit points used to create a bolt are treated just as if the character took damage; they can be healed or repaired normally.
An armbow cannot use normal bolts (either magical or mundane); it is designed to create and fire its own magical bolts.
Moderate evocation and conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, align weapon, minor creation; 12,500 gp
Improved Fortification [Warforged] Price: 18,000 gp Body Slot: - Activation: - Weight: - Prerequisites:BAB +6, Light Fortification You improve your warforged fortification, gaining immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits. Benefit: You gain 50% immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits Construction: see Armor Special Abilities: fortification
Perception Enhancement [Warforged] Price: 8,500 gp Body Slot: eyes Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: WIS 13 A warforged who chooses this body augmentation fine tunes his own senses to be able to perceive the world around him more accurately. He gains blind fight as a bonus feat. He gains low–light vision and he also adds a +2 bonus to perception checks. Perception becomes a racial skill. Faint Divination; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item; Owl's Wisdom; 4,250 gp
Manipulation Enhancement
Price: 1,800 gp
Body Slot: Hand
Activation: —
Prerequisite: DEX 13
A warforged who chooses this body augmentation adds a number of small tools to the tips of his fingers and to his hands that can be extended or retracted as a free action. He is always treated as having masterwork tools whenever he performs a craft, open lock, or slight of hand skill check. He also adds open lock and slight of hand to his class skills.
Faint Transmutation; CL3; Craft Wondrous Item; Repair Light Damage, Minor CReation; 900 gp
Leg Enhancement [Warforged] Price: 5,500 Body Slot: Legs Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: STR 13, DEX 13, HD 3+ A warforged who chooses this body augmentation upgrades the constructed “muscles” in his legs; this grants him the feat athletic, a +2 enhancement bonus on Acrobatics checks made to attempt high jumps or long jumps as well as a ten foot bonus to his base land speed. He also adds athletics and acrobatics to his class skills. He is more stable on his feet and gains the stability racial feature, receiving a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. Faint Transmutation; CL3; Craft Wondrous Item; Jump; 2,750 gp
Vocal Enhancement [Warforged] Price: 3,000 gp Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: CHA 13, Linguistics 3 Ranks A warforged who chooses this body augmentation upgrades his voice box granting him bluff and diplomacy as a class skill as well as the negotiator and persuasive feats as bonus feats. Mild Enchantment; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item; Charm Person; Cost 1,500 gp
Wings [Warforged] Price: 54,000 gp Body Slot: cloak Activation: swift action Weight: - Prerequisite: DEX 13 A warforged who chooses the wings augmentation adds huge pair of retractable wings made out of living metal. Fly becomes a racial skill. This allows the warforged a glide speed equal to his base land speed, when he gains 5 ranks in fly, he can use his wings for full flight with a speed equal to twice his land speed and has poor manuaverability he may only fly with a light load. When he gains 10 ranks in fly, the warforged has good maneuverability. He may fly with up to a medium load but takes the movement penalties for flying with anything more and may take the fly by attack feat. Moderate Transmutation; CL 10; Craft Wondrous Item ; Fly ; 27,000 gp
Fins [Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: STR 13 A warforged who chooses the fins augmentation installs a number of retractable fins on his sides and limbs that provide him with a swim speed equal to his base lands speed plus 20 as well as granting him a +8 racial bonus on swim checks (stacks with the leg enhancement if he chose that as well) the ability to take 10 on swim checks even if threatened or rushed, and the swim-by attack feat Aura; CL; Feat; Spells; Cost
Bladed Hands [Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: STR 13 A warforged who chooses the bladed hands augmentation installs a retractable spade shaped adamantine blade on the back of each of his hands. When the blades are out, they grant him a burrow speed of 5’ and the ability to use the blades as manufactured weapons. The blades do 1d6 damage, threaten a critical hit on a roll of 20 and do double damage with a critical hit. The blades are treated as adamantine and slashing. Aura; CL; Feat; Spells; Cost
Automated Repairs [Warforged] Price: 30,000 gp Body Slot: - Activation: swift action Weight: - Prerequisite: INT 13, Craft 5 Ranks With this body augmentation the warforged installs automated systems under his platting that automatically repairs his body. This grants him fast healing 1/ per 4 HD. This is not a conjuration(healing) effect and works for the warforged unhindered by the warforged's lack of natural healing and resistance to conjuration(healing) spells. Faint Conjuration; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item; Repair Damage; 7,500 gp
