Kurg Warrior (Herregor Supplement)

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The priests of Suutep practice many foul sorceries and coupled with their penchant for slavery they have made innovations of this crime that could make angels weep. Their warrior caste are one such example of this.

They take their captives and fill their blood with a concoction of serpent and scorpion venoms charged with necromantic energies and warp their forms into massive, grey skinned warriors. They then subjugate their minds with a dire poison brewed from lotus blossoms to bend their will and loyalty toward the Priest-King and send them out to pillage in the name of Suutep.

"Kurg Warrior" is a template that can be added to any humanoid creatures of medium size or smaller.

Size and Type: The creature's type remains unchanged.
Hit Dice: Hit dice are unchanged.
Speed: The base creature's speed is increased by 10.
Armour Class: The creature's natural armor is increased by 2.
Attacks: A Kurg Warrior retains all the attacks of its base creature.
Damage: Damage from natural attacks is increased by one step.
Special Attacks: As base creature.
Special Qualities: Powerful build and See below.
Saves: See below.
Abilities: +8 to strength, +6 to constitution, -4 to charisma.
Skills: Racial modifiers are unchanged.
Feats: A Kurg Warriors's feats are unchanged.
Environment: As base creature.
Organization: Squad (2-4) or Raiding Party (15-25 plus one Human Priest of Suutep 12).
Challenge Rating: As base creature +1.
Treasure: As base creature.
Alignment: Unaligned or Evil.
Advancement: As base creature.
Level adjustment: +1.

Kurg Warriors in the service of Suutep are dosed regularly with a mind bending elixir brewed from the blossoms of the red lotus. When combined with the priest's sorcery it subsumes the will and bends the loyalty to Suutep. While under the effects of the lotus elixir the Warrior is immune to mind affecting magics unless they are wielded by a Priest of Suutep and suffers an effective -4 to intelligence and wisdom as their mind is clouded by the fog of the red lotus.

If a Kurg Warrior is isolated from the elixirs of the lotus the penalty to intelligence and wisdom is lessened by 1 each week. At the end of a month they may make a DC 20 will save to shake off the effects and regain their mind and will. Traumatic events or the intervention of former friends or loved ones can grant additional saves at the DM's discretion. Their are rumors of alchemies in the hands of the Numerian witches that can reduce the time to shake off the effects of the Lotus Elixir from weeks to days.

Some Kurg Warriors inevitably escape but they are forever susceptible to the powers of the priests of Suutep and the poisons of the lotus. A freed Kurg Warrior has a -4 penalty to saves versus lotus derived poisons and toxins, and magic wielded by Priests of Suutep.

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