War Beast (5e Template)

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War Beast[edit]

War beasts are much larger than the norm of their kind and often also more stupid. They are most often results of mad wizards experiments and are great at destruction.


Any non-ooze creature that is large or smaller.


Hit Dice. Increase the war beasts number of hit dice by an amount equal to 4 times the number of sizes it increased from the original creature (tiny-huge 16 (4x4), medium-huge 8 (4x2)).

Abilities. Increase the creatures Strength and Constitution by double the number of sizes it has increased (small-huge increase 6, large-huge increase 2) and change its Intelligence to 5.

Damage Resistances. The war beast is resistant to fire, cold, bludgeon, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks.

Languages The war beast can understand three languages but cant speak.

Skills The war beast looses all skill proficiencies.

Size Increase the war beasts size to huge


Siege monster. The war beast deals double damage to objects and constructs.


Attacks All of the war beasts attacks are now Strength based except if they are ranged.

CR Calculation[edit]

Hit points Its hit points should be with in CR calculation
Damage output pr round Its damage output pr round is increased by Strength increase

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