Massive Frame [Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: CON 13, STR 13 With this body augmentation the warforged adds a number of additions to his body accenting his movement, strength, and size. This grants him the powerful build racial trait and dr 2/- (this stacks with other dr)
Powerful Build: Your physical stature lets you function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous. also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
Aura; CL; Feat; Spells; Cost
Weaponized Chain [Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: STR 13, BAB+3 With this arm add on the warforged adds a +1 mithral chain dispenser to the bottom of his wrist. He may dispense or retract the chain as a free action and he is proficient in its use. When dispensed the chain acts as a one handed +1 mithral weapon that deals 1d6+1 damage (for a medium creature), has a reach of 10’ yet can attack and threatens at 5’ and 10’, threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and does double damage on a critical hit. The warforged my choose to have it spiked or not making damage either piercing or bludgeoning when he chooses this add on and may change it with a dc 20 craft (blacksmithing) check and eight hours of work. The chain give a +4 bonus to trip and grapple attempts. Aura; CL; Feat; Spells; Cost
Retractable Blade [Warforged] Price: 4,000 gp Body Slot: wrist Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: DEX 13, BAB+2 With this arm add on the warforged adds an +1 adamantine keen blade that extends and retracts from the back of his hand fast enough that it is typically extended as part of the attack and retracted before the attack is over. The speed of this blade allows the warforged to attack the flatfooted ac of any enemy who has never seen it’s use before or does not know that the warforged posses it. This one-handed weapon does 1d6 damage and threatens a double damage critical hit on a roll of 16 or better however it cannot have this critical range further enhanced. Moderate Transmutation; CL 10; Craft Magic Arms & Armor; keen edge; 2,000 gp
Shield Arm [Warforged] Price: 12,650 gp Body Slot: Shield Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency, STR 13, BAB+3 This arm add on implants a variable shield of living metal that as a free action the warforged can change to any type of +1 shield other then tower shield (including having it completely retract into his arm). This shield is made out adamantine. Moderate Transmutation; CL 10 ; Craft Magic Arms & Armor; Instant Summons; 7,650 gp
Circlet of Preservation
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: This is a heavy torc of blackened adamatine, it adjusts to fit the neckof any medium warforged. The torc is designed to absorb the consciousness of the warforged it is on if the warforged is critically damaged and repair the damage afterward. The circlet restores 1hp every 10 minutes, even if the wearer has been reduced to more than –9 hps. When –9 is reached, the consciousness returns into the warforged body. The circlet can be removed if the warforged reaches 0 hps, which stops the circlet from repairing the body but retains the consciousness. If the circlet is then placed on another warforged, the two consciousnesses must roll opposed will checks, the ictor gains control of the body, the loser is trapped in the circlet. This test can be repeated every 24 hours. The consciousness in the circlet is like a docent in that it can communicate telepathically and sense the world through its hosts senses. The two consciousnesses can come to a symbiotic agreement and take turns running the body, but still the switch can only happen once every 24 hours. The circlet is highly resistant to damage, it is made of spell hardened adamantine and has a hardness of25 and 50hps. It repairs 1hp per round also. Strong Enchantment; CL 20.
Circlet of the Third Eye
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: This headband bears the sigil of a single eye situated in the center of the brow. On command, the eye transforms into a 6” eyestalk that is controllable by thought. The eye glows yellow and is clearly visible even in darkness and deep shadow (Hide checks @ -5). The wearer gains darkvision 60’ and can continually see invisible as the spell. In addition, the eyestalk is extremely flexible and is capable of stretching up to 10’ away. The eyestalk has an AC of 20 and 15hps. If it is taken to below 0 hps, it disappears and cannot be used again for one week. The circlet can function for one hour per day but it need not be consecutive. The minimum time it can be activated is ten minutes though.
