War Mage, Variant (5e Feat)

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War Mage

Prerequisites: The ability to cast at least one spell
Your magical essence has been strengthened through the continued exposure to real combat. Whether it's through sheer combat experience or adrenaline, you have learned to weave more destructive magic.

  • Increase your Inteligence score by 1, to maximum of 20.
  • Choose two of the following cantrips: acid splash, Blastbolt, chill touch,eldritch blast,fire bolt,Ice Shards, poison spray, sacred flame, Sandcast, shocking grasp, and any damaging cantrip approved by your DM. You learn these two cantrips, and when you cast them they use your spellcasting ability.
  • When you make a ranged spell attack, you do not suffer disadvantage on the attack roll if you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature.
  • When you cast an instantaneous spell that requires a single spell attack roll, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to that attack roll. If you hit, you add +10 to the damage dealt by the spell, if the spell would otherwise deal damage.
  • you can use your action to cast a touch spell and make a weapon attack as part of the same action. The touch spell must have a casting time of 1 action and target one creature. If the touch spell requires a spell attack roll, it has advantage..
  • Once per short rest, you can cast the spell "Haste" without expending a spell slot

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