Warlock Long Rest (5e Class Feature)

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Extended Spell Slots[edit]

You gain more spell slots, but you regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest, instead of short or long rest. This doesn't affect the Mystic Arcanum feature.

Level Spell Slots Slot Level
1 2 1st
2 2 1st
3 3 2nd
4 3 2nd
5 4 3rd
6 4 3rd
7 5 4th
8 5 4th
9 6 5th
10 6 5th
11 7 5th
12 8 5th
13 9 5th
14 10 5th
15 11 5th
16 12 5th
17 13 5th
18 14 5th
19 15 5th
20 16 5th
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