Faint Transmutation; CL4; Craft Wonderous Item, alter self, darkvision, see invisibility; Price 30000gp; Weight 1lb.
Clone Mask
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: These items have only been found in Xen’Drick and then only rarely. The mask is a ceramic mask colored red on one side and blue on the other (Hardness10, 35Hps). Once per day the warforged can undergo an astounding change for up to one hour. His upper body splits in two and becomes two separate tops, while his lower body grows a third leg for stability. This transformation is a full round action. The mask can only be activated by a warforged that has at least a +6 BAB, because while there are two upper bodies, there is only one mind and the warforged can only make its normal amount of actions per round. If one of the heads is decapitated, the warforged immediately reverts to normal and is stunned for 2d4 rounds. After the initial transformation is complete, the warforged gains the following effects: When maiking a full attack, the warforged gains one extra attack at his full BAB. The warforged gains a temporary 2d10 hps. The warforged may grapple with one opponent without penalty and may attempt to grapple a second with the standard penalty. The warforged cannot be flanked. The warforged gains the powerful build trait. He gains +2 on all listen and Spot checks. The warforged gain a +4 stability bonus when resisting trip attacks.
Strong Transmutation; CL20; Artifact; Price ? Weight 1lb.
Disc of Energy Resistance
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: A metallic disc, engraved with runes and set with a gemstone at it center, it occupies the same spot as an amulet on a warforged and grants the wearer resistance to one kind of energy (acid, cold, electric, fire, sonic).A minor disc gives 10ER, a major disc gives 20ER and a greater disc grants 30ER. Faint (minor or major) or moderate (greater) abjuration; CL 3 (minor), 7 (major), 11 (greater); Craft Wonderous item; resist energy; price 12000gps (minor), 28000gps (major), 44000gps (greater).
Disc of Illumination
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite:This shimmering metal disc occupies the same body slot as an amulet. Three times a day the disc can illuminate the non wooden parts of the warforged body, making it shime as the daylight spell for one hour. When the warforged is illuminated he is difficult to look directly at and gains a +2 concealment bonus to AC. Moderate Evocation; CL6; Craft Wonderous Item, daylight; Price 20000gps; Weight 1lb.
Disc of Shadow
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: This dark crescent shaped disc occupies the same body slot as an amulet. Three times per day the disc can cause inklike black vapors to pour from the warforged’s mouth, shrouding it in an effective darkness spell centered on him for one hour. The warforged gain a +2 concealment bonus to AC and a +5 bonus to hide checks.
Moderate Evocation; CL 6; Craft Wonderous Item, darkness; Price 20000gps; Weight 1lb.
Docent Components
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: These are artifacts discovered in the wilds of Xen’drick, they are small metal spheres(2”), embedded with dragonshards and gems. Artificers and Warforged alike have so far failed in discovering why they work or how to make them. Despite radiating strong magic, the docents have no identifiable magic abilities until they are embedded in a warforged. At that point they ‘come to life’, literally. A docent is an intelligent magic item designed to advise and help living constructs. They can be any alignment but all share these statistics:
Int of 2d6+8 (min12) and wisdom and charisma scores of 2d6+6 (min10). It perceives its surroundings through the warforged’s senses, but does not use the warforgred spot, search or listen skills. It can always communicate telepathically with the warforged it is attached to . The docent cannot speak but the warforged can give control of his vocal ability to the docent. One of the primary uses of the docent is to act as a translator for its warforged. All docents speak giant and common. A docent can understand an additional two languages for each point of intelligence modifierthat it possesses. When a docent is found, it most likely will not have all of these slots filled. Docents in Xen’drick will most likely have draconic and elvish, the docents learn new languages almost as soon as they are introduced to them. Each docent has 1d4 powers from the following list:
Deathwatch continuously active +2700gp
Detect magic at will +3600gp
10 ranks in decipher script +5000gp
10 ranks in diplomacy +5000gp
10 ranks in knowledge (choose category) +5000gp
10 ranks in listen +5000gp
10 ranks in search +5000gp
10 ranks in sense motive +5000gp
10 ranks in spellcraft +5000gp
10 ranks in spot +5000gp
Haste the owner 1x/day +5000gp
Zone of Truth 3x/day +6500gp
Detect opposing alignment at will +7200gp
Detect undead at will +7200gp
Continuous Detect scrying +10000gp
Status, usable at will +11000gp
The docent activates and controls all of its own abilities, not the warforged. The diplomacy skill can only be used if the warforged allows the docent to speak through him. A docent has a base value of 2500gp. The ego score of the docent is determined oin the normal way. A warforged may remove the docent at will and replace it with another if he so chooses, however, the new docent will not activate until 24 hours have passed since it was attached. A warforged can only attach one docent at a time.
Dragonshard Core
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: This was discovered deep in the wilds of Xen’drik, it is thought to be a unique item. While its powers were demonstrated by a warforged named Shear, he was lost in a battle with un unknown beast and neither he nor the Core have ever been seen again. The Dragonshard Core consists of 3 dragonshards, 6” long. Each of the 3 types (Siberys, Eberron and Khyber) are represneted here. Each shard is stuck in a diamond the size of a thumb and the whole thing is held together by a ring od adamantine. When placed upon the chest, it embeds and sinks into the body. The core has three sets of abilities, each relating to a different shard, the warforged can decide which set to use once per day as a standard action. Here are the powers associated with each shard:
Siberys: Sense the presence of any dragonmarked creature within 100’ and know their exact location. With a DC15 wisdom check, he can determine the relative strength of the dragonmark detected. In addition, he can create an antimagic field that extends out 100’ and can be manifested at will.
Eberron: Warforged gains Spell Resistance 25, Healing spells work to their full effect, Repair spells heal double.
Khyber: Any spell with an elemental descriptor subject to spell resistance fails against the warforged unless he wishes it. Additionally, he gains immunity to fire and cold, a fly speed of 30’ (Perfect maneuverability) and a burrow speed of 30’.
Scholars believe there are even greater powers in the Dragonshard Core but have no evidence to back it up.
Strong (All Schools); CL20;Weight 10lbs.
Essence of the Scout
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: A dark metal disc engraved with symbols for silence and stealth, it occupies the same slot as an amulet. It grants a +5 bonus to hide and move silently. Faint illusion; CL 5; Craft wonderous item; invisibility, silence; price 5000gps.
Essence of the Scout, Greater
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: As essence of the scout but +15 bonus. moderate illusion; CL 10; Craft wonderous item; invisibility, silence; price 45000gps.
Essence of the Scout, Improved
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: As essence of the scout but +10 bonus. Moderate illusion; CL 10; Craft wonderous item; invisibility, silence; price 20000gps.
Expanded Resevoir
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: Only warforged with the psionic body feat can benefit from this item. You can embed this crystal in your chest of skull, either taking an amulet or headband slot. Once embedded, you can store an additional 6 power points in your body.
Moderate Psychokinesis; ML 12; Craft Cognizance Crystal; Price 18000gps; Cost 9000gps, 720xps, 18 days: Weight 1lb.
Final Messenger
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: Basically a small lightweight golem made of clockwork and filagree wings, it occupies the same slot as an amulet. The warforged can implant a destination, target creature and 25 word message into the messenger and send it as a standard action. If the warforged is destroyed, the messenger replaces the message with the final sight of the warforged ad flies immediately to its target creature. It is a fine construct with AC26/26/26, 6hps, and a fly speed of 60’ (perfect). It has low light vision, darkvision (60’), it has no arms or legs and can only deliver its message. It can run for 8 hours after being detacted from its host warforged. Moderate transmutation; CL 11; Craft construct; animate object, sending; price 6000gps.
Gauntlet of the Deft Hand
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: This single gauntlet is made of a fine metal mesh, impervious to the effects of natural rusting or tarnishing. Upon speaking the correct command word the warforged’s hand and fingers transform into fine tools, perfect for precise work. The warforged gains a +5 competence bonus on craft checks that involve fine details, as well as Disable device and Open locks checks. Using the gaunlet of Deft Hand precludes the warforged from holding a weapon in its transformed hand for the duration of the effect. Once activated, the gauntlet’s effect lasts indefinitely, but its wearer can deactivate and remove the gauntlet at will. The warforged can use the various blades and tools created by the gauntlet as exotic weapons. The tools deal 1d4 damage of slashing or piercing damage (user’s choice).
Faint Transmutation; CL 4;Craft Wonderous Item, alter self; Price 7500gp; Weight 1lb.
Gauntlets of Excavation
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: These oversized gauntlets appear battered and well used even when just created. When activated, the warforged’s arms and hands transform into shovels that can dig through earth and stone at a rate of 10cuft of earth or 2 cuft of stone every 10 minutes. The shovel arms have an equivalent Str of 20 or the warforged’s Str, whichever is greater. When activated the warforged becomes topheavy and unable to wield a weapon. He loses all dodge bonuses to AC and takes a –5 penalty to all Dex based checks. Both gauntlets must be worn to activate the magic. The warforged may use the gauntlets for up to 1 hour (not necessarily consecutive) a day but each activation lasts at least 10 minutes. The shovels can be used as exotic weapons but they only deal 1d4 slashing damage.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 5; Craft Wonderous Item, alter self, soften earth and stone; Price 8000gp; Weight 8lb.
Iron-Toothed Girdle
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: Body Slot: Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: This girdle consists of two wide dull grey metal bands affixed by a hinge in back and a sturdy clasp in the front, it occupies the same body slot as a belt. With a command word the girdle activates and splits the warforged’s torso into a gaping maw filled with gnashing metal teeth. The maw can stretch from the body to make one bite attack per round (5’ range) dealing 3d6 piercing damage (Crit threat 19/2x). It is considered a magic weapon for dealing with damage reduction. During a grapple, the maw can attack normally without the –4 penalty. The maw can make a total of 10 bites per day.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7; Craft Wonderous Item, polymorph; Price 15000gp; Weight 10lb.
Jewels of Dazzling Light
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: 17,000 gp Body Slot: Bracer Activation: — Weight: 1/2 lb. Prerequisite: - Composed of clusters of various multihued gemstones placed in arcane patterns around each forearm, the jewels of dazzling light occupy the same body slot as bracers. When worn, they grant the warforged a +2 enhancement bonus to Diplomacy checks against creatures that can see tha warforged. In addition, the jewels grant the following spell-like abilities: 5x/day- Dancing Lights, Daze (DC16), Flare (DC16); 3x/day- Color Spray (DC17), Hypnotism (DC 17); 1x/day- Rainbow Pattern (DC 21).
Moderate Illusion; CL 10; Craft Wonderous Item, color spray, dancing lights, daze, flare, hypnotism, rainbow pattern; Price 8,500gp;
Power Crystal
[Psiforged] Price: Body Slot: see text Activation: — Weight: Prerequisite: Psiforged This attached component can occupy either the head, chest or hand. A power crystal stores the imprint of a psionic power. You can activate the crystal by spending power points (you cannot augment this power), this power is treated as a normally manifested power with all the attendant effects.
Craft Universal Item; Imprint Stone, must be able to manifest the power imprinted in the stone
Power Lvl Aura ML Price Cost
- must be able to manifest the power imprinted in the stone
Psychic Generator
[Psiforged] Price: Lesser 2,500 gp; Moderate 5,000 gp; Greater 8,000 gp Body Slot: chest Activation: — Weight: 1 lb Prerequisite: Psiforged This khayldarin crystal cluster is embedded into your torso. The psychic generator grants you, (Lesser) 1 additional power point; (Moderate) 5 additional power points; or (Greater) 10 additional power points that can be used each day.
Faint Psychokinesis; ML 5; Craft Universal Item; Lesser 1,250 gp; Moderate 2,500 gp; Greater 4,000 gp
Scorpion Brand
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: 35,000 gp Body Slot: chest Activation: full round action Weight: 1 lb Prerequisite: Dex 13, Str 13 Made of a 6’ square sheet of steel edged with gold, this item bears the likeness of a stylized scorpion. Once affixed to the chest, it allows the warforged to manifest an 8’ scorpion tail made of segmented metal. The tail can make one attack per round (in addition to any other attacks the warforged can make). This is a secondary natural attack with a 10’ reach. The sting deals 1d6 damage and injects a poison (injury depends on poison used), and is considered a magic weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The tail has an AC of 20 and 30 hps, if it is destroyed, the tail cannot remanifest for one week. The tail can make a total of 10 attacks per day. The tail has a special sac that holds the poison almost like a gland. The warforged can choose which poison he wants to use. The sac holds 10 doses.
Moderate transmutation; CL7; Craft Wonderous Item, alter self; 17,500 gp
Spring Heeled Boots
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: 45,500 gp Body Slot: boots Activation: standard action Weight: 4 lbs Prerequisite: Dex 13 These boot expand or contract to fit the feet of any warforged. When the command word is spoken, copper coils grow from the bottom of the boots and grant the following: +20 to jump, +15 to base speed (as long as there is 10’ between the ceiling and the floor, otherwise the warforged’s speed is halved), Take ½ damage from falls with a successful DC15 Reflex save, If the warforged does not move 10’ in a round, he loses his Dodge bonus (if any) and takes a –4 to balance until the next round. The boots can function for a total of 10 rounds per day, they need not be consecutive.
Faint Transmutation: CL5; Craft Wonderous Item, alter self, jump; 22,700 gp
Stone of Internal Fire
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: 4000 gp Body Slot: - Activation: standard action Weight: - Prerequisite: - This item is about the size and shape of a chicken’s egg. The warforged must swallow the component and thereafter it is incorporated inside of his internal workings. Once per day, when the command word is spoken, the warforged becomes incredibly hot for 5 rounds. A thick cloud of steam erupts from his mouth and created a fog cloud as the spell but with the following additional properties: Creature adjacent to the warforged take 1d4 fire damage for each round the remain close to the warforge. Any creature that touches the warforge takes 2d4 fire damage, in addition to the 1d4 for being adjacent. For every round the stone is active, the warforged also fire resistance 5.
Moderate Evocation; CL 6; Craft Wonderous Item, fog, heat metal, energy resistance; 2000 gp
Tauric Belt
(Attached Component)
[Warforged] Price: lesser Lesser 72,000 gp, Greater 114,000 gp Body Slot: Belt Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: This woven mithral belt is studded with crystals and etched with the images of fantastic beasts. When worn by a warforged, it grants the ability to transform the lower body into a fantastic leonine form made of mithral, steel and dark wood (lesser 3x per day) (greater 5x per day). The wearer can shift between the two forms as a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. When in tauric form the warforged gains the following:
Size increases by one, the lower body is much larger than the normal medium sized body, but the upper body remains medium sized. All AC, attack, grapple etc modifiers apply. +10’ to base speed, +4 str, +2 con, Gain 2 claw attacks dealing 1d6 dam, these are made with the normal penalties for secondary attacks.
Strong transmutation; CL 8; Craft Wonderous Item; Beast Shape II; (Lesser) 36,000 gp , (Greater) 57,000 gp
Wand Sheath
(Embedded Component)
[Warforged] Price: 8,000 gp Body Slot: bracer Activation: — Weight: - Prerequisite: Use Magic Device 3 ranks or class ability to use wands This narrow sheath is embedded in the forearm and hand of a warforged, occupying the space of a bracer. The warforged can insert a wand into the sheathe whereupon it merges with the warforged body. Any character that could normally activate the wand can do so simply by pointing his arm and thinking about activating it.
Faint transmutation; CL 4; Craft wonderous item, craft wand; polymorph; price 4,000gp.
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